Hunting the Hunter Ch. 02


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An hour and a half later they were over the bridge and on their way towards Cheydinhal. Maximus had lent her his horse to give her a head start, with the promise that she'd leave it with one of his friends at Roxy's Inn. It was big with the Imperial legion.

Feric didn't seem any more comfortable on a horse than she did, so she was glad to be rid of it when they arrived at the Inn. Maybe she'd forget about horses after all. It did cut down on time though, and gave them a lead on the hunters.

They couldn't have followed to know where they were going anyway. They were too busy being arrested for possession of skooma. That's why you never fought the guards. They knew how to fight dirty. She chuckled darkly in her head and watched the man moving cautiously through the brush ahead of her.

They'd decided to stick to the bush, and didn't cut onto a road until they were near Lake Atrius, nearly a quarter of a province and a day's trek away from the Imperial city. The first moon was slowly making its way to the sky's apex, casting its dim glow between the leaves in little gray shafts of light. She wondered how his night vision was...from what she could tell it was pretty darn good. Did he see in color? There was an interesting question.

It wasn't far from there to their final destination, a little know ruin just east of Fanacasecul. She didn't even think it had a name anymore. Of course, she'd been there before. That was where she'd wrecked her ankle killing necromancers. She'd healed of course, but she knew that one hallway would forever give her the creeps. Apparently, he had mentioned, they'd cleared it out after she left, but no one goes down there much. The smell of some things just lingers.

She was a little surprised he was taking her with him. He'd explained on the way what they'd been dealing with, and how for the last fifty or so years they'd been hunted and picked off one by one, for reasons none knew. They'd become reclusive and distrusting and spent their lives on the run. They'd been slowly been making their way across the continent trying to outpace their pursuers and were rapidly running out of continent. Such a terrible way to live. It bothered her that after explaining how they trusted no one that there she was on her way there. Again.

She was surprised he hadn't killed her, and said so. He chuckled and agreed, which in hindsight seemed a little ominous.



"Tell me again why I'm not dead yet?"

He chuckled. "Are you conceding that I could take you out in a fight?" She giggled back.

"Not hardly, just wondering why you haven't tried."

He shrugged. "I got the feeling I didn't have to."

"That it?"

He made a waffling motion with his hand. "I suppose we also might need to start relying on someone outside who knew the area. We're like blind rats in a maze here. We've not done ourselves any favors by being so cut off."

"Ah, a means to an end...that I understand." He gave her a dark look over his shoulder.

"I wouldn't call you that."

"Wouldn't you? I would. I'm an effective tool. I don't mind being put to use, it's what I do for a living after all, what I've always done, and I'm good at it." He was still frowning at her. She grinned back.

"I'll even do it for you for free...because I like you. You know, I'm glad we ran into each other again, I was starting to miss you...though it might be a bad sign that someone always ends up dead when we do get together like this. Now turn around and pay attention, there's undead ahead."

He shook his head at her and turned back with a barely suppressed smile. The undead were just a couple stray skeletal guardians who'd wandered too far from home. She had to admire the way he handled his new sword, she wouldn't have guessed he could, seeing as he was usually all about the tooth and claw...literally. It took all of a minute before they were on their way again.

"I do you know." She said after a bit.

"What's that?"

"Like you." She was walking beside him her hands folded behind her back and giving him a sly sideways glance. He stared straight ahead. She leaned in a little.

"You're supposed to say, I like you too." she whispered conspiratorially. His mouth twitched.

"I like you too."

"REALLY? That means so much. What a sweet fellow you are." He let out a low warm laugh that made her hair stand on end and her stomach melt into her boots. She could really get used to that. She shook her head. What was she thinking...'I know what you're thinking you crazy hormonal woman, you're wondering what a lion-Dunmer cross would look like'. She laughed at herself. Well that's life. You take what you can get. Apparently she can get a part time were-lion. Good for a once a month romp of sex and violence. Really, a lot of people back home would consider that a perfect relationship.

They still didn't get a chance to finish though she groused to herself. Ah! Maybe that's why he's taking her home. One can only hope.

"You look like you ate the canary." He muttered looking over at her.

