Hypnotized at the Costume Party

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Brad is turned in Brandie.
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Introduction: Merry Christmas, I'm back after over a year with a new story for you. This is a story I started over two years ago and I decided to finish it off. I've had a beginning for years, but it was short and lacked detail and I had no ending. 6 days straight of typing and tinkering with it I have a more detailed story and an ending, I hope you like it. It has very similar themes to my previous stories but people seem to like that. I don't consider this a sequel to "Caught and Hypnotized" but it is a very similar style of story to that. So for those wanting a sequel to that story, this is the story for you.

I have read and re-read this countless times finding as many typo's etc that I can, so if you spot one please be kind about it, lol.

Warning contains themes of mind control, non consensual sex and mental corruption, which some people may not enjoy reading. You've been warned.

This story is pure fantasy and is not possible.

* * *

Brad arrives back at his apartment, taking his coat and woolly hat off as his pony tails falls to his back. Brad is 18 in his first year at college and is quite skinny at a simple 5,10 height with long brown hair in a pony tail. After a long day he is not looking forward to the evening. His roommate, Caroline, told him weeks ago that tonight they would be attending the Halloween costume party on campus. Brad agreed to give her total control on picking their costumes as he didn't care. He is dreading her decision now after seeing an evil smile on her face when he agreed to let her choose. Caroline is technically his best friend, they talk about everything and are constantly insulting each other in good jest. He would be homesick now if it wasn't for her making his college life so much fun. They decided to rent an apartment together during college as they wanted a bit more freedom and dorms don't provide that. They're not dating, she has a boyfriend who is in another city studying and he has a crush on her friend Karen. Karen is a sexy red head with the sexiest smile he has ever seen. Not that Caroline isn't sexy, he checks her out every now and then, but they're just friends.

He just slumps straight onto the couch to chill as he has just had a double English class and is very tired. He takes a deep breath to calm down and relax, and then Caroline enters. She is 5,9 with blonde hair and has a very sexy figure. She is wearing a grey t-shirt and tight jeans. "Oh good you're home. Come on we have to get ready for the party." She says happily almost giddy.

Brad looks at his wrist watch and it is only 2:55 pm. "The party is at eight." He says with a hint of confusion.

Caroline breathes out an annoyed sigh. "Yes I know that stupid, but we have lots to do to get ready, so come on." She says forcing him to his feet. He reluctantly follows her to her room.

"OK, I left the planning to you so what is the plan?" He asks, worried by the grin on her face, he knows he's going to hate this.

The grin turns into a huge cheeky smile and she grabs his arms. "Well, I thought it would be good fun if...I went as a guy and you went as a girl?" She says with a hopeful smile.

Brad stares at her in shock. "Fuck that!" He says and turns to leave her room but she grabs him by the arm making him turn back.

"Come on, don't be a spoil sport. It will be fun. I have even bought you an outfit to wear. We have an appointment at the salon for you..."

Brad stops and again looks at her. "What? This is a joke right?"

"No and trust me, you'll love it and there's a surprise for you." She says with a wink.

So after being made to remove all his body hair with a hair removal gel, which Brad described to her as the single most unpleasant experience of his life, especially as she made him do it everywhere. The only thing he didn't have to do was shave, even at 18 facial hairs just never grew on him, he wished he could grow a beard but apparently his Dad never could grow a beard either. He showers after the body hair is removed and once he is redressed they get in her car to get to the salon. He's not looking forward to the experience. Why can't he go as the Joker? Or Gambit from X-Men or something? Why go as a girl? He fidgets in the car not used to the hairless feelings all over. "Why are you making me go in drag?" He finally asks sounding annoyed.

Caroline looks frustrated at the question as she drives. "Jesus, just have fun for Christ's sake. I'm not making you look like a guy in drag." She says, she calms down and then says nicely. "I'm going to make you look like an actual woman." She bits her lip then blurts out "Also I made a bet." She says laughing.

Brad turns in surprised anger and he can't believe what he just said. "Finally the truth comes out. What was the bet?" He asks. He shakes his head in disbelief.

"Well..." Caroline says with a big smile. "I bet Karen that if I could make you look like a genuine woman then she would fuck your brains out!" She explains happily.

