JAA Ch. 05: R E R U N


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"That's a first. Now listen up Harry, I want names, places and why, is that clear?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I know you, along with others are involved in covering up medical breakthroughs that will save lives. You are also involved with the murder of people who defy your dictates."

"Are you crazy..."

"Keep her quiet Harry!"

"Dear, just hush now. I don't know what you are talking about?"

"So," I pulled a sheaf of papers from my coat pocket and tossed them on Harry's lap, "you had nothing to do with having this article being rejected?"

Harry picked up the papers and started to read. His eyes grew wide with realization as he continued to read.

"No, not really."

I knew he was lying as he refused to have eye contact with me.

"Harry, you know for a politician, you're not a very good liar. Now tell me the truth..."

"Or what you'll shoot me?"

"No, I'll shoot your wife. First in the right knee, then the left and so on until you tell me everything you know."

Chapter 28

Ginger had been reading the article her husband had dropped. When I said I'd shoot her, she poked her husband in the ribs.

"Tell him you son of a bitch, tell him what he wants to know."

"Ginger, he won't shoot you, the noise would bring the cops here."

I fished the silencer for my gun out of my pocket and screwed it on the end of the barrel. I then pointed it at Ginger's knee and raised my eyebrows at Harry. He just sat there with a smug look on his face. I pulled the trigger, her scream of pain drowned out the dull thud of the bullet hitting her knee. Stepping over the coffee table, I hit her in the head silencing her screams of pain. Harry just couldn't believe his eyes.

"Come on Harry tell me what I want to know and all this stops. Don't and I wait until Ginger here wakes up and we do it all over again with the other knee."

"You bastard," Harry growled at me coming part way off the couch.

"Me? A bastard? I discovered the cure for cancer, all cancers, you suppressed the knowledge, and I'm the bastard? What a hypocrite."

I put a bullet in his unconscious wife just on principle. He snarled at me but remained seated.

"Tell me, Harry," I said.

"Okay, okay, you bastard," his shoulders slumped as he pulled his wife into his arms. "I'll tell you everything you want to know. Just don't hurt her anymore."

"Start," I pulled a recorder out of my pocket and started it, "talking Harry."

He rambled on for two hours, only taking a break to be sure his wife would be okay. While he talked, I fixed his wife's wounds. She would walk with a limp but other than that, she would be fine with just two scars to talk about to all her high society friends. Harry was still talking as the sun went down casting a red glow across the evening sky.

"And that's the whole thing. Now can we get my wife to a doctor?"

"Why was it done in the first place, Harry? You forgot that part."

"Why? Because the dumb masses breed like cattle, with no thought to how they will survive. We needed diseases in order to cull herd humanity, legally you might also say. Cancers just happened, just at the right time. The cure for it has been found at least fifteen times in the last ten years and I'm sure it will be found again. Of all the diseases that have been released, cancer was the most non-discriminatory and it was naturally occurring."

"And you and your ilk were the only ones to get the cure?"

"Yes, we and our families, it was decided that we had to survive in order to keep the union together."

"Who decided?"

Harry listed the name of people in government and industry, fifty in all.

"Harry, why, why did you become part of this?" Ginger asked him softly.

"Sweetheart, I had no choice, if you're not part of the solution your dead, along with your family. I wasn't prepared to lose you or the children. I wasn't ready to die yet. I'm sorry."

I picked up my recorder, shutting it off I slipped it in my pocket.

"Just one more thing Harry, off the record so to speak, if a doctor or medical facility was to find out about this formula and start using it to cure patients, would you or someone else decide to eliminate them for the greater good, as you put it?"

A pained look crossed Harry's face at my question.

"Oh, Harry, you haven't, you wouldn't," Ginger whispered hoarsely.

"It's not my decision alone, but I would be the one to give the order," he stated flatly.

"No need to look over your shoulder Harry. I will tell you when you will die. My people or I will not touch your family, but you will have to pay for your crimes against humanity. It won't be for a while yet, so enjoy your life with Ginger and your children. If I were you, I would resign and go on vacation for a couple of months. I should have this whole thing cleared up in ninety days and will come to collect your debt."

