I Thought We Were More Ch. 03

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Jacob and Alex play show and tell.
4.8k words

Part 3 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/06/2015
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Jacob woke up to the sound of running water. He opened his eyes and realized he was still in Alex's apartment.

More importantly he was in Alex's bed. He quickly looked under the sheets and saw that he was still wearing her pajama bottoms but his shirt was no longer on.

The running water was the shower which suddenly stopped with a squeak. After a few moments Alex stepped out of the bathroom wearing panties and a new XL t shirt. Jacob assumed she was wearing panties but he supposed she could maybe be naked underneath the shirt, after all, the shirt came down to her knees.

"Where do you get all these extra large T shirts?" Jacob asked sitting up in her bed.

"Ex boyfriends." She chuckled.

"How did I wind up in your bed?"

"Well, we fell asleep on the couch and I figured we would be more comfortable on the bed so I suggested we move. In your half asleep state, you slogged off the couch and collapsed into bed. You took your shirt off right after that, don't you dare think that I did that."

"Oh of course not." Jacob teased.

"Um, no I wouldn't, ...not any more than you would let your horse flop out of it's stable in the middle of the night."

Jacob looked at her with a confused look on his face. "My horse out of its... Oh god. Did it really?"

"Well I woke up and as I lifted up the sheets to get out of bed I saw that most of it had escaped from the gap in those pajama bottoms you are wearing. You didn't tell me you would be going commando in my borrowed clothes."

Jacob's face turned bright red and Alex used this opportunity to start laughing at him. It was a loud belly laugh too. He turned and faced the wall and did his best to disappear.

"Don't worry there kiddo. I am confident you washed your asshole within the past 24 hours. I'm sure my pajamas are clean. And besides I may have liked what I saw."

"Oh please, that is the nicest thing you could say at this point."

"Well then I won't talk anymore about your penis, I thought maybe you would like the subject."

"Well that is just one more thing I haven't done with any of my other friends. I've never compared genitals or accidentally flashed any of my other buddies."

"Maybe you should."

"Your saying penis flashing is a hobby I should take up, especially among my friends?"

"If you have a good looking penis, why not show it off?"

He looked at her with a puzzled expression. "Do you have a good looking...um...area.?"

She looked at him slyly. "What area are you talking about? My body is made up mostly of good looking areas"

He was ready to play her game at this point. He couldn't think of a better friendship than the one that was forming right this second.

"You made yourself the judge of whether or not I had a good looking penis. I should get to see your...uh, you know, and judge whether it is good looking or not. Its only fair."

"My what? My pinkie toe? My ankle? My neck? What on me do you want to see? Should I show you my boobs?"

"If you have seen my penis, then how is seeing your boobs going to be fair?"

"Because if I show you my vagina that is on a whole new level."

"How is a pussy any different from a penis?"

"Because... it just is. A girl will show her boobs off all day long, but to let someone see her pussy is WAY more personal."

Jacob decided it was time to take some of the seriousness out of the conversation. "What does it resemble a celebrity or something? Do you have a hairy mole on one of the lips?" he said trying to be as awful as possible.

She stopped dead in her tracks. For a long time she didn't say anything. Then all at once she lifted up the front of her T shirt. Jacobs's eyes traced down from her belly button to between her legs.

There her round pussy sat shaved and glistening from the shower. The small inner lips barely poked out from between the larger puffier outer lips.

Then she jerked the T shirt back down and glared at him. He however seemed hypnotized. Even though her shirt was covering it, his eyes were transfixed on her crotch now.

"A hairy mole! Are you serious? The things men come up with in their stupid little minds."

"Well you don't have one so what difference does it make?"

"What are you talking about?"

"A big ass hairy mole on your lady parts."

"And what if I did have one? Is that a deal breaker for guys?"

"I wouldn't care that much."

"Well do I have a good looking pussy or what?"

"Alex, I don't care either way. What difference does it make? We are just friends anyway."

She looked hurt.

