Jane Doe - AKA "Miss Nobody" Pt. 05

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Jenny offers Jack the deal of a lifetime. Will he take it?
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Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/04/2020
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My thoughts of Jenny and what she had just whispered to me, were interrupted by a double knock on the door. Typically in a hospital, there is a knock and the door is immediately opened afterward. It's more of a courtesy knock than anything else; a "here I am and I'm coming in" declaration and heads up, as opposed to an actual request to enter. If you're in the middle of a magical moment, you'll be very embarrassed. This time, however, the door did not open after the knock.

"Come in!" I called.

The thick oak-veneered door swung inward, and Sarah entered the room. I figured I was in for an ass chewing, but at this point I could not have cared any less. My thoughts were all focused on the love of my life laying next to me on the bed. To my surprise, however, her tone was very different than I was expecting.

"Can you tell me what is going on, Jack?" she inquired softly. "All I'm getting is a wall of silence, or referrals to talk to someone else. I know you're part of this somehow, but I have no idea why or how you are involved in all of this."

"I can't exactly tell you what is going on," I began, "because the case is still ongoing and more arrests are going to be made. I can tell you this, however: there are several people in this hospital who are facing serious prison time for they did regarding my patient here."

"Are you a cop?" she asked bluntly.

"No," I replied, "but I used to be. That's probably why I picked up on certain things that none of you did. By the way, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Jenny. Jenny, this is Sarah, my supervisor."

Sarah stared in stunned disbelief at Jenny, who had still been in a coma at the beginning of her shift, and was now wide awake. Jenny smiled weakly at her.

"Hello." she whispered hoarsely.

"You're awake!" Sarah exclaimed, as she noticed for the first time, that Jenny's eyes were open.

"What an astute observation." I said dryly. "Yes, she is. Her coma was medically induced by some rather unscrupulous staff at this hospital, hence the arrests earlier."

"But why?" Sarah queried.

"Apparently, they were motivated by greed." I explained. "I can't tell you any more regarding what's happening, but rest assured that those responsible will be dealt with severely. You might get a little more info if you watch the news in the morning though. I suspect that someone's notified the Media about this by now. Corruption in the health care system would be a big story. I'm sure a lot of company bigwigs are gonna get fired over this, too."

"I just can't believe this was going on here at City General." she mused, shaking her head dejectedly. "I thought I knew these people."

"Money is an amazing carrot to dangle in front of someone." I replied. "Greed is probably the second biggest motivator after anger or jealousy. Those people had a lot of money offered to them, I'm sure. What they did was wrong and they are going to pay for it, I promise you."

Sarah nodded.

"I believe you." she agreed.

She gazed at me intently.

"Who are you, Jack? Really? You say you're not a cop although you used to be, but those were federal agents that came in here today, along with city police officers. I heard you give an order and they all obeyed it."

She guffawed loudly, shaking her head again; this time in a perplexed manner.

"You are one mysterious motherfucker, Jack Peters!" Sarah burst out.

"He's mysterious, tall, dark and handsome!" Jenny croaked hoarsely from the background. "And he's my knight is shining armor. I don't care who he is, where he came from, or how many people he may have raped and killed. He saved me from a living hell, and I'm not about to sniff a gift fish in the gills. Just be glad you weren't part of this. Now get out of my room!"

Sarah was taken aback, to say the least. I shrugged, and mouthed "sorry" at her as she beat a hasty retreat for the door and left us alone. I looked at my blonde darling, and grinned at her.

"Aren't you just a little firecracker!" I exclaimed with a laugh.

I sat next to her, and took her right hand in both of mine. I then kissed her hand gently and offered her a cup of water with a flexible straw. She took several sips of water to cool the burning dryness in her throat and smiled, before continuing her tirade..

"It's none of her business who you are!" Jenny spat defiantly; taking a few more sips. "She never did anything to help me. None of them did. Just you, Jack. Only you; and I love you so much!"

"Oh Jenny, I love you too." I murmured. "I'm sorry I raped you. I just couldn't help myself. You were so beautiful. You ARE so beautiful!"

"You didn't!" she asserted. "I wanted it just as badly as you did. Probably even more. I hadn't been laid in two years until you fucked me! How long had it been for you, Mister Blue Balls?"

