Jenny and Jack Pt. 09


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With the hold-ups in place I pulled my skirt back on and then put on my blouse.

As soon as I glanced down at my chest I cringed at the thought of travelling in public to Mr Wang's office, seeing that the red lace bra was clearly visible through my white blouse but even more embarrassing, so were my nipples.

I left the cubicle and quickly checked my hair and makeup in a mirror, fearful that at any moment a work colleague or anyone else I knew who might be working late would enter the toilet and see me.

Satisfied that I looked OK, I made my way down to the exit of my workplace. I decided to take a taxi so I made my way through the throng of commuters on the pavement to the curb side. Much to my relief I managed to hail a taxi quite quickly and felt a sense of relief as I climbed into the back with my change of clothes in my bag and me out of sight of the crowds.

My relief was short lived as the driver turned around to ask where I wanted to go. His eyes immediately fixed on my breasts. I shifted uneasily in my seat, feeling the large beads pressing between my labia as I told the driver the address. I wondered if he had heard a word I said as he continued to stare at my nipples which were so clearly visible beneath my blouse. Finally, dragging his gaze from my chest, he turned back to face the front and repeated my destination address before pulling away into the rush hour traffic.

It wasn't far to Mr Wang's office building and I was glad when the cab pulled up outside. I gave the driver a large note and didn't wait for any change as I ignored him leering at my chest and tried to gather my composure before entering Mr Wang's offices.

The main entrance was more like a five-star hotel with three large revolving glass doors. I took a deep breath and then walk through into a large reception area. It was mostly deserted except for a very smartly dressed older woman sitting behind a desk.

I walked toward her and, as I got closer, saw her look of disapproval as she looked me up and down in a very superior way. Before I had even reached her desk, she said, "You'll be wanting Mr Wang's office. He's expecting you." She then pointed toward a bank of elevators saying, "twenty-eighth floor."

Taking an instant dislike to her I turned away and headed for the elevators. One was already open. I walked in and pressed the button for the twenty-eighth floor.

The taxi ride and the awful reception woman had taken my mind of off the reason for me being there. As the doors closed and the elevator started to ascend I suddenly felt very nervous. I glanced down at my nipples protruding so obviously through the fine white fabric of my blouse. I felt the constant sensation of the large beads between my legs as they pressed between my labia.

My common-sense instinct was to just go back down and leave. I kept telling myself, I'm not that kind of woman; I'm a mother, a wife, not some easily available whore.

As I approached the twenty-eighth floor, despite my misgivings and apprehension about what would be expected of me during the next hour or so, my body told a different story. Beneath the nervous anxiety, I felt alive for the first time in a long while. My nipples, so cheaply on display were tingling. The large beads pressing between my labia; despite my original feeling that they were uncomfortable and crude, were now feeling quite pleasurable as my rapidly moistening lips coated them with my juices.

I was lost in my own thoughts for a moment but then brought back to reality as the elevator stopped, the doors opened and there, waiting to greet me, was Mr Wang.

He was dressed in a very expensive looking dark suit, crisp white shirt with a tie and expensive looking black leather shoes. His gaze briefly caught mine, he then smiled broadly saying, "please follow me Jenny."

I followed him down a short corridor until we reached a pair of large dark wooden doors with the words, "C. Wang, CEO" on an engraved name plate. He opened the doors and beckoned me to follow him inside.

The office was large with wooden panelling on the walls. It was dominated by a massive oak desk which had a semicircle of individual leather seats, all facing toward the desk. Positioned centrally, between the chairs and the desk was a low piece of furniture that I think is called a day-bed.

Mr Wang walked over to the huge desk and then sat down behind it. I felt uncertain as to where I should go until he said, "come stand in front of my desk Jenny."

I stood facing him, feeling awkward and uneasy with butterflies in my stomach as he gazed very obviously at my chest and, although I understood this was no ordinary job interview, I still felt shocked and my cheeks flushed as he said, "nice looking tits Jenny."

His gaze shifted up to my eyes as he continued, "Jenny as I hope I have already made clear the job I am offering is very well paid because it requires a very special woman. The successful applicant must be attractive with a good figure and I think that you might fit that requirement very well, although I must stress, you will be showing off your figure in much greater detail later.

