JAG: Sarah Ch. 02


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Major Chaffee, however, had become more and more of a problem. Both Sam and PC had urged her to file charges with Colonel Farrow and put an end to the major's escalating harassment, but Mac repeatedly rejected the idea and insisted that she could handle the matter herself. As the year wore on, however, she slowly began to doubt the wisdom of her decision.

Chaffee's inappropriate behavior toward her had begun in a variety of ambiguous ways. The major would "accidentally" brush against her chest as he took stacks of files from her; lean against her as he reached for objects that were positioned behind her; and watch her as she bent to file material in the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet.

It had been irritating, to say the least, but nothing that she couldn't deal with.

Then, during her second year under his command, he became emboldened...perhaps by the fact that she hadn't yet filed a complaint documenting his previous behavior.

His physical contact with her now became more overt, removing any question of his intentions. He began to compliment her on the shade of her stockings, and make private jokes about what might be holding them up. His "accidental" brushes, now became more pronounced and lingering, forcing Mac to retreat from his reach on occasion. He had even cornered her in his office with the door closed, and told her that she was too tense...and that he had just the cure.

As her sophomore year drew to a close, even Colonel Farrow was beginning to notice the stress between the two, and speculate about the cause.

Then, two days before she left for her second, and final, 6-week summer session at O.C.S., Chaffee called her into his office. He told her that there were piles of paperwork that had to be expedited before she could leave, and insisted that she work late. Mac was wary of his motives, but powerless to refuse the assignment, and it was with great relief that she saw the major leave, on time, with the rest of the staff.

Evening grew into night, leaving Mac buried in reams of busywork. Shadows began to fill the empty office, replacing the overhead lights that had been turned off long ago. Mac had barely made a dent in the enormous pile of paperwork before her, when she heard the office door open. Startled, she turned, and found Major Chaffee watching her from across the dimly lit room.

"Still working, Corporal? he leered, his eyes scanning her body suggestively. "I thought you might be hungry, so I brought back a little something for us to share." he said, displaying a small bag of "take-out". " I knew what you wanted, Corporal, I've always known what you wanted."

As the major advanced toward her, Mac began to retreat, positioning a desk between them.

"Don't be like that, Corporal. I can make things happen for you around here, you know. Just be a little nice to me...is that too much to ask?"

"I need to leave now, Sir." Mac stated, circling around the desk toward the doorway. "I can finish up in the morning."

Mac made a lunge toward the entrance, but Chaffee was quick... deceptively so. Just when she thought she was "home free", Chaffee's ham-like fist closed around her upper arm, drawing her back into the room.

"Come on, Corporal. I'm your superior officer. You're under my command, remember." he spat angrily.

Terrified, Mac slammed her heel down on Chaffee's instep, then, as he bent to tend his throbbing foot, she followed with a knee to his face.

Howling in pain, Chaffee released his grip and Mac raced for the door. She had almost made it to the lobby, when he caught up to her again.

I'm going to make you sorry, you little..."

"Is everything alright here, Corporal?" Colonel Farrow stepped out of the shadows, and Chaffee froze in place.

"Yes, Sir. Were you working late, Sir?" Mac replied gratefully, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

"Yes, I was, but I heard the commotion and decided to check it out," he said, still addressing the corporal.

Farrow's eyes narrowed coldly at Chaffee. Mac could see how he'd earned his reputation in combat. He looked invincible.

"Corporal, it's getting late. I think you'd better call it a night. And take tomorrow off to pack. I'm sure that's what the major wanted to tell you, isn't it Major?"

"Yes, Sir. That was it, Sir." the major grunted, glaring at Mac.

"Then it's settled. You may leave now, Corporal. We'll see you after you get back from Quantico."

"Yes, Sir." Mac replied, the relief evident in her voice.

Mac hurried out to her car, with Farrow keeping a close watch until she was safely inside and on her way home.

He then closed in on Chaffee, toe to toe, his jaw set and his eyes like ice. Only the restrictions of rank prevented Farrow from physically dismantling the "lowlife" that stood before him.

"Major, I feel you may have outlived your usefulness to the Corps," Farrow growled. "I expect to see your request for terminal leave on my desk by the end of the week."

Farrow paused, his demeanor daring Chaffee to take him on, wishing the major would give him an excuse to "defend" himself. But it never happened.