Brad turns so violently he nearly cracks his neck to look stunned and excited at the same time. He has had the biggest crush on Karen for the past year and has tried everything under the sun to get her to date him. "What?" He asks in shock. "You'd better not be fucking with me?"

"No I'm not. Apparently she loves guys who dress up as Girls." He looks a taken back at this revelation. "It's kind of her kinky fantasy. One of her ex's told me she made him wear her panties a couple of times. You could have some real kinky fun with her, and she'll never forget it. So, are you in?" She asks hopefully.

Brad thinks about it. Despite being dressed up as a woman he will finally get Karen in bed. Who knows, maybe he'll have fun. He hesitates and puts his hands over his face. "I don't know." He says.

Karen stops the car outside of the salon and shuts the engine off. She turns to him and grabs his arm, he turns to her to see her smiling. "Just go for it, you only live once. Plus, what's the worst that could happen?"

* * *

"Dad I'm fine living in the frat house." Justin says annoyed to his Dad on his cell phone while sitting at his desk with his laptop open. "Yes I know you're concerned but I can get plenty of studying done here." Suddenly a loud crash and cheers echo around the house. Justin looks annoyed at the bad timing of that as now his Dad is giving him an ear full down the phone. "Look Dad, you gave me the key to the new apartment, I promise I'll check it out, ok? I've got to go, I have an essay to finish then a costume party to go to. Love you. Bye." He hangs up the phone.

Justin makes a frustrated sigh and goes back to typing away on his computer trying to finish his essay so he can go to the Costume Party. He is 6 ft with medium length black hair. He isn't a jock or anything, but he is popular with people and he just has family in the right places to be in the frat house and in the fraternity. Although his Dad wants him studying away from that as he says the frat house is not the best environment to be studying in. He hears another crash and cheering, maybe his Dad is right, he hasn't slept well since moving into the house.

The frat house is full of people moving about getting in costumes and planning pranks. He looks at his costume in the closet, an evil hypnotist costume. He smiles knowing he has plans for that. He learned hypnosis recently and is dying to try it out on a hot chick or something and hypnotize her into some hot action. It's been his fantasy for quite some time, he loves erotic hypnosis and sees videos on it all the time. He is reading over the final parts of his essay when there is a knock at the door. He turns to see Stephen from the Football team holding a guy by his shirt. "Hey, this nerd says he wants to see you." He says.

It's Max from the University Science lab. "Yeah put him down for god's sake. He's helping me out with something." Justin says.

Stephen puts him down gently. Max is only 5,6 and is slightly chubby. He looks pissed. "Sorry dude, we get a lot of guys trying to get into this place. No harm done." Stephen says to Max.

Max straitens out his clothes and slams the door in Stephens face. "Asshole." Max says angrily.

Justin turns away from his laptop. "Sorry about him Max. Did you bring what I asked for?" Justin asks hopefully.

Max reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small bottle of pills. Justin gets excited holding them. "Here they are. Now be careful with these. Give them to someone and it opens up their minds to suggestion and puts them in a really deep trance like state. So if you hypnotize them after giving them these pills then in theory you could make them do anything, even things they wouldn't normally do. With regular hypnosis it's very difficult to make people do everything, these however will make them so docile and open they could do anything you tell them. There are side effects you should be aware of. Anyone who takes these will lose some colour in their eyes." Max says watching Justin look at them in his hand.

"What?" Justin asks urgently looking at Max.

"Yeah, the eyes go paler, like a sheet of grey has gone over the iris. Don't worry, it's only temporary, they go back to normal after the pill wears off." Max explains.

Justin lets out a huge sigh of relief. "Cool, the last thing I need is a lawsuit. What about prolonged exposure?" Justin asks.

Max looks worried. "Wait, for one night only you said you needed these for, I will collect any you don't use in the morning."

Justin holds his hands up. "Relax buddy, I'm just curious that's all. For instance, how long do they last for?"

Max relaxes and nods. "Four hours, but they technically last about five hours, but the last hour they'll appear normal and unaffected. So the pill works properly for four hours. They will have a headache when the pill wears off after four, especially if you don't ease them out of the hypnosis. During the fifth hour there is a residual effect, they will still remain in a subconscious hypnotic state. They will appear to be back to normal but the drug is still in their system for that hour, but after that hour the drug will have left their system completely and they will be back to normal."

