Hypocrite or Cuckold


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"Steve you can't be serious? How will I explain wearing these at work or to the kids?"

"Cindy I am more than serious. Wearing them is not optional. If I attempt to make love again and find you are pre-fucked, there will be no more US because I can't go through another night like last night. You can tell your colleagues and the kids whatever you wish, just wear the chokers. Will you do this one little thing for me, please baby?

"Yes my love I will wear them for you." Picking up the pink one I moved around and placed in on her neck? Reaching for the red one I asked her if she needed this, when she nodded I placed the second one her. She handed me the brown one without a word. I fastened the clasp kissed her neck, thanked her and suggested it was time for bed.

The next morning before leaving for work, I kissed my wife on the cheek and looking at her neck told her, "I hate the reason you are wearing them, but the look good on you." As I drove to work I couldn't help but laugh, they didn't look good at all. Standing there in her tailored suit coat and skirt the chokers made her look silly. Well, now she knows how I am feeling.

Over the next three weeks nothing really changed other than the chokers on her neck. If Rick had not been giving me a heads up on what she was doing I probably would have been shocked. But over the next three weeks there wasn't a single day she didn't wear a choker. A couple of days she only wore the red one, but on most days she wore either the red/pink or chocolate/red combination. At the end of the third week, now my 7th month without cuming in my wife's cunt.

It was another long day, ending a long week. As I sat at my desk the clock said 7:30pm. I laughed at myself and said, that's right old man, you just keep on working like a dog so your loving wife has plenty of time to get fucked silly. Well it's been 7 months since I've lasted fucked that whore cunt, so it's time I ensure there is a little more equality in marriage. Smiling I headed out to the car, home and Cindy.

After dinner, after the kids had gone out to be with their friends I poured a couple of glasses of wine and got the wall calendar. I then asked Cindy to join me at the kitchen table. She smiled at me as she sipped the wine. "A little in the year to be planning our vacation isn't it?". "Yes, it is." "Then why the calendar?" I retrieved a black sharpie and opened the calendar to the Tuesday night I had last tried to have sex with her. "Cindy are you aware that I have not cum inside your pussy for 7-monhts?" before she said no, I could tell from her eyes that she had no idea. "Well it has! Do you know that I often wonder how many orgasms you have had while fucking in that time? Or How many loads of cum you had pushed into you in the last seven months? Oh don't worry, I'm not going to ask. I am telling you this because on this date," I put an "X" through the day on the calendar I gave you the chokers so I would know when we could make love." As I talked I continued Xing out the days "Unfortunately in the 3-weeks since you first wore the chokers there has not been a single day you were available for us to make love." I glanced at her and ignoring the tear rolling down her cheek. "Cindy I have to ask and I want an honest answer? Before I gave you told me about your other man and I gave you the chokers, were you really sleeping with him 5-7 days per week?" "NO she replied it was never more than twice a week before I told you?" "Why do you think it is now everyday?" "He told me that since you were okay with it that we should be together more often. That way I could complete my exploration that much sooner." I nodded. "Did he force you to be with him everday? If you had said, no more than twice per week or maybe even once per week, do you think he would have agreed?" "I d-don't know, probably." With a heavy sigh I looked at her and asked her "Do you still love me?".. "Yes, please don't think I don't, I love more now than when I first said I do"". That forced me to do a double-take. "Cindy if that is true why is it that you made no time for us? I told you I would not attempt to fuck your dirty pussy again yet you have made sure it was always dirty." She looked nervous but didn't say a word so I continued. "Cindy you have not fucked me in 7 months, but I don't hold you solely responsible for that. However, the last month of my celibacy I do blame you for. For the last week I have been trying how to solve this. I promised you could keep your lover so I won't ask you give him up yet, my end date has not yet arrived. I never thought to limit your sexual activity, so I can't really punish you for that. And it is I who refused to use one of your dirty fuck holes. As you can see, it's a bit of a paradox. However I believe I have a solution, would you like to hear it?"

I looked at her and could tell she wasn't as worried right now and was indeed anxious to learn how I proposed dealing with the problem I had laid at her feet.

"Cindy do you think it's unfair of me to believe that I should be getting a good fucking at least once a week, especially since you are getting boned at least 7 times that often?"

