How Do You Tell The Parents?

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Adopted siblings want to get married.
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There are no underage sexual relationships in this story; all sexual relationships and feelings are for people 18 or older.


My brother Aiden and I have a problem; I'm LuAnn Altman. I'll summarize how we got to where we are, and who the characters in my life's drama are, but if you want all the gory background details you'll have to read "Asperger's Is No Drawback," in the Loving Wives Section, published May 20, 2014, byline Aiden. As the more perceptive of you might already have figured out, I wrote the original story as told to me by Aiden; while he's mathematically gifted, because of his Asperger's he has real trouble writing and expressing his feelings, but I drew him out when getting him to relate his version of events and emotions to me.

I'm flattered that Aiden thinks that I'm the most beautiful woman, inside and out, that he's ever seen. I will admit that being half Dutch, half Vietnamese – which is often the case of children of mixed Caucasian and Asian descent – I'm pretty good looking, but I think that only Aiden, because he is blinded by his love for me, thinks that I'm exceptionally beautiful and sexy.

Aiden, on the other hand, gave the impression in his story that he is basically a large blob of protoplasm. Nothing could be further than the truth. While he definitely is all of 6 feet 5 inches, 280 pounds of almost pure muscle, he is also very good looking. In my opinion he would be an action movie star, better, more handsome, and more believable than Arnold Schwarzenegger or Liam Nesson, but for his Asperger's. Aiden's shock of silky long blond hair, baby face, and dimples, can soften the hardest of hearts or attitudes. I've never met a female who didn't like Aiden on one level or another.

I have always felt a deep, primal, connection to Aiden my entire conscious life. My first memory of childhood – I could not have been more than a year old – was of toddler Aiden performing kind acts for me. Maybe just like a baby duckling imprinting on its mother – or some other animal – I believe that I imprinted on Aiden. My adoptive mother (I have never had even the slightest desire to find my birth mother) Beatrice, one of the country's experts on cognitive development, recognized that when I was young and was aware of what that could mean when we got older, considering that we were both adopted and our parents were always up front about that with us since we were toddlers. Therefore she subtly counseled me all through my years at home – and even when I left for Cal Tech Engineering School at the ripe old age of seventeen – regarding suppression of my feelings toward Aiden.

I don't know if my mother ever talked with my father, Jacob, about my "imprinted" fixation on Aiden. While my father is a legitimate genius at engineering and business, he isn't perceptive when it comes to people, relying on my mother's judgment for that. The only way he would have any clue about my fascination with Aiden would be if my Mom told him.

My father and I not only work together in ZYX Corporation (as CEO he's the ultimate boss in the company), the largest developer and manufacturer of proximity detectors and related hi-tech equipment in the U. S., but our engineering minds are very similar. However, regardless of how he deals with me in business – whether we agree or disagree, and argue or concur – outside the office I'm always his "little girl." I have known since I was a toddler that I could manipulate him any way I chose to. I'm the apple of his eye. I only do manipulate him on rare occasions, however, sometimes to the laughing disgust of my Mom.

Aiden's Asperger's is not severe, mostly because our Mom is an expert in cognitive development and worked with Aiden from the time that he was little to socialize him. However, it is real. Therefore, he never sensed the way that I felt about him. He knew that I loved him as a brother, and his love for and devotion to me knows no bounds, but he has always been blissfully unaware that I have always been painfully sexually attracted to him.

I came to grips with my real feelings for Aiden the day that he almost killed the opposing wrestler his sophomore and my junior (even though I'm a year younger than Aiden I skipped several grades and was ahead of him in school) year in High School because the guy insulted me and made me cry. I no longer could deny the feelings that my Mother had so skillfully tried to get me to suppress up until then. I was romantically, sexually, passionately, in love with Aiden. However, although I admitted the truth to myself, I never acted upon it for many reasons, primarily because I thought that it might adversely affect Aiden and certainly would make my parents distraught – and that is the LAST thing I wanted to do to those two loving people.

I believe that the hardest day of my life was the day that Aiden married that uber-bitch Jennifer Brighton. I set up a "gold-digger" test that I was sure that she would fail, but somehow she didn't. While I gave numerous subtle hints to Aiden about her undesirability as a wife, they were too indirect for his Asperger's brain to absorb, and I didn't want to be vocally against the relationship for many reasons.

