I Didn't Mean to Follow Her

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She made him promise not to fuck her.
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It was just after ten. I was working four-tens back then. I was young and single. I was off on Fridays. For the last year I had spent most nights during the week at one of bars in the uptown neighborhood where I worked slipping away with one of the women in the call center for reverse happy hour. Lately, I had been seeing one of them fairly steadily. It had cut down on my social life.

Lucy worked four-tens as well but preferred mornings so we saw each other three times a day. Our shifts overlapped by two hours so I would go by her desk midday to say hello. At night when I got off I would go back to her little house and we would fuck. In the mornings before she left she would wake me up and we would fuck again.

The rumor mill around the office suggested we were getting serious. It had been a few months. I wasn't sure how I felt about it. Lucy liked to fuck, nothing fancy, no foreplay, no games or teasing or lingerie, just naked, just fucking. I was enjoying it but I didn't see growing old with her. I wasn't going to break up with her, I just assumed at some point it would fall apart the way things usually do.

I was leaving work heading for Lucy's house and contemplating life but the tiny little brunette in front of me looked really good in her jeans. As tiny as her ass was, the jeans were tinier and whether it was the denim that shaped her ass or her ass that shaped the denim it worked. It distracted me. We walked like that to the door, past the security guy and out into the parking lot.

Those of us that started midday all ended up parked in the annex lot. It was down a hill down a flight of concrete stairs. I walked absent-mindedly following the kinky haired brunette. Damn she had an ass. The night had clouded over. The city lights reflected off the clouds and cast a dull purple glow over the city. As we hit the flight of concrete steps she looked back at me.

The eyes that first looked at me showed a hint of fear but when she saw it was just me they softened and she smiled a little.

"Oh, its just you." She said.

"Just me?" I feigned offense.

"I just mean you aren't dangerous."

"What do you mean? I am very dangerous."

"Uh, sure."

We walked more or less together. It turned out we were parked nose to nose. This was a long time ago. My Trans-Am was a nice car back then. It was a different time. Her minivan was still a minivan. In the drivers seat I caught her looking at me. She looked away when I caught her eye. I heard the hideous little motor her in Chrysler start up. It rattled. I turned my ignition, the large, woefully underpowered V-8 grumbled to life. It may have been a crap motor, about the same horsepower as a modern Subaru, but it sounded awesome.

Had I just been headed back to my apartment that would have been it. I would have waited at the light to turn left and get onto the freeway. I wasn't, I was headed to Lucy's shitty little dirty house downtown. I think if anything kept me from thinking more long term about our relationship it was three days of souring milk in cereal bowls in the kitchen sink.

I drove thinking about life and love and fucking. I wasn't paying much attention. I followed "BENZMOM" through the uptown shopping area and into the older houses further south. I think I knew Dawn was married and had a baby. I presumed now the baby's name was Ben.

The broad street we were on was a pretty major thoroughfare. It was the type of six-lane road with a median and a speed limit of 45. Most people drove 60. We were doing about twenty when her turn signal came on. I wasn't paying enough attention to wonder why but enough to think it was odd. We slowed further.

I didn't think of what I was doing as creepy. Not at the time anyway. We weren't in the best of neighborhoods anymore. It wasn't scary but there were more tire stores and garages than anything else. She pulled into a dark strip mall. There was a dive bar in the corner. I pretty good one actually. There was also a dead grocery store. You could still see where the sign had been painted around but the sign was gone. She drove around into the alleyway behind the store. It was dark and abandoned. Even the old security lights had burned out. She parked her little van in a dark nook in front of a large bay door. I parked next to her. I turned off my car and the night went silent except for the incessant rattle of a bent fan blade or loose motor mount. I got out of my car and moved around between the passenger side and her driver side door. She just sat there looking out the window at me.

I made a gesture. It didn't mean anything in particular. I shrugged my shoulders and held my hands out to my sides like you see statues of Jesus. She opened her car door and stepped out.

"You should turn it off."


"Its noisy?"

"Yeah, it is."

She was meek, maybe even mousy. She was suddenly embarrassed and climbed halfway back in her van leaning over the drivers seat to shut off the motor. Bent over I found myself presented again with her ass. It was so small. I wanted it. When she stepped back out she asked why I was following her.

