Horse-cock Girl Ch. 02

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Amy and Lucy go back to the lab for answers.
3k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 04/27/2011
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[Author's note: Sorry this took so long. I know a lot of you have been waiting for this, and according to the stats, this is my best writing to date. Thanks for being patient.

I want to thank everyone who commented and rated Chapter 1, you all pushed me to make Chapter 2 be ready as soon as it is.

This is the last PLANNED chapter I have, which isn't to say I won't write more. I've got one or 2 ideas around my head for it, I just don't know which to run with, if any. Some of you have told me what you want, but I'll have to disappoint in some cases. I'll take this in whatever way I think is best, but thanks for your support (hey your idea might make it anyway).

As always, constructive criticism is welcomed.


Amy woke up around dusk, based on the amount of light coming through her bedroom window. She'd fallen asleep, her new horse-cock still hard and inside her best friend, Lucy.

Lucy was awake, watching Amy sleep, and apparently enjoying the cock that was still inside her and hard again. Lucy was bouncing slowly and gently on Amy's cock and smiled when she noticed her friend had awoken.

"Good evening, Sleeping Beauty," Lucy said, in a slightly strained voice. She couldn't keep her pleasure out of her voice.

Amy smiled and pushed Lucy off of her, rolling on top of her and kissing her neck hard. Lucy squealed and moaned softly, trying to playfully push Amy away, but she didn't relent her kissing or let Lucy up. As she was doing this, she spread Lucy's legs and pushed her hard cock against her pussy, slowly sliding into her, making Lucy moan long and loud.

Amy started thrusting slowly, steadily fucking Lucy's tight pussy as Lucy automatically locked her legs around Amy's ass. Amy started thrusting faster and harder, when her friend had her securely locked inside her pussy. Lucy was moaning loudly, not even caring about Amy's neighbours hearing them.

Amy pounded her friend's tight pussy faster still, moaning herself, her big balls slapping Lucy's ass hard with every forward thrust. The wet, slapping sound of Lucy and Amy's fucking was deafening in the confines of the bedroom, and if she wasn't completely cut off from the outside world at that moment, Amy would have felt self-conscious.

It didn't take long for Lucy's pussy to squeeze Amy to orgasm and she squirted cum deep inside her best friend, screaming as she emptied her balls and filled her Lucy's womb.

Amy rolled off of Lucy and they lay together silently for what seemed like a long time, listening to the birds singing outside the window as they caught their breath.

"Coffee," Amy said. "Want some?"

"Tea for me, Amy" Lucy replied.

Amy got up and put the kettle on as she thought about everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. She desperately wanted to know how it was possible and if it could be reversed. After all, while Lucy was enjoying it, Amy was still scared she might never be her normal self again.

Ideally, she needed to speak to somebody at the laboratory she'd visited the day before, so they could at least explain what had happened, and hopefully, how it could be reversed. At worst, she hoped her unusual condition could be managed.

She needed to speak with Doctor Michaels, the lead scientist at the lab, he'd probably be the one to know what had happened to her, if anyone could know. She decided to do all that later, for now, her stomach was growling for food.

Amy opened the bread bin and put four slices of bread into the toaster for her and Lucy. At that moment, Lucy walked into the kitchen wearing just her panties. Amy hadn't noticed her, since her back was to the door, so Lucy slipped quietly up to her, wrapped her arms around her and kissed her neck softly.

Amy giggled cutely and smiled at Lucy. She gave Lucy a little peck on the lips before untangling herself and serving the toast and drinks at the dining table.

They ate and drank in silence. Amy was running through everything that had happened and her only hope at understanding, and hopefully, treating what had happened to her. She had a phone number for Doctor Michaels that they'd all been given had they any questions. It was too late to call now, and it was Friday, so she'd have to wait until Monday to call him and hopefully get her answers.

Lucy kicked Amy under the table to get her attention.

"Sorry, I was miles away," Amy said.

"I could see that, Amy," Lucy said with a slight smile. "Thinking about last night?"

"Yeah, but probably not in the way you mean."

