It Doesn't Have to be Spontaneous Ch. 01


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I couldn't, though, get the smacking of my bottom out of my mind. It had hit a chord inside me. It had stimulated something that must have been lying dormant in the deeper recesses of my psyche for ages. Every time I thought of his hand hitting my bottom or me lying there in expectancy my heart started to beat faster. I didn't know why. I'd never yearned for it, although, as many women so I've read and heard about, there was a tiny part of me that was intrigued by the idea.

As it happens Adrian was away on business in America for the next week or so, and as we often did when he was away, we kept in touch by yahoo messenger. That way as I worked at home or he worked in his LA office we could leave the PCs on and have periodic written "conversations." It also meant that I could chat to some of the people I'd made friends with on there and, more pointedly, it meant that I could cruise around some sites to learn more about my new found interest.

I was absolutely amazed at just how much information there was about corporal punishment in general and spanking in particular. It almost seemed as though everyone was interested in it and the act itself was as good as commonplace.

I read about the bond that was formed and was necessary between the "master" and "pupil;" the trust there had to be between the two of them; the fusion of dominating and submitting; the combining of pain and pleasure and of firmness and gentleness and of the ritualistic manner in which most couples went about it. Through the very brief exposure with Adrian I was able to associate with some, but not all that I read. What I was able to do in spades, though, was recognise my interest in and, likely desire for more, spanking.

Often, the "conversations" on messenger with Adrian became quite colourful and occasionally we'd give into the feelings of arousal and we'd mutually masturbate. Sometimes in writing and sometimes on the phone we'd tell each other what we were doing, gradually getting to the point where we wanted to cum. It became a point of pride for us to try to arrange simultaneous climaxes. Something that seems easier to do when together than when on the end of a PC!

So it wasn't a surprise to me when a window popped open mid afternoon a few days later as I was working at home. It wasn't even that much of a surprise when I read.

"What are you wearing?"

That had become an in joke of ours. I'd mentioned to him once that I had tried chat rooms in the past and one of the questions I was frequently asked was just that. I'd also told him that it was usually then followed by enquiries about my underwear.

Smiling I typed back.

"Earrings and a big smile."

I laughed when his reply came back. "You're overdressed wipe the smile from your face."

We exchanged pleasantries for a while about how we were, the weather, his trip, my work and our plans for the day.

"Looking forward to Thursday?" he asked referring to his expected arrival home.

"Yes of course."

"Can you stay the night?"

"Probably, but will you be up to it after the flight and the jet lag?"

"I'll be up for anything to get the chance of all night with you?"

"You won't be able to stay the pace; I'll come round for the evening and then go home. Ok?"

"If you don't agree to stay the night I'll have to give you a spanking."

"Oh yeah, promises, promises," I typed just as the phone rang. "BRB Phone.," I wrote to him.

Talking to an agent I watched Adrian's words coming up on my screen.

"No Mands, not just promises now is it 'cos you've had some haven't you? You've had some smacking, some spanking haven't you?"

Tucking the phone into the crook of my neck I tapped.

"Yes," as I felt a little shiver running through me reading what he'd just put.

"And you liked it didn't you?" There was a pause before he typed again. "You did didn't you Amanda? You enjoyed me spanking your bum didn't you?"

I wasn't at all sure just where this was leading but I could feel my arousal building up and that prompted me to again tap in y e s adding quickly.

"I'm still on the phone Adrian."

"That's ok just read and type yes or no as appropriate."


"You did like it didn't you?"


"It made you cum didn't it?"


"It made you cum very hard didn't it?"


Listening to the agent droning on about the big job he was negotiating for me I was becoming rather befuddled. Listening and talking business but reading and typing sex is confusing, difficult and quite exciting. The danger is that sometimes you can say what you mean to type and I was scared I might find myself asking my agent to spank my bum!

"And you want me to do it again don't you?"

I didn't type anything for a while.

"Don't you Amanda? You want me to spank you again don't you? Spank your bottom, smack your bum until I make you cum. That's what you want isn't it?"

I found my heart was pounding and my breath was coming in pants and spurts. I felt warm and my body was tingling all over. My breasts felt so full and heavy as the words on the screen smashed into my mind.

"Don't you, don't you, don't you?" I read.

"I'll call you back" I gasped to the agent as those amazingly arousing words exploded onto my screen.