However, the successful applicant must also be very broad minded regarding sex; able to satisfy my senior management colleagues and a select few of our best customers, in any way they choose in lieu of their bonus."

He was probably reading my mind as he continued, "You are probably wondering why I don't just employ a prostitute for this. That is what I used to do but my colleagues said they would much prefer a woman who looked, how can I say? like a regular wife or mother but who is willing to act like a whore."

Just hearing the words, "act like a whore," made me blush but also sent a thrill tingling through my body.

He continued, "I could ask you a long list of questions regarding your sexual experience but instead of wasting precious time I have decided to see for myself how much of a whore you can be.

I could feel the butterflies in my stomach intensify and the sensible voice in my head telling to just turn around and leave but when he leaned back in his chair and said, "unfasten your blouse Jenny," I found myself obediently reaching for the buttons.

"Stop!" he said, sternly. "During this interview and, if you get the job, you will always respond to an instruction by saying "yes sir. Is that clear?"

I briefly glanced back at him but then looked down at my feet as I said, "yes sir."

"That's better. Now continue to unfasten your blouse."

"Yes sir."

My fingers trembled a little as nervously unfastened each button in turn. Finally, with the last one unfastened he said, "Well done Jenny, now you are starting to look more like a whore.

With the blouse unfastened the red lace of the bra was now on show but each side of the blouse still hung over my nipples.

Mr Wang was still gazing at my chest as he picked up his desk telephone. He dialled a number and then said, "James, I have our candidate Jenny in my office. We're ready for the interview now so if you'd please bring your colleagues through to my office, we'll make a start."

I was not expecting this and as another door opened I grabbed at my blouse to cover my breasts.

I glanced nervously at Mr Wang, expecting him to tell me to stop, but he was just grinning.

I was still facing his desk but nervously glancing sideways, watching, as six smartly dressed men, all in suits and ties, entered the office.

"Gentlemen, please be seated and I'll introduce you to Jenny."

I heard the creaking of expensive leather as the men all sat down.

The butterflies in my stomach got worse as I anxiously awaited Mr Wang's next instruction. With my nerves jangling he waited just a few seconds and then said,

"Jenny turn and face my colleagues."

I hesitated, frozen to the spot, feeling incredibly shy and inappropriately dressed in the presence of these smartly dressed middle-aged businessmen.

Mr Wang then said sternly, "I said turn around and face my colleagues!"

Remembering the protocol and looking down at my feet I replied, "yes sir," and slowly turned to face the six men.

"Lift your head up Jenny and look at your prospective work colleagues."

The word colleagues sounded like an odd description for these men who no doubt would all be having sex with me if I was deemed to be suitable. I raised my head and glanced at each in turn, feeling cheap, as they all checked me out.

It wasn't until I looked at the last man in the semi-circle that I almost gasped out loud; it was Andy, the sleazy guy who was the number one customer at work and who I had to pretend to like for the sake of his company's large share of our annual turnover. Andy the creep who was always leering at my figure and pestering me for a date.

Our eyes met and I could see the smug lustful look in his eyes as he stared back at me.

The thought of doing whatever would be required of me with strangers somehow felt better than acting like a whore in front of Andy. My mind was in turmoil; should I apologise now and leave?

I knew that I wouldn't. I had come to accept that hidden beneath the surface I was incredibly turned on by what I amusingly referred to as adventurous sex. It was something that Jack had recognised when we had first met and had since exploited fully.

My thoughts were interrupted as Mr Wang said, "Take off your blouse Jenny."

I glanced nervously at Andy as I said, "yes sir," and obediently eased the blouse down from each shoulder. I pulled each sleeve off in turn and then let it fall to the floor.

"Stand straight Jenny and slowly turn around so we all get a good view of your tits and those magnificent nipples."

I heard appreciative sounds of approval from the men as I self-consciously displayed my exposed nipples to them. I tried to avoid Andy's eyes but could almost feel his gaze caressing my now erect nipples as I slowly turned through three-sixty degrees.

Once I was back facing the men Mr Wang said, "what do you all think so far?"

