Ingrid's Dark Secret Passion Ch. 08

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Bondage ceremony at der Höllenfeuer Verein.
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Part 8 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/04/2021
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As Ingrid returned to her seat next to the other candidates, another member, was able to apply some balm on her back, and rump to assuage the soreness. The next planned event for the evening was ready to proceed, and so Mistress Denna addressed the crowd, "That concludes the initiation tests for the new members to der Höllenfeuer Verein. And were those tests not spectacular?

The audience cheered lustily as they had to agree with that general assertion. Mistress Denna, then proceeded, "So our four candidates Lucrezia, Zenobia, 'der Hun' and Messalina are now full members of der Höllenfeuer Verein with all the rights and privileges that entails. However, as part to the time-honored tradition of the initiation ceremony, new members are required to submit to bondage and submit to other members of the club to complete their initiation ritual.

"Again, to emphasize, Lucrezia, Zenobia, 'der Hun' and Messalina are now members, so they are entitled to use their safe word if the action becomes too intense. And unlike the initiation test, using the stop word does not disqualify them of their membership. We are a consensual sex club after all. Now, notwithstanding the overall consensual policy of our club, every member must go through the initiation test of discipline and the ceremony of bondage. Der Höllenfeuer Verein's policy is that if this does not appeal, then why would one want to join. Surely it's not for the refreshments and the drinks we have available during our parties."

Everyone duly laughed at that banality, as Mistress Denna said, "Now tonight as I said before you're in for a special threat, and in fact I would go so far as to say you're in for an extraordinarily special treat."

Everyone applauded as they became excited in believing Mistress Denna at face value. She continued, "As some of you know, three weeks ago, I modeled in a bondage show and conducted a mild spanking scene workshop at this year's Boundcon. The rigger who bound me was Boris Bazanov. Boris started in bondage twenty-five years ago and got specialized in Japanese Bondage. Therefore, his work reflects the traditional techniques taught by the leading Nawashis (rope teachers) in Japan. Over the years, however, he has supplemented these techniques with his own ideas, and thus has established his unique style.

"So, in Munich, I was able to persuade, Boris to take time off from his very busy schedule to come here tonight to provide his professional expertise to our bondage ritual. He will tie up a couple of our new members, namely Lucrezia and Messalina, and I shall be his assistant for this task. He will be able to divulge some tips as he proceeds, and he has left us with his brochures for those of you, who may wish to improve your techniques with rope bondage."

As Boris Bazanov took to the stage and waved to the crowd, they in turn applauded as they appreciated this unexpected expertise supplied to enhance the initiation ceremony. Mistress Denna added. "And that is not all. I was also successful in persuading another rigger at the fair, who goes by the name of Blonderly, one of the not so few female riggers, to also join us tonight. Blonderly is Czech, with over 16 years' experience with rope. Her style leans towards Japanese bondage but is not comparable to any popular mainstream style today. Techniques and patterns of different styles are incorporated in her own characteristic developed style. Her goal is to explore and stretch boundaries by adding just a touch of sadism, an experience that deepness her connection with her bondage subject. Her style is fast and fluent when needed, soft and loving when required, but always with care for her subject. The unique dynamic between her, and her bondage subjects is a lust easily discernible to a spectator's eye."

As Blonderly joined Mistress Denna and Boris, the audience applauded enthusiastically reacting to Mistress Denna's picturesque speech. She continued her introductory information, "Now Blonderly will be tying up Zenobia and 'der Hun' and while I'll be busy assisting Boris, she will need her own assistant. Ah! I see Mistress Mercy is back from her previous departure during the test. Come up here girl."

As Mistress Mercy was coming up to the stage, Mistress Denna noticed that Mistress Mercy was naked save her boots, garter belt and fishnet stockings. She also noticed the fresh whip marks on Mistress Mercy's back. Mistress Denna tartly observed, "I see you've lost your top since you were last on this stage. Well, these things happen. I also see that Caligula has calmed you down from the distress you seemed to have experienced."

"Oh yes he has taken good care of me! And I'm happy to assist Blonderly."