"Three or so." I admitted. "I think."

"You poor thing!" Jenny exclaimed. "And I thought I was missing out! Okay Jack, we're going to have to work on that."

I smiled again, as I gazed at her beautiful face. I loved her attitude! She was very open about her feelings, but she wasn't being snarky about it either. She just told things like they were.

"I know you fucked me on my back," she continued, "but that was because of my situation. What's your favorite position, Jack?"

"On my back, with you riding me." I answered. "I can play with your tits while I cum inside you. I'd like that."

"That's my favorite position too!" she exclaimed. "Oh Jack, we are going to be so perfect together."

She looked longingly at me and smiled.

"I had no idea what you looked like when you fucked me," she explained, "but you were so sweet about it. You touched me in special ways and made me cum. It had been so long! It felt so wonderful, to feel you inside of me, and then to feel your magical fingers on my clit. I was in love with you for what you did to me, but then today, I saw you for the first time and I wasn't disappointed. You are so handsome, Jack!

"I was so in love with you for taking the time to talk to me and communicate with me after you fucked me. I knew you really cared, and that I wasn't just a fuck toy for you. You could have been the ugliest man on Earth and I would still have loved you for what you did for me. But Jack, you are so handsome! I know you're older than me, but you are still such a good looking guy."

"Thank you." I replied. "I used to be an actor and a model. But then, I got older and I never updated my head shots."

"You should!" Jenny asserted. "I'll pay for it, Jack. You are so handsome! I'll be your sugar niece if you want."

"My what?" I inquired. "What in the world is a sugar niece?"

Jenny shrugged.

"I dunno." she responded. "I just made it up, but I'm so much younger than you and I want to take care of you though. I can't be your sugar mama. I'm too young. What else could I be?"

"My girlfriend; plain and simple." I said with a smile. "Jenny, I don't expect you to take care of me. I have a job here, and while it may not be what I was expecting, it still brought us together. That's all I care about; YOU. I wouldn't feel any differently about you if you were a broke college student or a struggling secretary."

Jenny smiled back at me.

"I understand that, but you helped me and I want to help you too. If you really want to get back into acting, I'll help you. Maybe I could even be a producer or something. We could start our own film company. You could teach me about acting too."

I'll have to admit, the thought of that did intrigue me.

"Well, that does sound nice," I began, "but I don't think you have any idea of what kind of capital it takes to get something like that up and running. I still have a lot of contacts on social media, but it takes a lot of money."

"And I don't think you have any idea just how much money I have." Jenny replied with another smile. "Why do you think this happened to me? I'm sure my brother and sister were behind all of this to try and get my portion of the trust fund. Another five years like this and they could have had me declared legally dead."

"That didn't come up in the investigation." I responded. "At least not yet. I'd better give Fred a call and relay that to him. Gimme a sec, would you?"

"Of course." Jenny said with the same warm smile. "Take your time, Sweetheart. I'm not going anywhere."

I found Fred's card in my wallet and dialed his cell.

"Special Agent Grimes."

"Fred, it's Jack." I greeted him. "I just got some new info on who might be behind all of this."

"Good, because none of the people I interviewed know who was paying them. It was all set up via wires and offshore accounts that we probably can't trace."

"Jenny seems to think her brother and sister were behind this to get her inheritance." I explained.

"How so?"

"She says she has a trust fund. She seems to think they conspired to keep her under to stay missing, so they could have her declared legally dead after seven years and collect her portion of the money."

"That makes sense." Fred admitted. "It would have to be an awful lot of money though, to make it worth all of this risk and the payouts in the meantime. I haven't looked into her yet to know how much we're talking here, but it would have to be millions."

"Hang on a sec." I said, turning to Jenny. "Sweetheart, he wants to know why they would risk all of this. He thinks there's a lot of money involved."

"I told you there was." Jenny retorted. "I have a yearly allowance of ten million dollars until I turn thirty. Then I get the lump sum to do whatever I want with it."

"Ten million a year?!" I echoed.

"That would be an incentive." Fred agreed, hearing my outburst. "Ask her how much the fund is worth."

"How much is the fund worth?" I inquired. "Fred thinks you may be right."

