How I Spent My Vacation

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Unconscious superheroine enters the life of Joe Average.
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Well up in the atmosphere, Dynamo Doll had lured the Arrow Ace to a spot in the country, far from Major City. As far as she could tell, it was the middle of nowhere, which meant that no civilians would get in the way of her power grip.

"All right bozo, it's time to send you back to your proper dimension!" she bellowed as she brought her hands close together and focused a beam of force at the villainous archer. The wall of incandescent force singed the feather in the villain's pointed cap, but otherwise did not make him flinch. If anything, the interdimensional being seemed to absorb the power that Dynamo Doll threw at him.

This bothered the statuesque blonde beauty because there was a limited number of times that her power built would permit her to hurl force at a foe. Most buckled long before this. Dynamo Doll attempted to find a new angle, hoping that the Arrow Ace's protection was limited by direction. For a fraction of a second, Dynamo Doll lowered her hands as she soared upward. This is precisely what the Arrow Ace had hoped for all along. In that fraction of a second, he managed to fire a poison tipped arrow at Dynamo Doll, the beautiful crime fighter saw it coming but, even with her superhuman speed, she could not avoid the missile. It dug deeply into her thigh, eliciting a sharp cry of pain from Major City's greatest hero. Instantly Dynamo Doll sensed the presence of Tarric, the only element capable of incapacitating and even killing her.

Her body immediately robbed of all strength and invulnerability, Dynamo Doll plummeted to earth. Arrow Ace dove towards the rapidly approaching tree canopy in hot pursuit, but lost sight of the pneumatic blonde as she crashed through the foliage. Arrow Ace vocalized his frustration and wondered how long it would take him to find his nemesis and finish the job for certain when his chronometer beeped, informing him that only seconds remained for him to return to his own dimension. Caught beyond the time limit, the interdimensional being would be trapped in this world. Cursing loudly, yet hopeful that he had at last rid the world of Dynamo Doll, the Arrow Ace folded himself into a single flat line and winked out of existence on earth.


The cabin was just about all I had left after the divorce. Marnie had been quite vindictive and her parents, who always despised me, paid for the "best" divorce lawyer money could buy. The ONLY reason Marnie hadn't taken the cabin was because she hated the place. Vacations were spent at the beach or they were spent nowhere. Consequently, aside from a few hunting trips with my friends and co-workers, the cabin had seen very little activity over the last six years. Feeling sorry for myself (with justification) I took three weeks off and made my way to the cabin. I told my friends I was going to hunt and fish. But really, I was going to cry in private, get drunk, and regress to a primal state. Maybe after almost a month of living like a bear, I'd want to have something to do with civilization and women once more. I brought food, beer, vodka, and a stack of pornographic DVDS.

I'd just settled in. I had a porno featuring an Asian jungle goddess on pause while I jerked off when I heard it. Something large had crashed through the trees just outside my cabin. I didn't know what had caused the sound but there had been windstorms the previous day. It was possible that a huge tree or branch, weakened by the storm might, at this very moment, be threatening to topple onto my cabin. It was the last thing I needed, but it would align with my luck of late so I pulled up my shorts, slid into my moccasins and stepped outside.

No more than ten meters from my front door I found her, face up but unconscious. Of course, I knew who she was. What resident of earth was not intimately aquatinted with its superheroes? I gazed up and saw the hole in the tree she had made. I could tell that she had bounced off a ton of branches on her way down as there were abrasions all over her. I was so stunned, it took me a moment to realize that she had an arrow embedded in her right thigh.

"What are the odds?" I asked myself. Like every smart EMT I had brought my kit with me. Maybe these three weeks would not be so lonely after all. Even though she stands almost six feet tall, I could not believe the effort I had to make just to pick her up. If she had been any further from the cabin, I would have had to resort to dragging her after me. Either she was ripped like Schwarzenegger in his prime or something else was in play. With great difficulty, I managed to lower her on the bed. The sheets were clean as I had only made the bed in the morning. I figured I'd be too drunk later to do that.

The first thing I did was examine the arrow protruding from her right leg. I could tell that it was not a simple hunter's arrow because her wound was already quite inflamed and infected. I knew that Dynamo Doll had a slew of enemies. I hoped whoever had skewered her was not hanging around. About this time, I deduced that the arrow was definitely poisoned, as Dynamo Girl began to go into convulsions. I had to act and act fast.

