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"Tell me," she said as she spied a particularly intimate tidbit of information. "How does it feel to be a cuckold?"

Max turned his gaze back at her, his face flushing slightly. His cock twitched, and bead of sweet ran down his forehead. "Ah," he said. "Well..."

"Do you like it when she casually teases men with her spells, right before your eyes?" she said. "Do you like it when she does that, but when other women try to tease you back, nothing happens because of her protection?" Hope leaned a little closer. His cock was clenching in his pants. Hope, for once, consciously raised the pressure of her own aura, just enough that any non-protected man would black out immediately within her range.

The man before her shivered, his breath starting to stutter as her aura squeezed against the mystic shield his wife had put around him. More of her power was seeping through it. "Do you think the little shield she put on you is to protect you, Max? Or do you think she only put it on you, because she knew it would torture you more to not have other women be able to play with you as casually as she does others?"

A small dark stain appeared at the tip of the bulge of his pants. He was producing pre-cum from all the tension, and her words reverberated across his psyche, threatening to send him into a heady daze.

"She barely even plays with you, doesn't she?" Hope scanned his mind, his thoughts coming through clearer and clearer as her power started cracking the shield. "Goodness, she hasn't even physically touched your cock for years. Once a month she gives it a small pleasure spell and if you're lucky, a ruined orgasm." Hope increased the pressure of her aura once more.

Max let out a shaky moan and backed away and stumbled off the concrete path leading to her door. He fall back on his butt and looked up at her, a seemingly plain middle-aged woman, with awe. No woman had been able to read his mind since his wife had put her shield on him. He was realizing just how powerful Hope was. "P-please," he whispered. "Don't!"

Hope looked down at him with a cool expression. She was tempted to increase the pressure of her aura a little bit more. His shield was already on the verge of breaking. A little more pressure from her aura and it would disintegrate.

"Why'd she even send you instead of coming herself?" said Hope. "Knowing the effect I have on men, why send her little cuck to deliver the letter? Maybe she's hoping I'll be mad enough to punch through her protection and do to you what she does to other men, only harder. Then she'll have an excuse to really punish you when I send you back home with your slacks drenched in cum."

"NO!" he shouted, eyes wide with panic. "You do that... and I'll..." He was about to say his wife would lock his dick up with her magic for years. No orgasms at all, not even her little pleasure spell, and she might even just outright fuck other men right in front of him. But Max maintained enough composure to say, "You do that, and you'll have another charge added on that lawsuit!"

Hope nodded. "Touché," she said, and dialed her aura back from heart-attack-inducing to merely overwhelming. She let the man catch his breath, sensed his cock become slightly more bearable in tension, and waited for him to get to his feet.

"Alright," he said, pulling out a handkerchief to wipe his brow. "Alright. Well. As the letter states, you have two options. Pack up and move to another town. Or if that will be too difficult, Rungton will accept you remaining where you are as long as you do not enter their town again or exercise your powers on any of their citizens."

"Do I even get a hearing?" said Hope. "Or has this already been decided?"

"This isn't up for debate," he said. "The laws of our Queendom demand a harmonious co-existence. Troublesome elements are not given much leeway. As it stands, you're lucky you aren't being immediately deported. If you go into town again or play with any of them, you will be."

"So what am I supposed to do for food? Supplies? What little money I earn is though crafts that I mail out, so I need access to the post office; the postman won't come to me. Even if the next nearest town was a reasonable distance, I imagine I'll have the same problems."

"I don't know," said Max. "Perhaps if you could arrange for an errand boy? Or girl?"

"Tried that a few times," she said. "Didn't work out."

"I see. May I inquire as to why?"

"Bitches get jealous," she said. "Make of that what you will."

"Uh-huh," he said. "Well. Perhaps something could still be arranged? I can see about making that part of the agreement."

"That would be swell," said Hope. "Have a nice trip back." She smirked. "And do try not to think of me too much while you lay in bed with your wife."

Max blinked and cleared his throat, then quickly departed. Hope watched him go, and her sly expression fell to one of depression. She looked around her house and yard. It was a nice home. She didn't want to lose it over a few harmless pranks. And the really stupid part, she mused, was that if she'd used her powers to just torture the boys more, she probably would have been let off the hook.


