Janine and Her Mother in Law

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An interesting excuse.
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How's this for a twist on the old catching your wife screwing around with another man story - My mother made her do it. Honest to God, that's her story and she was sticking to it.

I caught my wife cheating on me in a most unusual way. I was cheating on her when I saw her cheating on me, but she didn't see me so I got to claim the moral high ground, at least for now.

I'm a buyer for a large chain of stores and I spend a lot of time dealing with the sales reps of a lot of different companies. I had a ten o'clock appointment with a Mrs. Cindy Meyers who was a sales rep for a large electronic firm and Mrs. Meyers walked into my office promptly at ten and my jaw dropped a foot. It had been almost fifteen years since I had seen her, but there was no doubt that Mrs. Cindy Meyers was the Cindy Elwell that I had gone steady with for three years in high school. The very same Cindy Elwell who had given me her cherry (in exchange for mine) in the back seat of my father's Pontiac, who had given me my first blowjob, who had asked me to fuck her in the ass, and who had abandoned me for a college student in our senior year.

She recognized me at the same instant and the cheery smile on her face disappeared, "Should I even bother to sit down?"

I got up and pulled out a chair for her and said, "I'd be crushed if you didn't."

She sat down and I sat down at my desk opposite her and gave her a big smile, "All right Mrs. Meyers, tell me what you can do for us."

She looked at me and said, "Am I wasting my time?"

"Not at all" I said, "Put our past history out of your mind. You are not here to beg forgiveness and I have no intention of pleading for a second chance. Go ahead, sell me something."

The rest of our meeting was professional and business like and when it was over she had a sizeable order in her order book and I had gotten a good deal on several items that we sold a lot of. Then the conversation turned to old times, the "do you remembers," and the "whatever happened to" and the "did you hear abouts?" By then it was lunchtime and I offered to take her to the restaurant at the Marriott and she accepted. We had just ordered drinks when Cindy said to me:

"I'm really not all that hungry. Not for food anyway. How about you?"

Her meaning was clear and while I had never cheated on my wife before this was Cindy and I guess I had some unresolved issues, like maybe I was hoping to hear her say, "I'm sorry I left you for that asshole, he couldn't hold a candle to you." You know, stuff like that. Whatever the reason, I found myself saying, "Are you sure?"

Cindy smiled and said; "I've never forgotten that Pontiac, have you?"

I was on my way to the desk to get us a room when I saw my wife coming across the lobby with a man in a suit. She had her head turned and was talking to the man so I didn't think she'd seen me yet. I detoured to the end of the check in counter, turned my back and picked up the house phone. Behind me I heard the man say, "Reservations for Mr. and Mrs. Burns" and then I listened to the rigmarole of signing in and then the man said, Oh, and please have room service send up a bottle of champagne. That all right with you my love?"

My wife's voice said, "What ever you decide darling."

The clerk gave them the key to 746 and they went over and got on the elevator. I hurried back to Cindy and told her that whatever we did it wasn't going to be at the Marriott and then I told her why. She broke out laughing and I swear every eye in the place was on us. We went to the Holiday Inn and had a very enjoyable afternoon and when we parted we vowed to stay in touch and we probably will. She was much, much better in that Holiday Inn bed than I remembered her being before she dumped me.

I was home that night when Janine got home. "Busy day?" I asked.

"A real rat race. The customer that I'd been working with came in and didn't like anything that we had put together for him."

I smiled at her and said, "Would that by chance be the man you went to the Marriott with today?"

I saw her face lose a little color, but she was quick on her feet, "Yes, he took me to lunch there."

I smiled again, "I wish I could get me a customer or two who would buy me champagne."

Now there was alarm on her face, "What do you mean?"

In a very stern voice I said, "You know very well what I mean Mrs. Burns. I mean the champagne that you and Mr. Burns shared, among other things in room 746."

Now all the color had drained from her face, "How did you find out?"

"Well, a very good friend was using the house phone at the end of the check in desk when you and Mr. Burns checked in. You could have knocked him over with a feather when you said, "Whatever you decide darling." Care to tell me about it?"

A touch of defiance crept into her voice, "What's to tell? I spent four hours with him, we had sex several times, I came home."

I know I was being a real shit about it, considering the way I had found out, but I couldn't help myself, I was enjoying it.

"Forgive me if I sound like my ego has been trampled on, but I thought that I was doing an adequate job of seeing to your sexual needs. Please, where have I fallen down on the job?"

She faced me in silence for a few moments and then she said, "You haven't fallen down on the job. I'm perfectly happy with our sex life."

"Then why, pray tell," I wanted to know, "an afternoon spent with Mr. Burns?"

More silence, a deep breath, and then, "Your mother made me do it!"


Two things here to kind of clear the deck. I never had any intention of going ballistic on my wife for what she'd done. My secret fantasy, never mentioned to her, was to see her fucked by someone else. I had never mentioned it to her because I never believed that there was any way in hell she would ever do it. Now, following her afternoon romp with Mr. Burns, my fantasy did not seem like it was hopeless after all. Secondly, whatever she was going to tell me about my mother I was going to believe. My mother has never liked my wife. Of course, she has never liked any of the women in my life. Some of the things she had done to put those women in a bad light convinced me long ago to ignore anything my mother might say or do.