Going to my kit, I took out a sedative and a scalpel. The needle partially bent, but did pierce her skin. Her convulsions faded to a steady tremor. That arrow had to come out now, there was no time for anything fancy. I sat on her knee and probed the entry wound with my finger. Just as I feared, the tip the arrow had come to within a hairsbreadth of tearing her femoral artery, I used a tourniquet to staunch the flow of blood while I sliced the barbs free of flesh. With a careful motion, I freed the barbs of the arrow from the superheroine's thigh. What a nasty, evil looking thing it was. I set it aside and reached for my suture kit. I'm one of the best needle men in the state. I poured in a ton of disinfectant and carefully closed the wound. The tourniquet came off and her leg refilled with blood and pinked up nicely.

This was both good news and bad news. I had no idea how much toxin was in her system or what the substance was. I'd never had a superhero for a patient before. I'd never heard of a superhero ever checking into the emergency room or hospital, not even for stitches. When Major City's ambulances responded to a superhero incident it was to haul away the broken and battered villains! This was a whole different ball game.

I took a long, appreciative look at my patient. Dynamo Doll is gorgeous! I'm not ashamed to admit that, more than once, I've beat off to the mental image of a well imagined naked Dynamo Doll. Don't judge me, I'm sure you've done it as well! What a hunk of woman! And there she was helpless, just inches away. That nimbus of hair the color of straw, that movie star figure and face, those huge tits and those incredible legs! I had to remind myself that an EMT NEVER objectifies his patients. I had to remind myself several times. When I was my rational self again, I noticed she seemed paler. I took her temperature. She was burning up! I had to cool her down, immediately. I strode over to the bath tub and filled it with cool water. Then I returned to her bedside. The enormity of what I was about to do, HAD to do hit me like a collapsing wall.

Still, not only did it make sense to strip her before I deposited her in the tub, it was standard medical procedure. I imagined that Dynamo Doll would be pretty pissed later, but could she really eviscerate me for doing my job? I knew she had a supreme sense of justice. She probably WOULDN'T kill me! Even if she did, I would meet my maker with a clear conscious and the memory of a vision of loveliness rare among mortal men.

I began with the blue boot on her injured leg. Being careful to not move the leg more than necessary, I gingerly withdrew it. Exposed to the light of my cabin was, perhaps, the prettiest calf and foot I had ever spied. I took a moment to breathe before progressing to the opposite limb. Dynamo Doll's legs went on forever! My patient was now clad in just her white midriff bearing top, white costume bottoms and that, oh so famous, power belt.

Despite my profession, I had to admire Dynamo Doll's trim taut tummy and impressive chest. My next move was into uncharted territory. After a pregnant pause, I made a move to remove Dynamo Doll's clingy top. Gingerly, I sat my patient up and reached for the bottom edge of the costume's top. My fingers slid inside and I tugged vigorously, it forced up her arms and travelled their long length. A vaguely opaque sport brassier was revealed to my wondering eyes. This close, I realized just how stacked she really is. How she managed to fight crime with those watermelons in the way was, quite frankly, astounding. With a practiced hand, I opened the bra and pulled it away from her body. My GOD! My heart skipped a few beats as I eyed those succulent orbs. I'd never seen better in any magazine or movie. She had the very sort of areolas and nipples I adored, light brown with sharp pink eraser points. I could not linger too long however, time was of the essence.

I set Dynamo Doll's torso back on the mattress and prepared to remove the bottom half of her costume. I grasped both side of the waistband and tugged gently. The white bottoms slid over her spectacular rump and down her astounding legs. I had grasped the gossamer panties underneath as well so my astounded eyes were treated to the sight of Dynamo Doll's sparsely thatched honey straw colored pussy. Despite supposedly being a disinterested professional, I am not ashamed to admit that I was rock hard in the presence of the naked superheroine. In this case, my imagination turned out to be far inferior to reality. Dynamo Doll was beyond perfect. Further, her alabaster skin bore not a blemish or flaw, not so much as a freckle!

All she was clad in now was her legendary power belt. It was shrouded in mystery, but was rumored to be the source of her power. For all I knew, it could electrocute her when exposed to water. In the face of a slew of unknowns, the only thing I was certain of was that it had to come off. The catch was complicated, but at last, I deduced how to get it to release. It parted at Dynamo Doll's lovely navel and fell open. I pulled it away from her body and my already astonishing day became downright astonishing. The beautiful blonde body began to morph in front of my eyes. It was just like one of those special effects scenes in movies where and actor becomes a panther or a snake, only this was real! The beautiful, lithe, pneumatic blonde became a petite, freckled redhead! Now I knew why Dynamo Girl had never been spotted around town outside of her superheroine duds. This pretty, but much shorter and lighter woman must be Dynamo Doll's secret identity or, Dynamo Doll was this woman's secret identity, in the end it didn't matter which was which. I allowed myself only a few moments to ponder this mystery before I picked up the ailing body and carried it to my tub. This body was much lighter. I carefully plunged her into to cool water, made sure that she was secure in every way and did myself some thinking.