"God yes Steve, once is the bare minimum, I wish you would fuck me every night. You know I want you to, dontcha?"

"Thank you, so we agree that I deserve 1 fuck a week. Well since I haven't gotten any for the last 3-weeks you owe 3 good ones right?

With a big smile "Yes baby I do and you can have the first one tonight!"

I reached over and gently caressed all 3 chokers she was wearing. "If only I could baby if only I could." She looked a little confused when she heard that.. good.

"So here is my plan. Any week in which you have a bare neck for at least 4 nights with one of them being Friday or Saturday I will consider that a week I could have enjoyed sex with my wife even if I don't." when she looked at me I said "well I might not be in the mood and that wouldn't be fair to you would it?". Any week in which I cum in your pussy meets the once per week requirement. Are you following so far Cindy?"

"Yes, I am following you. You want at least 3 days in a week where I a clean and available to be fucked by you, but you are not obligated to love me on those days I just have to be available." "You got it" I replied. "What happens if you don't use or I'm not clean 3-days?"

"Oh, then you owe me a good fuck." She smiled at this response and said "OK". I smiled back and said "and for every fuck you owe me, I will go out and find a woman who is willing to provide me the pleasure that my loving wife is unable to. Notice, I didn't say unwilling, because I know you would never deny me and are quite willing to let me fuck you. I just can't do it when your stretched and dirty."

"Steve, you can't do this to me.. you can't" as she began crying I went to hold her. "Now, now it's okay my love. I promise you I won't get emotionally involved, but we both agree that I should get laid at least once per week but it's been 7 months for me. I know that you are getting all of your sexual needs met, but have needs too baby. I know you love me, so I know you'll be okay with this. I promise I'll follow your same ground rules, I won't lie to you when I do it, but I won't volunteer either." I let her sob for another 10-minutes then offered her some wine and when she took the class I kissed her forehead and headed off the bed.

10-minutes later she joined me in bed and after a few minutes started caressing me and soon was stroking my dick hard. I let this continue for a few minutes as I was really enjoying it, then using my hand gently moved hers away. "Baby I hate going to bed with blue balls and if you keep that up, that's what will happen." She quickly whispered into my ear, "It does have to, I suck you dry?" I didn't even turn my head as I said, are you wearing the red choker? Throaty pissy "yes" was her answer. "I could give you a hand-job? How about that my love. I could jerk you off and you could cum all over my face or tits or pussy, you'd like I know you would." She actually giggled as my she felt my cock twitch. Once again I moved her hand but this I turned towards her and said, "Cindy are you going to tell me that I should be content with a hand job from my wife, my love, while she is getting 13+ loads of cum fucked into her various holes. Is that really what you believe?" As I looked at her, she dropped her eyes and I heard a very soft "no".

I rolled back over and she immediately spooned me.. moments later I could feel her tears dripping onto my back. She hugged me tight and said, I don't want you fuck anyone else. I whispered to the room, "Neither do I baby neither do I."

The next day was Saturday and Cindy left for your day long shopping trips. Of course these days she never came home with anything other than her chokers and filled pussy. Tonight was different though. When she came home, the kids were out but so was I. I had left a note on the counter saying that I was going to run some errands and would be home when I was done.

When I got home and entered the bedroom the clock said 10:35. Cindy looked up from her book, smiled and said, "Hi there stranger, I was starting to get worried." "Worried?" I replied, "Why? You got my note didn't you?" "Yes, hubby I got your note, but.." "But what?" I said, "Oh nothing, I just glad your home. Now come to bed.

So I took off my clothes and crawled under the covers. She was instantly wrapped around me and as she started kissing my neck I felt her hands sliding down toward my dick. Suddenly she stopped and sat up, "Where have you been Steve?" "Out running errands, baby?" "That's Bullshit Steve, who was the slut you were with?", "What are you talking about Cindy?" "Come on Steve who was she, I can smell her perfume all over you. Who the fuck was it?"

At this point I lost some control and literally jumped out of the bed and turned towards her. "Who was it? No one you, or your colleagues or the kids know that's for dam sure. No one I am in love with, that is equally for sure. If you want to know I'll answer every one of your fucking questions I won't tell you who she is. Any of this sound familiar. I sure as fuck hope so, as it's the rules I've been living with."