I knew that Aiden didn't have a chance once Jennifer passed the "gold-digger" test. Regardless of what I think of her as a person I have to admit that she has more sexuality in her little finger than a dozen normal women have collectively in their entire bodies. The bitch is simply sex-on-wheels; I don't know how any heterosexual guy could resist her once she got her claws into him. Certainly Aiden couldn't.

One of the saddest days of my life was the day that Jennifer and Aiden got married. I pretended to be happy, and I think that I was successful in giving everyone – except my Mom, who knew the truth – that impression. Certainly Aiden never saw the tightness in my back muscles, or witnessed my shallow "pant-blow" breathing when I was a bridesmaid during the ceremony. Everyone except for Mom misinterpreted my tears of agony to be tears of joy.


During the first three years of the Aiden-Jennifer marriage they both seemed to be happy, and I – feared more than hoped – that it might work out. I had always dated frequently since I was sixteen, although I didn't have any real long-standing relationships, and lost my virginity at eighteen. However, during the first years of Aiden's marriage I started to date more in general, and more particularly fuck much more than the first twenty two years of my life. While I certainly had my share of good sexual experiences, and got tons of positive feedback from my partners, I never came close to feeling fulfilled.

When shortly after his third anniversary Aiden came to me with evidence of Jennifer's cheating (when she thought that his trust fund had come-in), I knew that I had my chance to break her spell over him. It wasn't just because I loved Aiden that I wanted him out of her clutches – because even then I didn't think that I would ever act on my love for Aiden. However, I knew that it was best for Aiden to get her out of his life because eventually she would make him miserable. The fact that the slimy gold-digger would cheat on someone like Aiden, with the looks of Adonis and the sensitivity of Gandhi, made me furious.

I was so pleased that the "sting" that I masterminded destroyed any love that Aiden had for Jennifer, and it was truly a happy day for me when they divorced and Aiden came out of it financially unscathed. However my euphoria didn't last long because they continued to fuck two or three nights a week even after the divorce.

When Aiden and Jennifer sold their house and I talked Aiden into coming to live with me in my three bedroom house I thought that I would fairly easily be able to work on Aiden so that he would realize that he needed to give her up completely to be truly happy. It turned out to be difficult both because subtle manipulation or suggestion had no effect on Aiden because of his Asperger's, and because apparently Jennifer was a fantastic fuck, hard for any red-blooded male to give up.

When Aiden went into a funk – if not despair – starting a few days before what would have been his fourth wedding anniversary to the Siren, I knew that I had to take drastic steps otherwise Aiden might become clinically depressed. I couldn't let that happen. It was then that I convinced myself that the only way out of it was to seduce Aiden.

I'm sure that I was thinking about my own happiness as much as Aiden's when I came to the decision that I was going to establish a physical loving relationship with Aiden to complement the emotional loving relationship that we already had. I persuaded myself that even if it didn't work out that he and I could return to the emotionally rich relationship that we had enjoyed for all of our lives. I knew that there was some risk, but when I saw the normally jovial upbeat Aiden that I had always known listless on what would have been the date of his fourth anniversary, I had to take the chance.

I arranged for a weekend at the top resort within a two hundred mile radius of my house. I reserved the Honeymoon Suite, and treated myself to a day at the Spa to get ready. I shaved my pussy, leaving only a landing strip, got a facial, and a Scotch Spray.

The final pampering of my day at the Spa was a massage. I knew that I was looking my best when the sexy male masseuse giving me a Swedish massage put his job on the line by propositioning me. I was flattered and in such a good mood that I didn't turn him in. To enhance the seductive feelings welling up inside of me that I wanted to spring on unsuspecting Aiden, however, when my massage was over I dropped my towel and stood in front of the masseuse naked and said "Your only tip is seeing me like this."

When I saw him fully tent his pants and mumble "More than enough," I smiled, wrapped the towel around me, and returned to the ladies locker room.