Another couple of days, and her groceries were already thinned out. She was down to her last roll of toilet paper. She wasn't sure what she should do. Her pitiful internet connection and landline phone were her only safe contacts; she didn't bother leaving the grounds of her home. Rungton was the only place close enough to even try walking to and that was off-limits.

Max had called just this morning and told her that finding a courier for the town would be impossible. Even though a couple people spoke up as willing, it was clear none of the business owners would take her custom, even through a proxy. Even the post office had agreed to it, leaving her stranded even from her money making attempts.

Hope fretted in her kitchen, looking at the half-finished crafts she'd been wanting to mail out today, but hadn't even bothered working on until she could confirm where to go or what to do. Now there wasn't a point. She was, in a word, screwed, and not in the fun way. Never in the fun way.

What were her options now? Moving to another town would just result in the same problems. It was possible she could go elsewhere and set up an errand person ahead of time, someplace where the people didn't already hate her. That seemed the most sensible. But then again, she didn't have the money to just buy a new residence, that didn't take care of the food and supplies she needed by tomorrow, she didn't want to just go into a new town and snatch random people up for the task. She'd have to get settled in, arrange to meet people locally somehow, interview them, perhaps.

It would be so much easier if she could just seize control of a guy and puppet him to doing stuff for her. Some of them, she wouldn't even need to puppet, probably. Just take Sam and wrap his cock in her magic, tell him to buy some groceries, and then she could probably just pick him up and float him all the way to her house. Then she'd float him back and give him a nice, long, sensual blowjob, and give him an orgasm that would make any other man in town jealous. But the moment she tried something like that, other women would figure her out, and then they'd have grounds to have her removed. She'd have to fight the whole town. Dominate it.

In theory, she had sufficient power to bring the majority of the men under heel. In theory, she had the power to affect at least a quarter of the women in town, probably a lot more if she actually made a hard effort. With those women under her sway, and the men giving her all that energy, she could overpower the town, make it hers. She could dictate policy. Hope smirked a bit at the fantasy, amused at the petty revenge of it. But the smirk quickly faded. She would never do something like that, even if she could. She wasn't that kind of person.

Maybe that was the problem. What was the point of hanging onto your virtue if all it did was screw you over? It seemed like every other woman in town, hell, probably the whole world, had all but decided to throw men under the bus for their own gain. Maybe not every woman, but the vast majority had decided they enjoyed the benefits, and the fun, of total sexual dominance and control. Nearly two decades had passed since Sex Magic's arrival; the latest generations had never known a world without it, and it was obvious that whatever inhibitions their parents had, the next generation readily threw off.

Hope once again considered that if her powers hadn't been glitched, she could very well be just like them. If for the past twenty years, she'd been able to play with men at her leisure, had a group of girlfriends she shared with her men with, was able to walk into town and cast teasing spells on boys without anyone knowing it was her, and being able to just fuck a man blind at a moment's notice without fear of killing them from the uncontrollable overload, then yes, she could very easily see herself being a teasing, demanding, manipulative brat of a woman. She'd still have her husband, she'd probably be making him kneel naked at her feet, massaging and kissing them while she watched TV, enjoying the needy humming of his cock. And by now, he'd be a simpering yes-man, bowing and scraping to her every demand. And she'd be disgusted by the loss of his manliness, and she'd just punish him more for it, figuring if he didn't turn her on, she could at least enjoy his suffering.

And God only knew what would have become of her son by now. Would she have been like Sam's mother? Locking the poor boys orgasms down, scoffing when he complained how much it hurt? Hope swallowed hard as a hideous thought crossed her mind: would that have been a better fate for him?

She grabbed one of the half-finished crafts, a birdhouse made of sticks carefully woven together with dry reeds, decorated with hand-carved, hand-painted wooden emblems. She smashed it on the floor. Why would she ever, for even a moment, entertain such an idea about her son? Is this what Sex Magic did to people? Is this what power did to people?