"How about you eat the canary pussy cat...and I'll play the canary"

She looked at him and his eyes went wide. So did hers and she covered her mouth with her hand, choking on a laugh. She must be getting tired, that had been a private thought.

"I completely just said that out loud, didn't I?" He nodded and coughed back his own laugh.

"Pussy cat?"

She fell into a fit of exhaustion induced giggles. "I'm sorry Serjo, I meant it in the most intimidating, manly way possible." He grinned at her and shook his head.

"What does that mean, Serjo? And..what is it? Muthsera?"

She smiled. "They're Dunmeri titles. Muthsera, or Sera for short, means sir... or madam. It's really only a title of respect. You say it to people you like, or are afraid of, or want something from. Serjo means...hrm, lord...I suppose. That's what you'd call the leader of your group, if you didn't think you could take him that is." She grinned. "It's merely a title of respect as well. I might call my Ashcan Serjo. Or the wise woman. I called my father that when I really wanted something, of course he was too smart to fall for flattery, but it amused him."


"Our leader, the head of the clan. It's a position of high honor not least because the one who fills it is expected to be able to keep it. We're within our rights to challenge him, but we better be damn sure we can back up our mouths with our fists. Of course a good leader listens to his people and it doesn't usually come to that. That's what the wise women are there for as well, to bring balance to the authority of the clan leadership." He frowned at her.

"How did you know?"

"Know what?"

"That I was our alph- or...rather...leader" A slow smile spread across her face.

"I didn't Serjo. Though that does explain some things."

"Then why would you call me that?"

"Like I said, I like you." She winked at him and walked on ahead, letting her hips sway a little more than usual. Knowing his eyes would follow.

Feric watched mesmerized by the hypnotic movement of her swaying body as she moved ahead. He shook his head, tearing his eyes away. He couldn't do this. It was bad enough already with what happened in the city. He needed to just stop. That's it, no more, it was over. He wasn't going to do even so much as shake her hand.

But he still needed her. They needed her. He didn't want to think he was using her or that she was a tool of some kind, like she'd said.

He cared about her. He couldn't help that now, in the back of his mind she Was his mate even if she couldn't be in reality. Even if he hadn't done what he did, she was now the closest thing he'd had to a friend outside the tribe since he was a cub. Before all this happened, and everything fell apart. He sighed and followed sullenly after her.

They were, or rather she, was greeted by a low growl up ahead. He couldn't see who it was, but he'd recognize that sound anywhere.

He laughed despite himself when Inanna threw her arms open and cried "Blue! Did you miss me? I missed you." Mirisa came out of the brush as he caught up and she gave him a dark look.

"Cool it Mirisa. We're here...on business." If she were in a human form she would have smirked...he could tell. He was serious however.

"It's getting worse. Get everyone together in the main room, we need to talk."


Inanna sat perched on an old Ayleid cask and looked around. She was in a smaller hall, with nothing in the way of furnishings. Necessarily of course. They'd come here only with what they could carry and no money or way of providing for themselves without drawing attention, hence, he'd explained on the way, why they needed her. It was nice to be feel needed.

Then again not everyone felt that way. Speaking of which, Mirisa, who was now an attractive and well built blond woman, was standing off to the side with a younger but also well built dark haired man. They both wore robes, which made sense considering they were easier to take off in a hurry. Neither of them payed her much attention, except for the occasional suspicious glance, so she felt free to let her mind and eyes wander. There wasn't much to see however. Ayleid ruins were pretty stark, just pale, luminescent walls and columns lit with the blue glow of strategically placed crystals whose enchantments had long outlived the civilization that had created them. It was pretty, in an eerie, depressing sort of way.

Feric returned after not too long, having changed into new clothes, and was escorted by a man and woman. The woman bore a striking resemblance to Feric and she wondered if she was a sister or cousin. The man was fair haired like Mirisa. The two were clearly a couple as they kept brushing against each other as they walked. Well, that's sweet, she thought without the slightest hint of sarcasm. It really was. It was always nice to see a pairing born of mutual respect and desire. That must be the mated pair Feric had mentioned. All of them had the higher, not quite angular Bretonish facial features and strong looking Nord-like bodies. It must be a racial quality. By no means unappealing either.

