Inside Information Pt. 02 (Original)


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"It's the only way I could make you open your door."

The voice came from behind me. I literally jumped straight up in the air and spun around in a 180 degree turn. The whole time my brain was screaming, "Missy?" Of course, that was wishful thinking on my part.

It was Claire. Even though it took my eyes a few moments to adjust to the dim light of my living room, I could easily tell it was Claire. Her shapely figure is hard to mistake, especially when she is standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling plate glass windows that line half of the rear wall of my living room. She was standing by my couch, looking oh so very sexy, and oh-so very nervous as well.

Brilliant sunshine streamed through the gap in the partially drawn curtains, making her butter-crème yellow sundress almost completely transparent. Every inch of Claire's luscious curves, her full breasts, her narrow waist, and her well-rounded hips were perfectly silhouetted.

She'd changed her hairstyle, and it looked great. Her dirty-blonde hair (isn't that such a naughty sounding hair color?) had been recently styled. It was shoulder length now, and it was coiffed to give it that purposefully mussed up appearance, making her look as if she'd just been royally fucked and she was looking for more.

Claire's complexion has always been exceedingly smooth, and she never wore much make up; she didn't need to. With her broad cheek bones and wide, innocent-looking blue eyes, Claire's face had an irresistible angelic appearance that I had always found appealing.

She smiled timidly and said, "Hi, Kevin."

"What do you want?" My voice had a sharp edge to it that made Claire wince. I didn't mean to sound so angry. But I wasn't even certain I wanted to be talking to Claire. I wasn't certain I wanted to be talking to anyone. My emotions were too raw, and I was still so deeply embarrassed. Why was Claire here? To gloat? To tell me to get lost? To disgrace me even further? Blackmail?

But that didn't fit in with Claire's obvious nervousness. She seemed just as on edge and as tense as I was, almost more so. If she was that edgy, why did she come? Maybe Missy wanted Claire to tell me something. Could that be it? Was Claire here to deliver Missy's humble apology? I so very much wanted that to be the case. But you know me and wishful thinking.

Whatever Claire's reason for being here, I wasn't going to find it out by standing here like a statue, like the monument to stupidity I felt like. Finally my hopelessly hopeful brain kicked into gear, and I remembered the plastic bag dangling from my hand.

"Uhm, how did you manage to hang this on my mailbox and then sneak inside my house without me seeing you?" I asked curiously. I made me voice as cordial as possible, which was rather difficult because I felt anything but cordial right then.

"A girl doesn't reveal her secrets." She smiled shyly. Wow, she sure had a sweet smile. Suddenly there was a lot of the tension in the air.

"Oh, she doesn't, does she?" I replied pleasantly. Pretty witty banter, huh?

I set down the bag of rocks on the coffee table and walked closer to Claire. I had been sitting around in only a pair of shorts. I'd left my shirt on the couch next to where she was standing, and I was feeling a little underdressed. "Can you at least tell me why you're here?"

"Uhm, okay." It was odd; she sounded nervous again. This couldn't be good. "I came to talk to you. I wanted to apologize to you and try to explain things." She sounded sincere, but her blue eyes refused to meet mine.

"Explain what? Isn't the video tape self-explanatory?" I scoffed furiously.

"What? No! No, there is no tape! Not any more. Mrs. O'Bannon took it, right after . . . right after you left," Claire stammered. "Mrs. O'Bannon destroyed it. Nobody's even watched the tape. It's the truth, Kevin; I promise."

I so desperately wanted to believe her. I took another step closer to her, to look into her eyes, to see if she was lying. And this time Claire had no trouble returning my direct glare.

"If you are telling the truth, how did Larry find out?" I demanded.

"Beth must have told him. She and Larry are cousins. You have to believe me, Kevin. No one has seen the tape at all. Mrs. O'Bannon took the camera away from Beth right away and confiscated the video. You should've heard her yelling and screaming."

"Who? Beth?"

"No, Mrs. O'Bannon. She was screaming and yelling at us," Claire said, and her cheeks became flushed as she remembered. "I've never heard her scream like that. And the words she used . . . She was so angry with us."

"Good. You deserved it," I said. Hearing about them being reprimanded and the destruction of the video tape made it feel as if someone had opened a window shade inside my head, and clean, clear sunlight streamed into my brain to burn away the cobwebs of guilt and shame. For the first time in over two weeks, I felt free and unencumbered. "Did Missy tell all her friends what I did?"