No wonder so many women turned into the heartless cunts they did. Men were just resources and fuck toys to most of them. Even the men they really liked, the men who could somehow keep their dignity, had no chance to stay strong and inspiring, when their lovers could break them with just a thought. The new generations growing up, they never even had a chance, so many raised by bitchy mothers and pushed around by bratty sisters. It was sickening.

Hope chewed her lip in thought. If she controlled the town, she wouldn't let something like that happen. She'd keep the men shielded, let them have a spine, let them get a word in. Only let the women so much as touch them if they showed they earned that right. Hope knew there were Queendoms where the women went out of their way to protect their men, keep things as socially equal as possible, policed each other when it came to abuse. But those Queendoms didn't seem common, from what she'd read online, and even then, there were pockets of hardcore dominance to be found. Could she move to one of the nicer Queendoms? Montana? The Carolinas? Would they accept a glitch like her? Or would she disrupt the system? Christ, she just didn't know.

Hope fretted for several minutes, so caught up in her thoughts, she jumped when she sensed another cock come into the range of her aura. A rather familiar one. Hope blinked, looking towards the front door, wondering what Sam could possibly be doing here. She took a breath and calmed herself. She realized tears had welled up in her eyes, and she hastily grabbed a paper towel and dabbed at her eyes. Taking a few more breaths, she made her way to the door. Sam was halfway up her driveway when she opened it. The boy almost jumped when she appeared, and he stood, frozen with indecision, even as his legs shook a little from how hard Hope's aura made him.

"H-hey," he called out. He was still a hundred feet from the door. He held up a walkie-talkie, and tossed it towards her. It landed with a thump in the grass, still several feet away. "I-I'm gunna..." he pointed behind him.

Hope smiled at him, then winked. Sam felt her power envelope his body like a giant, gentle hand, picking him up, and carrying him to the far end of the field, beyond the range of her aura. She quickly snatched up the walkie-talkie and retreated to her front door. She waited for him to catch his breath.

"Hi," he said into the walkie-talkie. He now sat cross-legged in the grass.

Hope sat down on the edge of the porch. "Hello," she said back into the device. "What are you doing here? Won't you mother be mad?"

"Fuck her," said Sam.

Hope winced. "She's going to know you said that."

"I told her to her face already," he said. "She yelled and yelled, and I finally just said I'd rather be on the street. So she kicked me out. Said my girlfriend can have me, but I didn't go to her place yet."

"Oh." Hope paused. She glanced around; there wasn't a car. He'd walked the whole way. She was almost surprised his mother had even let him keep his clothes. "I'm sorry, Sam."

"I'm not," he said.

"Well, not for her. For you."

"I know. It's okay."

"Um... So... you know I can't really take you in if that's what you're here for."

"No, I know. I wouldn't do that to you. I just wanted to thank you. I know it was you the other night."

"Oh. Um. Well, you're very welcome." She paused and frowned in thought. "Although I guess I should have asked first, shouldn't I? I guess I get caught up in the idea of getting back at, well, the town. And I guess I wanted to, um, give you..." she paused.

"A pity cum. I get it. Believe me, I'm not mad at you. I mean, I was fantasizing about you, so, you know. I guess you had the right."

"That's not how that should work, Sam."

There was a long pause. "I guess it isn't," he said. "But that's what my Mom always told me. If you think about a woman, you're using her for your pleasure without permission. So it's only fair she do the same to you. And some girls, they get so mad when they catch you jerking it to them, or even just fantasizing. Or they get furious if you think about someone else.

"But guys can't help what they think, you know? And I just... I'm sorry. You just turned me on so much. You're so powerful, but you're just... nice. I know it's dumb, we didn't even talk, and it was only for a few minutes."

"I'll tell you a secret. Women can't help what they think either. They want men to think they are in complete and total control, even of themselves, but it's just a bluff."

"Ha. Yeah. Every man knows that. They think we're too stupid to see through it. We all know what's going on. Hell, with Sex Magic, women don't even try to hide how crazy they are."

"I'm getting that impression, too." They paused for a long time, before Hope continued. "Did you want something else?"

He shrugged. "I just wanted to talk I guess. To some one who wasn't a simpering bitch or psychotic cunt." Another long pause. "I don't know what to do now."