The audience tittered at Mistress Mercy's remissible excuse for her absence. Mistress Denna continued, "Now before we proceed let me remind everyone of the established ground rules for this event. All of the new members have consented to be bound, and beforehand have agreed to have sex with any member. Now when you came in tonight, you drew from a glass bowl a slip of paper under Mistress Mercy's supervision, who then recorded the result of the slip against your name. Some of the slips only contained a number from 1 to 60. The other slips bore a letter either 'L', 'Z', 'H' or 'M' plus a number between 1 to 6.

"The letter identifies which new member you can have sex with once they're restrained. I think you can infer that 'L' refers to Lucrezia and so on. The number means your priority in having sex with your designated newbie. 1 means you will have first dibs and if the newbie desires simultaneous sex, then the next number will have that opportunity. As you know our new members can have as much sex as they can tolerate, but experience tells us that 6 is the maximum amount of sex partners any member can tolerate while restrained."

Someone in the audience asked, "So what happens if one of the newbies wants a seventh?"

"I'll address that in a minute. Just so you know, 'der Hun', although he considers himself straight, has agreed to accept oral sex from any member of either sex as well as sodomy. He indicated to me that he would even be willing to perform fellatio on any man so desiring, but as I understand he will be suspended above the ground so he will probably not be able to do so. This special consent only applies to this event and does not mean that such consent will follow as a matter of course to his future activities in the club.

"Since we are a fully consensual sex club, so if any man has drawn 'der Hun' but does not wish to suck 'der Hun's magnificent cock, you can turn in your slip right now. The person who drew the number 1 will replace you. Anyone?"

As it so happened one man did draw 'H-1', and another one drew 'H-6'. They each duly signified that they did not wish to participate. Two women had drawn 1 and 2, and No 1 was happy to have this change of fortune. No 2 was not too excited as the prospect of having sex with 'der Hun' was not likely, but at least there was a possibility of sex with 'der Hun' whereas before she had none.

Once the changes were noted, Mistress Denna added, "Naturally this consent applies to our lady newcomers as well in that they've all agreed to accept sexual advances from either sex for this event. And of course, if any woman has drawn one of our female newbies, she can also bow out. Is there any lady wishing to so?"

As it turned out one woman did draw M-1 and wished to decline the opportunity to have sex with our Ingrid. Luckily No 3 was a man who was licking his chops at the sudden reversal of good fortune. He just could not decide on what kind of sex he would like to have with her.

Mistress Denna continued, I want to remind you who have tickets to have sex, that for this occasion a sexual action involving discipline/punishment will not be allowed. Our new members have already had their fill of such activity during their initiation testing."

Some applause from the audience erupted with shouts of, "Oh yes we understand! No spanking for now!"

Mistress Denna, then said, "Again to reiterate, all four of our newcomers are now full members, so that notwithstanding, the general over all consent as I just announced, they all have the right to safe, sane and consensual sex. So, like all members they can utilize the traditional safe words to control their tolerance and enjoyment of BDSM activity. In case you've forgotten: 'Red' means stop immediately; 'Yellow' means you need to slow it down; and 'Green' means hey I like it please continue. Also, if any newcomer is gagged in her bondage, and I understand one of our ladies will be, then there are actions that replace the verbal safe words. A vigorous shaking of the head will mean stop or 'Red'. An excessive and successive blinking of the eyes means you need to slow it down or 'Yellow'. A vigorous nodding of the head means 'Oh yes I love what you're doing' or 'Green'.

"Lucrezia, Zenobia and 'der Hun' have opted to adhere to this formula. But as it so happens our music student, Messalina, has opted to use different words i.e., musical terms. She has told me that it works better for her. So, her stop or 'Red' word is 'Mozart'. As an Austrian, I'm naturally dismayed by such a choice. I mean who wants to stop listening to Mozart?'"

Everyone guffawed at that non sequitur. Mistress Denna continued, "Incidentally, Messalina advised me that her choice was somewhat arbitrary solely based on the fact she is presently residing here in Vienna. She assures me she loves Mozart and delights in playing the andante movement of the 21st piano concerto. That by the way for those of you who are unfamiliar, was the theme music for a forgettable Swedish movie, titled Elvira Madigan. Besides, she pointed out that using 'Beethoven' as an alternative safe word might prove to be more difficult to utter in a moment of distress."