"Yes, Sir." Chaffee croaked weakly. "I'll take care of it, Sir," Then, holding his hand over his throbbing nose, the major retreated back to his office.

Fall 1989 - Six Weeks Later
Kishaba Towers Apartments
Camp Butler

There had been another murder.

Sam and PC had both been at the Futenma terminal to welcome newly promoted Second Lieutenant Sarah MacKenzie back to Camp Butler.

"Corporals Wilberts and Wayne, reporting for duty," they'd saluted as she disembarked the transport, her gold bars gleaming in the tropical sun.

"Oh you two," she'd laughed, taking a jab at PC's shoulder. "You sound like a comedy team. You know that my OCS promotion could never come between us!"

Laughing, Sam grabbed her extra bags and the three headed for Sam's car. It was then that PC's attitude became somber. "Sarah, " he began softly, "We wanted to tell you ourselves, before you heard it from someone else. There's been another murder on base while you were gone. It happened the night after you left..."

Mac was shaken. Visions of Tricia flooded through her mind, filling her once again with an unconquerable sense of guilt.

"Who...who was it this time?" Mac asked, dreading the reply.

"Diana James," Sam offered reluctantly, "Farrow's administrative assistant. Apparently she had a date that Friday night, and never returned home. It was actually the Colonel himself who found her, out by one of the running trails on the edge of the base."

Mac thought of the perky redhead who'd always been so kind to her, and of the caring man who had been Diana's C.O.. It wasn't right. It wasn't fair. Would this killer never be caught?

As they neared the Kishaba Towers, Mac tried to shake off the depression that consumed her. "Hey! Why don't you two bring over a couple of six-packs tonight... mineral water for me...and I'll throw on a few steaks for dinner? You can fill me in on all the scuttlebutt before I go in to work tomorrow.

"Oh man, I'd love to, Sarah," PC began, "but I've got duty tonight. We have to upgrade the mainframe at the Requisitions Office, and we have to do it at night when the computer system's not in use. Sorry...can't make it."

"I'm free." Sam grinned, doing his best W.C. Fields imitation. "What time should I be there?"

"How about 1800?" Mac calculated. "That'll give me time to unpack and have a long, hot bath before you arrive. That sound okay?"

"It's a date, beautiful." Sam joked semiseriously. "I'll be there."

Quickly, they helped Mac up to her apartment with her luggage, then headed out for parts unknown. Once alone, Mac dug a couple of T-bones out of her freezer, and placed them on the kitchen counter to defrost. Then, filling her tub with an aromatic mixture of hot water and bath oil, she settled down for a relaxing soak.

Sam arrived at precisely 1800 HOURS. With him he carried a small grocery sack, and a bouquet of colorful, tropical lily's.

Mac looked at the flowers with mixed feelings. "Sam. You really shouldn't have..." It was a trite phrase, but an apt one. Mac knew that Sam still harbored romantic feelings for her after all this time, but she had done everything she could to let him know that their relationship had to remain on a platonic basis.

"I know...I know. I just wanted to do something special to congratulate you on your promotion. Maybe I'll apply for O.C.S. one of these days. I can't let you outrank me now, can I?"

You've got a college degree, Sam. It wouldn't take much for you to complete O.C.S., just a 10-week summer session in the Officer's Candidate course, and you'd be done. I had to spread it out because I was an undergrad, but you wouldn't have to wait that long.

Sam shrugged, only mildly interested. "Maybe, maybe not. Now that I have my paralegal training in tow, I'm pretty satisfied with my lot in life. You're the one with the silver stars in her eyes, not me."

"Right now I'm more concerned with gold oak leaves. I'm worried about handling Chaffee tomorrow... after that run-in we had before I left. You know, I hate to make waves, but I may actually have to resort to official channels after all."

Sam grinned. "Not necessary." he offered gladly. "Chaffee's gone. He left the Wednesday after you did. He actually resigned his commission! It took weeks for the gossip to die down!"

"Really..." Mac questioned hesitantly. "What were they saying?"

"Well, the gist of it was that Farrow gave him a choice, either tender his resignation, or he'd be court martialed. No one in Farrow's office would say why, but I think everyone sort of guessed."