Jacob tried to recover, he didn't want to hurt their relationship. "Look, I really like what we have here. The friendship we have is one that would only be possible between a man and a woman. Would I cuddle up with any of my guy friends, probably not, would I show my dick to a guy friend, certainly not. But here we are putting everything about each other out on the table and it doesn't change the dynamics of our relationship because we are a guy and a girl."

"Should we just start dating and see where it goes from there then? At this rate we will be married by winter."

Jacob looked sad. "I kinda like what we have right now. I have never had a friend like you. Do you mind if we keep it at that for now? I am not suggesting friends with benefits or anything. Just friends that can cuddle and talk about stuff."

She looked at him for awhile. Then she smiled and walked back to the bathroom.

He smiled back and got up out of bed.

"Well, hey I would love to keep talking about our new, show and tell friendship, but I gotta go to soccer practice, you wanna come with me? I could introduce you to the team."

"Sure that sounds awesome." He said sincerely.

He had put his shirt back on and went back to his apartment. He told her he would wash her pajama bottoms and return them that evening. He took a quick shower and met her back at her apartment just as she was heading out the door.

She was wearing a T shirt that was actually her size and she had tied ribbons around the sleeves to pull them up to her shoulders. She wore short, black soccer shorts that came down to just above the middle of her thigh. She carried a drawstring net with three soccer balls in it over her shoulder and tossed the whole bag to him as he walked up to her.

"Would you carry these for a lady?" she said sarcastically.

"Maybe if she acted like one." He fired back.

"Oh that was good." She said and punched him in the arm.

At the soccer field 20 or so girls were all stretching and kicking soccer balls to one another.

The field was surrounded by bleachers that were made of large slate rocks and concrete. They formed a sort of amphitheater around the bright green field with its two large white goals on either side. The girls were all of about the same size and shape with a few of them looking more like amazons that could destroy Jacob with a single punch and a couple that were short yet sporty.

A few of them waved as Jacob and Alex walked onto the field but Jacob quickly made his way to the bleachers. None of the girls even had time to introduce themselves, instead those that were interested ran up to Alex and exchanged a few words. Every time one of them greeted Alex they would turn and look over her shoulder at him. Once again Jacob found himself wishing he could disappear.

Practice first consisted of drills and passing relays. Soon however a full on 10 on 10 practice game broke out. A few girls were left over and sat on the side lines. One of the girls that had talked to Alex when they had first arrived was sitting on the out of bounds line directly in front of the spot where Jacob sat on the bleachers.

She turned and noticed him still sitting there alone. She got up and began to walk up the bleachers towards him.

"So you came to watch practice, but you weren't going to talk to any of the rest of us? For someone that is just Alex's friend, she sure is keeping you all to herself."

"Ha, no that's not what is going on at all."

Jacob laughed. "You all looked so intense out there I didn't want to interfere with anyone's routine."

This response caused the girl to smile and she held out her hand to him. "I'm Taylor."

"Jacob." He said holding out his hand.

She shook it daintily with a more feminine grasp than Alex had done the day before.

"So, you came out to watch a bunch of athletic looking girls run around a field right?"

"Am I that transparent?" Jacob answered going along with her joke. "Actually I was told by my advisers that I didn't show enough school pride and needed to pick a school sport to support.

I have never been one for football so I decided women's soccer was the choice for me. If you're gonna watch a sport, it might as well be one where the players are hot."

Taylor's face blushed, and she appeared to be trying to think of something else to say.

Jacob quickly tried to recover the situation.

"Maybe I should just watch switch to men's sports though. Take all of the sexy out of it." He said.

"I think you made the right choice." Taylor said.

She was taller than Alex by a few inches and was also a bit bigger boned. She seemed sturdier and yet was still slender and very feminine. Her hips were wider and she had a much more curvy body than Alex or Clair.

"So, when is it your turn on the field?"

Now it appeared that Taylor thought Jacob was full on flirting with her. She truly thought he had just made some sort of double meaning.

"Whenever you like." She said.

Jacob's face turned to that of astonishment when he realized his mistake. She caught on to what was happening.

"I mean, pretty soon." She said quickly trying to save herself from total embarrassment. She realized her mistake just by the reaction Jacob had given her.

"I actually need to go check and see if anyone needs to sit out for awhile."