Feric introduced her and explained that she was going to serve as a contact for them in the cities until they could find a way to get their feet under them. He then proceeded to explain how he'd been ambushed while leading another group away. Apparently they were beginning to catch on. He'd managed to take out five but the numbers were stacked against him, and he'd tried to escape but was trapped in towards the ruins. She remembered him scratching a nine in the sand.

"Fourteen?" She asked softly from her perch behind him, he looked over at her and nodded. The others looked at her to.

"And how many did you get?" It was Mirisa who asked, looking snide as always. Inanna decided not to rise to the challenge. She had a feeling there was going to be plenty of that later if they still wanted her around. The look Mirisa gave her was territorial in the extreme. She wondered if it was over the place or the man. She shrugged in a non-committal fashion.

"I killed one." It had been a good shot, she'd seen him go down. It would have taken quite the healer to bring him back from that. "I didn't bother waiting to see the effects of the other shots...I had more important things to worry about. Though they made enough noise to sound like they were only if you're looking for an exact body count, I hazard it was only one."

She said nothing in response and turned back to Feric. Inanna looked back as well and caught the other woman, Bellane she was called, still looking at her when everyone else had turned their gaze. Inanna gave her a little smile, which she returned before they both turned their attention to the boss man as he described their flight across the lake and into the city and how she convinced the guards to help them escape afterward. She managed to keep her expression neutral as he very elegantly skipped over the exact technique used to convince them he was just a friend having a visit and that the hunters must be crazy. She almost sniggered though when he described her methods as...effective.

She didn't of course, she had a better game face than that, even wired, hungry, hormonal and looking for blood. However, if Mirisa didn't stop giving her that look she might just wipe it off for her.

'Easy girl, that's just the fire talking.' She admonished. She still hadn't gotten to finish with Feric, and she was, frankly, exhausted and cranky. Someone was going to have to pay for that. Maybe she'd just march back to the city now that Feric was safe and take it out on those hunters. It was their fault after all. Fetchers.

"Inanna?" She blinked and looked up towards the voice. They were all looking at her.


"I was just asking if you wouldn't mind.." his hand drifted as if to signify the room. She caught his meaning.

"Waiting here while you go talk about me in another room? Not in the slightest." She smiled mildly. He nodded and gestured to the others to leave. He followed, though not before casting one last look back towards her, giving her a nod. She wasn't sure what it signified and she was too tired to figure it out, so she just nodded back. When they left she scooted back on the chest and leaned back against the wall and stretched her legs out before her. She had grabbed a cowled cloak before they left so she pulled the hood up and down low on her forehead. She crossed her arms and ankles and closed her eyes. It wasn't as good as real sleep, but it felt restful enough until she could finally let herself pass out.

No sooner had she settled back however, she heard a soft twitter coming from the door. She smiled under her hood but stayed completely still. The twitter was hushed and she heard the light rustle of material coming toward her. From under her hood she saw a small pair of feet come to a stop in front of her and an equally small hand reaching out gingerly to touch her long obsidian bow which leaned against the wall next to her. She waited until his fingers reached the bow and lingered just long enough to feel the vibrations of the enchantment running through it. Long enough to be distracted by it and forget the dark hooded figure...if just for that fraction of a second. She snapped her arm out from under her cloak capturing his wrist and making him leap with a startled cry. She swore if she hadn't been holding him in place her probably would have gone through the roof.

She chuckled lowly, she couldn't help it, and lifted her head.

She knew what she must look like with two red eyes gleaming in the darkness of her hood, it could be intimidating to those who weren't used to it. The boy couldn't be more than seven and had a disheveled mop of wheat colored hair. He stared up at her wide eyed, but with more curiosity than fear.

"tch, tch." She clicked with her tongue, "You have to learn to be sneakier than that my fearless one." She released his hand and flicked her eyes behind to see no less than four more children clumped in the door way. He blinked at her a few times then grinned cheekily, apparently pleased with the title. He thrust his hand out.

"I'm Talon" he said with an even bigger smile.

