Hope, Charity & Faith Ch. 04


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"What about Kimberly?"

"Not so much right now; but who know when I see her at school tomorrow. I guess uhm, that's how it is when you get laid at first. You keep replaying that shit in your head, right?"

Instead of answering, Hope led me into her bedroom closing the door behind us as I had an initial look around at her private abode. The walls were lined with shelve upon shelve packed with innumerable books. The room itself was left with an octagonal interior esthetic that made it feel intimately cramped. In one corner adjacent to the only window inside the room was this small, dinky looking entertainment center with a small, curved gaming monitor and her console.

It was still active with a paused game, but she switched off as I watched. One corner held a bureau and small makeup table, the kind of thing a little princess would have with an attached mirror. Its surface was littered with makeup and various odds scattered about as I noticed the bed.

It was more of an platform style bed covered with a wealth of comforters, errant periodicals and one book which bore the curious title "Why Can't Women have a Junior." This bed's headboard appeared a separately purchased item with its own shelving stuffed to the gills with even more periodicals.

Hope busied herself switching on the lamp on her makeup table before switching off the overhead lighting. My heart was thumping really hard as she walked to her dresser removing this sheer, bit of crimson fabric which she draped over the lamp. Her rope became tinted in this ethereal crimson hue as she sat on the edge of the bed watching me.

"Take your clothes off, everything."

"Uhm, but Ricky?"

"He's not gonna wake up until tomorrow; I know because I put some Benadryl in his smoothie. That's why I really gave him two hundred dollars from my Bad Sister fund. Get naked for me, Jaleel." I gulped intimidated despite already being with her earlier.

I slowly started undressing, worried that I might not look manly to her. I was medium build on the thin side, but not pudgy or anything. My sneakers went first, awkwardly followed by my socks, one at a time before fumbling with my belt and dropping my pants. I kind of did a walk in place freeing myself of the slacks as Hope betrayed no emotion other than a serene expression on her face.

"Bad Sister fund?"

"I used to be so horrible to Ricky when we were little; because he was a brat and mom seemed to favor him over me most of the time. When he was twelve, Ricky had enough of my bullying, so he went all out trying to fight back and we trashed our old bedroom in our original apartment. I beat the shit out of him but felt like garbage because mom blamed him for the mess and whipped him mercilessly. So, I just stopped and started making that fund for every time I was a "Bad Sister". I didn't just give him that money because of our fight today. Do you know why I gave him that money, Jaleel?"


Hope got up from the edge of the bed helping me lose the t-shirt covering my body, the last bit of clothing as I became completely nude. She tossed it over her shoulder looking me up and down, licking her bottom lip.

"I gave him that money because I knew you were gonna be in my bed all night." My jaw dropped as she cupped my cheeks kissing me soulfully.

My tumescence was sticking straight out in front of my eighteen year old body like a flagpole. I was poking her in the stomach with it. The fluffy nature and constitution of the fleece robe about her person tickled the crown of my penis. Hope broke off the kiss wetly, staring down at my erection. A shudder ran through my person as she cupped the underside of my shaft sliding her palm along the underside of my glans. That shiver radiated about me as the tips of her fingers caressed the glans already leaking precum.

"Jaleel, I wanna give you something; will you accept it?"

"What're you-UHM, YEAH I ACCEPT!!" I caught myself from saying something stupid, completely in the zone. Hope took me by the wrist directing me to sit on the edge of the bed in her former spot. She just stood there taking it all in as she fidgeted with one end of the fleece sash holding the robe to her body.

"You see, I want you to have something that another person tossed away like trash Jaleel. I understand what you're going through, and it was so much worse for me during my first year of college. Nobody was really checking for me in high school and somehow, I ended up a cherry in my first year of college. When Lamar took me, it was like being instantly addicted to drugs or something. I'd do anything to fill the void between my legs, was sloppy wet every time I laid eyes on him. That's the only reason I fucked those three guys in one weekend. He didn't want me, at least until I managed a poker face in class. Then he did it again, got me hooked on his cock and nobody else's. Is that how it feels when you see Kimberly, now?"

"Yes Hope, that's exactly how I feel." Both of us were breathing hard, audibly heavy, and labored.