"It was nice to meet you!" Jacob called out to her as she walked down the bleachers to the field.

"Nice to meet you too." She said over her shoulder.

Jacob watched the team practice for a little while longer and then he felt his phone vibrating. It was Derek calling him.

"Hey man. I heard you decided to let go of all your friends that are guys and have begun cultivating a Harem."

"What are you talking about Derek?" Jacob questioned.

"Fred says you got pussy stroked by some girl in your Calc class and then he saw you in a coffee shop with some other chick. We both texted you yesterday, why didn't you call us back?"

"First off, what the fuck does Fred know? Secondly, yeah I was hanging out with a new friend of mine and I didn't want to be rude and talk on the phone while we were hanging out."

"Well you could have texted me back."

"Your right man, I'm sorry. Can we get together this afternoon? I want to buy you a beer and make it up to you."

Derek paused and finally said. "Ok sure, wanna meet at Dave's later?"

"Yeah, I'll see you at 2?"

"2 it is." Derek answered.

Jacob watched as Alex ran around the field. She was so beautiful to him. And yet he was still feeling burned by the whole Clair thing. He had no idea why it was getting to him so much but he felt worried that Alex might turn around and try the same thing on him.

He hated that his trust had been destroyed so quickly. And he hated the fact that his own male friends couldn't understand why a guy would be distraught over being used like that.

Soccer practice came to a close and Alex and several other girls came walking up the bleachers to where Jacob was sitting.

"Jacob these are my friends. Of all the girls on this team, they are the ones that love me the most." Alex said.

Each girl came forward and shook his hand. The first was a tall slender girl named Molly. Her long brown hair was brought up in a bun on the back of her head.

Next came Samantha, who was called Sam. She was husky for a girl but Jacob remembered her being quite fast on the soccer field.

The next one, Diana was perhaps the most attractive out of all of them. She looked more like she needed to be a swimsuit model then a soccer player. She was slender with somewhere between a B and C cup breasts. Her jet black hair went well with her dark Spanish complexion.

Last was Rose, who was also of Spanish decent. She was lean and muscular like many of the other girls on the team and had long dark brown hair. Her green eyes were what caught Jacob's attention the most. She also seemed to be smiling the most and was the most genuinely glad to meet Jacob.

"Rose is an exchange student from close to Mexico city." Alex said.

"I got to America as quickly as I could. I've always had a thing for American men." She said looking into Jacob's eyes.

"Eh, Spanish boys are probably in better shape. And they are supposed to be better lovers." Jacob said smiling back.

"Only one way to find out." Rose said.

"Ok you two, save it for the third date." Alex said laughing. "Hey Jacob, me and the girls are going to grab some lunch at the sandwich shop in town. You want to join us?"

Jacob stood up and began to walk down the bleachers to the field with the group of girls.

"Actually I just got a call from one of my other friends. He wants to meet me for a drink. He is feeling kind of neglected." Jacob said the last part semi sarcastically and Alex smiled and began to play along.

"Aw maybe you can cuddle with him and cheer him up."

"I might try that." Jacob laughed. "I will be around though, so if you all are doing something later give me a call."

The five girls and Jacob parted ways and he began to walk towards town. It was about 1:30 and his phone vibrated. He looked at it to see that he had a text message.

It was Derek telling him he was heading to the 51st Yard Line, a local bar and grill, where the wait staff was 95% female and they all dressed up as cheerleaders. Huge screens adorned every wall and the major football games were on all season long. The place served everything from wings to burgers to a few selections of Mexican food.

Derek was sitting at a table by himself watching the second half of a major college football game. Jacob came up behind Derek and clasped him by both shoulders and pressed him down in his seat.

"What's up bro?" Jacob said over Derek's shoulder.

"Watching Northwestern beat the crap out of State."


"Sorry I have been elsewhere lately dude. Glad we could finally get together."

"So what's been keeping you from the world of your fellow man?"

"Women, and not even any that I am trying to get in a relationship with."

"Fred said you got some though."

"Yeah, but it hurt more than it felt good."