I didn't take "No" for an answer on the Friday after what would have been his fourth wedding anniversary when a downtrodden Aiden came home from work and I told him that I was taking him away for the weekend. Despite the fact that I made numerous comments pregnant with sexual innuendo when we drove to the resort, shot trap, had dinner and drinks, danced, and went on a romantic walk around the lake, holding hands, I'm sure that none of them registered with him. He was already feeling much better, however, by the time that we went up to the Honeymoon Suite.

Aiden seemed genuinely surprised when he saw that we were to be sharing the same room – he knew that there was something different about it, but didn't conclude that it was the Honeymoon Suite – and flabbergasted when he realized that there was only one bed in it. Even Asperger's Syndrome Aiden figured it out, however, once I dropped my skirt and revealed my panty-less bottom.

Once I stepped out of my skirt, with my four inch heels still on, Aiden's eyes got a big as baseballs. He started mumbling something about "What are you doing...," although his words were far from clear.

"How do you like my thighs, Aiden? I've been working out and I think I've gotten pretty good muscle tone, don't you?" I asked as seductively as possible.

"Uh, well, ah, what,....yeah," roughly approximates his response. I did notice the bulge forming in his pants. It was a big bulge. I hadn't seen him naked since we were kids and for the first time I realized – especially given his size – that his cock might be too meaty for my little pussy. I know from girl talk, and from the eight sexual partners that I've had, that my pussy is tight even for someone with my petite five feet two inch, 105 pound, frame. I didn't let it deter me.

"Also, I decided to shave except for a landing strip. Does my pussy look OK to you?" I asked, dripping even more enticement into my voice.

Aiden's response to this was a sound somewhere between a moan and a growl.

I then quickly removed my top and my bra as I sauntered over to Aiden, closing the ten-fifteen feet between us in fifteen or twenty seconds.

"What do you think of my nipples, Aiden? I'm told that they're called 'puffies.' Some guys don't like puffies. How about you, Aiden?" Temptation was dripping from my lips when I said that.

If Aiden's eyes were baseballs before, they were bowling balls now as he stood there mute and salivating.

"Please touch them, Aiden," I enticed, not really giving him a choice as I took his limp left hand and put into contact with my right nipple. After he tenderly manipulated my nipple for a few minutes I said "Suck on the other one for me, Aiden." He complied.

His lips on one nipple and hand on the other, with his other hand on my left hip, felt so good that I closed my eyes. After a couple of minutes of this bliss I opened my eyes again to see him staring intently at my face. I started unbuckling his belt. He finally was able to actually speak.

"LuAnn...I really love you. But we can't do this...we're brother and sister. Whaaat...what would Mom and Dad say?"

"Aiden, I love you not just as a brother, but as a soul mate. I've wanted to have sex with you since we were teenagers. I'm telling you now because I need to give you an alternative to that manipulative bitch you used to be married to. I want you to know that with me you'll get real, true love in addition to physical satisfaction. You're going to have to hurt me to stop me – do you want to hurt me, Aiden?" My little speech was made staring into his big azure eyes while I subtly continued undoing his pants.

"I could never hurt ..." he started to say, but didn't get through the entire thought; instead he started groaning because I put my little hands around his cock. Once I caressed his cock for a few seconds I knew that it was too big – but I sure wasn't going to stop now.

I got him fully undressed, made him lay back on the bed, and then snuggled up next to him. "One second," I giggled, as I quickly retrieved my purse and pulled out a five-star rated lubricant that I had used a couple of times before, jumped back on the bed, and started lubing up his cock. Since his body is so thick and muscular and his cock so big it seemed like the tip of it was three feet up in the air (obviously it wasn't).

I straddled Aiden the best that I could, given his bulk, and stroked on lubricant with both hands. My intent wasn't to have him cum, but that was the effect. After only a minute he groaned "LuAnn...I'm gonna cum!"

When I saw his dick start to twitch I put my mouth over it and took in his entire load swallowing every last spurt. I don't often swallow, but in the case of Aiden, it seemed only natural and I found it pleasurable.

"Holy shit!" he groaned once his dick stopped spurting.

"Sorry," I giggled. "I was just trying to get you ready to make love to me – I didn't realize you were so excitable."

He looked at me with the most loving eyes. "I'm the one sorry. Your touch was just so electric – this is like my ultimate dream come true. I will make love to you, but first I want to inspect something.