"Jaleel, I'm going to give you the fuck that I was gonna give Lamar the night he had me babysit his kids. I want you to have all of the unrequited passion from that night. He only fucked me after he came home because I couldn't stop crying about how stupid he made me feel. It wasn't what I wanted; so I want you to have it instead."

The robe fell to the floor in a circular corona around her feet.

Hope was standing there were this pink, intricate lace bodysuit, something akin to one piece swimwear. Completely sheer, everything was on display a veritable feast for the eyes. This short woman was a clinic on the word voluptuous, curves everywhere you looked with rounded hips that fought to be wider that her shoulders. There was barely any fat to be found anywhere on her figure outside of muted pockets at her lower abdomen with the lions share in her thighs and voluminous buttocks.

My strained erection twitched and bobbed on the verge of ejaculating all over her plush carpeting. Hope knew how her figure excited me, quickly turning to give me a view of her back. I found myself staring at the thong back of her lingerie. The material rising upward from her incredibly deep rear cleavage open backed.

"Hope." I whispered, completely enchanted.

She demurely glanced over her shoulder at me, before quickly sweeping in getting on her knees between my thighs. The movement was sudden enough that I flinched reacting as if some feral animal pounced out of nowhere. Hope flattened a palm against my abdomen as she all but inhaled my length in its entirety.

Her gentle urging found me lying on my back looking up at the vintage chandelier on her bedroom ceiling. Her other hand was so heated, soft, and fluffy stroking me lightly with a twisted motion that traveled back and forth along my shaft. Hope ratcheted things up getting wet and sloppy in seconds. The wet, gurgling, and slurping sounds echoed off the walls of her boudoir as my inner thighs tightened up painfully.

"HEY, WAIT, SLOW DOWN I'M GONNAAAAA!!" I tried to sit up and disengage, but it was too late as Hope pushed down on my stomach laying me flat on the bed as I began to involuntarily hump into her mouth.

There was this thumping inner pulse between my inner thighs that evolved into tremors radiating all over my person as I began to orgasm extremely hard. Hope's right hand tightened around my shaft, stroking everything out in blurred motion. My back arched up off the bed as my legs flopped around out of my control. The various odds and ends along with a number of books dug into the flesh of my back.

We hadn't bothered to move them from the bed as Hope beat me off with extreme precision. Her labored breathing and heated gusts from both nostrils made it sound as if I were being devoured. The extended shrill sounding whine erupted from me as her head bobbed without fail.

Then it was over. I'd covered my face with my fists embarrassed at climaxing so soon into things. She likely was disappointed that I couldn't even last long enough to have sex again.

"Jaleel, look at me." Hope whispered wetly moving my hands.

My vision was a little blurry slowly focusing on her face noticing its heart shape and every intricate detail. Hope appeared serene, relaxed and more than a little flushed glistening from the effort. Her unkempt hair hung about her shoulders making her beauty iridescent. One of the straps had slid off her shoulder exposing her left breast. Hope audibly swallowed my load opening her mouth to show me that it was gone down her gullet.

"I'm gonna take this and make it mine so that you won't be hurt again; I won't let you go through what I experienced." Both of her hands were massaging and caressing my inner thighs, balls, and shaft. She was rubbing in the vestiges of my spunk intermingled with her copious saliva.

"Aw Hope, that feels so good." I was propped up on my elbows watching what she was doing as she started using both of her sweaty fists twisting my shaft in dual counter motions.

"Before I went to college, I'd only sucked one guy off in my senior year. We probably would've done more if mom hadn't busted us. She didn't take well to seeing eighteen year old daughter, straight A student and class valedictorian, sucking off the weird kid from overpriced private school."

Hope stopped the verbal recollection long enough to gather a deluge of saliva in her mouth which she industriously pooled in both palms before clasping them around my cock.

"That ass whipping was kind of funny in hindsight; you see Mark, that was his name Jaleel, had a crush on my ass. Not me, just my butt and this crazy fucking guy wrote a love letter to my ass and stuck it in my locker. Funniest thing ever even though my friends thought he was gross. One rainy day, I took a half a day because I wanted to game and this weirdo stalker followed me first onto the bus, then onto the subway."