"I think it might be your ass." I said because it probably was.

"I'm not going to sleep with you," she said.

I acted as though it was the furthest thing from my mind but stepped close to her.

"I'm not going to kiss you either," she said. Her eyes stayed fixed on my feet.

"I wouldn't even think of it," I replied but moved even closer, leaning against her van beside where she stood.

"That doesn't leave much," she muttered. She continued mumbling I continued to move closer to her. "I'm married, you know. I have a kid. You don't want me. You would have wanted me. I was hot. I was tight."

She looked up at me just briefly; her eyes were pale gray and her cheeks were freckled. She was adorable. I reached for her. She pushed my hand away.

"You shouldn't touch me even," she said.

"I wasn't going to touch you." I said.

"No? It seemed like it. What were you going to do?"

I didn't have an answer. I probably could have thought of something witty with a couple of minutes but instead I just reached for her. My intent in that moment was just to do all the things she had told me not to do unless she told me to stop. Women are funny - or they were. I don't think they are still like they used to be. I blame Beyonce - slut culture. Back then they thought they needed to say they wouldn't do what they wanted to do before they did it. It wasn't that "No" didn't mean "No" it was just that they always said "no" before they said yes. Kids today have it too easy. Swipe right to fuck, are you kidding me?

I reached for her; she contorted to avoid my hand. I caught her side just below her ribcage. I intended to grip her but kind of missed. She bent over and guffawed. I did it again repeatedly tickling her side, the dent between her hips and ribs. She laughed loudly and her tiny body clenched into a ball.

I tickled her with both hands until she was gasping for air and begging me to stop.

I stopped. She stood bent over with her hands on her knees catching her breath.


"You have no idea."

"I'm getting the picture." I tickled her again, grabbing and pinching and shaking anything I could get my hands on. She chuckled and gasped and laughed and giggled. I was more or less holding her off the ground. When she slipped I grabbed her to keep her from falling to the asphalt. I happed to grab her ass between her thin legs.


"Hey what?" I let go of her slowly. She stood back up.

"I'm not ticklish there."




"Why is that good?"

"I don't necessarily want you laughing when I touch you there."

"Why?" she asked.

"Why? Because there are whole other lists of responses that are much better."

"No. Why did you follow me? Why are you here with me? Why aren't you off at a bar with Nicole or Lucy or one of the others?"

I didn't really know why. "Because you have the sexiest little ass I have ever seen."

"Stop. Lucy is sexy." She had a point. Lucy had long black hair, large breasts, a broad round ass. She was sexy.

"She is sexy. You are sexier."

"No I'm not."

"Take your clothes off. I'll give you an informed opinion." I always spoke more formally than normal people, especially the people in the claims call center. As a kid it branded me a nerd. At 30 it worked.


"The fact that you asked about here tells me you intend to do as you are told. I like that. Yes. Here." I didn't really intend to come off as firmly as it sounded but it I think she liked it.

"Maybe my shirt?" she said. She was in a little cowboy looking plaid shirt, red, blue and green. It had come un-tucked from her jeans when I accosted her. She continued to look left and right. The night was dead silent. There were no lights but it wasn't completely dark, there was that gently purple glow off the clouds. The air had started to smell of rain. There wasn't quite a chill in the air but it was cool.

With her shirt unbuttoned she did another check of the alley and then pulled it off of her shoulders. She looked around for some place to set it. She opened the door of her van and sat it on the bench seat beside the carseat.

She had the softness of a mother but the gentle perfection of youth. She had a freckled chest and a mole above and to the right of her belly button.

"Lovely." I said quietly.

"Yuck." She said back. "Baby fat. I'm working on it."

"Hand me your foot."

"You are so weird."

I got down on one knee. She handed me her foot. She had on those little cheerleader sneakers. Keds? I untied it and pulled it off. I didn't hurry. I pulled off her sock. She held her foot off the ground.

"Give me the other one."

"My foot will get dirty."

"I like dirty."

