It's Not Always Love at First Sight


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"You haven't said it yet."

"What? That I love you?"


"Yosh... I can't even say your name right."

"I think it's freaking adorable."

"Jah Osh. Owe!" I swatted her butt again as she struggled to say my name 'correctly'.

"No." It didn't stop her from being embarrassed about it, but at the same time it delighted her, she fought back a big joyful grin.


"There you go."

"Yosh I love you." I picked her up, carrying her like I carried her to her room. She laughed, laying limp in my arms and laughing at the night sky, beautiful and fully happy without any reservations. Until I reached her car. "I can't wait until we get back, plus I know that Sara and Charlie are going to be awake waiting."

"So where do you want to go?" She squirmed until I let her down, gave the entire parking lot a look that she normally reserved for the stairs before taking my hands, leading me between her car and mine.

There was a tall curb, a metal guardrail, and on the other side a grassy hill that got really damn steep about ten feet on. With only a quick glance at it she stepped over the guardrail, drawing me on. We had to let go hands as I climbed over, it took me longer than it should have because the sexy minx started stripping.

Off went the shorts, the panties both tossed in quick succession on the hood of her car. Like that one fabled night she ran her long fingered hands up her legs, giving a little moan at touching her vagina. A tiny thrust into the contact, shaking off the clear need to just fingerbang herself to the sight of me, to the idea that this was happening, she grabbed her shirt. Instead of just stretching the shit out of it she tore it off. Now naked except for her flats and ankle socks. Her breasts were as small I'd known they'd be, but they still blew me away.

"This is it." She said doing a slow turn for me in the grass, a good portion of her expecting me to be disappointed by what I beheld but still that spin finished with an almost dance like flourish. "Do you really want to settle with this for the rest of your life."

"Settle?" Finally getting over the damn thing, tearing my shirt off.

"Yeah." A hint of a pout coming to her face, despite me starting on my pants.

"You know I already told you I don't mind o..."

"If you call me an old lady right now then I'm not going to swallow all your cum." It had been where I was going, so I quickly shook my head, pushed down my pants.

"I love your freckles, I love your red hair, your red pubes, that neon pink pussy, I really love that ass, and while your tits and I just met I think I might love them too." Like her backside they seemed devoid of freckles, there was some down her cleavage, as little as there was, but the actual items were freckle free, each with a soft pink nipple that was barely visible in the orange sodium vapor lamplight. "I'll happily settle with you, from now until... Eternity."

"Yeah, okay I can see that." Staring at my bulge, storing away my words for some other time it seemed.

"Oh shit Gwen, look at you!" Because she went back to her knees as soon as my underpants were down, it wasn't intentional but she made it that way. Crawling over to finish taking everything off me, but not before she rose up enveloping the head of my penis as she struggled my shoes and then pants off. I groaned down at her, nothing seemed so fitting as that mouth wrapped around my manhood, the freckled cheeks but especially those eyes looking up at me. "Freaking finally!"

She just moaned around my length, in total agreement. Bobbing her head, getting distracted when she had me naked, could put both hands to work. Her mouth seemed intent on giving me pleasure, while her fingers seemed trying to gauge my size. Running down my shaft before both of them took hold of my balls, somehow making it seem like one testicle filled each. Letting me pop from her mouth, gasping for breath she licked up the length of my shaft.

"You ready to be my broomstick?" She asked after giving the tip a little kiss.

"I was ready months ago."

I drew her up first, for some more kisses, before both of us checked around the area, then going to the grass. My head near the guardrail I stared up happily as the love of my life squatted above me. Taking hold of my dick she rocked herself against the tip, so it slid through her gash. With a huff and a long moan she worked it at her clit. Even slapping me against herself before realizing what she was doing, blushing.

"Sorry, I..."

"Don't ever be sorry, that was fucking sexy, want to get yourself off like that? Go ahead." She smiled but got me into her hole, doing a hip swirl before slowly settling down, I got another slap in the face just before she got the last bit into herself.

"That's for making it impossible!" She said, even though I never asked, she explained. "This dick is perfect! Yosh! It's perfect for my pussy! The biggest but not TOO big. Even if I ever wanted to, I'll never enjoy another one again."