When I stopped talking she looked very sad, glanced down and when they came back up I could see the fire in them. "I understand, I owe you 3 fucks and you had to get your first one, you couldn't give a chance to make time for you." I interrupted her tirade by saying "I gave you 3-weeks how much longer did you expect me to wait?". I little of her fire died, but she continued, So you got laid, I really do hope it was good, hell after 7 months I hope it was great for you, I really wished it was with me but I get it. But Steve, why did you at least take a shower before joining me in our bed, why rub my nose in it? Why? Why be so cruel about it? She stopped and looked at me expecting an answer. I went and turned on the shower and returned, she was still waiting. She would wait a long long time for that answer, instead I looked her straight in the eye and said, "Do you remember the night I tried to make love to you and you told me you were dirty, already full of your lover's cum? Well that night, I had asked myself the same question you just asked me." I watched her just long enough to see her face register shock and then I then entered the shower.

When I returned to bed, Cindy was not there and at that point I didn't have the energy to see if she was even in the house. I turned on the TV and at some point I just fell asleep. The kids finally woke me up and asked what was for breakfast? I suggested they ask their mom, but they said she had left early to go shopping. That caught my attention as she had never failed to cook a morning breakfast for them since they had been born. Oh well, I thought to myself, if it's all ending at least it is partially on my terms. So I got dressed and took the kids out to IHOP.

Cindy returned home around 5, wearing all three chokers again and asked me to come to bedroom. Figuring this would be the denouement of my marriage I followed a bit reluctantly but no longer fearfully. I loved her, but had finally come to terms that it would probably being ending soon. After I entered she closed and locked the door. Then she sat down on the bed and asked me to do the same.

"Do you still love me Steve? Do you still want to grow old with me Steve?" I answered "Yes and Yes". She smiled and then said "I know that this has been hard on you Steve, much harder than I ever imagined. I realized last night that you weren't going to be able to take much more and I just about went crazy because I can't image my life without you in it. Steve, do you think could last one more month, just one more month?" She had surprised me once again, "What do you mean one more month?" "I mean my love, that it's February 22nd, if you promise me you won't leave before then, I will end my other relationship forever, on March 31st."

"What if I tell you I can't make it another month? That I need my wife all to myself, now and won't share her another day."

"If you mean that, then I will leave you now and go to him. I will spend the entire night with him to thank him for all he has given me, and I will never see him again."

"Why do you need another month? I really need to know Cindy, I really do."

Sighing, "I told you this was a journey of exploration for me. It has been. Once it began, we both generated a list. His list of was of things he wanted to do with or to me. Mine was of all the things I had ever wanted experience but was either too afraid or too embarrassed because good girls didn't do those sorts of things. It turned out our lists had many matches so we agreed the relationship would focus solely on completing our combined list and that once every item had been checked off the relationship would end for all time."

"Cindy, why didn't you share your list with me. I love you, I would have explored with you?"

"Steve, now .. I believe that you would have. At the time, I didn't think so. I thought some of these things were so depraved and that no respectable lady could do these things. The idea of you no longer thinking of me worthy to be your wife was too much. I just couldn't. Looking back on it, I know I was naïve and stupid, but that's the truth just the same."

"Cindy you never answered the question? Why do you need another month?"

"Because we think it's possible to complete the entire list by then and after all the pain I've caused you I want to put this behind me not have remain an "open item" sitting in the back of my head."

I looked at her .. I swear I just stared for 30 minutes.. yet when my eyes blinked the time on the clock had not changed. "Okay my love. I promise, I will give you until March 31st to complete your list. But all the other rules stay the same. I'm going to get laid every week, even if it's not with you. Do you understand?"

"Yes I understand. There is one more request I need to ask. He wants to take me away the last week of the month. Leaving Friday night and returning the Saturday. When I return to you that Sunday morning, there will be no one else ever again in our lives, only you and me?"

Now I wasn't just surprised I was shocked. "So you not only want a month but a weeks vacation from me too? Nice.. so very nice? Where are you two going?"

"He won't tell me, he says it's a surprise".