Hope managed to create a sticky lathery sensation with our intermingled juices as one of her hands disappeared from view between her shapely thighs. That hand returned and left in short intervals as I realized she was adding her essence, this slimy wetness to my shaft. One of her hands cupped the underside of my balls lightly massaging them while she methodically stroked me back to fullness.

"The train from downtown to north station was packed to the gills because I think it was a holiday weekend coming up after that Friday. This loony guy managed to get behind me in that crowded train and make it happen. This was one dedicated motherfucker and I played it off like he wasn't even there as he grabbed my hips grinding his dick into the crack of my ass. We were both catholic school students in our uniforms, so I was wearing my plaid skirt that rainy day. Mark was really giving it to me from the back and nobody seemed to be the wiser."

Hope stopped again, wantonly slurping up my cock as I moaned loudly. The wet, sticky sounds were all I could hear as she alternated between the shaft and my balls, respectively. She obviously wasn't finished spinning the yarn of her personal history.

"Mark got way too hot and bothered reaching under my skirt and into my panties. His fingers were rough and greedy as he got to fulfill a fantasy he'd been nursing for a while. As a proper young woman, I was determined to ignore him even though I was so wet, it was running down my leg. We didn't notice the train was starting to thin out people wise as we neared the halfway point. I was forced to reach back digging my nails into the offending hand. He looked so hurt as I slammed the butt he loved so much into the far seat beside some old bag lady. Eventually he had to get a seat near the back of the car."

I arched up off the bed again, taking Hope's mouth in several long, measured strokes before she regained control, pushing me back down again.

"I looked back toward the end of the car, and he looked so sad, dejected like his world had crashed in on him. There was this kind of demented puppy dog look on his face and that shit got to me something fierce. I excused myself and joined him in the vacant seat at his side. I put my backpack in his lap to hide my hand going into his pants. I'd never touched a cock before, but his was just a weird as he was kinda curved at the end. It was more squeezing than jerking but I was selfish wanting mine as well. More people were filing into the train, so I raised up the backpack and sat in his lap. Mark knew what to do."

Both of her sweaty palms pressed into my thighs pushing them apart as she took the whole of my endowment between her lips. I watched it disappear as Hope tried to force her head further towards my crotch, relenting to breathe. Her breasts looked majestic heaving about, bobbing on her chest. She looked from my face to her bust as she deftly slipped the other strap of her teddy down becoming nude from the waist up.

"It was just one of those perfect days, the perfect mood for something hot and perverted. Mark Longwood, that's a name I'll never forget because he fingered me to orgasm while I sat on his lap with my backpack hiding what we were doing. Some middle aged white guy sat next to us in my vacated seat, clueless the whole time. Sometimes I wonder if he knew, because all he did was read his fucking newspaper while Mark fucked the shit out of me with his fingers. I wasn't very subtle, but he got off right before my stop. That crazy fool followed me off the train into the pouring rain for six blocks, lying about living around my house. He didn't even wanna get under the umbrella with me, just wanting to look at my ass. Said he liked the way it looked when I walked. So, I took him inside my place and sucked him off. I was ready to go all the way, but mom..."

Hope stood placing her right foot adjacent to the outside of my left thigh, while the other followed suite leaving her squatting over me with palms flattened on my chest. Her weight was a bit troublesome for a full figured woman, but she only needed a second to press me against her sopping wetness.

"Jaleel, no matter what happens I'm not gonna stop until you can't get it up any more. I'm giving you this fuck because I don't want it anymore. I-I uhm, think it could do you some good, baby. I prepared, so you can keep going no matter how many times you cum."


Her wide arching hips went for broke immediately as Hope sawed her cunt in a hyper rowing motion taking me over the edge instantly. I exploded inside her over and over again, but true to her word, Hope didn't stop. I could feel her huge, malleable buttocks cradling my sack. Hope's eyes were tightly shut as she bucked, popped her hips, and otherwise rode me into the lush bedding. Her random belongings still made it a bit uncomfortable on the back, but there was no way I was stopping her.