It was supposed to be a bachelorette party for my cousin Renee, but it had turned into a real 'drunk out' for most of the women who attended. They had set up a male stripper to come in and do a strip-o-gram for Renee and by the time he got there the girls were ripped. He was only supposed to strip down to his g string, shake his package in Renee's face while she sat in a chair, but that's not the way it went. The girls were throwing singles, fives and tens at him and screaming for him to "Take it off, take it all off." The guy was there to make money and if the women there wanted to see what he had bad enough to pay for it, so be it.

Before long some of the girls were going, "I'll give you twenty if I can touch it" and then it got really raunchy. A couple of the girls gave him money to let them kiss it and that's when my mother dared Janine to kiss the guy's dick. Janine said no and my mother said she'd give the guy fifty dollars if he'd let Janine kiss the head of his dick so he was all for it, but again Janine said no. Then all the girls took up the chant, "Do it Janine, do it Janine" and everybody was drinking and screaming and my mother was waving the bills, "Do it Janine, do it Janine" and the stripper was in her face, hard on bobbing back and forth, "Do it Janine, do it Janine" so she closed her eyes, pursed her lips and leaned forward. The dancer leaned forward and pushed his cock at her pursed lips and then he either stumbled or pushed too hard and the head of his cock popped into Janine's mouth a good inch or so. It was at that exact moment that my mother took the picture. Janine and the stripper both immediately pulled back, and the drunk-a-thon continued.

Two days after the party my mother called Janine and asked her to meet for breakfast on her way to work. At breakfast my mother said she needed a favor from Janine.

"I have this really important client coming to town and I want to make sure he has a good time while he is here. I thought of you right away. He'll like you."

Janine looked at her in confusion, "What do you mean?" she asked my mother.

"Why just that you see to it that he has a good time while he's here."

"Just what are you asking" Janine asked in a tone of voice that indicated that she was getting pissed.

My mother said, "You would know more about that than I would dear. Most men like blowjobs and you are very good at that" and she handed Janine the picture of her with the stripper's cock in her mouth. "You and Mark have such a nice marriage and I'm sure you wouldn't want him to see this, would you dear?"

"And that's why I was at the Marriott showing Mr. Burns a good time."

I was sitting there, staring at her in stunned disbelief, not at what she'd just told me, not at what my mother had done (I've already admitted that I wouldn't put anything past her), but at the fact that Janine had caved in so easily. Let's face it! All she had to do was tell my mother to fuck off and when the picture found it's way to me, tell me what happened. All she had to do was tell me who was at the party and it would have been simple for me to verify her story. But she didn't. Why? Because it gave her a chance to do something she wanted to do anyway? So she could say, "I was forced into it" if she got caught?

She misread the look on my face, "What? You don't think your mother is capable of something like that? Well, let me tell you what the bitch has done to me. Mr. Burns isn't the first, he's the ninth. That's right! Your mother has been making me do this for over a month now and, are you ready for this? Last Thursday it was three guys at the same time. She didn't tell me about that, she just let me walk into a hotel room where they were waiting."

I stood there staring at her, wondering what to do next.

"Well, aren't you going to say something?" she asked. I didn't know if it was the right thing to say, but I had no interest in losing Janine and I had to let her know that, so I said, "Did Mr. Burns leave enough for me?"

Janine looked at me as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing and then she said, "Are you telling me you want sloppy seconds?"

I smiled, "Race you to the bedroom."


Two days later I got home from work and Janine wasn't home, but there was a note telling me that my dinner was in the microwave. When she did get home two hours later and I asked her where she had been she said, "Entertaining another one of your mother's friends."

I frowned and asked why, "I know about it now. She can't use that photo to blackmail you any more."

"Oh yes she can" Janine said, "There's my mother and father, my grandparents, the minister at our church and God knows who else. Until we can get that photo back I'm your mother's personal whore."

I thought about if for a minute and then I asked, "Just how freshly fucked are you?"

She grinned, "Less than half an hour ago. Why? You want sloppy seconds again?"

After another spirited hour in bed I sat up and looked down at her. "Truth time," I said, "You could have stopped this at any time by coming to me. You know I would have stormed over to my mother's and gotten that picture. You didn't because you really wanted to be her whore, at least for a time or two, didn't you?"

Janine got a worried look on her face and so I said, "You don't have to hide anything baby. I've fucked you twice now after you have come home after being fucked by some one else. There hasn't been any screaming, hollering or name calling so you should realize you are mine and I'm going to keep you."

I was right. She had been a virgin when we married and the only cock she had ever seen was mine until the night when she saw the stripper's. When my mother hit her with the picture Janine saw it as a chance to taste forbidden fruit and have an excuse if she got caught.

"But after the first couple of times you found that you liked it and so you kept on doing it, right?" I got a sheepish look and then she admitted that I'd hit the nail on the head. "Well" I said, "Since its truth time" and I told her about my fantasy. Her eyes got big and she said, "You can't be serious. You've wanted that all these years and you've never told me?"