"No. Mrs. O'Bannon made us all swear not to tell a soul," Claire stated firmly, her baby blue eyes growing wide with sincerity. "No one but us knows what happened."

"And Larry, and Daryl, and Daryl," I added glumly.

"Beth swears they were the only ones she told."

"Do you believe her?"

"Yes. Mrs. O'Bannon was so mad after your fight that she was yelling at Beth. She told Beth that if anybody else found out about what happened, Mrs. O'Bannon would start spreading rumors of her own about Beth," Claire said.

I laughed. "So Mrs. O knows about Beth, too."

Claire looked at me strangely. "What are you talking about?"

"Well, during my party, I went to get more soda . . ." I told Claire all about hiding in the pantry and watching Beth coerce Molly into sucking her nipples and twat until Beth gushed all over the place. I didn't leave out any of the gory details, either. To say Claire was shocked was an understatement.

"I-I had no idea Beth liked girls," Claire stammered.

"Well, now you do."

"I'm so sorry, Kevin. Please forgive me. You have no idea how badly I've felt ever since," Claire said earnestly.

"How do you think I felt?" I snapped. I instantly regretted taking my anger out on her. Seeing her distress only deepened my hurt. In a gentler tone I asked, "Why did you guys do that to me? What did I ever do to make you to hate me so much?"

"We don't hate you. It wasn't supposed to happen like that. It wasn't supposed to go that far," she replied. Her voice was full of emotion.

"Whose idea was it?'

"It was Missy's."

"What?" That shocked me.

Claire was slow to respond, as if she was carefully choosing her words. "Missy was always jealous of you and her mom because you two are so close. Missy has always hated the fact that her mother liked you more than her. She told me that a lot."

"But that's not true. Mrs. O loves Missy a lot more than she loves me," I insisted. "Mrs. O told me that a lot."

Claire shrugged. "Well, that's how Missy felt. This was Missy's attempt to chase you off once and for all. She told me was sick and tired of you following her around like a little puppy."

My heart felt like a plummeting elevator, falling all the way down to hell. Absolute depression gripped my soul with an iron fist, squeezing every last ounce of life out of me. I went numb right then. It's a numbness that's been with me now for eight years.

"Does Mrs. O think I'm a pervert, now? After—" I gestured vaguely behind me, as if pointing to the past. "—after that happened."

"No. She told us it was our fault for teasing you so much. She was so mad at us for pranking you." After a short pause, Claire added softly, "I don't think you're a pervert."

"You don't?"

"Of course not, Kevin." She smiled sweetly.

"You know, I didn't intend to do— do that. Missy wanted me too. She told me she wanted me to do that," I insisted urgently. "You have to believe me, Claire. You were there, you heard her."

"We were too far away to hear anything." Seeing my obvious disappointment, Claire added quickly, "I believe you though. I know how Missy always loved to tease you. I warned her that one day she was going to go too far."

"Then why didn't you stop it?" I asked.

Claire's whole face immediately went bright red, and she looked down quickly.

"Well?" I prodded.

"I-I knew I should've stopped it, but when you, when you pulled out your uhm, when you did that, well, I've wondered what your, uh, what you looked like for a long time, and I wanted to see and then you kept going and I couldn't do anything but watch and, uh, and I'm so sorry," Claire rambled awkwardly.

"Oh." Her honest explanation shocked me. I was amazed that anyone would want to see me jack off. "I didn't gross you out?"

"No." Claire was intently watching her fingers.


She lifted her head just a tiny bit, and her blue eyes peeked out timidly beneath her long lashes. "Really," she replied softly.

For a long tense moment, Claire and I looked at each other. I couldn't tell what she was feeling, but I was feeling relief, amazement, hope, fear, loss, doubt and lust all at the same time.

"Are you mad at me?" Claire asked, finally breaking the heavy silence.

"Maybe. I don't know. No. I'm mad at Missy."

"Forget about Missy," Claire stated crossly.

"I can't," I replied.

"Why not?"

"Because I've liked her since I was eight," I said.

"So? She's gone and you'll never see her again," Claire remarked bluntly.

It hurt so much to hear her say that.

"If Missy really cared about you, would she have taunted and mocked you so badly all these years? Would she have pranked you like she did? Would she have humiliated you like she did?"

I shook my head glumly and looked away. Claire's words were like poison darts tearing into my heart, but what hurt worse was knowing she spoke the truth. I couldn't refute a single accusation. My eyes stung from the hot tears welling up in them.