It was easy for Mac to guess as well. Chaffee had received his "walking papers" because of her. She needed to talk to Colonel Farrow.

Oh, Sam. Do you really think so? That makes me awfully uncomfortable...everyone talking about Chaffee and me...it's humiliating. I hope they don't think I encouraged him!"

"Naw, not a chance. They'd been around the old lecher too long not to know better. You weren't the only one he'd ever 'hit on' you know, just the latest."

Mac was relieved, but she still felt that a trip to Farrow's office was appropriate. Well, she'd deal with that tomorrow.

Sam's conversation was animated as they ate their dinner and chatted about the things she'd missed over the past six weeks. It didn't take long for Mac to be up to speed on all of the latest grapevine material.

After supper, Mac and Sam settled on the sofa for coffee and companionship. It felt good to be home and near her friends once again, but, from the looks he'd been giving her all evening, she feared that Sam might be taking their platonic get-together a little too seriously.

She tried to make light of the situation, hoping to preserve the friendship she had come to treasure so highly, but she had to make sure Sam understood that their relationship could never be more. It was when Sam leaned over and gently pressed his lips to hers that the situation came to a head.

"Sam...please...I can't."

"Mac...Sarah...why not? We're good together. We spend all of our free time with each other...we confide in each other...would one more step be so disastrous? I know you'd feel differently, if you'd just give us a chance."

Pleadingly, his hand caressed her face, hoping for the answer that would put him out of his misery. But, with tears in her eyes, Sarah knew their friendship was over.

"I can't, Sam. There are things you just don't understand. I can't get involved with you, or anyone else for that matter. I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. You know how much I care for you.... only not in the same way.

The pain in his eyes was palpable. Sarah knew she'd hurt him deeply, but the situation was beyond her control.

Silently, Sam rose from the sofa and walked to the door, his face a mask of tortured resignation. Turning, he said simply, "Good-bye, Sarah." and closed the door softly behind him.

0800 HOURS / The next morning
Legal Services Offices
H&S Building
Camp Butler

With the removal of Major Chaffee, the office was a totally different place to work. For once, Mac could dig in and get the job done without having to be constantly on guard.

Uneasily, Mac noticed that Sam had taken a personal day, and hadn't come in to work that morning. She didn't know how she'd face him when he did. How could they continue to work together with last night's revelation standing between them?

Desperate to distract herself from the problem, Mac cleared away the most immediate of her back mail, then decided it was time to get the visit to the colonel's office behind her.

The first thing she noticed upon entering the H&S office suite, was the absence of the colonel's administrative assistant. Diane James would be sorely missed by everyone, she thought. The serial killer of Camp Butler needed to be caught, and soon!

"Lieutenant! Come on it!" a cheery voice called. "I heard you were back. Congratulations on your promotion. You worked hard for your gold bars...you earned them."

Mac snapped to attention. "Thank you. Sir. It's good to be back."

"As you were, Lieutenant. Relax...have a seat. So how was your stay at Quantico?"

"Long, Sir. I guess I've sort of adopted Okinawa as my home. I missed it here."

"I enjoy it here myself." he agreed. "But every once in a while, something happens that puts a pall on things..."

Mac knew what he was talking about. "I'm sorry to hear about Lieutenant James' death, Sir. I'm sure it came as a great blow to everyone."

"Diane was a very special person. She'll be hard to replace, personally and professionally. Which brings me to the next topic of conversation."

The colonel leaned back in his seat. "If you hadn't come in this morning, I was going to send for you. I'm in need of a new administrative assistant. Your rank and experience would make you a perfect candidate. Are you interested?"

Mac was overwhelmed. It was a dream assignment. She'd be crazy to turn it down.

"Yes, Sir! I'd like that very much! Thank you for thinking of me, Sir."

"You were an obvious choice, Lieutenant. A 'short list' of one. Why don't you tie up any loose ends you might have over at Legal Services, before you get involved with any new projects, then start work here tomorrow. I've needed someone for...a while now."

"Yes, Sir...can do, Sir." Mac rose to take her leave, then remembered why she'd come to the colonel's office. "Sir?" she said, settling back into her seat. "I almost forgot. There's something I need to talk to you about, Sir."

"And what's that, Lieutenant?" he said, anticipating her next words.