Shaking my head and laughing, because, let's face now it's just funny. "Okay you win again, in for a penny in for a pound. But since he has his stipulations, here are mine and it's not negotiable. At least 1 week before you leave I want a detailed itinerary for you including flight and room confirmation numbers. You will call me upon departure and arrival and at least twice each day so that I know you are safe. You can tell him I will not share this information with you so I won't ruin his surprise. On the other hand if I don't have this information and you leave don't come home."

Her smile flashed as she hugged me and said "Thank you, just one more month, thank you so very much." Then her smile disappeared, her serious face came back and I could see the fire return to her eyes. "Steve, I know that you have 2 fucks coming and will probably be owed another 5 before this over. I hate the idea but I know you are entitled to them and a part of me, really wants you to enjoy them." Eyes blazing "But remember this, you are my one true love and always will be my husband. So don't you dare fall in love with anyone else" She didn't really make it sound like a request. Her eyes sparkled and she smiled as kissed me again and whispered, "Besides you will never meet another woman that will be as willing and able to please you like me. It was pretty true before this stared but it will definitely be true come April 1st. She kissed me again then quickly left to start Sunday dinner."

Well the next month didn't exactly zoom, on the contrary it was on the longest months I've ever lived through. But there isn't really that much to share. We lived through the same daily routine and as predicted she wore all three chokers every day. Once a week I stayed out late and spent 4-hours with a stunningly attractive girl who worked on an in-call basis and delivered on her promise of the full GFE. Oh she was pretty and I always had a good time but I loved Cindy.

The week Cindy was off on vacation with "some friends" was not easy, but I forced myself to keep busy and tried to spend time with the kids. When she returned to me on Sunday she looked exhausted but her neck was bare and her smile melted my heart. I couldn't help it, I picked her up and hugged her, kissing her I spun her around. She stared laughing and kissed me some more. Finally, we got her and her bag into the bedroom where I kissed her and pushed her onto the bed. I stopped kissing her long enough to look ask her if she was all mine again. I saw her eyes tear when she said, "I am all yours and only yours for the rest of my life. I want you to take me and make me yours again. I need you to fuck my face, my ass and cunt I need to fuck me hard and fill me with your cum. I want you to make me feel owned by you and your dick."

I pulled back a bit, and said "You want me to own you?" She smiled and pulled me to her lips, "Silly you, don't you know you already own me, you always have. Now I need you to take back what has always been yours, not so that I will know it but so that you will."

I smiled and because I'm too stupid I couldn't resist, "So if I own your pussy and ass, if I decided to share it with a friend you would be okay with that?" "Steve, I am your wife and in public I expect you to treat me that way, but when we are alone you are my Master and I am your slave", placing my hand on your hot pussy. "You own this now and forever so if want me to use it to bring pleasure to another you only have to tell me." .. "Seriously?" I asked. With an evil smile she reached for my cock and said "Seriously Master, Seriously.... Oh.. God.. please Master fuck your slave's pussy."

Hell, after all this crap, what to think happened next. That's right. I fucked her pussy, seriously fucked her pussy. I was very happy to see her walking tenderly to the car Monday morning.

I told Susan Meyer that Cindy and I had reconciled and she wished us both the best of luck. I received the PI's final report along with disks containing all of the photos and video they had collected. Included in this was 80 hours of video from Cindy's vacation that according to the report was very adulterous in nature with a BDSM emphasis. All of this information I put into a safety deposit box.

I still have a number of questions that need to be answered. Do ask Cindy to share her list with me? Cindy was serious about being my sex slave which sounds great, but how do I become the Master she needs? And there here is Bill Jackson. I have a very complete profile of him thanks to Rick's investigation, the question is do I want to hurt him more than I want to thank him. Right now, I don't know the answers and will have to trust time to provide them. Until then, I am going to enjoy every moment with my wife and love slave Cindy. May all of you reading my story find the same joy I have and I hope you do so, without a fraction of the pain.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

Second time I have read this story....and yes it was under different titles...it wasn't any better the second time...just another Cuck story sure he goes without for 7 months and he gets three fucks on the side while she is getting it every day. not just a Cuck that is a downright pussy...I mean he probably never had a Man card to get taken away.

This is more of that Woke shit I hear about

AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

What a bunch of BS...I noticed that you threw in that he had a three week affair...but hers went on forever....and they had a list to complete. Why didn't you just cut off his balls at the start of the story and end it there? This is nothing more than a willing Cuck story...