She switched feet and I removed the other shoe and sock. She stood inches away from me barefoot in Jeans and a bra. I kissed her belly just above her jeans. She took my head in both hands. I proceeded to remove her jeans. She was silent as I undid the button fly then gasped as I pulled them down off of her hips. When I had them below her knees I stood up and backed away to look at her. She pulled her feet out of her levis, picked them up off the ground and devoted undo attention to straightening them before rolling them up and setting them inside her car.

"Happy now?" she asked. I looked up at her face. She looked down at her feet.






"We can't have sex. Please. Promise me."

"I promise."

"Keep your pants on."

"I will."

"Please because if you don't I will and I don't want to promise me please."

"I promise."

She still didn't look at me but she reached her arms awkwardly behind her back the way girls do and removed her bra. The bra and panties were nothing fancy, just white cotton. Victoria's Secret was a thing and all the women I knew had one matching set of fancy lacey under things but they were for special occasions and Tuesday at work was still strictly white cotton.

Her breasts were small but full and round and with the bra removed they stayed right where they had been.

I intended to mention the panties but excitement and nervousness caused the words to stick in my throat. It didn't matter. Sheepishly she set the bra in her car and turned her back to me. She stepped out of the small but conservative white panties and sat them with her other clothes before turning around. She posed with her eyes down, one arm across her chest and the other gently covering where her legs met her body.

I didn't know what I was discovering about myself that night but I found her shy prudish pose appealing in a way I didn't understand. I told her so.

"I was right. You are the sexiest thing I have ever seen." I stepped towards her. "Can I kiss you now?"

"No." It was a whimper.

"Okay." I answered calmly.

I didn't kiss her. I moved to her though. I reached around her head, it was no higher than to my shoulders, and gathered her thick curly hair up in both hands at the back of her head as if I was going to pull it into a ponytail. It caused her to lift her head. Her eyes, seeming so meek looking down, now were wide open and flashed excitement. I held her head back, her face up to mine. In my left hand I held her gathered hair and I placed my right hand to her throat. I exerted no pressure, just rested it there above her collarbone. I moved my face as close to hers as I could without touching. I felt her breath on my lips. Her own lips were parted, her eyes fixed on mine, as I looked her over.

Her tongue slipped out of her mouth grazing my lips before she pulled it back. She smiled at me then parted her lips again.

We played that little game. She tried to lick me before I could pull away and as we played my hand moved down her body.

I gripped her breast firmly in my hand.

"Don't." she said. It wasn't a no. I teased her nipple. "You'll be sorry." I pinched her nipple. "Don't say I didn't warn you," she whispered, then using the distraction, she slipped her tongue into my mouth. I pulled her head back and gripped her tit in my palm while pinching her nipple sharply. My hand filled with a sticky wetness. She gasped.

I couldn't help it. I did it again. This was something entirely new to me. She gasped again.

"Mark won't touch them. They are for the baby, he says." She whispered. "I haven't nursed him in months. I use the pump though. I have to. They start to hurt. I need to stop so they will stop but I hate when they hurt."

I milked her again. She sucked in a breath, her eyes slipped closed. She stopped her nervous chatter.

"I'm all wet." I said.

"So am I." she whispered. She had gone from 0 to sixty faster than that old white TA could. I ran my hand down her belly whipping her milk onto her stomach. She parted her legs as I reached a curly tuft of hair. She had no lips to speak of. I intended to tease her a little but my finger slipped inside of her. She moaned.

"Open your eyes." I said firmly. She did. She looked into mine. I intended to be slow and gentle but a devilish grin took hold of her lips.

Her body shook gently each time I shoved my fingers into her. She grunted. I fucked her harder. I added a finger. She struggled to stand but I held her by her hair forcing her to.

She groaned. She reached for me. I removed my hand from her pussy and slapped her hands away. Instead she reached out to her sides and gripped the doorway of the van.

I pressed my hand back inside of her. Three fingers moved inside of her. I thumbed her clit. Moisture filled my hand. Her mouth dropped wide open and she sucked in the cold air.

I pulled my fingers out of her to rub her clit. I rubbed it firmly, my hand slapped against her pussy. She squeaked. Her knees went weak. She collapsed. I released her hair to wrap my arm around the small of her back. Her shoulders fell to the armrest of the bench seat behind her. Her leg lifted up in the air.