"That's a dangerous sounding name Talon. Do you live up to it?" she leaned forward slowly, pulling her hood back. He nodded vigorously as she shook his hand back.

"I haven't lost a rabbit once this year, and I pinned Ambrose."

"I let you." Grumbled a voice from across the room. That must be Ambrose. He looked a couple of years older. She beckoned the group over. There were two very little ones who bolted over, only to find themselves timid once they were close.

"That's Sonja and Serus." Talon offered, and motioned to the older children who were walking more cautiously toward them. "That's Ambrose and Mori" The lot shied away a moment shuffling nervously, then were simply overcome by their curiosity.

"What are you?" the two smallest chirped in unison.

"What's your name?" Talon asked before she could answer.

She held up a hand as all five opened up into a torrent of questions. She laughed. "One at a time please. To answer your question," she gestured to the little ones, "I'm Dunmer. Have you seen Elvish people before?" They all shook their heads. "Well most look like me, but they're a different color, paler. Only we Dunmer are dark. Some call us dark elves." She smiled toothily at Talon. "And my name is Inanna."

She proceeded to answer their questions, which were many since they'd never heard of Morrowind, and had only ever heard of Mer, never seen one. She also explained in a limited way why she was there, not sure how much Feric wanted them to know about the hunters. Ambrose nodded thoughtfully when she explained that she was there to help out and potentially act as a go between. He looked like more of a thinker than a fighter. He also had a strong magica aura about him. He'd be great mages guild material if they ever managed to get integrated into Cyrodiil in any proper fashion, she thought, eying him thoughtfully.

"The hunters are getting worse. We need to find help, it's too much to keep running like this." He sighed. See, smart kid.

"I leave you for all of five minutes and look at you. Leave her alone already, she's probably tired." Inanna looked up to find a pretty fair haired girl with what looked like a nice size chunk of something roasted and a chunk of bread in a cracked bowl.

'Ah, my hero.' She thought as her stomach reacted to the smell of food.

"Shoo, you lot. Talon can you take the twins back to our room?" Talon pouted. Inanna saw another figure slip into the room: young, lean, and male, but he kept to the shadows and just watched. Sneaky boy. She pretended not to notice.

"Ahhhh, why do I gotta watch them?" he complained even as he vacated the seat he'd taken next to her on the stone box. Mori made a face at him, which the new girl, who must have been somewhere in her mid to late teens, noticed.

"And you can go make sure he does it Mori." The girl made another less pleased face and grudgingly nodded. 'Well, we all know who's in charge here.' Ambrose seemed content to follow along without orders nodding politely to Inanna before leaving. He even has good manners, the mages would eat him a good way of course... the other good way. 'Mind out of the gutter Mer.'

Was she ever going to do some nasty things to those fetching hunters.

The cute little blond shook her out of her reverie. "Sorry. They...we don't see many strangers."

Inanna shrugged. "It's fine. I don't mind." The girl gave her a weak smile and just sort of stared at her for a bit, then blinked and looked down at the bowl, as if suddenly remembering why she'd come there in the first place.

"Ah, sorry, here." She held out the bowl. "They said you might be hungry."

"Thank you." She replied with a nod, accepting the food. "I'm Inanna by the way."


Inanna gestured to the space next to her recently vacated by Talon. "Have a seat Aina. Talon kept it warm for you."

Aina looked at the spot a little askance, weary of the stranger. She was old enough to be suspicious. Good on her.

Eventually she complied and settled herself in neatly, watching Inanna politely out of the corner of her eye. Inanna watched as the shadow at the back of the room seemed to move suddenly when the girl sat. 'Looks like the shadow belongs to someone.'

"Don't worry Shadow," she said, looking up over the top of the bowl, "I don't bite. Why don't you join us?" She saw Aina look with mild surprise over to where Inanna was looking. The boy...or rather 'young man' as he was clearly a couple of years older than Aina though not much older, stepped out of the shadows and looked her over with a healthy mix of distrust and calculated appraisal. She liked him already. He was like Mirisa, but without all that hot temper crap. He was going to be smart, fast, and deadly.