"Hasn't my husband redeemed himself by telling you all he knows?" Ginger pleaded.

"No. No matter what he does, he must pay."

"What about you? When do you pay?"

"The day I kill Harry, I will pay. Then the next day I will pay again, I assure you."

Chapter 29

I turned to go.

"What if I tell my colleges about you and what I told you?" Harry asked timidly.

Turning back to him, "Then you will die sooner than I planned, but the rest will still pay, is all."

I spun on my toes and hurried to the door. I was gone before Harry or Ginger could ask any more questions. They knew the answers but, hoped they were wrong. They would both be quiet and go about their lives as before. Neither of them knew me or where I came from, so, I had no fear about them finding me. As I walked down the hall and approached the door, I noticed two men at my car. It was a rental so I could just abandon it in the lot. It also wasn't rented in my name, well not my real name or the one I was using now.

I stood at the door watching them one had a slim-jim and was attempting to open the driver's door. I smiled as the alarm went off startling them. For two more minutes, they struggled to open the door without success. All the time they were attempting to open the door the alarm screeched, whooped and bellowed. Two hotel security guards came out of the elevator, guns drawn, yelling for them to get down on the ground. The alarm finally quit on its own just as the guy without the slim-jim pulled his gun. He was shot twice, once in the chest and once in the head. The second guy threw his hands into the air just as two rounds hit him in the chest.

Hearing a door open down the hallway I turned and walked to the elevator bank pressing the down button. When the door opened I stepped inside, looking at who was coming down the hall for the first time, I saw a stranger rushing to catch my elevator. I leaned forward and pressed the close door button then the Lobby button. As the doors closed, I saw the scowl on the man's face as he realized he was going to miss catching up to me.

In the lobby, I hurried out a side door, turned a corner and was in the car rental office renting another car. A limo pulled up to the front door and I hurried out and climbed in. The limo took me to the lot down the street so I could pick up my rental. As I pulled out of the lot, I saw the man from the elevator rush out of the hotel and stand on the sidewalk looking both ways. Lucky for me the windows of the car were tinted. I smiled to myself as I slowly rolled past him standing on the sidewalk talking on the phone.

It would seem they had found me. It was time for me to disappear for a time. I wondered if they knew or had just followed Heath and saw me following him. Questions I would never know the answers to.

Chapter 30

I drove down the street trying to think. It appeared whoever they were, they were just a step behind me and getting closer with each step. I finally decided to let them catch up. Making a few phone calls, I drove to the office. As I pulled up in front four heavily armed men poured out of the building. They took up positions around my car scanning the surrounding area. A fifth man was right behind them and he opened my door.

"Mr. Abernathy good to see you made it. If you will follow me, please?" he said, holding the door open.

I stepped out of the car and the four men surrounded me, all of them scanning our surroundings with intent gazes. Once inside the building, I stopped. My partner, Jim Declen stepped out of his office.

"... I don't care what they say you get them in place now. Sweep every inch of the place and post men around the clock. Hi, John, I see you've met your ... bodyguards?"

Declen was smiling at me as his assistant hurried to her desk. I nodded to him and started walking to my office, followed by the five men who had greeted me outside. Two suddenly ran ahead to clear my office before I got there, even though I was pretty confident that Declen had cleared it before my arrival.

"What's the word Declen?"

"Four house members have died of unexplained as yet accidents. Six CEO's on our list of persons of interest have also died no explanation forthcoming from the companies. Three Senators resigned, then killed themselves in their offices. The White House has issued no statement the government is in turmoil. Local news is no longer reporting the events in the Capital. NNN is the only news organization reporting on the events now."

We had reached my desk, Declen grabbed the remote from the desk and turned on every TV on the far wall.

"Any indication that we here are in danger?" I asked.

"No, but I put precautionary measures in place just to be safe."

"Fine, I guess all we can do now is wait. Any word on our friend Heath?"

"Yes, he and his wife are at Weiss Memorial in Connecticut. Word is she checked in for a bout of the flu. No reports of gunshot wounds or attempts on their lives."

"Good," I said handing the recorder to Declen. "Have that transcribed then have men put on everyone who is still alive on that list."