"You want your bum smacked until it tingles, until it goes all red and is so hot you could cook toast on it. That's what you want isn't it?"


"And then you want me to soothe it, kiss it, love it and make it better don't you?"


"And then as I love it and kiss you'll want me to fuck you until you cum and cum and cum won't you Amanda?"

"Yes Adrian yes."

My mobile started to ring.

"So what exactly are you really wearing?" Adrian asked down the phone.

The tightness of his voice told me that the messenger exchange had excited him as it had me.

"Tracky trousers and a tee," I replied, adding. "Hi how are you?"

"Hi. Very well but fucking horny now. And under them?"

I'd half expected him to ring so I was telling the truth when I replied. "Not much."

"What then?"

"Just a thong?"

"No bra?"


"You're a dirty girl aren't you Mandy?"

"Am I?"

"Yes. Dirty and naughty and you know what dirty naughty girls have to have, don't you?"

"I think I can guess," I said quite surprised but nevertheless excited at the way the chat was going.

"And what do you guess Mandy?"

"Punishment I suppose," I was amazed to hear myself saying.

"Yes but what sort of punishment?"

I found it hard to say what was obvious and my hesitation caused him to say.

"How would you like me to punish you Amanda?"

It just came blurting out then. "Spank me I suppose Adrian."

"Yes of course but where shall I spank you?"

It actually took a lot for me to say what I felt but after a moment or two I said very quietly.

"On my bottom. I want you to spank my bottom."

"Jesus Mandy this is fucking amazing I'm as hard as a rock here. Are u wet?"

I couldn't help laughing as I returned to the formula of when I was on the phone.




"Are your nipples hard?"

"Yes," I replied squeezing one through the tee shirt. "They're very hard."

"You're feeling them aren't you?"


I pulled the tee out from the elasticated waist band of the silver coloured track trousers.

"Are you stroking your tits yet?"

"Just about to," I said sliding my hand inside the tee and cupping one of my breasts. I squeezed and stroked that. "Mmmmmmmmm."

"You want to cum Mands?"

"Soon yes, do you?"

"Of course."

"Talk more to me," I asked squeezing and caressing my breasts in turn. It really did feel marvellous and I knew that when I wanted to I'd be able to cum.

"When I get home on Thursday I want to spank you. May I? Would you like that?"

As Adrian changed the subject back to that intriguing and now very exciting topic I was pinching and pulling both of my nipples at the same time for they were aching so much from the sexual tension that was building up in me.

He didn't wait for a reply before asking. "What are you doing Mands? Are you undressed yet?"

"I'm pinching my nipples," I whispered in the tiny phone cradled in my neck. "Hold on I'm going to put the phone on loudspeaker."

"I guess you do need both hands with tits your size," he said clearly smiling.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Lying on my bed stark bollock naked with a raging hard on that I'm stroking. Can you visualise that Mandy?"

"Mmmm yes I can, it's a nice vision as well"

"Are you undressed?" He asked again.

"No, no I'm not?"

"Will you for me?"


I spoke into the small microphone of the mobile lying close to me on my desk explaining exactly what I was doing.

"I've pulled the tee over my head and my hair's all messed up but falling down around my shoulders."

"What do your tits feel like Mands?"

"Big, heavy, full, aching," I croaked again cupping and squeezing them,

"They'll feel amazing on Thursday when I spank you. You won't believe what it's going to be like."

"Why what's going to happen?"

"Well first you have to promise to do exactly what I tell you. OK?"

"Yes, yes I will."

"OK well you have to understand Amanda that spanking is more than just the actual smacking."

"How do you mean?" I asked my hands roaming all over my breasts sending wonderfully delicious tingles through my entire body.

"Is it nice?" He asked out of the blue?


"Making love to your big soft tits? I can hear it in your voice."

"Mmmmm it's wonderful."

"Then take your trackies off for me. Stand up, look in the mirror, take them off and tell me as you do it."

"Mmmm my nipples are so hard, my breasts feel as if they're about to explode," I said into the phone as I looked in the long mirror, my hands sliding into the waist of the trousers. "Some of my hair has tumbled down onto my boobs and I'm pushing it off," I went on."

"Take them off Mandy, get your trousers off."

"Yes Adrian," I breathed sliding them down.

"What colour's the thong?"

"Pastel blue and lacy."