Some more titters were audible as Mistress Denna proceeded further, "So for 'Yellow' Messalina has three words: 'Adagio' means slow down; 'adagissimo' means please slow down even further, and 'affanosso' means please pause and let me catch my breath. That's not to be confused with Mozart which does mean stop unequivocally. But 'affanosso' simply means stop for the moment until she signifies to continue by saying 'adagietto', which incidently means fairly slowly. For 'Green' she also was three words: 'amorosa' means loving it keep it up; 'moderato' means yes but more oomph please; 'presto' can't you do better? Really give it to me, I want it. By using such charming safe words, I'm happy to report that Boris has assured me, that Messalina will not be gagged."

The audience was now fully laughing at the droll suggestions, as Mistress Denna continued, "You don't have to worry if you can't remember all those terms. Just make sure you remember 'Mozart' means stop. For the rest, I'll be at Messalina's side to monitor so that if she does utter one of those musical terms, I can advise you what it means, so that you can act accordingly. Actually, I pride myself as an amateur musician, I can play the violin somewhat adequately, so if Messalina utters a different musical term, I'll probably be able to interpret it as well, to determine what she wants."

Everyone cheered, as one joker in the audience shouted, "Mistress Denna to the rescue! She knows what to do!"

As the room quieted, Mistress Denna proclaimed, "While I've been talking, some might say way too long..."

The same joker declared, "Oh no Mistress Denna! Not too long at all! We can listen to you for hours! Even days!"

As the evening had been replete with farcical interruptions, Mistress Denna momentarily lost her composure. She sputtered in her laughter before she could articulate a coherent continuation. Once she regained her equilibrium she said, "Be that as it may, but you would have noticed this stage has been cleared of unnecessary paraphernalia by our faithful member volunteers. So, the stage is totally ready for our bondage and sex show.

"To my left, Blonderly and her assistant will tie up 'der Hun' and Zenobia. To my right, Boris Bazanov with my help will take care of Lucrezia and Messalina. Once a new member is all tied up, and ready for some good loving, the six of you who drew her or him can mount the stage and see firsthand the results of the bondage. Mistress Mercy and I will ensure you lineup accordingly, so that the subsequent action occurs in an orderly fashion.

One final point, as you will come to see that once fully restrained our newbies will be suspended totally off the ground or partially suspended. That being the case it may not be possible to participate in all forms of sex. However, you are welcome to try whatever you think you may succeed at. All sex that is possible is permissible so long as you take care to ensure safety. So, without further ado, we are ready to begin."

But the same person who had posed the question originally asked, "Hey you forgot to answer the question of what happens if one of them wants more than six partners."

Mistress Denna answered, "Oh bless me, I had forgotten you had asked about such an improbable situation. So, if one of the new member wants a seventh partner while still in bondage, the person who drew No 4 would be called upon. And the other numbers are in play then as well. At least we had the foresight to number the slips up to sixty the total number of all of you present. I daresay given their performance in the endurance tests, we just might have to resort to this contingency measure. Now surely there are no more questions, so let's begin."

As it turned out Mistress Denna's answer was deceptive in that the numbered slips of paper had more significance than what she had intimated. But the members did not discover that until after the trial of bondage was completed.

The members had all arrived in street clothes prior to the meeting so as to enable them to dine beforehand at the Café Lola, the restaurant on the premises. Prior to the start of the meeting, though, they were then able to switch to their BDSM costumes in either of the two dressing rooms. As part of their BDSM wardrobe, some of the women had breasts and nipples exposed. Others wore masks covering the area of their eyes. Such accouterments gave an ambience of a comprehensive pervasive sinful activity which enhanced the enjoyment for all. Consequently, they were all primed to view the bondage ritual, and those lucky enough designated to have sex with the newbie in this ritual were especially geeked.

Blonderly, had the physical appearance of a Nordic godless. And thus projected an awe-inspiring image. She first turned her attention to 'der Hun'. She directed him to lock his hands at the back of his head and she secured his wrists together with a double layered over the arm tie. The forearm and upper arm were also secured together behind his back. She then established a rope harness to secure his chest. His right leg was then bent together so that his calf adhered to the thigh and the heel of his foot was touching his right buttock.