"You got it, John," he said turning to leave.

I finally sat in my chair, leaned back and glanced at the men filling my office. Smiling I leaned back in my chair.

"Why don't two of you stay in here and the rest take a break in the conference room, it's a little crowded in here, don't you think."

Three of them immediately went to the conference room and relaxed, slightly. The two who stayed, stood behind and to each side of me, one facing the windows, the other the door, while I leaned back and watched the news report on the happenings in Washington.

Chapter 31

The news was not good. Almost half of the names on the list that Heath had given me were either dead or missing. Declen was sitting across from me when my desk phone rang. We looked at each other in amazement. Shrugging my shoulders, I picked up the handset.

"Hello," I said tentatively.

"Sorry to bother you sir, but the President is here to see you."

"Excuse me?"

"Sir, the President is here to see you."

"I see who is with him?" There were a few seconds of muffled conversation.

"Sir, a Senator Heath along with a Mister Conroy is with him."

"All right someone will be out to escort them back." I hung up before she could answer.

I typed in Conroy on my computer. It took several seconds before a list of links appeared for him. My computers security software blocked the first one I clicked. Shaking my head, I looked at Declen.

"Go bring the President and his buddies back. Full security sweeps and pat downs, just like we would get going to see him."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, very."

Fifteen minutes later the President, Heath, and Conroy stood before my desk. The President and Conroy looked mad. Health was amused. Declen placed four weapons on my side of the desk.

"Conroy came prepared."

"I'm the Presidents bodyguard," he almost shouted.

"Here I thought my tax dollars were paying some Secret Service agents to protect him, Mister Conroy. By the way, who the hell are you anyway?"

"I just told you."

"Okay, then you don't need to be here...Mister President, this is my office... Declen, see that Mister Conroy is entertained elsewhere."

Declen nodded at one of my guards who tapped Conroy on the shoulder. Conroy ignored him. I raised my eyebrows and nodded. The guard grabbed the back of Conroy's jacket and physically hauled him out, kicking a screaming.

"Mister Abernathy, I think you have just made a big mistake."

"Really? Enlighten me."

"I... I can't."

"He's the one that makes the decisions," Heath said quietly.

"Really? Not our elected official here?"

"No," Heath said even as the President tried to shut him up.

"Mister President, leave Senator Heath alone or I will be filing assault charges against you before you leave. Now sit down, both of you. Declen, bring Mister Conroy back in please."

"I'm afraid that will take awhile. He's unconscious at the moment."


"He tried to overpower his guards, they responded with that force necessary to stop him."

"I see. Well, Mister President would you like to continue without Mister Conroy?"


Chapter 32

"Well then let's hear it."


"Whatever you were going to offer me to shut up, to stop what I was doing. To stop what I'm going to do."

"We didn't come here to offer you anything. Conroy came to kill you."

I laughed so hard tears were rolling down my cheeks. Declen was laughing too. Both the President and Heath were looking at us as if we were crazy.

"Mister President, such audacity, I didn't think you had it in you. And Mister Heath, why are you here?"

"I was dragged along by him and Conroy."

"Now that I believe," I said picking up one of the weapons on my desk. "This is a nice pistol, don't you think?"

Both looked at me with concern in their eyes. Again I laughed. I took the clip from the handle of the weapon and checked that it was full. I slipped it back in and pulled the slide back to put a round in the chamber. I showed both men that the safety was off. Then I pointed the weapon at the ceiling and pulled the trigger. Both men flinched at the expected sound. Eyes wide in amazement they watched as I ejected the misfire and pulled the trigger again. Misfire. Picking up the round on the floor, I put it back in the clip and the clip in the gun.

"So now you know why I laugh."

"What...why didn't...how?" the President sputtered.

"This device," I told them pointing at a little black box on my desk. "There are at least one hundred of them throughout the building. They all do the same thing stop the chemical reaction of standard gunpowder. Another of our inventions here," I told them.

Just then, there was a commotion in the hallway. It appeared that Mister Conroy was awake and on his way back. I smiled at the President as he turned watching the door to my office. Conroy was escorted by two of our biggest agents, Conroy was in what looked like a straightjacket but wasn't. It was another of our inventions.