"I know what it's like to want somebody for a long time without them liking you back," Claire said.

"You do?"

Suddenly I felt her hand under my chin, raising my head until I was looking into her smiling face. "Yes, Kevin, I do. I've liked you for a long time," Claire admitted shyly. "That's why I'm here. I want to show you that there is more to life than Missy O'Bannon."

My mouth moved, but no sound came out of it. I was stunned. Wild thoughts chased each other around my spinning brain, making me dizzy. I had no idea Claire felt this way about me. Well, truthfully, I never looked at anyone other than Missy, so I wouldn't notice if a brick wall fell on me. Is there life without Missy? Dear God, was that possible? Did I want to find out? What would I do now? How could I go on?

"Who would want me?" I stammered weekly. "Especially after what I did?"

She moved forward until she was standing very close to me. "I want you," Claire stated firmly. "Especially after what you did. That was the sexiest thing I've ever seen."

"You do? It was?"

"You have no idea how turned on you made me when you came all over Missy's hand and chest." Her voice had become very husky. "Please, please, let me show you there's life after Missy."

Claire took my blithering silence for consent, which it partially was I guess.

Her speed and her strength surprised the hell out of me. Before I knew what was happening, Claire, who was easily half a foot shorter than I, grabbed me by the shoulders and physically threw me backwards on to the couch.

I think I screamed out, "Hey!" or "What the?" or something equally slow-witted. I landed in an ungraceful sprawl on my ass, with my back against the cushions and my feet hanging off the couch, pointing in different directions. Before I could even straighten out my legs, Claire was in my lap, straddling my legs. I caught a quick flash of butter-crème yellow panties where her smooth, shapely thighs met. Her slight weight pinned me to the back of the couch as surely as if I'd been nailed there.

"What are you doing?" I finally managed to sputter. I was clearly flabbergasted. My gasts hadn't been flabbered this badly since that kiss with Missy. This felt so wrong. Even though I knew Missy didn't love me, I still loved her. I still wanted her. I would never stop wanting Missy. Oh, but it felt so good to be wanted. Claire's desire made me come alive somehow. For ten years I labored in vain to get Missy to want me like this, but she never did, and maybe she never would. Was it betrayal to let Claire turn me on?

Claire leaned in to me until her shiny lips were next to my ear. She spoke in a throaty whisper that sent my brain whirling. "I'm on a mission."

"A-a mission?" I croaked out. I tried to clear my throat, but for some reason, all the fluid in my body had drained down to my quickly inflating cock. I prayed that Claire wouldn't feel it pulsing against her deliciously smooth thigh. "Wh-what kind of mission?"

"I want to show you what love should be like." She paused briefly before adding bashfully, "Please let me love you, Kevin." She sounded so sincere, so needy, so damned sexy. There was no way I could have pushed her away, so I didn't even try.

My brain was stuck in neutral, revving ineffectively.

Claire continued speaking, and I could feel her breath hot against my ear. My skin positively tingled and my heart raced.

"I didn't mean for you to get hurt. It was supposed to be a joke, but it got out of hand," she said.

I laughed at her ironic pun. "Then why did you have a video camera?"

"I didn't know Beth had it until we came out of the bushes," Claire replied.

"I'm supposed to believe that?"

"It's true," she insisted. "I didn't even know exactly what Beth and Missy had planned; just that they were going to tease you again. Missy always enjoyed teasing you. She loved making you" —She rubbed her thigh against my engorged cock and said with obvious emphasis—"hard." Claire's last word came out as a moan.

"Don't I know it?" I tied to swallow again, but my tongue was dry sandpaper in a barren desert.

"I'm here to save you," she whispered throatily.

"From wh-what?" I squeaked. When my eyes happened to look down, I noticed that the front of Claire's sundress was hanging quite a ways away from her chest. She definitely wasn't wearing a bra. I had an absolutely beautiful view into the deep valley between her magnificently bare breasts. "Oh, God," I whimpered.

But Claire didn't answer.

She shifted her head, and then I felt the tip of her wet tongue against the base of my quivering throat, and with agonizingly slow speed, Claire's warm tongue singed a path all the way up my neck and back to my ear. When she reached my earlobe, she spoke in a lusty whisper. "From yourself."

"Thank you," I replied automatically. My mind was too far gone to come up with anything more coherent than that. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her tightly to me. The warmth of her body was heavenly against my bare chest.