"Music to my ears." She grabbed my face, a little rough but the hard kiss that I got made it completely okay.

"I'll give you music for your ears." Not faking it or playing it up, if anything she fought for control of herself as she rose up off, me couldn't help but whimper as she lowered herself back down. Up and then down, dropping the last inch and mashing herself into me. No longer able to hold back any noises. "I know I'm annoying! Yosh! I know it but I can't help it."

"You're not! Frick! I love it! Sing for me baby! Sing for me Gwen!" And she did, calling out rather loudly she fell forward, hovering over me, letting me thrust up into her. Her moans were amazing, way louder than when I'd fingered her, just a second behind each time I slapped into her. I groaned, thinking it an accident when I flopped out of her. "Gwen! What are you doing?"

"I'm... I'm too close." It wasn't quick but I did like that she wasn't the Energizer Bunny.

"Just come!" I didn't know if that was her own thing or something one of her exes did, either way after a second of staring at me she nodded. Not taking me back in but mashing her gash against me, sliding up my length.

"I want it like this."

"Take it then." That got me a kiss, but quick.

"Suck my nipples while I do."


Leaning I captured one of them while she hunched faster and faster. I helped by grabbing her hips, locking her into a motion that didn't throw her off. I couldn't really believe how fast she slid herself over me, entranced by the entire thing that it was like she flicked from being on my cock to being on my face in the snap of a finger. Holding the back of my head she came in my mouth, not much but a little gush of her sweet her-honey rushing out of her as her ass tightened up hard, swirling her pussy around on my tongue, a spoonful of quim coming out each time she was hit by a rush of pleasure. Maybe a dozen times before she was sliding her vagina down my body, putting me back in her.

"You... Still okay Yosh?" Giving my chin a little kiss that had nothing to do with loving me and everything to do with a drop of her own sally-froth sitting there.

"Love you more than ever!" That got me a real kiss, hard and happy, until her working her clit into my wasn't enough.

Sitting up she started riding my dick again, I was able to capture the unsucked nipple, she nodded and tenderly ran her fingers through my hair while gyrating and pistoning. Outside it wasn't even that cold but it still felt like all the heat in the world was inside her. I held her as tightly and lovingly as she held me. Kissing my way up her porcelain tits to her freckled shoulder and neck.

"I love you! Yosh! Yosh! I love you!" She whispered, while still moaning almost constantly.

"I love you too!"

"Yosh I'm going to come again," Still sort of... not embarrassed but almost frustrated by it.

"Me too." I was close enough and for sure her coming again would get me there.

"I know I said I'd swallow your cum but... I've never let a guy come inside me without a condom. I want you to be the first." Neither of us stopping the work on each other.

"Thank you."


"I don't care." I knew what the but was, I knew it because she'd told me late one night.


"Then there will be no way you could ever be anybody else's." That made her smile from ear to ear, if only for a second, before she let out her loudest cry yet.

"YOSH! I'M COMING! CUM WITH ME!" She screamed hammer dropping herself onto my dick, she was well and truly there before it even registered to do anything but marvel at the sight of what she was doing. "YOSH! YOSH! YOSH! CUM IN ME!"

"Just... Almost... YES! YES RIGHT THERE! THERE YOU GO YESSS! AAAArrrrhhhhh yes!" Right before I came she was already faltering, at the feeling of me doing it she plopped all the way down on me, staring wide eyed, holding her hand to her stomach as she felt me pumping into her.

It was amazing! Emptying myself inside her, but also knowing that she was well and truly mine now. I was hers. We were an US. I kissed her and held her and knew the world, my world, was finally right.

"Yosh! What did we do?" I was thrown back to before, thinking she was going to go over all full of regret, almost felt my heart breaking before she went on. "We're such perverts for each other! Out in public! Yosh? Anybody could have seen. They had to have heard! And you came inside me."

"Fuck yes I did! Don't you fucking move, just... Just let me enjoy you." She couldn't help but blush prettily for me. Delighted at my obvious love, lust, and attraction to her.

"Are you satisfied?" Asked after I'd run my hands and eyes all up and down her, it was more the cold air, weird feeling of laying in the grass, and the idea that we could get arrested any second that had me deflating inside her.

