Intoxicated Mom

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son takes advantage of drunk mom.
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Rob, in his bedroom, sat at the computer desk staring at the computer screen. The Tonight Show had just started on the muted TV. He was alone in the apartment.

Divorce from his father, his mother, Bonnie, went out once a month slumming, drinking and searching for a little TLC. It was almost a ritual with her. A realtor, she normally wore pantsuits, but once a month she dressed to the nines to attract the beneficiary of her feminine charms.

With his door open, Rob heard the entrance door unlock and open. He listened as his mother climbed the 16 stairs to their expansive apartment, originally the second floor of the large brick home.

The sound of her irregular footsteps, it was "her night out" and undoubtedly she was wearing high heels, told him what he had come to expect on such nights, that she was somewhat intoxicated, if not sloppy drunk.

She was early tonight, most times coming in around 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning.

At 49, Bonnie was not physically unattractive at 5'9", 141lbs., straight blonde hair to her shoulders and brown eyes, but she did not have the face to go along with her fit, satisfactory proportioned frame. Knowing that her face was plain, if not homely, she felt herself not so desirable and used her female attributes to even the odds

Reaching the top of the landing, Bonnie saw her son's door mostly open and a soft light, probably from the TV, told her that he was still awake. She walked to the door and looked in. She saw him sitting at the computer and took note of the TV.

"You still up?" She queried, ignoring the obvious.

"Afraid so! I've been trying to finish this Grant paper. I read, reread and read it again, but every time I print it out I find unreadable text. It's not a clear mistake it is just jumbled letters. It's pissing me off! I turn this thing in and people will think I'm an idiot. It would be nice if I could sign this thing "anonymous", but then I would look like a coward."

Then, "you're home early tonight?" He queried, too, not mentioning the obvious, that she had had plenty of time to get soused. "I just finished having some pizza. I did not expect to home so early."

She walked into the room.

Rob appraised his mother's attire; a straight mature skirt of tweed colored wool, black heels and skin colored nylon hose, a heavy cotton, bright red sweater that made her breast a prominent feature and large gold colored earrings. Her makeup was heavy and her lipstick two shades darker than the sweater.

To Rob, she looked like a typical streetwalker in an upscale New York City setting!

"Friday night is not a weeknight, silly?" She retorted. "But I won't deny that the local bars or slow as hell tonight."

Rob thought, 'you mean the 4 bars within walking distance. Surely, over the years you have fucked every man that haunts those places. If you only knew there was no need to demean yourself, I would be more than happy to take care of your itch.

She walked over to the window. "And, if you haven't noticed, it's beginning to snow. I almost busted my ass getting up the walk!"

"The weatherman is right for a change!"

Bonnie walked out of her son's small bedroom. She did not say good night, telling Rob she had not planned on going to bed quite yet. He saw the kitchen light come on. Rising from the office chair, wearing only briefs, not uncommon around his mother, he walked to the kitchen. He found his mother at the sink pouring another drink.

She turned around, resting her weight against the sink, and crossed her right foot over her left and took a sip of the dark liquid as she looked at her son.

"Why aren't you out with – what's her name?"

"Taylor! Her name is Taylor." Rob said. "We are having a slight disagreement at present."

"What! She not putting out?" Bonnie teased, always looking for a good rib shot.

Not to be one upped by her sarcasm, Rob shot back. "Are you padding your bra?"

"How about, I knock you on your skinny ass!"

"I'm just saying that you must be padding your bra to get that second look, that, or, the tightness of the sweater you have on, or, the color of the sweater is causing an illusion. Maybe it's the light?" He taunted with a continued teasing tone. "I don't think their real!"

"Come over here." She directed.

Rob closed the 10 or 12 feet to stand in front of his mother. He had a skeptical look on his cocked-to-the-right face that relayed, "I don't care what you say, you're doing something!"

"Go ahead." She directed, the amount of alcohol in her system definitely having an effect on her discretion. "Touch them!"

Rob straightened his head up, his eyebrows lifted and his expression changed to "make that offer again!"

"Go ahead!" She repeated. "This lady doesn't have to pad anything! Come on smart ass!"

Rob reached with his right hand to cup and softly fondle and squeeze her left breast.

It's a new support bra I purchased the other day. Caused you, and a few others, to take notice!"

"I don't know, mom, I still seem to feel a little bit of padding." He continued to rib his mother. He found it quite funny that his mother had had enough to drink to cause her to let him squeeze her breasts. He was wondering how far he could push her.