"Residual effects? That sounds really confusing." He says.

"It really isn't. Listen, say the four hour period ends and they appear to be normal, but if they take another pill during that fifth hour period they will snap back into the hypnotic state you created before like the pill never wore off. As the pill takes an hour after the initial four to fully leave the system. So another pill just reactivates the residual effects of the previous pill. Does that make sense or am I going to fast?"

Justin nods looking kind of confused. "Yeah kind of. So you make someone a workaholic, for four hours they do nothing but work, then the pill wears off, they go back to normal but with a headache. Then they take the pill again and they snap back into workaholic mode like nothing changed?" Justin replies.

"Exactly, yes you got it. But if they take one over an hour later then they would need to be hypnotized and reprogrammed again. We're hoping to use them to treat psychological problems. They're pretty intense pills." Justin nods to Max's comment, he finds this all fascinating.

"Do they remember it all after it wears off?" He asks.

Max thinks about it. "Varies from person to person. Some remember and some don't. We programmed one man to forget only for him to remember a little while later, one only minutes after the pill wore off. Another person remembered nothing at all and months later still remembers nothing." Justin thinks he needs to be careful with these. Max continues talking about the pills. "We have also kept a volunteer in a trance like state for two whole days by constantly getting them to take them continuously every four hours. We had to stop though; the subject took longer than normal for the final dosage to snap out of it. He also had mild personality changes. That cost us a lot in compensation." Max says and whistles. "Prolonged exposure could lead to a permanent trance like state, or if you implanted too many suggestions then the subject could in theory develop a new personality based around your suggestions, so be careful what you tell people to do Justin. Just be a dick hypnotist and make them do stupid things like on TV. If you went too far and you told someone they were addicted to a say hamburgers, then they would be if they were under the influence of the drug for too long. Hence why you have a small dose, I don't want you getting carried away."

"Interesting." Justin says looking at the bottle and seeing about five pills that are a light grey but are slightly transparent. "Only one pill per person then?"

"Yes, giving them two at a time could cause some un-certain side effects. We're too afraid to try. We do know that two pills would be eight hours of the hypnotic state and two of the sub-conscious state. Taking two pills at a time constantly over time could cause un-reversible effects. Especially with the whole personality change thing. Three pills and you're pushing for an overdose." Max now is worried he is feeding Justin too much information, he does talk too much. He regrets telling him about the pills in the first place. He got drunk at a party and blurted it out. He hoped Justin would forget but he didn't. He asked him for a few of the pills to pull pranks, and threatened to tell everyone about them. Max agreed on a stupid payment, and was shocked Justin agreed to the payment, now he just wants what he asked for. "You are just planning to do pranks to your friends like you said?" Max asks again concerned.

Justin smiles. "Of course that's the plan, I wouldn't want to cause permanent damage to anyone. Now, your payment." He opens his closet and pulls out a PS4 Pro, an Xbox One X and a Switch with some games. "Thank god for my Dad's money. I hope you will still have study time playing on these. These pills better work for the price I'm paying for them." Justin says.

Max smiles as Justin puts them in large bags for him to carry away. "Hey, I'm taking a big risk giving them to you. If they find out any of those are missing..."

"Wait, how much does the lab have?" Justin asks suddenly.

"A lot, that's all I'm saying. They won't miss five." He turns to leave and looks like he remembers something else." Oh, one more thing." Max says quickly.

"Yes?" Justin asks.

"If you're planning on using those to make guys do stupid things in front of everyone, for god's sake don't try to give it to a woman." Max says.

Justin looks confused and feels disappointment settling in. "Why?"

"Women reject them for some reason. They'll only work on male subjects. When women take them nothing happens. We can't explain why? It's either hormonal or the mind, but we gave a male subject a small amount of estrogen but the effects didn't change, so it must be something in the mind. We are planning on giving a girl the pill while she has a CAT scan and vice versa to a guy to see the differences." Max notices Justin looks a bit disappointed. "Is something wrong?" Max asks.

Justin snaps out of it. "No, nothing's wrong. Thanks Max. I appreciate it."