The first thing I did was police up every bit of Dynamo Doll's costume and clothing and lock it away in a trunk I kept for secure storage at my cabin. I had no idea what kind of mood Dynamo Doll would be in when she recovered, IF she recovered. I figured, however that I could handle the redhead, whoever she was, so long as I kept the fantastic power belt out of her reach. I assure you, I had no nefarious purpose aside from extreme curiosity.

I hurried from that task back to the tub. For the first time, I could really study the body that Dynamo Doll had morphed into. She was clearly Irish and rather pretty but nothing like her alias. She was slim, almost skinny, and owned a pair of small, but well-suited to her frame, breasts. Her legs were nice, even if they were nothing like Dynamo Doll's supermodel pins. I liked the reddish gold of her hair and thought the many freckles that dotted her skin, a bit alluring. I'd always had a weakness for redheads, I spotted her auburn bush through the water and remembered exactly why.

I collected a thermometer and took her temperature. It was down by almost three degrees. That was good news indeed, it meant that the possibility that she would expire from fever had, most likely passed. Her pulse was a bit weak but steady. I let her soak for a few more minutes before I pulled the plug. This woman felt pretty good in my arms. I toted her to the bed and wrapped her in a blanket. She began shivering, but not from cold. The toxin in her system, whatever it was, apparently worked like snake venom. I had very little else to go on, but I did have several vials of rattle snake serum in my kit. I figured a hail Mary pass was better than no attempt at all. I injected her with a standard dose of anti-venom. This time, my needle had no difficulty piercing her skin. There was nothing to do now but wait while I monitored her vitals.

Suddenly, watching porn lost its allure. I grabbed a "Sports Illustrated" and a graphic novel as I sat by the side of her bed. It turned out to be a long vigil. Three times she projectile vomited all over herself. I cleaner her up each time, alarmed by the clamminess of her skin. She had another episode of convulsions before becoming semi- comatose. I could tell her body was fighting the toxins in her system. Aside from keeping her comfortable, there was precious little I could do aside from writing down some notes for the cops in case this strange woman expired in my bed.

I debated long and hard about calling the cops or an ambulance. Somehow, I knew that would cause too many questions. If she expired today or three days from now, that would change very little regarding my guilt or innocence. It still came down to the fact that I was an Emergency Medical Technician who had tried to save the life of a fallen superheroine, that HAD to count more than a little against a bit of secrecy and laxity.

For the next three days, I impersonated a nurse to the best of my abilities. At the end of that time, the wound on her thigh seemed better, her breathing became more regular and her pulse rate improved to the point when I expected her to open her eyes any moment. I kept her hydrated, tended her regularly and waited.

When she opened her large green eyes, I was the first thing she saw. After a stunned moment of surprise, she deduced that she was naked under the sheet and blanket and then she squinted like a very myopic person. "Who are you?" we both asked at almost the same time. She did not answer, instead she squinted more intently and stated, rather than asked,

"I was wounded wasn't I"

"You had an arrow in your thigh when I found you."

"My costume? My belt?" she inquired.

"They are safe. What is your name?" I returned.

"I can't tell you that," she stated in a soft voice. "Thank you for saving my life."

"My pleasure. Believe it or not, it's what I do for a living."

There was a long silence before either of us spoke again. The quiet was broken by myself stating, "My name is Charles Houk. You can call me "Chuck," there must be SOMETHING I can call you?"

There was a further pause before she replied, "I've inevitably been called "Red" my whole life, that name is as good as any."

"Hello. Red." I returned.

"How long have I been out, Chuck?"

"Over three and a half days."

"Does anybody else know that I am here?"

"Just me, Red."

It occurred to me that Red, whoever she really was, had the visual perception of an

addled bat."

"Can you see anything in detail, Red?"

"When I squint real hard. I don't need my glasses when I am Dynamo Doll, she has the vision of an eagle."

My patient gazed under her blanket. Contemplating her nudity once more, "Can I have my costume back?"

"I don't think you are healthy enough to resume your duties, but I will find you something to wear."

"Why won't you give me my costume back?"