More. I had to do more. I had to do it harder. My hand dripped with her come. I slipped a wet finger into her ass, one into her pussy, and my thumb pressed firmly to her clit. She bit her lip. Her squeals became moans. Her back was arched and her tits pleaded to me.

As my fingers fucked her I sucked her tit, my mouth filled with sweet and salty cream. She gripped my head with both hands.

I don't know if it was two minutes or an hour. I fucked and sucked her until my arm ached from holding her up.

I released her and sat her on the sill of the sliding door. She panted and looked up at me.

"Fuck," she said. It sounded funny. She had been so meek and prudish a few minutes ago.

"You said that was a no-no."

She smiled at me. "You didn't even kiss me."

"Not on the lips."

It seems like we stood there a long time.

"I should go." I told her.

"Not yet." She just sat there another minute. "You have to do the other one."

I didn't know what she was talking about.

She climbed up into her van. She unhooked the baby seat and fought with it to get it over the middle bench tossing it into the back. Her bare ass, was so small and thin I found myself staring at her pussy. I wanted to fuck her but I didn't need to fuck here. There was a whole list of things I wanted to do to her tight little ass.

"Come here," she said. She sat herself across the back seat. I climbed in with her and pulled the door closed. The dome light went out. She pressed my mouth to her left breast this time. The minute I touched my lips to it milk spilled out into my mouth. She groaned deeply. I looked up at her - she looked down at me. I concentrated on my task. I have no idea why but it was so fucking hot my cock threatened to come in my jeans.

Her moans became deeper and longer. I didn't understand that either.

I reached again for her pussy, it was tough to get to, she was lying beneath me. She helped, raising her short skinny little leg till it hung over the back of the seat. I sucked her tit, fingered her, and thrust my hips forcing my hand into her.

She growled and her whole body shook when she came. I released her and sat back in the seat. She lay there looking at me. Her eyes wide, her legs spread.

My balls hurt.

I had to fuck her. I opened my pants and tugged them off my hips. It was difficult to move in the confines of the back seat of the van. She didn't say anything. I ended up in the floor between the front seats. I turned her. She let me. She even propped her feet on the backs of the front seats.

I leaned forward. My cock pressed against her pussy. She closed her eyes. I pressed the tip of my cock against her lips.

"Wait," she muttered.

I did.

She looked at me. The excitement in her eyes turned to sadness.

"Don't hate me."

"I don't."

"We shouldn't."


"I want to."

"It's okay." I said. I can tell you some time why it's okay. It's a long story.

"I want you to come though."

"Just sit like that." I told her.

I jacked off. As I did, she moved her own fingers to her clit.

She grinned madly at my dick.

It didn't take long.

I was young. I had been fucking without fucking for at least an hour. The first shot of my load spread straight across her body. It hit her eye, her cheek, her neck, her tit, and it just kept going. It shot across her thigh and onto her pussy. She rubbed her clit faster. She wiped cum off the back of her hand and rubbed it into her pussy.

"Come, come here," she said. We twisted and contorted inside the car. My jeans kept me from moving much. She ended up nearly upside down, her head hanging off the car seat. She gripped my ass in one hand and pulled me to her mouth. The other kept up its motion on her clit. She moaned into my cock. She pulled my ass repeatedly until I was fucking her throat.

When she came, her legs straightened. I watched the lean muscles in her thighs clench.

When I came it hurt. It hurt because she didn't stop and I couldn't pull away. She sucked my dick until it gave up the last of my cum. My leg was cramping. My back was stiff.

With no small degree of difficulty we unfolded ourselves from the van.

I fixed my pants. She wiped the cum off her chest and legs with her panties then pulled on her jeans and shirt.

"I can't take these home," she mumbled, holding the cum covered panties. I took them from her. "You are bad," she told me.

"You need to go."

"I will say I worked overtime."

"I'm sorry." I said.

"No, I'm sorry," she said.

We looked at each other for a while, each of us leaning against our cars. I wanted to kiss her. It seemed like the right time to kiss her. I stepped toward her. She had gone back to the mousy girl from earlier and was staring at her feet. When I stepped closer she ran, figuratively, she actually just stepped quickly to the driver's door, climbed in, and slammed it in my face.