Jack and Toby Ch. 02

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A blowjob doesn't solve everything.
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Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/01/2018
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Hello Everyone, Gee everyone was silent on chapter one. Well here is chapter two, will be working on editing 3 and 4 for you all, but they will not be out right away, maybe a few weeks. Just giving you a sense of what's to come. Then will edit 5&6. Then seven.

The Eighth and final chapter of this series (Yes, there will be only EIGHT CHAPTERS). It was how I had laid it out, not going to write any more. But the eighth chapter is not finish, (WRITERS BLOCK HIT) while writing this and F&L and all my other stories I was working on. I know what caused it, sadly I don't know when it will end. That is the fucked up thing. I am hoping sooner than later, but it's been almost six weeks or more now that I haven't been able to write more than two to three sentences and say they are shit.

So that is why I am editing, as I stated before three friends are helping. Group thing, it's fun talking to someone just over hundred miles away and one a few thousand miles about different edits in the storyline. Ok, I will shut up now. And let you read Chapter 2 of Jack and Toby. Oh for the Jake and Toby fans. Just before the writer's block hit, I was thinking about writing another chapter (THINKING) :oP yes I am evil. Got to keep you'll hooked somehow. LOL

As always, your comments and emails are always welcomed. Some fans I use to talk to, will understand these comments, The vampire is trying to go out into the sun "TRYING". 5 minutes a day, hasn't killed me yet, but it just started warming up here where I can go out. Miss my Ducky, bobbing in the shallows but I don't know if I am floating or sinking sometimes. UK Tall Guy, Thanks.



"Damn it Jack, will you listen to me."

"Why? You never have anything important to say." Jack smiled at me. I hated when he does that but I do love him. He was filing his nails, he even had the clear polish out.

"I wanted to ask if you would like to get an apartment together and move out of our parents. It really sucks trying to get some private time together." I finally had a stable job, Jack always had one, I'd jumped from being a cop to a security officer. I couldn't handle doing what my dad and brother Matt did every day.

"Really?" Jack jumped up and almost spilled the nail polish.

"Yeah." I responded as he kissed me and pushed me down on the bed.

"We could be downtown and near my work." Jack was dreaming, hell that would be too expensive. "Toby this is going to be great."

"Well, I don't think downtown, but we'll see where we'll be able to afford."

Jack just started rambling about something as I watched him continue to do his nails. I do love him, I always have since he pulled me into the closet after drama class. He had transferred to my school and broke my world apart. I didn't know I could have feelings for a guy until Jack showed up. I was never really interested in girls, dated them to make my family happy but never was interested in them.

When Jack showed up, I was Captain of the Football team, I was in drama class because football players had to take classes they could easily pass. So drama, why not, I could memorize lines to plays. I ended up liking it and actually ended up in the spring play after football was over. Jack help me practice, and boy did he help me practice.

He was very helpful when I got my lines correct, it was fun. We almost got caught a few times by my dad. I wondered why my dad never wondered why I ask for Jack to sleep over, when we were seventeen and after we both turned eighteen. But I finally told him and it was my sister Sarah that calmed him down and made him accept me.

"Toby... Toby... Earth to Toby." Jack was waving his hand in front of my face. "Oh My God, can you just space out."

"Sorry Babe, what?"

"When did you want to start looking for apartments?" Jack asked, he had gotten up and was now brushing his hair.

"Whenever. Are you going somewhere Jack?" I finally paid attention and noticed that he was getting ready to go out.

"Yeah, I told you silly. I was going out with my friends tonight."

"Actually no you didn't, I think I would've remembered." I watched Jack put his shoes on after pulling on some skin tight pants.

"Well, I'll call you tomorrow. I don't think your parents would be too happy with me coming in at a late hour if you weren't with me." Jack bent down and kissed me. "Love you." As he bounced out the door.

I just laid back on my bed, Jack is Jack I can't change him. He had cheated on me some, I knew this. Friends have told me, but I love Jack. So if he's willing to come home to me, then at least that is saying something.

I went down a little while after Jack left and surprised my parents they had seen Jack leave and just expected I'd left with him. "Jack was all dolled up." My dad spoke as I was looking in the fridge.

"Yeah, he's going out with friends."

"Friends?" My dad reaffirmed.

