How Do You Spell Relief? Ch. 1

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Tommy's mom helps relieve his stress.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 08/31/2002
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I’m your typical horny 18-year-old teenaged kid. I’m pretty good looking, have lots of friends, jerk off all the time and am a virgin. I am blessed with an extremely large cock and I can’t wait for the day I feel confident enough to whip this big mother out and take on the world. I have had no sexual experience whatsoever but I’ve been surfing porn sites long enough to know there’s a wild and wonderful world out there waiting for me.

I live at home with my beautiful mom. She’s a fox. When she stands beside my 6’4” frame, she looks like a frickin midget because she’s not even five feet tall. I must have got my height from my dad (who I never knew). I’d love to be able to tell you that my mom has the biggest tits in the world but I’d be bullshitting. She’s got a nice pair of B-Cups (I checked her bra) that look plenty big enough on her tiny little frame. I‘ve been able to pick her 90 pounds up with one hand for several years and we always joke about her giving me a spanking or something because she’d have to stand on a ladder to whack me. When we’re playing and horsing around, I often pick her up and sit her in the crook of one arm.

Mom is really, really pretty but because she’s so damn shy, because she’s got a big teenage kid (me) and because she’s small enough that she looks like a thirteen year old, she hasn’t dated since I can remember. Dad fucked off after getting mom pregnant and this tiny slip of a woman raised me all by myself.

I often feel more like her big brother, especially in public, like when I help her with grocery shopping and stuff. She’s so small she looks more like my little sister and she looks young enough to pull it off. I often pick her up and lift her up so she can reach things. It started out as a joke (instead of just getting it for her) but we both seemed to like it and it has become a bit of a habit. She will often say, “Please pick me up Tommy, I can’t reach this.” I am always more than happy to do so. I guess it makes me feel kind of like her big man and I sort of like the way mom seems a little helpless when she’s around me, even if she’s pretending that she needs me so much.

I love my mom very much and I worry about the day I leave home because sometimes I worry that I won’t be there to look after her and protect her. That’s preposterous of course and I have to remind myself that I wasn’t always this big and that she did a great job of raising me and looking after us until I grew up. Still, she seems so vulnerable and I care for her so deeply that it will be tough to leave home. I often fantasize about marrying my future wife and having my mom come to live with us just so I can watch out for her.

It was rather late on a weeknight and I should have been in bed already. I had a class first thing in the morning and I was working hard to maintain a high grade point average. I was feeling a little burned out after completing a big assignment and thought I’d surf a few porn sites before turning in. To help me relax a bit, I usually jerked off at least once before going to bed every night. It helped me get to sleep much faster and I seemed to have much better dreams.

I went onto the Literotica site and started reading some of the new stories. The stories have lots of themes and for some reason, I seemed to find the best and nastiest jerk off material in the ‘Mature’ and ‘Incest’ categories. There are times when I like a nice slow jerk off session but most nights, I just want to blow my load and hit the sack as soon as I can.

I retrieved the roll of jumbo paper towels I had stashed under my computer desk and doubled up two towels. Consistent with my nightly routine, I also tore off a third paper towel that I would use to wipe off the huge amount of precum that oozed out of my cock while I was jerking off.

I’m sure there must be a better system for catching cum but a couple of big paper towels seemed to do the trick. Once, I made the mistake of using only one thickness of paper towel and when I came, my cum blasted right through the towel and made a huge mess on my monitor and keyboard. I didn’t make that mistake twice!

Anyway, I found a particularly nasty story about a young man who was seduced by an older woman. She used her big tits to seduce him and in no time flat, she had her lips wrapped around his big cock and was sucking him off like crazy. She had a thing for cum and couldn’t wait for him to blow his load in her sucking mouth. The author jazzed up the story by making her say all kinds of dirty, nasty things that really made my dick hard.

I eased down my sweat pants until they were around my ankles and stepped out of them with one leg so that I could spread my legs more. This gave my big balls lots of room and I kind of liked the way they hung down and dangled over the edge of the chair as I jerked off. I started stroking my dick and looked down at it for a minute. I hadn’t yet got used to the size of my cock but I knew from surfing porn sites that it was a big one. With very few exceptions, my cock was much larger than most I had ever seen on the Internet.