"Son-of-a-bitch!" She exclaimed, as she pulled the sweater up and over her head, leaving her blonde hair in disarray. She reached to the middle of the bra and unhooked the clip. "Here, look at the damned thing!" She commanded, as she pulled the shoulder straps down and handed him the bra.

He went through the motions of turning the bra this way and that. A big grin beamed on his face as he handed the bra back to her.

Bonnie shook her head knowingly. She had been had. But she was not one to be bested.

Inwardly, a "let's see how big your balls are!" smile was hidden.

"So, you tricked your half drunk Mama into showing her tits!" She said with a slight slur. "What do you think of them? You want to touch the real deal to put your mind at ease? To make sure they haven't had any cosmetic work? "

Rob's grin disappeared. His eyes went from his mother's "come on big boy I don't think you have the nerve!" expression to her grapefruit size, perky breasts with raisin sized nipples, standing firm undoubtedly from the coldness of the apartment.

Rob was torn by the thought of letting his mother stare him down and the desire to actually touch the alluring and forbidden breasts. Then he realized that there was no downside. He reached with both hands to cup his mother's breasts, palming them upward and jiggling them ever so slightly.

Bonnie looked down at her son's hands fondling her breasts. 'He is a man, you dumb ass!' She thought, knowing she had lost again. She felt the warmth of his hands and felt a warm feeling flow over her. 'Don't let him do that!' her mind shouted as she watched and felt his thumbs stroke her nipples. She did not stop him

As her son continued stroking her nipples, Bonnie threw her head back and took another drink of the dark liquid, leaving an inch in the class. 'This is not going well.' She thought. 'Maybe I should have let Durban buy me that drink after all.'

"They're very nice and smooth." She heard her son say. "But you hear that all the time, I suppose." The implication her son had made would have stung under normal circumstances.

"It's a tossup between them and my legs." She offered, regretting the vein statement and unconsciously affirming her son's prior insult, that she was a middle-aged slut. "I wished you would stop that! You're giving me a hot flash."

"You're always wearing pants. I can't remember the last time I saw your legs." Rob offered.

Without asking him to step back to make a better appraisal, she set the class on the counter and used both hands to gather up her skirt, bringing the hem halfway up her thighs.

More or less afraid to take his hands from her breast, Rob took a small step back and looked at his mother's legs. They were indeed as silky smooth and milky white as her breasts.

"You know what's interesting about a woman's legs?" He quizzed.

"What is interesting about a woman's legs?" She bit.

"They run all the way up to your ass." He chuckled, not noticing that he neglected to say the proper word "their" and instead injected the word "your".

"They do! I can attest to that." She exclaimed, also missing the exchange of words. "They run from way down there all the way up to my ass."

Letting her skirt fall, she reached for her glass and took the last of the dark liquid into her mouth. She made a slight face as she swallowed the burning liquid.

It seemed the warmth of the apartment, compared with the cold outside, was intensifying the effect the alcohol was having on Bonnie.

Her eyelids fluttered as she looked down at her son taking her left nipple into his mouth.

Involuntarily she moaned.

"You're taking illicit liberties with your mother's boobs!" She muttered. "I've asked you to stop! Please! Don't do that! Damn, that feels good!"

As Rob suckled at her tit, he made a conscious decision to push the envelope, to see just how far he could get with his mother.

He reached to her left hip and fumbled with the button on the skirt. Finally, getting it unbutton, he fumbled with the zipper. Pulling the zipper down, the skirt fell easily off her hips.

"You are a very skeptical man." She muttered, patting him lightly on top of the head. "You're not going to be satisfied until you prove that my legs run all the way up to my ass. Go ahead! I'm not going to stop you! But they do. They do."

Robbie released her nipple and concentrated on pulling the nylons over her hips and down her legs.

Bonnie tried to lift her legs to rid herself of the stockings but she almost tumbled and ended up facing the sink, steadying herself with both hands on the counter and lifting one foot at a time as Rob squatted to pull them off her feet.

He then slipped his fingers into the elastic of her panties and stripped them off of her.

"You see. I told you. They run all the way up to my ass." She slurred. "What do you think of my ass? I've been told I've got a great ass!"

Had Bonnie been able to make a rational assessment, the kisses being planted on her posterior would have answered her two questions.

Rob thought her ass was exquisite and would've told her if he thought it really would have got through to her. He gave a brief moment of thought that he was taking advantage of his intoxicated mother, but he pushed the thought to the back of his mind as he nibbled on her ass, causing her to giggle.

"You're tickling me!" She exclaimed.