"Yeah Dad, friends." I responded, mom just looked at me. "Friends." They were making me doubt it.

I closed the fridge, I'd lost my appetite and just walked back up to my room. I could try to locate Jack but it would be like a needle in a stack of needles. I know a lot of his friends but I'm not going to start calling them to find out which ones Jack is with. I laid down and tried not to think about it so I could fall asleep. Which of course sleep didn't come.


Toby drives me nuts sometimes, he never listens to me and he wonders why I cheat on him. When a guy will pay attention to me and do anything I want, it's great. Toby use to be that way. He tends to be that way every time he finds out I've cheated. He gets all possessive over me, I love it, but then he turns back into his normal self.

I got all dolled up for Roy tonight, he was going to take me to dinner and out to a club. I met Roy when I was at lunch a few days ago. He reminds me a lot of Toby, dumb jock, I wish Toby would get a clue sometimes. He was doing well for himself, he went to the police academy and was a cop for a whole year before he quit, a whole year.

Then he decided to be a security guard, Jesus. A security guard, what can you make being a security guard. Half the time he's working nights so he can't even be with me. It's almost rare that he can be with me at night. He's generally sleeping all the time.

Now he wants to get an apartment together, I wonder who's going to end up paying most of the bills. That would probably be me. Glad I have a stable job as a makeup artist at Glo one of the top modeling agencies. But, I do love Toby, even though he's a dumb jock.

But why am I thinking about Toby right now, Roy is on his way to pick me up. Hope he doesn't expect to get sex on the first date, I don't do that. I'd just made it home in time to make sure my hair was perfect. I forgot I'd run out of product at Toby's to style it. In a way I do hope that we move in with one another, but it will be harder to go out on dates when we're together.


I woke at two that morning, I looked at my phone there was nothing from Jack, not a text, phone call or anything. Knowing Jack he was just getting home from the clubs, so I decided to call him. It rang four times and went to voicemail. I left one just saying it was me.

I went down to the kitchen and looked in the fridge, checking if there was anything to eat. "Your mom has cake in the microwave." My Dad stated as he took a seat at the table. "Get me a piece when you get yourself one, please."

I chuckled. "Sure, milk?"


We sat in silence for about five minutes. "Go on and say it Dad."

"How long have you been with Jack?"

"Almost six years, Dad."

"Your twenty-four son."

"Almost." My dad looked at me, I could tell he wanted to hit me. "Yes Dad, I know but I love him and Jack loves me. I know he does, somewhere amongst all the moisturizers and makeup and shit he does."

"And what was wrong with loving a woman?" My Dad laughed and so did I. "Shit Toby, you're screwed up. That kid wear more shit than your sister." Then he looked at me. "But you let him run over you, go out and cheat on you."

"He's out with friends tonight, Dad, out with friends." I was trying to reassure myself more than my dad at this point.

"Okay Tobias." Oh God, did he have to call me that.

"Yeah Dad."

"But let's go back to this other subject, what was wrong with a girl? Jack pretty much gets gussied up like one." Dad laughed, trying to ease the tension.

I laughed, "Because I like Jack, Dad. I like guys, I don't know what it is. Girls never attracted me, not like Jack had." I smile remembering the first day he walked into drama class.

Jack was Jack even back then, bright red hair dyed of course with a few black streaks, he's taming it down a little, darker reds but still red. But when he walked in a few of my buddies started to whistle, of course making fun of him, I was just awestruck. I started to think no one could move me, because nothing had before. It kind of scared me in a sense because I was seventeen and all of a sudden I get a boner in class for a fucking guy that walks in. Who in the hell do you talk to about that.

So every day I just watch him and apparently Jack was watching me too, because one day after class, the teacher had paired us up, of all the kids in class to pair up. I needed and asked for help for my tests. Then Jack pulls me into a closet and kisses me, at first it scared me but I wanted it more than anything and pulled him close.

So all of a sudden, Jack was showing up at my house, my buddies were wondering what the heck, but they knew I would beat the shit out of them if they said anything. I told them, I needed the A and they could understand, they needed to keep their grades up just as much as I did.

I was a senior in high school and beyond ready to graduate. Jack was also technically a senior, he said he had failed a grade basically to spend more time with his ex. So he needed to make up half a year, basically summer school. He wouldn't be walking with us, he'd walk the following year.