"Well, I'm not certain." she replied. "It was right around nine hundred million when I got hit, but with the interest and no collection of the past two years' allowances I'm sure it's closer to a billion by now."

The phone slipped from my fingers and bounced off the terrazzo floor. Luckily, it's a military grade folding phone with a water and shock proof rubber armor surrounding it. While undamaged, it still closed and cut the call to Fred. My vision blurred, and I could hear a loud ringing in my ears as I fought the urge to pass out. I grabbed the rails of the bed to keep my balance, as the ringing and prickly heat slowly subsided.

"Are you okay, Sweetheart?" Jenny called out. "I can't move yet to help you."

She sounded very concerned, and I nodded. About that time, my phone rang and I dropped to the floor to retrieve it.

"What happened?" Fred demanded, as I opened it and held it to my left ear. "Is everything okay? I heard a loud thump and the line went dead."

"I dropped the phone." I explained. "It folded and hung up, sorry. It just slipped out of my fingers when she told me how much money is involved. I think we have plenty of motive now."

"How much is plenty?" Fred inquired.

"She's not positive, but she seems to think it's somewhere around a billion dollars."

There was no response, so after five seconds or so, I followed up.

"You there?"

"Umm, yeah," Fred finally replied, "and I do agree, that number definitely constitutes plenty, all right. I'm going to fly out to Louisville in the morning and follow up on this myself. I'll be in touch. Out."

I closed the phone and stared blankly at Jenny.

"Can we start a production company with a billion dollars?" she asked brightly, knowing full well that we could. She just had to rub it in though.

"And then some." I replied. "You were right, I had no idea just how much was involved in all of this. I think that once all of this is over and through the courts, the first project we should focus on is 'The Jenny Nichols Story.' The world should hear what happened to you. I can pretty much bet that once the Media gets wind of this, it's going to be a huge story across the country; maybe even world news. The Internet will be flooded with it too."

"There was a time when being in the news was important to me," Jenny said quietly, "but I've had a lot of time to collect my thoughts since I've been stuck here in this bed. I want to take that money and do something worthwhile. I want to start charitable foundations and make movies with you."

"Mmm, I'd love to make some movies with you too." I cut in.

"Not those kind of movies, Silly!" Jenny giggled. "Although it might be fun..."

I took her limp hands in mine and held them firmly.

"The first thing to do is get you into physical therapy." I stated. "Get you back into shape and get you up and walking again. Then, we can work on the other stuff."

"But we have a lot of time to talk about the other stuff and make plans to make it all happen." she insisted. "I'm serious about this Jack, and I want you to help me make it all happen, okay? Once I'm all better, will you think about quitting your job here and helping me? You'll never have to work again, but if it will make you feel better, I'll salary you at a million a year as my 'personal assistant,' okay?"

"And what would my job duties be?" I inquired with a smile.

"Hmm, let's see..." she started. "helping me design a nice house and buy a huge ranch out West somewhere, being my husband, giving me children, keeping me sexually satisfied, cooking for me because I'm a horrible cook. Let's see, what else... traveling around the country; maybe the world for starters. We can figure the rest out later."

"It's a good start." I laughed. "Okay. I'll definitely consider it. And so that you know, I'm an excellent cook."

"That's all I ask." she said simply. "For now, anyway. There's part of that, that I definitely want an answer to later on, if things work out though."

I knew which part that was, and she was serious about it. She had nothing but time to lay there since we'd "met" to think about things and how her feelings developed toward me. For now, it might very well be a case of Florence Nightingale Syndrome, but if things stayed the way they were at the moment, we were well on course to having something really special between us.

She was young and beautiful; everything I'd ever wanted in a beer and less, she wanted kids, she wanted me, and then there was that whole billion dollars thing. We could live very comfortably on the interest alone, much less buy whatever tickled our fancy at the moment.

There was a polite knock at the door.

"Yes?" I answered.

The door swung open and Laura entered.

"You're on duty," she informed me, "as of fifteen minutes ago. Lose track of the time I take it?"

"I did." I admitted. "C'mon in. I want you to meet Jenny. She's awake."

"So I heard." Laura replied as she moved closer. "Everyone's heard. It's breaking news on all the channels."