Derek was a handsome boy of 21 years, with shaggy brown hair and bright blue eyes. He was tall, strong and muscular and did very well with the ladies. But he did agree with Jacob that love was a little more of a goal than Fred's philosophy of trying to screw everything that moved. But he still aligned with the fact that boys and girls had certain needs. He was in pursuit of a wife but he was not in any hurry to get there.

Jacob explained the whole thing that happened Thursday night.

"I understand where you are coming from man. You thought she wanted something more and in the end she just kicked you out. She totally Quagmire'd your ass. I could see where that would hurt. But don't let it get you down man. Just lift yourself back up and get back on the horse."

"Your right my friend. I guess I shouldn't be so upset about it. I guess I just really wanted to be with this girl. Her throwing me out as soon as she was done was just... Bad."

"Well what were you doing last night that you couldn't hang out with me and Fred?"

"Funny you asked. I was hanging out with this girl that lives a couple doors down the hall from me."

Derek laughed. "Sounds like you got over the other girl pretty quickly."

"Oh, no this one is just a friend. We watched Cartoon Network last night and that was it."

They chatted until about 5pm and then Jacob decided he was going to go home and study. He and Derek said their goodbyes and Jacob paid for the food. When he got back to his apartment he decided he needed to relax for a little while.

His floor plan was only slightly different than Alex's. Because he had a one bedroom, his entryway still opened up with the kitchen on the right. However, he had a living room adjacent to the kitchen and to the left was his bedroom with an attached bath.

He took another shower and once he was done he decided to hell with clothes and began to walk around his apartment naked. He spotted Alex's pajama bottoms and gathered some more of his laundry and threw it all into the clothes washer. He sat down on his couch and turned on the TV then reached over to his coffee table and grabbed his laptop.

The college he attended had its very own social networking site and he went to this first. He had various messages from all of his current friends, but then he noticed that Taylor, Rose and Alex had added him as friends. He confirmed all of them and that allowed for any messages they had sent to appear in his inbox.

Alex's message just said she was glad they were friends and that she hoped he would return her pajama bottoms soon. CLEAN and butt stain free.

Rose sent a message saying she hoped it was ok that she added him without them knowing each other very well. She then said she hoped they could hang out some time. Jacob chewed his fingernail a little over the thought of this and then moved on to the next message.

Taylor said she was glad Alex had brought him to the soccer field today. She asked if there really was anything going on between him and Alex and Jacob chuckled at how transparent the girl seemed to be. Either she was just being nosy or she wanted a clear path to Jacob without Alex getting in the way. He couldn't believe how straight forward the girls on this soccer team were.

He glanced through several pictures of Taylor she had on her site and realized that being naked coupled with looking at pictures of the bikini clad hour glass figure of the girl caused him to get an erection.

Not wanting to be an internet pervert, Jacob moved back to his inbox and first replied to Alex.

"Looks like your pajamas are going to need to go to a professional cleaners. They are just that butt stained. I pulled some strings though and they should be clean by tonight if you want to come get them."

Next he replied to Rose.

"I would love to hang out sometime. I never pass up the opportunity to meet someone new. I am taking Spanish next semester so maybe you could get me a head start on the language."

Lastly he replied to Taylor. This one he had to put the most thought into however. He hated how much her slender waist and wide hips stuck in his mind. Thoughts of her bikini pictures blipped back into his thoughts and his penis which had just about fallen back down, now roared back to a standing position.

"Hey Taylor, I had fun watching you guys kick the ball around today. I think the team is going to be really good. Can't wait to see you guy's first game. I just recently met Alex on Friday so we haven't known each other very long, but I am grateful that she is introducing me to so many nice people. I am from farther north and didn't really know my way around this town, so it is nice to finally start settling in and meeting folks." He suggested they hang out some time and entered his cell phone number as the last thing on her message.

By the time he finished typing the message to Taylor he had another message from Alex. She said her and Rose were at her apartment and that they were coming over.

Jacob's heart froze. There was a knock at the door and he threw his laptop to the side and flipped over the back of the couch. He made a dash for his room but slammed into the wall before he ducked into his room and put on some clothes. He then bolted back to the front door and looked through the eyehole. It was Alex and Rose.