Lucy looked at her with a questioning expression and, just barely visible, a sad understanding of what Amy was saying.

"Still thinking about how it happened and how to undo it?" She asked, answering Amy's suspicions.

"Yeah," Amy said. "I probably won't be able to live a normal life with this thing hanging between my legs."

Lucy nodded, apparently understanding completely. The were staring at each other across the table with such intensity in their eyes that to someone who didn't know them, it would look as if a fight to the death was imminent. In reality, it was 2 best friends who'd known each other years playing out every possible corner to the following conversation. They knew what the other would likely say to what was said by them.

"OK, I'll just say it," Lucy said, finally breaking the silence. "I understand what you want to do, but I don't want you to get rid of it."

"What about your boyfriend?" Amy asked. "Won't he be just a little suspicious if I keep this thing, you spend most of your time with me and your damned pussy is stretched open enough to fit a coconut inside?"

"Amy, let me tell you something," Lucy said in a pleading voice. "I know you think size doesn't matter, and it might be true for you, but size is important to me. Sure, he has a big cock, but it's got nothing on yours. And besides, you're the best shag I've had."

Amy was flabbergasted. For Lucy, this amounted to spilling her heart for the world to see. She'd never been hugely vocal, but when she had an opinion, she ranted about it until everyone she could be bothered to tell had heard it.

Amy didn't know what to say. She sat quietly for what felt like a very long time. She'd had no idea that she'd had such an impact on her best friend. It was her decision and she knew Lucy would stand by it and help her as much as she could when she'd made up her mind.

"I'm going to call Doctor Michaels on Monday," She said when she finally spoke. "I'll talk to him about it and see what my options are. I'm sure he'll want to see it, so will you come with me when I go?"

"Sure," Lucy said after a few seconds. "You're my best friend, you come before sex."


Monday arrived with a normal British overcast morning sky. The day had come for Amy to find out what had happened to her on Friday. If, that was, anyone could possibly know. She picked up her phone and dialled the number on the card she'd been given at the lab.

"Hello?" came the voice of a smart-sounding woman when the phone was answered on the other end.

"Hi," Amy said, shakily. "I'm calling for Doctor Michaels."

"Might I as who you are and why you're calling?" asked the assistant.

" name is Amy, I was part of the class trip that toured your labs on Thursday," Amy said, as she felt the colour rising in her cheeks. "It's a rather important question for an essay we were asked to write," she lied.

"One moment."

The line clicked and there were a few beeps before it clicked again and another voice, male this time, spoke.

"Good morning, this is Doctor Michaels."

"Hi, this is Amy...I need to see you," she said. "I have a problem and it's urgent," she clarified.

He must have heard something in her voice or sensed her anxiety because he gave her a time and said he'd meet her outside the laboratory for her, and he'd giver her his full attention for as long as she needed.

Amy and Lucy left in Lucy's car. The didn't have any classes on Monday, so they were fine and wouldn't be missed. It was a long and almost silent drive but they made it, a little earlier than expected. The Doctor was waiting for them and he led them inside to his office.

"Now, shall we get straight to it, since you sounded so desperate on the phone?" he asked reassuringly.

Amy nodded and stood up, starting to unbutton the loose jeans she'd put on that morning.

"What are you..." Doctor Michaels began, but Lucy cut him off.

"Please, she's using all her willpower to do this, and it's something she needs you to see," she said.

Amy dropped her jeans and they fell to her ankles and her huge new penis was fully on show, out of it's sheathing and hanging to her knees. Doctor Michaels took an involuntary step back.

"When did this happen?" he asked, unable to mask the shock in his voice.

"On Thursday," Lucy said. Amy was too embarrassed to speak, or even think coherently. "She told me on Friday and she's scared, confused and very embarrassed right now."

Doctor Michaels sat down, thinking hard. Slowly his expression turned from one of deep thinking to one of understanding.

"The vial!" he exclaimed. When Lucy looked confused and Amy looked up, shaking with partial understanding, he continued. "The vial she picked up and looked at. I wanted her to be careful because it's expensive to create that blend of horse hormones and chemicals."