One of my favourite techniques was to simply wrap both hands around the shaft of my cock in a baseball grip, apply a reasonable amount of pressure and start stroking. I’d try to develop a rhythm that caused by balls to dance around softly. Sometimes when I got really carried away, I could hurt my balls by making them crash around too much.

As I stroked my big cock I continued to read the nasty story on my computer. I went back and re-read the part where the woman offered to suck this dude’s cock and slowly unzipped him. She pulled out his big cock and before he knew what hit him, she plunged her mouth down hard over the head of his cock taking in a considerable amount of cock meat. Of course, his eyes rolled back in his head and he became amazed as she slowly and deliberately started to deep throat his big cock. She kept trash talking about wanting his big load of yummy cum. I was stroking pretty good by now and wasn’t far off from blowing my load. As always, I was trying to make it so that I could blow my load into the paper towel at the precise moment this lucky son-of-a-gun blew his load into the nasty woman’s sucking mouth.

Then, just like in so many of the stories I’d read, I got caught red handed. My mom was making her way down the hall to her bedroom and she opened the door and stuck her head into my room to say goodnight. Fuck! I was just a few strokes from exploding and there was my mom, standing wide eyed and paralysed in the doorway looking at my huge cock that I had a two fisted grip on. There was about five or six inches of cock showing above my two-handed grip and the big mushroom shaped head on my cock was swollen and red with anger.

I looked at mom and was just as shocked as she was and probably a lot more embarrassed. I squeezed hard down on my cock to try and stem my orgasm and for the moment, it seemed to be working.

I released the grip on my cock and as quickly as I could, yanked down my t-shirt to cover my private area. I had to strain to stop myself from cumming. I wore a thin white t-shirt and the outline of my very hard cock was plainly visible through the thin material but it was better than nothing. The t-shirt didn’t cover my balls and I tried unsuccessfully to scoot my chair under the desk to hide my big hanging balls.

Mom put both hands over her mouth as if she was trying not to scream. I could see that she was shocked and didn’t know what to say. Fortunately, our relationship was so strong and so good that I knew we’d be OK.

“I’m really sorry mom. I should have locked the door or something” (Even though there are no locks on our bedroom doors). I could have jerked off in the bathroom and locked the door but I was kind of hooked on masturbating in front of a nasty story on my computer.

“It’s not your fault Tommy, I shouldn’t have barged in you like that. I should have knocked first. I’m so sorry Tommy.”

“Hey, it’s OK mom, I’m just really embarrassed that’s all. I hope you don’t think I’m a dirty little pervert or anything.”

“Of course not Tommy. I know you’ve grown to become a big healthy man and you need to get relief somehow. I actually feel much better knowing that you are taking care of your needs this way instead of running around with some dirty little sluts who would probably end up pregnant or give you some kind of disease.”

“I’m really sorry mom. It’s just with everything that’s going on right now, I get kind of wound up and stressed out and this is the only thing that helps me get to sleep.”

“Oh honey, I had no idea you were stressed out. Why didn’t you talk to me about it? There must be something I could do to help.”

“I’d be too embarrassed to talk to you about this.”

“Nonsense. You’re my little baby and I’d do anything for you. All you have to do is ask.”

“Thanks mom, I love you.”

“I love you too sweetheart. Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure mom.”

“How often do you have to seek relief like that?”

“Usually a few times a day.”

“Every day?”

“Usually. In the morning, when I get home from school and before I go to bed like right now”

“And it helps you relax.”

“It’s about the only thing that seems to work. Sometimes it doesn’t work because it’s hard to get stimulated enough to ….er, finish and it just makes it worse. That’s why I had the computer on. I was trying to find some stories that aroused me enough to help me…… er, finish.”

“What type of stories seem to work? Can I see what you’re reading?”

“Aw mom, this is getting too personal. I’d be too embarrassed to let you see what I was reading.”


Mom walked right over to the computer and looked at the story. It was right at the part where the woman was trying to swallow several mouthfuls of cum from the young guys cock.

“This one is well written isn’t it?”