"Don't thank me . . . yet," Claire breathed seductively in my ear. She trailed a line of kisses from my ear to my mouth, which was suddenly, inexplicably, wonderfully moist again.

Her lips tentatively sought mine. That kiss was so tender, so affectionate. She sighed deeply into my mouth, and my arms responded automatically by crushing her trembling body even harder against mine. My head spun faster, and my senses whirled. She made me crazy with desire.

"Wait, wait, wait," she panted meekly, only half pulling away. Our lips continued to touch, to melt into each other. "There's something I have to do first."

"Don't leave me," I moaned through our lingering kiss. I didn't want to sound so desperate, but I didn't want to let go of her.

"I'm not going anywhere, honey," she promised dreamily. With that, she slowly wriggled free from my grasp and slid down my legs. I could feel her damp heat through the skimpy panties she wore. I could also feel her taut nipples furrowing my fevered skin.

She knelt on the floor between my legs, staring directly at my iron-hard cock, which was noticeably tenting my shorts.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I stammered blankly. I had a damned good idea what she was going to do, so I don't know why I asked that silly-ass question. Vaguely, I started to wonder if the blood flowing away from my brain to my dick in such vast quantities might be causing brain damage. If it was, I wasn't going to worry about it then. It was a risk I was willing to take.

"I'm going to do something I've never done before," she answered pointedly. Her baby blue eyes were boring meaningfully into mine. Then she shifted her gaze lower, to where her small hands were resting on my knees. She moved them upward leisurely, all the way up my thighs, which began trembling with desire. Without another word, Claire's right hand slid deftly under my shorts and straight to my straining shaft.

Her cool fingers encircled my hot flesh like a drowning woman clutching a life line, and we both groaned in unison.

"Oh, God!"

"You don't know how badly I've wanted your— wanted this," Claire admitted coyly. "Especially after seeing it in action."

My body stiffened at the thought of what happened.

"Shhh, relax, honey. What happened in Missy's backyard is our little secret," Claire assured me.

"I've never been more humiliated," I insisted.

"Don't be." She squeezed me again. "Do you know how sexy that was to watch you stroke your . . . your cock?"

My shaft throbbed in her hands when she said the word "cock". I couldn't help it; hearing her talk dirty was such a turn on. Instantly I forgot all about Missy and video tapes and lost loves and . . .

"You weren't disgusted?" I asked in amazement.

"Mmmmm, not at all." Claire looked me square in the eyes, before adding, "You made me so wet. I wish it was my hand and chest you came on."

My cock twitched again, making Claire giggle with delight.

"Do you like it when I talk like that?"

"Ohh, yes," I said.

"Would you like me to do more than stroke your—" she paused briefly before adding, "cock?"

Again, I hissed, "Ohh, yes."

Almost regretfully (or was that wishful thinking again on my part?) she released my throbbing shaft. But only for a second while she tugged my sweatshorts down. I eagerly raised my hips, and she had my shorts down my legs and completely off of me in no time. There I was, totally naked in front of Claire, but, strangely, I wasn't embarrassed. She made me feel very relaxed. She made me feel wanted.

When she rose up higher on her knees and stretched towards my quivering cock, I felt a little guilty. "You don't have to do this," I said quickly, stopping her.

Claire looked suddenly worried, and I felt like kicking myself. Hastily I added, "You don't have to do this unless you really want to. I just want to make sure this is something you want to do and not something you feel that you have to do." I hope she understood what I was getting at, because I sure as hell didn't.

Her sexy smile returned, and she murmured huskily, "I really, really want to do this, Kevin. I've wanted to do this for a long time."


She nodded earnestly. "Almost as long as you've wanted Missy."

"Wow. That's a long time. I, uh, I just wanted to make sure," I assured her truthfully. Right then I realized Missy was gone and I needed to move on. But I had to make sure Claire's feelings for me where genuine. I was determined not to give my heart away so freely anymore.

"I'm so glad you feel that way," Claire said. Her eyes became misty, but her sweet smile never wavered. "Now, lean back and let me do what I came here to do, honey" she commanded gently.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied playfully.

"But you have to promise to tell me what to do. I've never done this before, and I want to make it special for you," she said solemnly.

My heart literally leapt into my throat when she said that. I'd never had a girl go down on me. Hell, at that time in my life, I'd never had a girl even touch my penis. Claire was the first. She would be my first for a lot of things. Missy was the closest I'd . . . I swiftly curtailed my thoughts. "Missy had her chance," I told myself determinedly, and pushed her image out of my head, again.