"Sir, about Major Chaffee. Word has it that I was the cause of his being forced to take terminal leave. Is that accurate, Sir?"

"No...not accurate at all. The major, himself, was the cause of his removal. I just gave him the option of doing so under his own steam. Except for the fact that you obviously didn't want to pursue the matter along official lines, I wouldn't have given him that choice."

"I...I don't know what to say, Sir. I hope you know that I never encouraged the major..."

"That thought never entered my mind, Lieutenant. Men like Chaffee don't need encouragement. They have no place in the Marines, or anywhere else. If I'd left him in place, he would have just continued to harass either you or someone else. There are some men who just don't 'get it'. Unfortunately, even the Marines have a few. Well, the fewer the better. This wasn't your fault...it was his. Put it behind you."

"Yes, Sir." Mac responded, the relief evident in her voice. "Thank you, Sir. I'll be reporting for duty tomorrow morning, Sir."

"Dismissed, Lieutenant. Oh, and by the way...we're going to be around each other at least eight hours a day. If you insist on saluting me every time you see me, you're going to end up in rehab.. I think we can relax the protocol between us a little without bringing down the Corps., don't you think?"

Mac smiled. She was going to like her new assignment. "Yes, Sir. I'll work on it, Sir." And with a final salute, she turned and headed back to Legal Services.

0600 HOURS
Summer, 1990 - One Year Later
A Remote Running Path
Camp Butler

It had been a great year.

For Mac, her new job was a dream come true. Being the colonel's administrative assistant was both interesting, and challenging. She had access to almost every aspect of Marine life on Camp Butler, and found her privileged status stimulating.

She and Sam had eventually reached an understanding, and while the friendship they'd once had was now a thing of the past, they could at least find a cordial word to share when they bumped into each other in the halls. According to the grapevine, Sam was now seeing a local girl from Okinawa City, and the relationship looked serious. Mac was truly happy for him.

With the loss of her daily running companion, however, and the Camp Butler Killer still at large, Mac had finally taken the colonel up on his long-ago offer to share in his daily run. She now met him each morning at 0600 at his favorite trailhead, and they were fast becoming close friends, opting during off-duty moments to calling each other by their first names.

Mac smiled. John Farrow was becoming a very dear part of her life. Too bad their relationship had gone as far as it could go.

1100 HOURS
June 4, 1991
H&S Building

Mac was delighted. After four long, hard years, she had finally completed her pre-law studies and was the proud holder of a B.S. degree from the University of Maryland.

John, wonder that he was, had secretly arranged a party at the office to celebrate her achievement. Mac was overwhelmed!

In his zeal, John had phoned caterers from the local community to bring a variety of both local and American delicacies. Pizza, submarine sandwiches, cake and andagi (Okinawan donuts) abounded. He'd even broken the rules and ordered enough Champagne for everyone to share a toast (for Mac a non-alcoholic variety).

It was then that Colonel Farrow had produced her new rank insignias and announced to everyone that Mac was now FIRST Lieutenant Sarah MacKenzie. Could life get any better?

The high point of the party arrived when John took her aside and told her that he had recommended the Marines fund her way through law school next year. It was a dream come true.

Still glowing from her good fortune, Mac arrived at work the next morning in high spirits. What awaited her, however, would have crushed even the brightest of moments.

The next victim had been found in the brush behind the Headquarters and Service Battalion Building. It was the body of an attractive young private, new to Okinawa and Camp Butler. She had been assigned to the building's maintenance staff only two weeks ago, and had been working the day shift, as had all female staff, pending the capture of the Camp Butler serial killer. Apparently, she had traded shifts last night, and had somehow become his latest target.

Mac could tell that John was taking her death personally. He had spent the morning in his office with the door closed, ruminating over mundane tasks that normally would have taken him minutes.

Earlier that day, Colonel Farrow had received another visit from Sargeant Asaki, O.C.P.D.. During the visit, Farrow had stressed the importance of escalating the investigation into the killings, and pledged an unlimited amount of manpower and resources to realize that end. He had been told by Asaki, however, that everything possible was already being done. Patience would win out in the end.

Patience, at this point, was something the colonel had in short supply. Too much time, and too many lives had already fallen victim to the sergeant's policy of passivity. Farrow was a man of action...and it was time to bring the situation to an end.