Hope frowned again. "I don't either. The lawyer says the town won't even meet me halfway."

"I offered to courier for you," he said. "A couple guys did. There was even a girl who volunteered. Most of the town wants you gone."

"I gathered. Seems they want to starve me out."

"I'm really sorry," he said. "I'm really, really sorry."

"For what? Sam, it's not your fault. None of this is."

She saw Sam stand up. Even from over three feet away, she could see the seriousness in his features. "You don't understand," he said. "I'm not the only one, but I started it. When I bitched out my Mom, I did it out in the open. We were out shopping, and she was making me haul all her shit around. Punishing me for that orgasm you gave me."

"I'm sorry."

"No, no, I'm not... listen... Hope, I started some shit, okay?"

Hope stared at him for a few moments, then said, "What happened?"

"Nothing big," he said. "There wasn't, like a huge fight or anything. But a bucnh of guys just started chewing my Mom out. And then when their wives and girlfriends started trying to talk over them, the guys chewed them out, and everyone was arguing, and then the women just used their powers and shut the guys up and marched them home or put them in a corner or whatever. And my Mom was so furious, that's when she kicked me out. That's probably the only reason I got to just leave, she disowned me. And the other women, I dunno, I guess they were too concerned with their own guys."

He paused to compose himself. Hope gave him a minute before saying, "Go on."

"That's when they called an emergency meeting, and called that lawyer. That's when they shot down any chance of working with you." He sagged in place, sitting back down. "I fucked it up, Hope. You were nice to me, and I fucked you over."

Hope frowned deeply. What had they done to this poor kid? Used and abused and backed into a corner, and when he finally snapped, they made him feel like it was all his fault. They punished her, and somehow made him feel responsible. If anything, this was on her. Her glitch condition wasn't her fault, but what she chose to do with it was.

She could have gotten a courier years ago, worked harder to work arrangement before it got to this point. She could have kept her nose out of the town's business, left the boys' cocks alone. Sure, the town was full of a bunch of women who'd be considered criminals in a world before Sex Magic, but this wasn't that world anymore. In this world, Hope was the glitch. She was the boogeyman. So lonely for contact, she went to a town that hated her, just so she'd manage some human interaction. She needed to see and talk to people just as much as she needed the food and supplies. Even if she had a truck to haul her supplies, and enough money to only have to venture into town maybe once a month or two, she'd have still found excuses to go into town, just to see and hear people.

"Hope," said Sam. "I'm sorry."

"It's not you're fault," she said. "None of this is." She fought back the welling up of tears again, forcing herself to stay composed. If nothing else, it wouldn't do to let Sam see how devastated she was. She at least still had her house, even if only for a short while longer. He actually didn't have a home.

"I wish I could help you," said Hope. "I wish—" Her voice cut off as she felt a sudden sensation wash over her. She felt her clit and her nipples stiffen, felt her sex moisten, all unbidden. She felt her body warm, a tremor of forced pleasure shivering through her. She dropped her walkie and got to her feet. "Wh-what—?" she said, confused.

"Oh fuck," said Sam. "Hope! Above you!" She could sense his cock stiffening, almost as hard as her aura could make it, even though he was still beyond its natural reach.

Hope gasped as she felt a sensual warmth bloom in her core. It might have been pleasant under normal circumstances, but it wasn't natural. A forced state of arousal. Just like her own aura. Not painful, not yet, but it was strong, so strong! Hope shuddered and fell to her knees, panting. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sam start to get up, only for an invisible force to push him back down. She could even sense his mouth being clamped shut. She attempted to reach out and free him, but her magic, normally able to rip through other women's spells like tissue paper, met a solid, impenetrable wall.

And then, the tension in her body spiked. The sensual heat became an almost painful burn, and she felt a surging of need, a sheer, primal hunger, to feel a penis inside her. She ached. She yearned. She collapsed onto the ground, and clutched at the grass, whimpering. Tears that had threatened to well up from emotion earlier, now spilled free just from the pain of need. Her pants were already soaking with her fluids, and that made her squeeze her legs together, as if she could somehow pinch off the pressure. Instead, it just increased until she was curled into a ball.