“Yes, I like the way this guy writes. Usually I just try and slip myself into the story and into the character’s shoes long enough to….finish.”

“ You poor baby, I had no idea.”

Mom was standing behind me looking over my shoulder at the computer. Thankfully, the screen saver kicked in and the story disappeared. She started rubbing my shoulders and kissed the back of my head.

I was still trying to act as if everything was OK. I was super glad that my mom was so cool about all of this but that didn’t help much. I was still trying to hide my cock with my t-shirt and it was painfully obvious that if she looked, she could see my big balls hanging over the edge of the chair.

“Tommy, I’m so sorry for interrupting. You know I would do anything for you. I’ve probably made things worse for you because instead of getting the relief you need, I interrupted you at just the wrong moment and you are probably feeling more tense than ever. Would it help if I gave you a massage with these little hands of mine? I know my hands aren’t big but they’re pretty darned strong and a good massage might help relax you.”

“That would be great mom but as you can see, I’m not really all that decent right now. I’ll just try and figure out how to deal with this. Maybe another time, OK mom?”

“Nonsense. You’re my son and there’s nothing you should be embarrassed about. Remember mister, I’m the one who changed your diapers.”

“Well mom, it’s a little different now. I’m not exactly a little baby anymore.”

“I can see that but you’re still my boy and there isn’t anything I won’t do for you. Now hop on the bed and let me give you a good massage.”

“I can’t mom, my…er, thing is really hard right now and there’s no point in trying to give me a massage while it’s like this. I’ll try and figure out how to make it go away and then maybe you can give me a massage tomorrow night. How does that sound?”

“I’m not taking no for an answer young man. It’s getting late and you need your sleep. I’m the one who wrecked it for you and now you have to let me make good. If we have to take care of that big thing of yours first, then that’s what we’ll do.”


“Sure, why not? I used to be pretty good with one of those things and if that’s what it will take to let my baby have a good night’s sleep, then that’s what we’re going to do.”

“What do you mean mom?”

“Well son, if it’s hard for you to get relief and you have to look at dirty stories to help you … finish as you put it, then maybe your mom can work some magic for you. I’m sure that having a strange pair of hands on that big guy will make it different enough from your own hands that you might….finish sooner. Then you can get to bed and have a good night’s sleep. Now turn your chair around so I can see what I have to work with.”

“Mom, I don’t think this is a good idea. I’m not sure it would work.”

“Why not?”

“You’re my mom for heaven’s sake. How am I supposed to get into the right headspace when it’s my mom that’s …. feeling me?”

“Do you remember when I helped you with your drama lessons and we used to read lines together?”


“Well this will be the same thing. If you’re able to project yourself into a story on your silly computer then you should be able to project yourself into a character. We’ll pretend it’s a little skit and in this scene, I’m not your mom. I’ll be an actress who can be anybody you want me to me. Just forget I’m your mom and go with it.”

“Go with what?”

“Improvise silly. I read enough of your story to know what turns you on. I’ll pretend to be a nasty little slut that craves your big cock.”


“Don’t ‘Mom’ me young man.” We’ll just be acting remember? It’s won’t be your mother saying all those nasty words, it’ll be your devoted little cumslut.”

“How do you even know those words?”

“I have access to the Internet too you know. I have needs just like you. Do you think you’re the only person in the world that has to masturbate to get relief? Fat chance. It just so happens that I surf that Literotica site too and I’ll bet we’ve both got off on the same stories. I know all the words Tommy, and as long as we’re acting and we don’t hurt each other, I want to help you get the relief you so badly need.”

“I don’t know mom.”

“Look, I’m your mom and its time you did what you were told, don’t make me stand up on a chair so I can whack you one upside the head.”

We both started laughing at her joke. We often made jokes about the difference in our sizes and she always joked about having to get up on a ladder to smack me in the head.

“Now spin that chair around and let’s start acting. We’ve got to get that t-shirt off you anyway, look at the size of that wet spot.”

“Are you really sure you want to do this?”

“Of course, now turn around.”