"Get this thing off of me, this instant. Do you know who I am?" he shouted.

"Mister Conroy, I know who and what you are. I also know why you are here. Shut the fuck up and sit your ass down before I shoot you." I picked up one of his guns and pointed at him. Heath smiled and the President leaned away from Conroy. Conroy sat with a smirk on his face. "Jenkins, take that thing off of him please."

Once free Conroy sat back down, still holding the gun pointing it in his general direction, I just stared at him. Then I tossed him the gun. Surprised at first he quickly gained control of the weapon as had pulled the trigger a half dozen times. No one else moved.

Chapter 33

"Declen, see these 'gentlemen' out of our building. Make sure Mister Conroy gets his weapons back. Senator Heath, you are free to stay, I insist you stay, for your own safety."

"Yes, sir," Declen responded.

"I would like to stay as I feel I will not be safe with these two 'gentlemen'."

As Conroy and the President left my office, I turned on all the monitors on the far wall. Senator Heath started to speak but I waved him to silence and pointed to the screens.

"Watch closely to what happens to the rounds in Mister Conroy's guns as he reaches the car."

The presidential motorcade had pulled up in front of our office. As the driver of the limo opened the door for the President, the rounds in Conroy's guns went off as the edge of the field stopped there. The two bullets in the chambers ripped through his side and spine. The one in the magazine just exploded hitting the President. Secret Service agents were all over Conroy. The President was hustled into his limo and whisked away. Conroy died before an ambulance arrived.

The Secret Service questioned us about what went on, with Senator Heath's help they were satisfied that we weren't involved. Heath was all smiles.

"Senator, won't someone else just step into Conroy's shoes?" I asked.

"Of course, but none of us liked Conroy or his methods."

"Then why was he kept around?"

"That sir is a long and involved story. Let's just say the Conroy family has been most influential in the goings on in American politics for the past century. Bill was the last in a long line of Conroy's controlling the President and Congress. I know, I know, but each of us has something to hide from the public. Conroy knew what and was able to press the right buttons to get what he wanted."

Amazed I sat back in my chair watching the police and Secret Service clean up and leave.

"So the Secret Service didn't know who Conroy was?"

"No, he liked to be the mysterious presidential advisor, called in on tough decisions or negotiations."

"I see and he would make the decision or tell everyone how things were going to be?"


Chapter 34

Declen quietly came in and stood to one side of my desk. I nodded and he started to brief me.

"The President suffered major trauma to his lungs and most of his internal organs. He succumbed to his wounds just five minutes ago. As we speak, the Chief Justice is swearing in the Vice President as President. One of our sweeper teams picked up Senator Heath's wife and is in route here now. Teams have eyes on his son and daughter."

"Who are you?" Heath asked surprise in his voice.

"I have just decided to be the next Mister Conroy and you are going to help me."

"How? I don't know what he knew."

"But you know where he lived, worked, stayed, correct?"

"I do, but by now his place has been swept clean."

"You let us worry about that, now give Declen the places and we'll get down to business putting this country, maybe even the world on the right track. Why in the world anyone thought it would be morally right to introduce plagues and illness into the world to limit population, I have no idea, but we are here now to fix this thing."

Declen handed me a piece of paper with the names of places and addresses of one Mister Scott Conroy. I committed them to memory. We needed more information before we took the next step though.

"Declen, take Senator Heath to the south wing to await his wife's arrival."

"Of course John," Declen answered.

Within minutes, I was alone in my office, well as alone as one could get with two linebackers from the Chicago Bears standing guard. A red pip appeared on my computer screen. It flashed three times then remained steady.

"Stanly, right...good...close the blinds and lower the shutters," I yelled.

Stanly did what I told him, without question. I hit the panic button on my desk. Every device to stop chemical reactions of explosives instantly activated. Three heavy impacts came so close together as to be one. The window glass shattered as the shutters absorbed the impact of the missiles. There was no explosion, just the heat, and pressure of a kinetic hit. Declen was standing at my doorway as the dust and smoke from heated metal drifted across the room.