She took the remote and turned the TV on. Sure enough, there was a live report on the situation, showing earlier video of Phil Cassella being led out the front entrance in handcuffs, followed by Jenny's unscrupulous doctor, Jacob Green. The feed cut back to the reporter who was on-scene.

"So once again, that was footage from earlier today." she stated. "No official details yet, as to why these arrests were made, but an unidentified source tells us that it involves the kidnapping of a wealthy Louisville debutante who has been missing for close to two years.

"Now, we showed you earlier, video of a SWAT team entering the building to serve search warrants, along with several federal agents and an unknown man who seems to have been part of it. He has yet to leave the building, so we are unsure of his identity, but our source tells us it may have been her nurse, although we don't know why her nurse would be part of an entry team. More details will emerge, I'm sure."

"There's your fifteen minutes." Laura commented dryly, as some footage including me suddenly popped up on the TV screen.

It appeared to be from the CCTV inside the hospital, and it showed us moving through the corridors, with me motioning for us to proceed, as though I were in charge.

"Who the hell leaked this?" I wondered aloud. "It sure wasn't me."

"I know." Laura replied. "I did. You may have a lot of friends in politics and law enforcement, but I have plenty inside this hospital, including the security team."

"I wonder how much longer I'll be employed here?" I mused. "I don't really care. They fire me and I'll sue the shit out of them for improper dismissal."

"And I'll get you the best attorney money can buy." Jenny piped up. "Most likely, it will be the same one I'll use when I sue the shit out of them first."

It dawned on me that I had not yet introduced Jenny to Laura.

"I'm sorry, I was being rude." I apologized. "I was so caught up in the moment. Jenny, this is Laura, the nurse who took the video of you and me communicating. Laura, this is my girlfriend, Jenny."

"I've heard a lot about you, Jenny." Laura said with a smile. "From what Jack tells me, we all did the right thing exposing this."

"Thank you." Jenny replied. "Because of you and Jack, I'm awake again and ready to take charge of my life. It's going to be hard, I know. I have a long road to recovery, but with Jack in my life, I know I can do it."

"I'm sure you will." Laura remarked. "You're lucky to have him as a friend."

"So are you." Jenny replied.

"Well, I'm going to leave you two alone for now." Laura said, as she headed for the door. "Lottie promised she won't bother you tonight, so you two pretty much have this shift to yourselves."

"That's good to know." I said with a grin. "We have a lot of catching up to do."

"Yes we do." Jenny added, as the door shut. "It's time for my sponge bath, and I want you to pay extra attention to me this time."

I honestly don't know where the time went! I cleaned my girlfriend's body up and brought her to orgasm with both the sponge, and then with my fingers. She must have cum four or five times! I was glad to be able to make her feel this good, but then she told me it was my turn.

"I can't move yet to do all the things I want to do to you." she told me. "I will make you very happy though, I promise. In the meantime, I want you to fuck me again Jack, but this time I want to take you bareback. I want to feel you cum inside of me and I want to see the look on your face when you do. I want you to make me pregnant so I can have your child. I want us to have many children together, Jack. Will you do this for me?"

"Of course." I replied. "I always go above and beyond for my patients. Especially those I'm madly in love with."

I shed my clothes and mounted her, feeling my cock slide into her warm, wet cunt. Oh my god, it felt so good! Jenny looked up at me and smiled. It was the first time I'd been able to look into her eyes while fucking her, and it was only now that I noticed their color: pale, ice blue; like a Siamese cat's. They were striking when paired up with her naturally blonde locks. I smiled back and continued my rhythmic thrusts. It wasn't long before Jenny began to grunt quietly, followed soon after by me.

"You're so beautiful!" I gasped. "Oh shit, I'm gonna cum!"

Spurt after spurt erupted from my cock, filling her cunt with my warm, sticky semen. Jenny squealed in delight as she felt it squirting inside of her as well.

"Ooh, it's so warm!" she giggled. "I'd forgotten what it feels like to have a man cum inside of my cunt without protection. I wonder how long it will take me to get pregnant."

"That's all part of the magic of starting a family." I replied. "You never know when it will actually happen. Then, one day, you'll realize something is different, pee on a plastic strip and shriek at the top of your lungs for me to come in the bathroom."

Jenny laughed at my sense of humor, and I pulled out of her, leaving a sticky mess inside of her cunt.