"So, what happened?" Amy asked, finally able to speak. "What happened to me?"

"You must have ingested some of it. It will have been a tiny amount, or you'd be severely ill...or worse," he said gravely. "It must have entered your system and somehow rewritten your DNA on a limited scale."

He wanted a blood sample and Amy gave it willingly. He left the room with it and reappeared a short while later with a piece of paper.

"Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone why I wanted your blood tested and there'll be no record of it," he assured her gently, before looking at what she presumed were the results.

He examined the paper for so long Lucy cleared her throat to let him know they were still there.

"Sorry," he said, "but this is remarkable. As I thought, you're DNA has been rewritten. There's a string here that doesn't appear at all in any human DNA. It's specific to Equines. Male Equines to be exact."

"Can it be reversed?" Amy asked hopefully.

"I'm afraid not," he told her. "Not by any method I know of. It could be simply temporary, or it could be a permanent alteration. There's no way of knowing, especially since DNA manipulation is extremely complex and, on humans, illegal."

"But that's what happened!" Lucy said.

"Yes, but this was accidental," he explained. "We didn't intend for it to happen, nor did we even consider that this concoction of ours would be capable of such things. It was totally unforeseeable. I can keep analysing that blood sample over time and see what happens, but other than that, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to help."


A couple of hours later, Amy and Lucy were driving back home in complete silence. It was unbearable but neither of them wanted to break it. Amy was upset that her condition was irreversible and Lucy was thinking deeply about how her friend was feeling, though she was quietly grateful about the development. She felt guilty about it, but she couldn't help the feeling.

"Pull over the next chance you get?" Amy said. "I want to go for a walk."

Lucy nodded and pulled over the next time there was a rest point. They got out of the car and climbed into a field and slowly strolled across it. There was a copse of trees on the other side and they headed for it at a leisurely pace. It was a quiet walk, as they crossed the field, observing the nature of the countryside, listening to the sounds of the birds and small animals moving and communicating with each other.

After a while they reached the trees and Amy sat down against the trunk of a large tree. She gently let the back of her head touch the tree and sighed in disappointment; her hopes had been thoroughly destroyed. She'd never be normal again. She wished that she'd never been on the trip to the lab.

She started to cry, the tears rolling down her cheeks and over her chin, falling to form visible drops on her white top. She didn't care that she was crying in front of Lucy, she'd understand. She knew she was right when Lucy sat next to her and put her arm around Amy's shoulders.

"It's OK, Amy," she said. "We'll figure it out. A way to solve it or at least help you live with it."

Lucy pulled Amy towards her and held her face gently into her shoulder. Amy sobbed her heart out onto it for what felt like forever to both girls, but she stopped eventually, sniffling as she dried her eyes and hugged Lucy tightly in thanks. Lucy gently pushed Amy away and looked at her with concern.

"I mean it you know," she said. "I will help you, despite the fact that I love it, if that's what you want."

A solitary tear of gratitude rolled down Amy's cheek and she kissed Lucy on the lips tenderly, lovingly. Her friend had been so good to her over the previous few days that she didn't care that she was starting to feel love for the sex-craving girl.

Lucy kissed back, passionately, wrapping her arms around Amy. Their tongues snaked towards each other and ran along and around each other.

After a while they broke apart, breathing heavily and looked at each other.

"Shall we go back to yours?" Lucy said.

Amy looked at the ground, embarrassed.

"I might need some help," she said, a little sheepishly, and showed Lucy the bulge in her crotch.

Lucy smiled and undid Amy's jeans, letting the hard monster cock free of its restraints. The gentle upward curve and smooth-looking flesh made Lucy shiver with delight as she lowered her face to it and kissed the tip.

Amy moaned as Lucy worked her way down from the tip, kissing and licking slowly all the way down to her balls. Amy moaned louder as Lucy sucked on her balls, stretching her sack as she sucked part of it into her mouth, making love to it with her mouth.