But Jack started coming by the house and my parents looked at him and shook their head every time. When he started staying over they looked at me, but didn't say anything, because we were running lines and it was after football season and I was in the play. They did hear us running lines, just what they didn't know, was Jack was in my lap giving me a kiss every time I got the line correct.

For my eighteenth birthday, while we were running lines. I thought I was going to die. Jack and I were always humping on one another, but that night, he decided to move it up a notch. Every time I would remember my line for Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream part as Snug, the Joiner, he would start to stroke my cock. After two fucking lines he had me cumming and my dad knocking at the door....

"Toby, did you hear my question?" My dad asked.

I winced. "Sorry, Dad, spaced out there. What was it?"

"Shit kid, I'm starting to wonder sometimes if you got hit too many times in football. But I was asking have you ever thought about dating a woman, since." He stopped, I guess because of the way I looked at him. "Never mind. I know you love him, I just wish sometimes I could see that he loved you the same way."

"Yeah Dad." I looked at him. "Dad, I know I've never told you, I'm sorry."

"What for, Toby?"

"For never seeming to meet up to your standards. Matt, is the son that you wanted, he followed you into the force, I bailed. Charlie still doesn't know what he wants but he still seems to be half normal, and Sarah is perfect." I was looking down at the table. "I'm a security guard if you want to say that, a fucking night watchman at a warehouse."

"Tobias Benjamin Smith, I'm proud of all my children, however they turn out, even you." He blew out a breath. "Do I want better for you Toby, yes, I would love you to do better. But you will find what you're good at. Being a police officer wasn't for you, you found that out quickly. Thank God, you found it out before you were killed on the job or just spend your entire life hating what you did." I was still looking down so he touched my hand. "Toby, do you like what you're doing?"

"Yes and no."

"Why no?" My dad asked.

"Well there is so much more I could do, I'm sure of it, but not where I'm currently at."

"Ok, why yes?"

"I actually do like the guard part, the watching part, when I wasn't assigned to the warehouse."

"You liked being a police officer sort of, but not the role of a police officer, writing tickets and basically being in a dangerous situation on a daily basis."

"I guess you could put it that way."

"You're one step ahead of the game, you can carry, you been trained for that in the academy. You have an associate's degree in criminal justice, you had to waste a few years before you could go to the academy." My dad didn't realize but he was making me feel worse not better about this. I've basically wasted six years of my life doing nothing eighteen to twenty-four. "Toby, would you like my help. I could put in a word for you for a job."

"Dad, I couldn't."

"I said, I could put in a word for you. You can apply, and work your ass off and get the job yourself, which." My dad smiled at me. "I would prefer you to do. I love you Tobias, but I know you and I know that you would hate me to interfere. So, I'm going to tell you where there is a good opening coming up, but you have one strike against you already. The director hates me, but Toby, if you get it, you will advance and grow, and son, I think you will like it."

I scoffed, "So this guy doesn't like you and you want me to apply to work under him?"

"You will learn a lot, with room to move up if you stayed with the company." I nodded my head and my dad gave me the information to the security company. They contract out to hospitals and other major office buildings in the area. No more night watchman shit jobs if I get the job.

Since I had to cover an earlier shift and mine I had to go into work at three that afternoon, I woke up around ten and dressed in my uniform. It took me forty-five minutes on my bike to get over to the main office to see if I could even get an application. I walked in and was stunned at the size of the office. The place I work for now, basically works out of a trailer.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The receptionist looked me up and down.

"Hello, I heard there was a job opening and I was wondering if I could apply for it." I think she now was wondering how I knew about it, because I was from another security company.

"Have a seat, I'll have to check with my director. I don't know of any openings." She pointed to some comfortable chairs, I almost could've fallen asleep that was how comfortable they were.

A man came out along with the receptionist about five minutes later. "Hello Jacob Wilt." As he walked up to me and stuck his hand out, I stood up.

"Tobias Smith."

"Well, Mr. Smith, how did you hear about the job? It's not even posted yet."

"I know, Sir. It was my father that gave me the information." He looked at me, basically for clarification. "William Smith, I don't know if you call him Bill, he's a police officer."