I felt both flattered and shy as I heard them all express their approval.

"Turn back round to face me Jenny."

"Yes sir", I said, somehow pleased to conceal my breasts form the leering men but with no idea of the humiliation that would follow.

"Lean across my desk Jenny."

"Yes sir."

I took a step toward the desk, bent over and rested my hands on the polished oak surface.

"Move your hands away and rest your tits on the surface, Jenny"

"Yes sir."

I moved my hands away and lowered my upper body until my nipples touched the cool smooth surface of the desk.

I felt Mr Wang's hand press against my back as he said, "lower Jenny."

"Yes sir."

I relaxed my upper body and felt my breasts squash and flatten against the cool surface of the polished wood desk.

The desk top was lower than my backside which was now the highest point of my body.

Mr Wang then said, "Jenny, I now want you to keep looking into my eyes so that I can see your reaction to the next part of the audition where you will be showing yourself very intimately to my colleagues."

"Yes sir," I said nervously.

As I did my best to keep looking at Mr Wang he said, "I believe you already know Andy."

"Yes sir."

"I invited Andy here today because he is one of our best customers and I promised him a bonus.

Andy, come over here please."

I sensed Andy get up and move up close behind me.

"Lift up Jenny's skirt Andy so that you can all get a good look of a whore's underwear."

My body tensed as I felt the hem of my skirt being lifted, knowing that there would be more intense humiliation to come.

"Lift it right up, so that her backside is completely exposed Andy."

I felt the hem of my skirt being lifted higher and higher over my thighs. I felt it slide up over the soft flesh above my hold-ups and, as I tried my best to keep looking at Mr Wang, I felt my cheeks flushing profusely knowing that the obscene panties with their beaded gusset would soon be displayed for all of them to see.

Andy gave the skirt a few last tugs to lift the hem up over my backside. I could feel that the skirt was now crumpled untidily around my waist leaving the twin globes of my naked buttocks completely exposed to the men.

Mr Wang was still looking into my eyes and grinning mischievously as he said, "move your feet apart Jenny so that my colleagues can see how the beaded gusset of your panties is barely concealing your arsehole and cunt."

The crude language made me cringe but I still managed to respond,

"Yes sir."

I hated the word 'cunt' and Mr Wang must have seen me cringe when he said it because he then added, "gentlemen I think that Jenny is a little upset and embarrassed by me referring to her anus as her arsehole and her vagina as her cunt but I think you will all agree that these are the correct terms for what lies between a whore's legs.

I had already moved my feet apart a little but Mr Wang said, "Andy use your feet to move Jenny's legs further apart."

I felt Andy moving behind me as he kicked my feet much further apart. When he was happy he moved back to one side, allowing my partly covered genitalia to be viewed by the men.

I remembered when I was putting them on earlier that the fixing of the large beads to the red lace looked very fragile and I had been nervous about the beads becoming detached. I was about to realise that this was a specific design feature as Mr Wang said, "Andy get hold of the beads between Jenny's legs and give them a sharp pull."

I don't know what was worse, the anticipation of everything between my legs being suddenly revealed to Mr Wang's colleagues or Andy's podgy little fingers groping around my crotch as he got hold of the beads.

He gave them a sharp tug and I felt them slip away from between my labia and then the sudden coolness on my exposed and moist labia acting as a blunt reminder that I was now completely exposed.

I was still doing my best to look at Mr Wang despite the way in which I was now being displayed for his colleagues. The mischievous grin I had seen before returned as he said, "Jenny, when you put on the panties earlier did you notice that the beads were progressively larger from one end to the other?"

"Yes sir."

"Do you know why?"

"No sir."

"They are actually known as anal beads."

His grin grew larger as the realisation of what was to come next must have been written across my face.

"Yes Jenny," he continued, "After Andy has shown off your cunt to my colleagues he will then push them up into your arsehole.

Thanks to Jack I was now far from naive and knew what was probably going to be expected of me even before I arrived earlier. However, being told in no uncertain terms what was going to happen just added to my feelings of trepidation. To add to my impending humiliation, I could feel my nipples tingling with arousal as they pressed against the surface of Mr Wang's desk and my vagina was already starting to ooze.