"Oh God Mandy I bet you look fantastic, is the thong soaked?"

I could see the darkness of the stain of my juices on the gusset. "Yes very."

"God you'll be soaked when I spank you on Thursday. I'll have a special pair of panties for you to wear. I'm going to buy them on Sunset Boulevard later today."

"Special? How will they be special?"

"That's all part of what I mean about it being more than just the smacking. It's how you dress, how I dress, how we go about it and everything. It's almost a ritual, a ceremony. The spanking is just part of it. An important part but not all of it."

"I see," I replied not really quite understanding. "So what about the panties?"

"You'll see on Thursday. I'll have all the clothes you'll need to change into."


"Oh Mands just thinking of how great it's going to be is making me rub harder and faster. How about you? Are you touching your pussy yet?"

"Yes Adrian I am now."

"Is it wonderful?"


"Make yourself cum Mands. I'm very near are you?"

"Yes, yes," I sighed my finger rubbing faster and faster right alongside my clitoris, the place that I find the most sexually sensitive. "Make me cum, Ade, make me cum, please, please make me cum," I groaned in the phone as I gripped my hand between my thighs.

"I'm cumming Mands, I'm cumming," he grunted out of the phone. "Cum with me darling, cum with me."

I did. Easily, willingly and so wonderfully sordidly.

Lying back in my big, black, leather chair, naked apart from the pale blue lacy thong that was pushed half way down my thighs I fucked myself. I fucked myself vigorously, eagerly and satisfyingly telling my telephone lover exactly what I was doing as I heard his words of filth thundering out of the loudspeaker on my mobile.

We spoke a couple more times before the Wednesday evening when he was catching his flight. We didn't though get into a particularly sexy chat and certainly not one that led to mutual masturbation. With the time difference that was only practical around seven or eight am or eleven or twelve at night California time, which is three or four in the afternoon or seven or eight in the morning London time. Often they were inconvenient times for me so we just had to miss out and save it for when he got back.

We did, though, chat briefly both on the phone and messenger about the forthcoming Thursday afternoon and evening with him explaining that he'd completed the shopping for my "uniform" but wouldn't tell me what it was. It was agreed that he'd ring me from the airport and then when he got home. I'd then get a cab over that would only take ten to fifteen minutes and then the "proceedings would begin," he said with a deep chuckle.

Over the next couple of days I thought quite a lot about what might happen. I was intrigued by some of the things he'd said.

"It's like a ritual, a ceremony."

"The trappings are as important as the main event."

"Everything combines to provide a really amazing mutual orgasm."

"The feelings you'll get from the combination of the smacking and my caresses will be like nothing you've ever experienced." I wasn't, though, that easily able to understand what it was that so interested me about it. Was it the submitting myself to someone, them controlling and directing me? Was that what appealed? Being directed and, in a way, looked after? No not looked after really for there was the chastising, the punishment, the correcting and the disciplining. Was it, I wondered, the exhibitionism? The flaunting my bottom, one of my better features I've always thought, to a man? Was it that or was it that some pain appealed to me? I just couldn't get my head round it. Al I knew for sure was that every single time I thought about it, and I thought about it almost endlessly, I got excited. I could hardly wait for Thursday

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MayhemLassMayhemLassabout 18 years ago
delicious, absolutely delicious ...

almost there and going to read the second part now ...

MacDukeMacDukeover 18 years ago
Very Tantalizing

Very nice story Amanda, giving great insights into the appeal of spanking. Great IM scene. We will look forward to the next part with great anticipation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
oh my!!! Oh my you did make me very wet

Oh my you did make me wet, my pussy is absolutely dripping! Great job now send part two quickly lover. Make me cum baby! I think English women are the hotest, but the men???? I wonder from the stories I read. But you females must love it when your husbands are willing to give you away to other better hung men! My that's a nice dream!

nightwyngnightwyngover 18 years ago
Wonderful Mands...

WE LOVED IT Mandy! It's a nice start luv! Keep at it and keep use wanting more.

You're friends,


Sunny Gulf Coast!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Exceptionally Well Done!

You really must immediately write the 'Thursday' chapter or I may actually die from anticipation.

David LockleyDavid Lockleyover 18 years ago
Madny, everyone of your stories thrills me.

and this one is starting "hotter" than any to date.

I always look for your next submission, and in this case...... not much is going to get accomplished until I do.

As always, love...


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