"Oh, you must be one of Bill and Betty's sons. The middle one, right?"

"Yes Sir."

"I use to watch you play, you could tackle, but you took some awful hits too. That blow in the final game your junior year, damn near knocked you out, didn't it?" I could see the woman behind Mr. Wilt just shaking her head, thinking that was what all men talk about, sports.

"No, it did, but the coach wanted me back in asap. That's what made me captain my senior year." I chuckled.

"I'm only going to let you put in an app because you're Betty's kid, I could care less that you're Bill's." He smirked at me. "You're in luck kid, I'm not doing the hiring or I wouldn't even consider you. So take it home, fill it out. I would attach a resume because Darren is a hard nose when it comes to who he likes working under him."

"Yes Sir. Thank you, Sir." I shook his hand. He walked away, I know it doesn't mean I have the job, I have to impress this other guy.


The date with Roy was GREAT, first he picked me up in his convertible Benz. Damn I didn't think the dumb jock had taste, he took me to a wonderful Sushi Restaurant it was to die for. We never made it to the club, I was all over him, oh was I a whore last night.

Oh well, what Toby doesn't know won't hurt me. We'll see if Roy calls me, I've got a big day today, lots of faces to paint, so I can't start thinking about Roy right now.


"I haven't seen Jack around for a few days." My dad observed, I wish he wouldn't sometimes.

"Yeah, neither have I." I tried to walk out of the room but of course I failed.


"He's never home when I stop, he won't answer my calls. It's normal Jack. In a few days or a week he'll be back."

"Toby, I really wish you...." I cut my dad off.

"Dad, please, it's Jack. It's how he is, it's how he always been. I love him." Denial my biggest go to, but I really do love Jack.

I never did tell my dad I went down to the security office and applied for the job, I don't know why. It did take a couple days for me to fill out the application and get my resume together. So in a sense it was good I didn't have Jack around or I had the application as a distraction which ever you would like to say.

For three weeks straight I was working doubles because the guy who was suppose to relieve me quit and they couldn't get a replacement. So some days it was sixteen hour days sometimes more depending on if the guy after that came in on time. So I was dragging ass a few mornings, I shouldn't say mornings, more like late mornings to afternoon.

"Baby, sit down and I'll make you something before you crash for the day." My mom said one morning I walked through the kitchen after pulling in from a double. It must had been both of my parent's day off because I really wasn't expecting anyone to be home. Dad looked up from his coffee and newspaper.

"It's okay mom, I'll eat when I wake up later."

"Baby, eat now and when you get up later. I worry about you on your motorcycle. You go to work tired and come home tired. Why don't you get a car?"

"And give up my bike, no." I couldn't do that, I love my bike. "Mom, I'll be okay." I hugged her. "I'll take some food, thanks." I sat down with my dad and we just made small talk until she sat a large plate of food in front of me. "Mom, I said some."

"You need to eat, Toby you have been losing weight." I blew out a breath, didn't say anything, nodded my head, picked up my fork and started eating. God was I full when I took my last bite and my mother sat there and made sure I finished everything.

"Mom, you do realize I'm not in football and I can't eat like that anymore."

"Yes Dear, but you're looking too skinny and worn out. I love you, Toby." Then she got up and left the kitchen and it left me alone with my father.

"Tobias." Oh here we go, it's going to be a talk.

"Yeah Dad."

"How safe are you with Jack?" Oh God not the talk, I grimace. "Toby I want to know."

"I always and I mean always wear a condom, especially after the first time he step out on me. He has tried to get me to have sex without and I won't."

"How about oral?"

Oh God, why am I having this conversation right now with my father? "Dad?"

"Toby, just tell me."

"Sometimes." He looked at me. "I know."

"How often do you get tested?"

"Probably not as often as I should, considering I'm dealing with Jack. But I go every six months, I probably should go every three, considering how often Jack steps out, I know." I closed my eyes. I didn't want to get emotional, but too late, I was physically and mentally tired. I had to get up and leave the kitchen. My dad didn't say anymore to me.


I haven't seen Toby in a few weeks, it's okay because I know he will be there when I come around again. He always waits for me, like a good puppy should. Roy has been a dreamboat, he sends me flowers and has been taking me to expensive places.