Her breasts were full topped with erect nipples. Those enticing nubs were the kind that assumed sort of a squared shape when fully aroused. They pressed into the palms of my hands as I kneaded and fondled them. There was a buoyancy to them that pushed back when handled and squeezed. Hope let out this long, sustained gasp widening her eyes before covering me completely, wrapping her arms around my neck. Her knees were adjacent to my hips, her big floppy butt rabbiting and clapping down on the base of my endowment. This loud slapping noise accompanied her actions as I started to cum.

"I can feel you swelling up; do it, give it to me Jaleel." She gasped wetly into my right ear before mashing her mouth against mine. Her tongue swirled and intertwined with my own as she clapped, holding position tightly wedged against me in second long intervals.

My trembling hands shot down grabbing handfuls of her butt, digging my nails deep almost scratching her as I came exceptionally hard inside her pulsing tunnel. Hope mashed into the base of my cock, holding it there trembling as well, allowing me to climax completely. She knew exactly when to relax her lower back rising vertically and continually arching backward flattening her palms outside of my knees. I raised my head a bit only able to see my pubic mound wedged into hers. Hope's mouth hung agape, her nostril flaring, eyes squinted in ecstasy. I could feel these tremors running through her body as she leveled her eyes down at my face. Both of us were sweating profusely.

"Come on baby, I wanna lay on my stomach." Hope dismounted kneeling at my side, waiting.

I sat up into her waiting lips instinctually making out with her. She shuddered as I cupped and kneaded a breast, before pinching the erect nipple on my peck. Hope snickered at the sudden, puppy like yelp followed by me covering that nipple with my hand. She kissed away the fleeting discomfort letting her tongue dart out slathering saliva on the offended nipple. Both of us were kneeling in the center of her bed as she nursed on me like she was looking for lactation. It was weird having my peck handled in such a manner as I didn't know that was a thing. Yet, my spent cock began to fatten and lengthen as Hope switched to the other one. I was disappointed when she stopped kneeling on all fours beside me.

"Undress me." She sighed breezily, tossing the errant things from her bed onto the carpet.

The excessive coverlets and bedding made things more unwieldy as I crawled behind her, finding her huge, jiggly, heart shaped butt staring me right in the face. I'd already made a mess of her virtue. The visual was arresting from her gooey peach which contrasted with her honey soaked skin tone, to the discoloration made by the obvious fullback panties she wore. My hand handled the sheer material dually, finding it difficult to draw it down her thick thighs. It initially caught in the undercuff at the bottom of her derriere which was a deep crease that informed a single line across both cheeks.

Hope obliged me with a slight pop of her hips. My eyes followed the flimsy pink material downward where it got caught at her bended knees. Hope suddenly flopped down on her belly making the bed shake from the impact cause by her weight. The lingerie got caught under her knees as she glanced back over her shoulder, chortling. I had to give the delicate garment a yank resulting a loud shredding sound as I nearly toppled off the mattress. Her lingerie was destroyed, I stared at it before tossing it on the carpet.

"Oh, what do we have here?" Hope reached forward on the shelving of her headboard producing a large pink capped bottle of Johnsons. A third of the baby oil inside, had been used.

Hope allowed the bottle to roll down her back into the deep curve that made up the small of her back. The swell of her backside and abundant curve of her hips made the bottle look smaller than it actually was by comparison. It was obvious what she wanted done; Hope giggled and shuddered when the oil sprinkled on her lower back.

For some reason I didn't want to start somewhere obvious but ended up pouring a good portion all over her thick, pillowy cheeks anyway. My thumbs disappeared in her undercuff of her butt sliding upwards across the broad side of her derriere. I stopped at her small meaty waist sliding back across the broad side of the huge, rounded butt.

I managed to shine up her back and do her shoulders as I became progressively harder until it hurt. The head of my cock was poking, half disappearing into her extremely soft cheeks. The underside slid around on her left cheek as Hope began wiggling her butt making these slight ripples appear on the surface.

Before I knew it, I was humping and grinding into that cheek as Hope moaned and gasped working herself into a twerking frenzy. My hands ended up all over the huge dual oval shapes that informed the heart shape of her derriere. Hope became impatient rocking and swiveling her hips, a glistening mess. I covered her prone running the length of my shaft deep into her gluteal cleft.