Rob stopped nibbling and sent the tip of his tongue from the bottom of her butt crack to the top, causing her ass muscles to contract in pleasure, as she continued to giggle. Rising up, he touched and looked at his bulging briefs.

"Do you want to lie down, mom?"

"I guess I'd better before I fall down. I think I'm going to need some help."

Rob wrapped his mother's right arm over his neck, then wrapped his left arm around her waist and walked her to his bedroom

"My bedroom is that away." She slurred, pointing to the left down the short hall.

Sitting her gently down on his bed, lifting her feet off the floor, she flopped back onto the pillows.

He moved to the TV and computer to switch them off and then closed his door. He switched on the overhead light giving the room a stark and cold illumination.

"Mom? You still awake?"

"Yea baby! I'm just resting my eyes. Why is it so bright in here?"

'So I can see, and know, that it's you that I'm going to be fucking!' He wanted to say, but didn't.

Rob removed his briefs as he studied her body, noting with delight the lavish bush atop her mound. Then, he very slowly crabbed his mother's body. His cock was rock hard!

Her legs were mostly together and he pushed on one and then the other to spread them.

"I know what you're doing, you know." She muttered.

"You do?" He queried with a stab of concern - concern for only being denied his incestuous desire.

"I've been told I've got good pussy. I suppose you don't believe that either! So go ahead! Can't stop you anyway!"

Rob finally got his mother's legs sufficiently spread. He then pulled each knee up slightly. Getting her so positioned, he supported himself on an outstretched left arm as he gripped his cock, probing for the entrance of her treasure.

After poking her four times, he smiled with amusement at his mother acquiring his erection and guiding it into her forbidden hole. He pushed deep into her, then, lowered himself down, supporting his weight on his elbows as he cradled her.

"Ummmmmmmm. That's good sugar." She muttered in a loving tone.

Rob slowly stroked into his mother's pussy, concentrating on the sensation his cock was feeling and became intoxicated with incestuous sex rather than dark liquid.

"Are you a wake?" Rob asked his mother repeatedly as he stroked into her.

"Ummmmmmm. Yes. Of course. You are not going to stop are you?" She would invariably respond, of kind, when asked.

After many, many long minutes Rob increased rhythm 10-fold pumping vigorously into her. The frenzied fuck lasted maybe 20 seconds, then, he slowed to the slow methodical rhythm again.

"Do it again." Bonnie whimpered moments later.

Rob obliged and hammered at his mother's pussy another 20 or 25 seconds before returning as before.

Another few moments, "Do it again." She said with a girlish giggle.

Bonnie was slowly climbing the ladder with each quick paced rhythm. She slipped from being passive as she lifted her legs and pressed her knees against her son's sides.

Her movements did not go unnoticed.

When asked to "do it again" the fourth time, Rob lengthened the time of the frenzied rhythm, in a lustful attempt to bring his mother from her intoxicated stupor into the incestuous reality.

When her son relented and slowed Bonnie was breathing heavily.

Without being asked again, he again pounded at her pussy! Then slowed a long minute.

Again! And slowed. Again! And slowed. Again! Each time he slowed his mother's breathing was more labored. Again!

Rob did not go back to the slow methodical rhythm but began a moderate rhythm, which his mother attempted to match. Her coordination was a bit off but not enough to cause a problem.

Then, Rob broke into the turbulent rhythm once more with a desire to fuck his mother's ass off, or, more realistically, to maintain the rhythm as long as he could before his back gave out.

The orgasm gripped Bonnie about 40 seconds and she bellowed like an animal in pain. Her ass shot up in the air causing her son's cock to penetrate her deeply. The seemingly torturous grip of the orgasm slowly evaporated.

Rob reconfigured, grabbing hold of his mother's ass with both hands and began his own climb to the top rung.

Bonnie's orgasm had brought her back to the edge of reality, and true to her love of a good cock, she fucked her son in earnest, thrusting her ass with passion and the desire to delight.

Though she had not been bedded by as many men as her son would like to believe, and unknown to her, her zeal for a good fuck and earned her a reputation in the circle of men that she had allowed to bed her.

Still, the incestuous connotations of her present partner eluded her and not yet manifested itself in her psyche.

With her enthusiasm, Rob's cock quickly jerked, spewing his healthy sperm into his mother's belly without the least bit of thought at the possible consequences.

With his incestuous desire fulfilled, Rob pulled his cock out of his mother's pussy, slipped from between her legs and stood by the bed looking at his mother, who had quickly lapsed into unconsciousness. He tossed a cover over her.

He rebooted the computer, switched on the TV input his briefs back on.


Bonnie gradually slipped out of slumber.

She gradually became aware of her breast being fondled.