"You look shocked Jenny," he said as he opened a desk drawer, took out a tube of what I recognised as lubricating gel, and passed it to Andy.

Just to be clear, as part of the interview my colleagues and I will be trying each of your three penis receptors; arsehole, cunt and mouth. They will decide which after Andy demonstrates the possibilities of each of them."

To be confronted with the fact that as far as they were all concerned I was literally just a pair of breasts and three holes was totally degrading and humiliating but in this situation, I was beginning not to care. Knowing that the thought of using me for their pleasure had almost certainly resulted in all the men now having an erection excited me. I liked the feeling of being lusted after and, as Jack and Tom had discovered a while ago I was always eager to please.

I briefly glanced to one side and saw that Andy had placed the beads and the gel on the desk next to me.

I could imagine the smug look on his chubby face as I felt his small podgy hands start to stroke and caress my buttocks. I winced as I felt his fingers move between my exposed cheeks and a finger brush over my anus.

He reached for the lubricating gel with his free hand. The top must have already been removed by Mr Wang because as Andy momentarily moved his finger away from my anus I felt the sudden slight shock of a blob of cold gel as it fell onto my smallest hole. I then tensed as the tip of his finger moved in small circles around my exposed anus. I knew what to expect but still gasped with surprise as he suddenly slipped the whole length of his finger up into my rectum.

The surprised expression on my face seem to amuse Mr Wang as he took the gel back from Andy, picked up the anal beads and made certain I was watching as he squeezed out some lubricant onto them. With Andy's finger still deep in my rectum I watched Mr Wang coat the beads with gel before handing them back to Andy.

I felt Andy's finger slip out from my backside. The room fell completely silent and I could sense all the men eagerly watching as Andy eased the first of the beads into my backside. The first was only about half an inch or so in diameter and slipped in quite easily. I did my best to try and relax my sphincter as he slowly eased in the remaining beads. Each one momentarily opening my anus and then being swallowed inside as my sphincter closed into the gap between them. Finally, I felt the first of the remaining two beads stretch my anus wide open. These last two were about an inch and a half in diameter. Andy left the last bead protruding from my bottom before gripping my buttocks and pulling then apart.

I could feel that, in addition to the bead protruding obscenely from my anus, my vagina was now gaping wide open, much to the enjoyment of the watching men who I could hear making crude comments.

Finally, as Andy released his grip on my cheeks Mr Wang said, "Andy, unfasten Jenny's bra.

I felt his fingers fumbling with the rear fastening until eventually the strap went slack.

"Stand up Jenny, take of your bra and then turn around to show your tits to my colleagues."

"Yes sir," I said, as I stood up and pulled the straps from my shoulder before tossing the flimsy red lace bra onto the floor and turning to face the men.

Despite my nakedness amongst these smartly dressed men I could not deny the arousal I felt as they all gazed appreciatively at my naked breasts. My feelings quickly to turned to dismay as Mr Wang then said, "kneel down in front of Andy Jenny."

Guessing and dreading what might come next, I glanced at Andy and saw the smirk on his fat face as I obediently said, "yes sir," before kneeling in front of him.

"Now unfasten Andy's his and get his cock out."

"Yes sir."

As I reached for his zip and pulled it down, I remembered all the times Andy had repulsed me by making suggestive remarks whenever we were alone in my office and the number of times I had turned him down when he asked me out on a date.

Now, he was about to get his wish. Despite feeling repulsed by the idea, I knew I must either do it or fail the interview.

I briefly glanced up and saw the same smirking grin as I reluctantly slid my hand inside his trousers and underpants. My fingers soon found his erect penis which I eased out through the fly.

I gripped it and then eased back the foreskin. I smelled the distinctive aroma of stale urine but, taking a deep breath, I took the head of his erection between my lips.

Wanting to get this over as quickly as possible I ran my tongue over the exposed head, tasting his poor hygiene.

As I licked it he immediately pushed it deeper into my mouth.

I winced as I felt his fingers run through my hair as he then gripped my head at the back.

"Fuck her mouth Andy," said Mr Wang, "let's see how well she can cope with her throat being fucked.