"For now."

"You really love me?"

"I really really do."

"Then don't judge me." And she rose up, one hand on my chest, the other went between her legs. Rubbing at herself she moaned, looking from me to the night sky, pushing. Just before the first drop of cum left her she snapped down, feeling it. A big dollop of it dropping out of her and onto my dick, a couple of fingers up inside her really got it flowing. When she came, it was like she was washing herself the rest of the way out. "I... I think that's all of it."

"Yeah." It seemed like all of it and more as I looked down at the mess she'd made of me.

"Once I lick this up you're not going to kiss me until I brush my teeth, right?" So I got a good hard kiss, with tongue, before she pulled away, diving into licking up the mess with hands and mouth this time.

"Good god I love you." When she looked up, a bit disappointed that I was all cleaned up, her face glistening.

"You don't think I'm too much of a dirty whore?"

"You're just dirty whore enough."

"Perfect then I guess." Adorably happy.

"Yeah, perfect."


"Uh, Yosh and I sort of have an announcement." Gwen said reaching across the table to hold my hand.

"We know you're dating, you've been inseparable for weeks. Well even more inseparable." Charlie not even looking up from his phone as dinner was winding down.

"I didn't think we were hiding that, were we hiding that?"

"No, you made me change my relationship status that night, right when I was about to fall asleep." She smiled proudly.

"Didn't want any bitches trying to steal you at the last minute."

"As if they could." The proud smirk was still on her face as she turned to my brother and her sister.

"The announcement is not that we're together. It's that we're pregnant." Watching her sister who lit up, perhaps the one person who knew how much Gwen wanted that. Whispering to her as if me or my brother couldn't hear. "Pretty sure he got me that first night, I warned him though."

"Geegee!" They hugged and danced, hugged and cheered, hugged and cried. Afterward Sara took her sister's shoulders, looking supremely apologetic. "I... I haven't even told Charlie yet but..."

"You too?" Gwen asked, my brother looking up with shock and surprise.

"Me too!" The similar sisters hugged and danced, hugged and cheered, hugged and cried.

"Does that mean they're gonna be super cousins or something, or are they practically siblings." I asked, purposely distracting away from Charlie who was sitting there as if he'd heard the worst news, instead of the best.

"Let's not go down that rabbit hole, okay?" When the two sisters looked at each other in the classic "Men!" expression I threw a green bean at my brother, who blinked in surprise and at my glare at least put a blank expression on, just in time. Sara turning away from her sister, "Sorry I didn't tell you first but... You were the dumb dumb who didn't buy condoms when you knew the doctor had me off birth control before I started that other brand."

"You've checked with the doctor? You're sure?"

"No, not yet. I've got an appointment tomorrow."

"Oh! It's great then." I could tell he was sure that she wasn't pregnant, that it was a mistake.

"We gotta come up with names!" Sara said not to her husband but to her sister.

"We gotta get married, I know it's... too late and all but it would kill grandma if we had a baby outside of wedlock. Plus this guy already had a ring we could trade in." Pulling it out from her pants pocket she put it back on her finger, I'd just given it to her at the doctors office this morning. "And he asked me before the doctor confirmed, right in the waiting room!"

Grabbing me up we hugged and danced, hugged and cheered, hugged and cried. I'll admit to one tear!


Let's leave it there. With the future bright ahead of us, all of us happy and living under the same room. The sister's coming up with names for boys and girls, Gwen and Sara presenting their short lists for our opinion. It wasn't a quick courthouse wedding but we got it together at a church before she started showing. Gwen's ex showing up only to get forcibly removed by our cousins, that delighted her to no end.

We had two healthy kids and that was enough. There was a lot more love and sex than I could have ever hoped for, hearing all those other guys complain over the years about how their wives had dried up on them always made me glad for what I had. It wasn't perfect but we made it a happy life.

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ObsidionaWookieObsidionaWookie6 months ago
well done

This, as a story, was as fine as I have read as long as I have been reading erotica and as I am 80 years old that has been quite a while, well done.

SatyrDickSatyrDickalmost 2 years ago


Funny, Kawaii, und Romantique!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


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