"No problem, I never gave you those if you're caught with them." Max says as he walks out.

Justin looks at the bottle of pills and looks disappointed. "Well, there goes the getting laid theory. Suppose I'll just get the guys to cluck like chickens or something." He says and goes back to proof reading his essay.

* * *

Caroline opens the door with shorter dark hair; the salon fitted her with a short male wig so she can pass as a guy. Then Brad walks in looking embarrassed as his hair is now thicker, wavier and blond with strands coming down his face, plus his eyebrows have been done to look more feminine. Also he is wearing long red false finger nails, they're properly glued on too and will take an effort to get them off. "You didn't say they were going to color my hair Caroline, or do my eyebrows. I'm going to look weird for weeks now." He says annoyed.

"Sorry, the dye will wash out over time so chill. Just say you're going though a phase if anyone asks. Now come on, get undressed so I can get you in costume and makeup." Brad follows her into her room while taking his clothes off. He is in just his boxers and she turns and indicates for them to come off. "Don't be shy, your parents weren't." She says and laughs at the shocked look on Brad's face. "I'm sorry." She coughs and composes herself. "Look I have seen more dicks than you have, so take them off." Brad just counts to three and pulls them down, he feels exposed and embarrassed in his hairless glory but Caroline just acts like everything is normal. Then she reaches into a nearby bag and pulls out a black silk pair of panties and a black garter with some stockings. "Come on." She orders.

"Fine, but I better get laid tonight." Brad says as he nears her.

When he is next to her she wraps the Garter belt around his waist and seals it around him. "Now, you put on the stockings, just gently roll them up your legs and please try not to ladder them!" He sits on her bed and starts to roll them up his leg, noticing again that his toe nails are now manicured and painted red like his finger nails are. He hates to admit it but he loves the feeling of the stockings travelling up his leg and he is very careful not to ladder them. He notices they have little pink bows on the top, he looks embarrassed seeing them. When he is done Caroline appears and attaches them to the straps on the Garter belt. "There, now the panties. I brought you a special pair. They're brand new design from this specialist store in the mall. They are made for transvestites, so your cock goes in a special pocket between the legs and it's slightly padded so it hides any bulges and makes your ass look more feminine. Although your butt already has a bubble butt look to it." She says while giggling.

Brad is annoyed by this comment as others have said he has a feminine butt as it is. Brad looks at the panties like they are a cage but Caroline holds them open for him. He notices the feminine patterns on them, the lace around the edges and the pink bow at the top in the center matching his stockings. He reluctantly puts his legs inside and she pulls them up. He is told to reach inside and put his cock in the pocket inside and he does, his balls just seem to have a space designed for them inside. "These aren't that comfortable." He says fidgeting with his dick in the panties. He hates the trapped feeling he is getting.

"It was either those or a pair of my panties with a cock cage." She says smiling cheekily.

Brad coughs and nods. "You made the right call there I think, good job." He says as she laughs.

He looks down and sees a smooth flat area where his cock should be making it look like he hasn't got one. He then turns and looks in the mirror and sees his butt looks slightly more feminine than it did before. "I bet you could twerk that!" Caroline says while laughing.

Brad just laughs. "Only after four beers or something. I'm just glad you didn't get me a thong." He says with a smile.

"I was tempted as they had those with the cock hiding feature and you have a nice butt for them, although I thought better of it, you're not that confident about going as it is. You would run out the door if I gave you a thong to wear." She jokes.

He looks down at the garter belt holding his stockings and a curious thought enters his head. "Why did I have to put the Garter on first?" He asks while fiddling with it.

"So you can take your panties off when you need to pee!" She says like it's obvious.

Brad nods in understanding realising it would get in the way. "Gotcha."

"Now, the bra. I bought a special one from the same store that is supposed to be for cross dressers, they are padded to look like they give you actual tits. Plus if you feel them they do actually feel like real ones, see." She holds the bra out and Brad squeezes the cup, it feels remarkably like a real boob. Brad is amazed at her effort and holds his arms out for the straps and she puts the bar on him and seals it at the back. She then aligns the bra with his chest and pushes in, Brad feels weird as she does this. "There, they stick too, so you'll have a nice bust." She steps back and looks in awe "Wow, what a change." She says