Lucy kissed back up to the tip and then kissed Amy on the lips deeply and passionately, their tongues seemed to wrestle with each other and their hands clawed at clothing. In under a minute, they were both naked and aroused. Amy could literally see Lucy's juices dripping from her pink, shaved pussy and onto the leaves and dirt below it.

Lucy threw her legs over Amy, straddling her stomach, with her cock between her ass cheeks. She humped Amy's belly, her ass massaging Amy's cock. She squeezed her cheeks together and alternated her speeds, making Amy scream with delight, lust and pleasure mixed into one potent noise that startled the wildlife in the trees surrounding them.

Lucy reached over into her discarded bag and pulled out a bottle of clear liquid and squirted some of it onto her ass and Amy's cock. It was slick and silky soft as she rubbed it into her friend's cock and her asshole.

When she was finished, she held Amy's cock firmly and slid it gently into her tight ass. They both moaned long and loud as Lucy slid slowly down Amy's cock, impaling her ass tormentingly slowly. Her asshole widened as Amy's cock did until she could slip down no further without it hurting.

She held herself still for a while, getting used the feeling of fullness before starting to move up and down. She moved with slow, shallow thrusts, letting them both get used to it. She knew Amy wouldn't last long inside her ass, so she kept a pace that wouldn't make her cum so quickly.

Despite the slow pace, Amy felt the pressure that she'd come to associate with cumming build. She wouldn't last very long inside Lucy's ass. She thrust in rhythm to Lucy's movements, moaning with ecstasy, moving closer and closer to filling Lucy's ass with her hot, thick cum.

Within minutes, her suspicion was proven right and she moaned as she exploded and shot a huge load of cum into her best friend's ass. She pulled out and let Lucy situate herself. Amy was still hard as a rock and still needed helping.

Lucy stood up and turned her back on Amy, bending over to suck the head of Amy's cock into her hot, wet mouth. Amy moaned, but not before she saw Lucy's gaping ass, dripping gently with cum and covering her asshole with her own lips, licking and sucking the cum from it as she moaned.

Lucy was moaning too, sucking Amy's horse-cock as deeply as she could, flicking her tongue at the head when she could. She came from Amy's oral ministrations, squirting the juices from her orgasm on Amy's chest.

Amy came again quickly and Lucy gagged as her throat was willed with cum, but swallowed every drop, continuing to suck Amy's cock even though it was softening.

Amy had already sucked all of her cum from Lucy's ass, but continued to eat it anyway, loving the taste and the kinkiness of the act. She felt another squirt of Lucy's cum cover her chest and stopped.

They were both satisfied so they got cleaned up and dressed before heading back to the car, holding hands. It felt natural to do so; without even thinking about it, they'd become a couple.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You should delete the part about the ass fuck with a 3” dick. Ruined this.

Bill S.

4yourpleasureiam4yourpleasureiamover 1 year ago

I dream of sleeping with a cock in my mouth or pussy and waking before the cocktail owner and just laying there so in love

RazorDjinRazorDjinabout 2 years ago

It was good to begin with and knew I'd like this one too, but really, it's better than expected. I give it 4.5 and a raging boner

bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg123about 3 years ago

"Horse-cock Girl Ch. 02:" - See my comments of my first reading, five (5) or so months ago. I'm still very curious as to the sexual workings of Amy's prior female anatomy, now "topped" by the addition of her new, monstrous two and half (2 1/2) or so inches--from Chapter 01 estimations--of horse-cock foal making, mare pleaser! Further, how is Lucy so able to take so much horse-cock size man-meat of Amy's, with her (Lucy) being a young adolescent female, and obviously not having an over-sized pussy intake cavity?