Blonderly then bound the ankle of the left foot and secured it to the rope harness binding his chest. This connection necessitated his left leg to be bent making it impossible for him to remain upright on the floor under his own power. Blonderly grabbed a hold of the suspension rope hooked to the ceiling and with a hook at one end of the suspension rope secured connection with his bound arms. Then pulling on the other end of the suspension rope, 'der Hun' was raised to float dangling in the air. Blonderly anchored the holding end of the suspension rope to a hook secured to the floor of the stage.

Mistress Mercy, as part of her assistance duties thoughtfully wiped 'der Hun's ass as he was twisting in the air, to ensure safe anilingus activity. She did this surreptitiously to forestall obvious negative reaction from such a visible embarrassing display, albeit a necessary practice of hygiene. Her action though was obviously discernible enough to allay fears of those who were desirous of licking 'der Hun's ass. Mistress Mercy also thoughtfully, at least to her own calculation, took his penis into her mouth in order to prepare him from the onset of the six eager members wishing to give him head.

To this end, Julia Klein, an office receptionist, who had been allowed to go with the name of Julia in club activities, was the substitute member replacing the male member who drew H-1 protested, "Hey Mistress Mercy don't be so greedy. Allow some of us to taste his creamy cum!"

Of course, laughter ensued amongst the five other ladies that had drawn 'der Hun', but Mistress Mercy quipped back, "Hey I'm doing you ladies a favor. Because of the agonizing position he's in, 'der Hun' probably can't last long. This way with my help at least two of you might be able to make him cum."

'Der Hun' was miffed at such perceived slight to his virility. Even though he was somewhat uncomfortable in his strained position, he nevertheless was determined to have sex with as many of these women as possible. He said, "Not to fear ladies I feel I can handle you all."

Heeding Mistress Mercy's admonition of the anticipated short interval of sex, Julia Klein immediately sprang into action. She was not prepared to try a vaginal sexual intercourse given the practical difficulties in achieving a satisfactory, and enjoyable result. So, she opted for a blow job as a more mutually pleasant activity. ''Der Hun, although totally suspended above the floor, was elevated only slightly above the floor, but completely up in the air. Consequently, Ms Klein by kneeling on a pillow, upright on her knees still had access to 'der Hun's cock, and able to perform an adequate fellatio. With his suspension made his body perforce swing constantly. That constant motion of his body in the air transformed an ordinary blow job into a mind-blowing experience for both of them.

Since Ms Klein's efforts in servicing the flesh of his shaft was greatly prompted by the jerky motion of his body in the air, 'der Hun' experienced a different sensation of exhilaration. The irregular rhythmic advances and retreats by her mouth along his cock caused a yo-yo effect to his libido. His penis remained physically erect, but his sensual mind switched wildly from pure joy to excruciating agony resulting mostly from the fatigue of his suspended bondage. Thus, when he did climax, he experienced the sensation of his sperm dribbling out, as opposed to blasting out of his penis. That sensation to him was an equal measure of agony and ecstasy.

As for Julia Klein, she also experienced a novel reaction to the fellatio. She realized that she had not the luxury of allowing his penis to inadvertently slip out of her mouth. To recover and return his member into her mouth would take a longer pause than in a normal blow job, which in turn would tend to interrupt her mood unduly and lose her focus. So, her concentration was set to ensure his cock remained fully in her mouth throughout until he ejaculated. There was no way she was going to relinquish her time with him until she had induced him to cum.

Paradoxically that concentration made the excitement of performing the fellatio soar in Ms Klein's mind. She felt compelled to frig her clit as a natural addition of this oral sex act. It was not in her normal nature to so masturbate while giving head, as she did not consider it a requirement for her participation. She had become accustomed in her previous blow jobs, to receiving exploding cum hitting the back of her throat, when her gentleman partner ejaculated.

With 'der Hun's slow ebbing flow of his sperm just oozing into her mouth, Ms Klein enjoyed the treat of slurping up his seed, and fully savoring the smell and taste of the same. Coupled with her intense masturbation she was absolutely overwhelmed in her euphoria. As she climaxed, she allowed his cock to slip out of her mouth. Raising both of her hands up in the air, she fist pumped in triumph. She shouted, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"