I giggled and shrieked as he grabbed me, lifted me, turned me over, and placed my back on the bed, like I was a doll. With a big shit-eating grin on his face he got between my thighs. I laughed and wiggled for a few seconds until his fingers moved my pussy lips apart and his tongue contacted my clitoris.

More slowly, powerfully, deliberately, carefully, and –most importantly – lovingly, than anyone ever had before, Aiden devastated my pussy with his tongue, lips, and fingers. He seemed to have all fingers, both lips, and his tongue all going at the same time. I honestly don't know how many orgasms wracked my body, but ultimately it seemed to be one continuous climax.

By the time that Aiden let up I was completely drained. He lay next to me stroking the side of my face, then the side of my boob, until I was cognizant enough to look at him. With what I'm sure was a half-smile and wistful expression I whispered "I love you Aiden. I want so badly to make love to you."

His words uplifted me. "I love you more than life itself, LuAnn. I'll do anything to make you happy," he said seriously. Then he got a sly grin. "Considering the relative sizes of your vagina and my penis I think that you're going to need this, though," he cackled as he handed the tube of lubricant back to me.

I giggled again. I spread some lubricant into my already sopping wet cunt. Then I straddled him again and stroked more onto his cock. "Don't go off on me yet," I chuckled.

"Oh, God – that feels so good – it's hard not to," he murmured.

Once Aiden's cock was lathered up I squatted above it. I started to slowly lower my tight wet pussy onto his big lathered cock. He held my hips as I did so, occasionally one hand straying so as to pinch one of my puffy nipples. I rested my hands on his big muscular chest as I purposefully moved my pussy into contact with the head of his cock.

The first inch of penetration felt fantastic. The next two inches were difficult. While not exactly painful, they weren't easy. I twisted and turned, all the while moving my eyes from the girthy cock disappearing into my gash, to Aiden's handsome face and dancing eyes. He was clearly enjoying how snug my pussy was on his cock.

It took an agonizingly long time, but I finally got him buried almost to the hilt. Then I started moving slightly up and down. Aiden bucked up a couple of times. "Aiden," I grunted. "I think that you're going to have to stay still. It hurts a little if you move; let me control the action."

He got a concerned look on his face. I made it change into a contented grimace as I started to contract my pc muscles. While I had done that with other partners – to their great joy – since Aiden's cock was so big around it had a more dramatic effect on him than it had had on my previous sex partners. He constantly gurgled in pleasure as I pulsed my pussy.

I started to feel more and more comfortable with his massive organ filling my channel. Once I felt relaxed I started moving up and down, and backward and forward, in addition to rippling my pc muscles. The feeling, especially during the forward rocking – where his cock pressed against my clit – was beyond erotic. It was having a dramatic effect on Aiden too. Soon he grabbed both of my hips, pulled down on them, and then his cock shook and blasted inside me like a loose garden hose flipping around on the ground when the water pressure is turned on.

The euphoria was too much. My circuits fried. I lost consciousness. I don't know how long I was out of it, but when I woke up I had collapsed onto Aiden's chest. I could feel half of his cock still inside me, not quite as stiff as when he had inundated my pussy with cum. I raised myself up and confirmed what I felt visually. His cream was leaking out of my cunt, soaking his pubic hair and coating my thighs. Aiden's eyes were closed, he was moaning, and he had the most satisfied look imaginable on his face.

I pushed up on his chest enough to pop my pussy off of his dick, sending a jolt up my spine and causing him to flinch and groan more loudly. His eyes opened completely.

"That may be the first time that I actually made love and didn't just fuck," were the first words out of his smiling lips. "I love you so much LuAnn." And then something I didn't expect. This big hulk of a man with ten times my physical strength started to sob. "I love you so much," he said over and over, almost like an incantation, as he engulfed me in his big strong arms as I lay on his chest.

"I love you too," I told him time and again. "I've always loved you." We fell into a deep sleep confessing our love for each other.


Come Saturday morning we quickly decided to stay in our room naked the entire day. The fact that it was raining outside the vast majority of the time made that decision easier, but we had lots of exploring to do, both of each other's bodies and our souls. We ordered room service breakfast, lunch and dinner and advised Housekeeping that our room was fine the way that it was.