"You awake?" Rob whispered.

"Yes." Bonnie replied groggily. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Do you remember last night?" Rob queried.

"Yes! It's coming back." She replied with a sigh.

With little ado, Rob began to move atop her - to mount her.

Still coming to grips with the events of a couple of hours earlier, she spread her legs, lifting them the appropriate height to allow for copulation.

She did not help him with penetration, but with the third poke the head of this cock entered her. In short order, she was penetrated with a full, ample length of her son's cock.

As his hands gripped her ass, locking her in tight, she readied herself to be taken.

Given a bit of foreplay, even while sorting through her emotions, she would have been more inclined to participate.

As her son busied himself with fucking her with a moderate rhythm she reviewed the events that had brought about her indiscretions. She felt a moment of terror, then, she assured herself that her birth control had been taken, though a good deuce would be wise. That, and purchasing a box of condoms!

The thought of condoms was her acceptance, and maybe even a desire, to accept the incestuous relationship she had drunkenly been guided into. She theorized, physically feeling the passion her son was putting into fucking her, that his incestuous desire had not materialize in a mere moment of indiscretion. How long had he wanted her? It didn't matter, she decided. Sex more than once a month would be a treat.

"Fuck Mama!" She whispered, as her ass began to respond. "Slow down a little bit. Make Mama come first! And then give me some more of that hot cum!"

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steve437steve437over 3 years ago
Make her pregnant next!

Great story! We need a sequel where the son makes his mom pregnant and suckles on her milk-filled tits

ROCKY70ROCKY70over 4 years ago
Good story !!!!! ^*!^*!^*!



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Olen oma ema ka nikkunud kui ta purjus oli.Olime kusagil peol ning ema tõmbas oma nina täis ja hakkas laamendama.Võtsin tal käealt kinni ja läksime pimedasse õue maja nurga taha.Seal seina ääres nikkusin teda läbi ta püksisääre.Peale seda ta rahunes maha.

rickjones185rickjones185about 7 years ago
I agree with Anonymous: I wish I was a woman

I always wished I was a woman. I wanted to feel a penis sliding into my pussy, while I was sucking on a penis and having one in my butt all at the same time. My first sex experience was with my older brother when he taught me to jerk him off, then how to suck him off. My other brother taught me to swallow cum and finally to let him screw my butt. All my life I have loved servicing men with my mouth and my butt. I love to swallow and to take it bareback. I love to read her description of how a woman feels when a penis in slide into her different holes. I can only dream of being a woman!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
☆☆☆☆☆ (4.75/5.0 = 95/100)

Perfect scenario!

The story line perfectly mirrors many men's fantasies.

Wouldn't each of us love if his mom all of a sudden told him to caress her bare boobs and kiss her ass cheeks. If that happened to me i would think i died and went to Heaven...

I myself lust after my mom all the time. She is the 'female character' in most of my sexual fantasies. The narrative of my own sexual fantasies is not realistic but it is plausible: e.g. mom comes home and tells me she keeps getting a painfull muscle spasm in her right thigh.

"Do you want me to give you a massage?"

"I would live it. I will take a quick shower first..."

She comes out wrapped in a towel that covers her naked body from her armpits to just below her ass cheeks...

The towel is still wrapped around her as she is lying face-down on her bed. I can see a nit of her ample ass and her legs are fully exposed... i start massaging her from her ankles toward her thighs... As i finish each calf & each thigh i very gently kiss each of them.

She compliments my skills & after both thighs are done (& i gave each a gentle kiss!) she adks me to continue. I move the towel to her waist and start madsaging her ass cheeks which for me are the stuff of my dreams...

(You got an idea...)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I don't care about the way this author uses words

Damn! The stories here are free. Don't cost anyone anything. Some commenters here just seem to want to make an ass out of themselves. They should show us what they write.

I enjoyed this. Thanks for the story.


Your_mom_MaryYour_mom_Maryalmost 10 years ago

I really enjoyed this story. I was wet throughout. I remember one time coming home drunk and letting my son fondle my breasts, but that's as far as it went, at least that time.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Intoxicated Mom

Awesome *****

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Great story

Please keep them coming.

Lustin KinkLustin Kinkover 10 years ago
Good Effort

I saw what you were going for with this but I think you could have been more descriptive and gave your readers more. Foreplay in a story also provides foreplay for your readers. Don't be afraid to let your stories run longer. Proofread your work for errors and continuity. For example, you used class instead of glass. The apartment was cold then a couple paragraphs later, the apartment was warm. Quality of your writing is just as important as a good story.

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