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

Kolejna opowiesc chorego umysłu lub męskiej dziwki

Madison1492Madison1492about 1 month ago

It would have been a better ending if after being a pathetic loser he would have waited until she came home on her sexuality fulfilled high “promise” all her shit was over and shot himself in front of her of course after having arranging a hit on lover boy to happen at a bout the same time

26thNC26thNC4 months ago

Buster a badass in his comments, then he writes his big black chimp garbage. Boy got a screw loose.

Buster2UBuster2U4 months ago

So, the worst part of this wife's betrayal, No One has mentioned in the comments but me. It was that she and her lover created Sexual Bucket lists of Fantasies to play out, enact or do that was Too disgusting that she couldn't share them with her hubby. What would those fantasies include? Why wouldn't it include going to a swinger party, having a gang bang, being a street-walking prostitute, or dancing naked in a dive bar or strip club? At the very least it would have to include working in a Nevada whore house for an extended period of time. Really? Really! What else would be so disgusting that she could NEVER tell hubby, but she had a secret fantasy to do? Have a Black Baby? I don't know what else she could imagine. Walking down the street naked? fucking strangers? Fucking Homeless Bums? The Mind boggles at disgusting possibilities. I hope this wasn't an autobiography. Poor hubby. Buster2U

Buster2UBuster2U4 months ago

100 Big Blazing Stars for a Truly heart-wrenching story. What amazing patience, What an amazing love, In all the loves of my life and broken hearts and tears I have NEVER been able to have that kind of love and Patience for another human being. To wait for the love of your life to get tired of fucking another man in every way possible. LOL He would have been a dead Mother Fucker for sure. How could any normal man take that kind of pain? This low life POS wife (had she been mine) would have to be BRANDED on her body, starting with her ass, everytime she fucked other lover. Besides that, sharing a sexual bucket list with another man not her husband, was completely over the top. That means she ahared all her sexual fantasys with another man refusing her husband also. she would have to be sold to a mexican whore house for that shit! OMG You have written the complete and total betrayal of EVERYTHING A woman do to destroy her husband. My hats off to you my friend. This story is so Over The Top. I just realized How OTT it is LOL. You really did everything to this poor guy. I hope that this story isn't true. I know I could NEVER have survived this. My last wife was a true Nympho, I took hypnosis to try to stop being Jealous! But I still hated myself for NOT being adequate enough. WOW, what an amazing heart breaking story. Thanks so much. Buster2U

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Ummm, no. Not for me.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

3* because it was well crafted, but too ridiculous to be taken seriously. In addition, there were numerous errors (wrong word , missing words, misspelled words, etc) that distracted from thee we story. Most of these would have been easily corrected if the author had proofed it.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Since he had an affair years ago that lated 3 weeks he should haveen generous and let have twice that and that's all. 8 months of being a cuckold was just more punishment than he ever deserved. Be the better man, allow 6 weeks and then end it. No personally I would have set her free at the get go.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I wish StormX or someone else would write a follow up to this story. I find it creative and intriguing despite selfishness of wife.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

As unrealistic as it is, I love this story and over the years have read it multiple times. One thing that always gets me is how selfish the wife is. She says she only loves her husband and there is a difference between sex and love. Then she has sex daily and doesn't even clean herself up. How selfish is that

Excerpt from story quoting wife "I just laid in bed. I loved knowing your essence was in me and so I started keeping you in me as long as possible. After you fell asleep I would slip panties on and wear them all night. In the morning I would take them off, shower and wash the outside of my pussy but not the inside. Afterwards I would put on the dirty panties and wear the all day. It made me feel naughty and close to you at the same time."

This is a description of what she did with the husband before she started having daily sex with someone she didn't love. The problem is that she does the same thing with the non-lover also. She keeps his come in her as long as possible so much so that her husband (as known to her) couldn't have sex her. This went on for months. All she would have had to do is to douche and he would have been ok with it, but no, she wants to feel the "essence" of her non-lover all the time. Have there been any follow ups to this story, if so I would like to know. Also, despite what I have written this is a 5* story.


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Anonymous23 days ago

This is stupid! Who would spend one day in this fucked up mess. The other guy would be dead or dickless and this whore would be on the curb. BURN BABY BURN and that will go for your lover, but double for him !!!!

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