I shrugged and said, "I never would have thought that you would want to try another man."

Janine gave me a grin that I can only call 'wicked' and asked, "And now?"

Well, as long as you are my mother's personal whore and you have to fuck these guys anyway, you might as well do it here, with me in the closet. What do you say to that?"

Janine gave me a big grin and said, "Can I suck your dick?" I let her.


The next morning I was at my mother's house bright and early. I went right to the point, "I want the picture."

The blank look, "What picture?"

"Mom, get me the picture, do it now, or I'll tell dad what you've done."

She gave me the blank look again, "Honestly Mark, I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Fine" I said, and I got up and went to the phone and dialed a number from memory.

"Who are you calling?" my mother wanted to know.

"I'm calling dad at work."

She walked over and pushed the button down and then walked over to her purse, took out an envelope and tossed it on the table. "I always told you she was a tramp."

I opened the envelope and looked at the picture inside and said, "She wasn't until you made her one. Now here is what we are going to do to keep dad out of this" and I explained to her what she had to do.


I've been watching Janine for about six months now and the two of us go after each other like wild animals when her lover of the moment leaves. Janine loves to spread herself out on the bed and ask me if I'm ready for my sloppy seconds. Recently she has been after me to go down on her as soon as her guy leaves, but I haven't gotten quite that brave yet. My mother is still setting her up with her dates and I've not yet told Janine that mom doesn't have the photo to hold over her head any more. And there is one other thing. Just to get even with her for what she pulled on Janine I told mother that she was going to have to do to one of my customers what she had been making Janine do for hers. She resisted me at first, but the threat of bringing dad in on what she had done made her give in. I set her up with a really nice guy (after all, she is still my mother) and she spent the afternoon with him. That night she called me at home, "I hope you are satisfied now. I just don't see how you could have done that to me, your own mother. But I'm warning you, you better not try and make me do it more than once or twice a week."

I laughed, "Why you old slut you."

"Honestly Mark, that's no way to talk to your mother" and she hung up.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Well now, THAT was different. This is one for the folks who think ol' Bob writes the same story over and over again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

If you're trying to be funny, try harder. A lot harder.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Pathetic cuck story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Was it meant to be amusing? As it wasn’t, 2*.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Some People,

Just have no appreciation for humor at all. Chuckle, chuckle.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Good story

for the first paragraph then it turned to shit.

How the story should have gone.

After he confronted her she then informed him that she was pregnant but she didn't know who the father was as part of the agreement she would do the men without protection.

Then the confrontation with the mother. After getting the picture let her know that Janine was pregnant but that she didn't know who the father was. Then mother I am divorcing the slut and I have you to thank for that. After the baby is born a DNA test will be done. If through some miracle I am the childs father I will do the right thing and pay decent child support. But MOTHER YOU will never see the child EVER. DUE to your interference you have lost not only your eldest son but ANY granchildren that may come along. Remember MOTHER Stephen your youngest is gay and sterile so will never sire children.

I will leave it up to you what you tell dad but just be aware I have recorded this meeting so don't lie.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

What a pile of Bullshit!!! This is story from cuck for cucks but unfortunately it was posted in LW And Not fetishes here it belongs. In addition everything is so fucking unbelievable it Would be More Fantasy or Sci fi. "Your mother made me do it ..." i guess that gives every cuck a hard one ... i thin The author should take a step out of his front door, a little Bit reality Would be great ...

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
That's sick

Really good one, then a really bad one. That's Bob's stories for.you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Wish there was a part 2 of 3 or ?????

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Thanks for the smile

4 stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
another dear annony comment. I'm telling you this asshole reads every one of thes LW

stories!! He's fucking liar , he LOVES these stories. I gave you a for your effort and content

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Well that was just wrong on SO many levels

Funny as hell and just like the pervert we know JPB to be. But his Mother????? Damn! And I'm on the side of burning Mom to the ground with Dad, then divorcing the cheating slut his wife has become. A scorched Earth policy if you will. Just because he can.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Now I understand

Why JPB is JPB. He got it from his MOTHER. Like mother like son...

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago
You are wrong

Karan you are wrong. The worst story is that crap by indiansubmale. At least this guy made a buck out of it. A cuck buck but a buck never the less.

karan9876karan9876over 12 years ago
Worst story on this site.

Wish there was an award for the worst story on the site. This one would win hands down. Exceptionally sick plot. I rated it 1 coz that was the lowest rating available. Mom sets up daughter in law, son accepts it then allows wife to continue that life then sets his mom up? I mean just WTF was JPB thinking when he wrote this... Your skills as a writer are never in doubt your one of the better writers out there so it was shocking to see you come up with something like this.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
Just too weird.

So I rated it 1*.

KY XtianKY Xtianalmost 14 years ago

Not the story I was expecting. Very high-spirited! ;-)

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 14 years ago
A light fast moving erotic and funny story

Well done,I like the way he thinks. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
He hates his father that much?

That's basically what this boils down to. To get revenge on his mother for setting up his wife, he's turned his father into an unsuspecting cuckold.

rjordanrjordanover 14 years ago
Very funny

Quirky and twisted funny

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