A couple reader's comment have mentioned the rushed nature of several areas of the story. I'm in agreement. There are areas where chances were wasted, i.e., the three-day weekend prior to Amy's visit to Dr Michaels. Why has Amy not considered talking with her parents? Why has Amy not questioned, nor checked her groin area for any other changes to her anatomy? It was mentioned that her "horse balls" were hanging nearly down to her feet (paraphrasing), but there is no further details nor discussion of such event(s). Anyway, food for fodder, or to ponder.

bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg123over 3 years ago

"Horse-cock Girl Ch. 02:" I 'm in full agreement with 'GingerM' as to whether Amy is now a hermaphrodite and/or still have her normal working vagina/pussy? If so, I would assume Amy could still be impregnated, As well, does Amy's horse-cock have the male hormones, sperm. semen and DNA to impregnate her friend, Lucy? I'm extremely hopeful my fetishes, wantonness have merit and possibilities! Great Chapter, as to context, theme uniqueness and understandable language. Awesome idea and theme

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Great Second Chaper

I liked the way that Amy went looking for answers and Lucy was a good enough friend to support her. When things looked bleak, Lucy was a good friend and was there to comfort her, even though she had an ulterior motive. Then when Amy has the problem Lucy is there to enjoy helping her with it. Damn this is even more exciting then the part one. I can't wait to read the next 5 chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
What a great original story that will absolutely work

You can write in write in any direction and hit a sensitive gland. I love this story and the consternation Amy is going through. Soon she will know she has the best of both worlds. Lucky gal!

Azeroth17Azeroth17about 11 years ago

This was simply amazing, as was Chapter 1. Keep at it my friend, and soon the world will know your talents. :)

CyberPussylickerCyberPussylickeralmost 12 years ago

This is really good! I can't wait to finish the last two stories, great work on this!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

please do more of this ..... its really good and u should keep going

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
I would like to see more.

I really enjoy this series from you and would love to see more from this. I don't usually comment but this type of literotica is great, and this story is amazing! I'm eagerly waiting for the next part and I do hope you make a next part to this! Keep up the good work!

GingerMGingerMover 12 years ago

A very nice second chapter, though I agree with others that it seemed a bit rushed? I'd like to have seen more between Dr. Michaels and Amy; a scientist would want to keep her around to study, or at least get more than a blood sample.

I also think you're going to need to introduce new characters, or else have Amy & Lucy try a couple of other things - say, Lucy getting a horse-cock shaped strap-on and trying it on Amy? It would also be interesting to know if Amy still also has her vagina - in other words, did the potion make her a tgirl or a hermaphrodite?

At any rate, please do keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
More please!

There's still room to expand on this. Once she accepts it, she could learn to enjoy it, and maybe see if any of their friends would also appreciate her unique tool of pleasure.

PaaskonijnPaaskonijnalmost 13 years ago
Could have been developed further

I really enjoyed the story again, but I can't help but feel it was a bit rushed and could have been developed further. It is a shame that you skim completely over the weekend; it would have been possible to introduce some longevity to the story by exploring the relationship between Lucy and Amy further. E.g. Lucy and Amy could have had sex (worth describing) for most of the weekend, with Lucy being confronted by her boyfriend and her having to think about her feelings etc.

I also feel that some characters' reactions were not that well written. It was all a bit rushed. For example, Doctor Michaels, as a senior doctor, must really have nothing to do at work if he will just agree to meeting a schoolgirl who sounds desperate with no further explanation. She doesn't even give him much of a frame of reference, like "I came home from your lab with a new appendage," or just anything. I appreciate that you want to get on with the story, but it just doesn't sound very believable.

Similarly, Amy and Lucy can be a bit inconsistent. Amy and Lucy are having sex, are best friends etc, but yet you feel the need to state that Amy is not embarrassed about crying in front of Lucy. The fact that you mention this suggests that either a) she feels that she should be embarrassed or b) that the thought crossed her or your mind. This could be more natural...

Anyway, I think that the premise is certainly very interesting and I do enjoy the story, but it has a feel of unexplored potential. It is good, but it could have been superb. I hope that you will further explore the possibilities of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
please continue!

Please continue writing this story. Maybe you could introduce a new character or set of characters to the story line. There are many possible directions you can take this story.

I hope to read the next chapter really soon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I really get off on this department of literotica.

I don't ever comment, and my god this series was just amazing!

I am a sub guy who likes to be used, and this just takes me to another level...

I don't want Amy to change ever!!!!

Keeping writing and fast!

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