"Two reasons, first, I sincerely don't think you are anywhere near healthy enough to be crime fighting and second, I have reason to believe that my life would not be worth a plug nickel if I gave you back your clothes. After all, I stripped you and took liberties with your person."


"Nothing carnal, I assure you!"

"Dynamo Doll would not harm you. In fact, you saved her life. I remember now, the Arrow Ace hit me with a Tarric tipped arrow. Tarric is fatal to Dynamo Doll, but just makes me very, very sick. You saved both our lives." She paused, sat up an immediately grabbed her head. "OWW!"

"See, you are not healthy enough for anything right now. As the closest thing to a doctor present, my prescription for you is to rest quietly, work on getting better and let me show you how good of a nurse I can be."

"Ooh, OK, DOCTOR," replied Red as she rubbed her forehead. "Got anything for a massive headache?"

"Yes, I do. Let me take your vitals first so I know what is safe to give you."

I took her pulse, temperature, and pupils and decided on standard painkillers. I handed her some Ibuprofen and a glass of water.

"I can still feel traces of the Tarric in my system. Even if I wanted to, or you let me," she added pointedly, "I could not become Dynamo Doll anyway, in my human form, it still takes over a week to flush Tarric from my system. Even the greatly reduced dose currently in my body would immediately incapacitate Dynamo Doll."

"Should you be telling me this?"

"No, not at all, but for some reason, I trust you."

"Thank you." I said sincerely.

"Besides," she said harshly, "If you DO tell another living soul, Dynamo Doll will punish you severely!"

I think my body language reflected my horror at such a prospect. She promptly broke out in an incandescent smile and said mischievously. "I think you are safe... for now," she broke into a laugh.

" I'll take those clothes now and I sure hope you can cook, I'm famished."

"Best bachelor chef around for miles!" I deadpanned, "but you start with clear broth."

I hastened to my dresser and retrieved a clean tee-shirt. The drawer was cedar lined so it smelled nice. I watched Red put it on. As he raised it over her head, I noticed that her boobs were not bad at all. Nice, firm apples on a pretty freckled chest. The slight chill of the cooler air of the cabin caused the nipples to pucker nicely. Red, whoever, she was, was quite a cutie in her own right.

I'm not a bad cook. When I do have guys here for hunting trips, when we bag a deer, they rave about how I prepare it. I had bouillon cubes which I dropped in some boiling water and allowed to steep for a while. When I returned to the bed, Red was sitting with her feet flat on the floor. She peeled back the edge of the bandage I had applied to her thigh and spied the nasty wound. She gasped a bit. I knew that it was nowhere as bad as it looked.

I handed Red the broth and stated, "It's not as bad as it looks. I'm very good with sutures, it probably won't even leave a scar."

Red took a sip of the broth, savored the flavor for a moment before she swallowed and replied, "That's good."

"Be a shame to mar such a shapely and sexy limb." I said.

Red looked at me, disbelief in her eyes, "You must have me confused with Dynamo Doll."

Red looked at me even more intently, squinting madly when I replied with, "Oh, no I Don't!"

"Oh, come on, Chuck. Dynamo Doll is gorgeous I am ..."

"Very pretty!" I interjected, cutting her off.

"Ha!" she continued mockingly, "I'll bet you were hugely disappointed when you took of Dynamo Doll's power belt and I showed up."

"She's YOU!" I shot back.

"Well, yes and no. It's complicated."

"I'm all ears."

"I CAN'T tell you!" she whined.

"Fine, then let me attempt to fill in the blanks. Dynamo Doll is your alter-ego, or she is yours, it really doesn't matter which. You have a quiet, uneventful life in Major City. Maybe you work from home or have "real" job with flexible hours. In any event, there is a room, or a closet or someplace where you work or live that, in times of need, allows you to disappear into so that you can strip off and don Dynamo Doll's power belt. Her clothes would never fit you otherwise and I KNOW she'd bust out of your clothes like the Incredible Hulk. Somewhere in Major City is a vacant space occupied by the clothing you wear as Red as well as a pair of huge coke bottle glasses. As Red, you want to live like an anonymous Velma, while Dynamo Doll's Daphne get all the attention and all the flash. You probably live vicariously through her and she uses you for camouflage. Dynamo Doll gets to take the matinee idol to the red- carpet event. Maybe she beds him, maybe he doesn't, but for damn sure, later you, as Red, masturbate to mental images of that gorgeous hunk, wishing that he was into YOU instead of Dynamo Doll."