I wasn’t really sure how I felt about all of this. This was a whole other side to the mom that I loved so much. I had a concern that this might somehow change the nature of our relationship forever. We were such a good team and I didn’t want anything to hurt that. On the other hand, I was kind of excited about the possibilities. The few words of trash talk that came out of mom’s mouth made my cock even harder. I couldn’t believe that she would even know those words never mind say them, and especially to me!

I slowly spun the chair around and faced her. Mom’s eyes seemed to be stuck on my big balls. They hung down several inches over the edge of the chair and my big, soft sack was gently swinging.

“My Tommy, I had no idea that you were so….. so well ….well, you know….big!”

“I’m sorry if I gross you out mom, you don’t have to do this you know.”

“You don’t gross me out, it’s just that I’ve never seen anything so big. You’re a lot bigger than most of the guys on the porn sites we’ve been talking about.”

“How can you tell, I haven’t even lifted my shirt up yet?”

“I’m not blind Tommy. For a starter, I can plainly see your huge balls. And in case you hadn’t noticed, that thin t-shirt of yours isn’t doing much to hide the size of your …penis.”

“What do we do now mom?”

“Let’s get into our characters. We’ll have to improvise because we don’t have a script to work from. You be who you want to be and I’ll try and be like some of the women in those stories. Remember, it’s just acting and anything goes. For the next little while, I’m not your mom anymore. To start with, you take the lead and we’ll see how well we can improvise. All we need to do is make your balls empty themselves so you can get the relief you need and then we can both go to bed and get a good nights sleep.”

“I’ don’t know where to start.”

“Oh for goodness sakes. OK, I’ll start. I’ll have to wing it so here goes….”

“Hi there young man, my name is Doctor Love, I understand you have a bit of a problem with your penis.”

“Why yes Doctor, when it gets hard like this it becomes very uncomfortable and I can’t seem to get to sleep at night. I’m not sure what to do about it.”

“I see. Hmmm. Have you ever masturbated young man?”

“What’s that mean Doctor?”

“Um, that’s when you rub your penis until it ejaculates.”

“Ejaculates, what’s that?”

“It would appear that you don’t have any experience with masturbation and in my professional opinion, it’s the easiest and quickest way to bring you the relief you need. Here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to show you how to masturbate. I will rub your penis until it ejaculates and then you’ll know how that feels. I’m sure that once you ejaculate, your penis will no longer be hard and you’ll feel much better.”

“If you say so Doctor.”

“Please remove your shirt. I’ll need to inspect your penis and testicles before we begin. We want to make sure there are no complications that will prevent you from masturbating.”

“Yes doctor.”

I took off my shirt and leaned back into the chair. I hunched forward a little so that my balls were hanging well over the edge of the chair. My cock would be hanging over the edge too if it was soft but it wasn’t. It was rock hard and was standing up straight and lying across my stomach. The head of my cock was several inches north of my belly button. I watched for mom’s reaction and interpreted her look as one of awe with perhaps a dash of apprehension.

“My, my, we certainly have a lot to work with young man. Has anyone ever told you that you are extremely well gifted?”


“Oh yes my boy, there are men all over the world that would give anything to have equipment like that.”


“Your penis and testicles my boy. Your big cock and your big balls. You are extremely well endowed and as a matter of fact, you have the largest cock and balls that I’ve ever seen.”

“Is that a bad thing Doctor?”

“Not as long as you use it properly. You could do serious harm to a woman with a penis that large but if you use it correctly, you can give untold pleasure.”

“What do I have to do to use it properly?”

“We’ll have to discuss that on another occasion. I think you should make at least two appointments a week to see me and we can teach you how to use that cock of yours properly. Right now however, we need to make you ejaculate so that you can relieve the pressure you’re feeling.”

“Whatever you say Doctor.”

“Good. Now typically, it is necessary for the patient to be sexually stimulated before beginning to masturbate. I can see that you are already in a considerable state of arousal but it is important to follow protocol. Because there are no pornographic materials I can give you, I will have to improvise the best I can. Fortunately, I am a woman and I have a hunch that if I let you see my naked body, it will provide the necessary stimuli to help you with this exercise.”

I wondered if mom was really going to take her clothes off or whether she was just kidding. In the next instant however, she unbuttoned her robe and slipped it off revealing her beautiful body.