JJ and Ashley Ch. 07


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"I'm over here." Ashley dumped her backpack and keys on the far desk and gestured to the bed with the clothing. "I got up way too early this morning and tried to get a head start on packing. Obviously I didn't have much success."

JJ chuckled. "I was worried you'd oversleep. You know, worn out from last night." she explained when Ashley shot her a questioning look.

That brought a blush to Ashley's cheeks. "Well, I fell asleep faster than usual, so you did wear me out a little. Not enough to sleep through my alarm though." Ashley nervously picked at the clothing on her bed.

JJ moved into Ashley's space for a quick side hug. "I'm really happy you enjoyed it," she pressed a kiss to Ashley's temple and gave an extra squeeze before stepping away.

Ashley looked shyly at JJ. "Maybe you can have a shot at wearing me out tonight. Are you still a master at packing bags?"

"Maybe." JJ eyed the bags on the bed, then the pile of clothing. She glanced at Ashley, already half sure how this would go.

"If you can get all of this to fit in these bags, you can do anything you want. To me." Ashley bit her lip and bounced on the balls of her feet.

"Deal." JJ held out her hand, which Ashley shook, giggling.

Ashley packed up boxes while JJ worked on the clothes. They talked about mundane things while they worked, the weather, how the drive up had been for JJ, how the drive back home should be.

Forty-five minutes later JJ had both bags packed with all the clothing. Ashley had filled up a box with the contents of the desk and filling another with books off a small bookshelf.

"Done." JJ announced, stacking the duffels at the foot of the bed.

"Awesome. Obviously, the bedding will have to wait for tomorrow. I'm planning on taking a shower tonight, then packing up my shower caddy and stuff. Laptop will go in backpack. Dishes are packed. Books are packed. Desk is packed. School material is packed. I think we're good for now then. Wanna go see the place? Maybe catch some lunch?" Ashley asked, hands on her hips, a smile on her face.

"Lead the way, my dear." JJ gestured to the door, which opened as if she'd used The Force.

Lisa walked in but stopped short in the doorway. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't know you had company."

Ashley waved Lisa's apology aside. "Lisa this is JJ. JJ, this is Lisa, my roommate."

"Hey there." JJ smiled and stepped forward to offer her hand. Lisa blushed and shook hands with a shy smile.

"We were going to walk around campus and grab some food. Do you wanna come?" Ashley asked, shooting JJ a look to be sure she was okay with the extra company.

Lisa had scooted to her desk and was un-packing her backpack. She tucked some of her thick brown hair behind her ears and glanced between them. "No, no. I wouldn't want to intrude."

JJ watched Ashley make an exasperated face at Lisa's back. "You wouldn't be intruding at all. I'd love to have you along. Maybe hear some horror stories about this one." JJ thumbed over at Ashley, who gave an indignant gasp. "You know, things like how bad her bed head is, if she's ever skipped classes. Just how loud does she snore?"

Lisa giggled and agreed to join them for a walk and lunch, but then they'd be on their own. She needed to pack too.

Because their dorm was at one extreme end of campus the tour was fairly conclusive. Ashley pointed out buildings she'd had classes in, dorms she'd lived in or where friends currently lived. Lisa added a bit in here and there, but mostly kept quiet unless directly spoken to. More than once Ashley stopped to introduce JJ to her friends. Some were fellow classmates, old dorm mates, and teammates. A few were both. Lisa greeted a couple people here and there and seeing her interact with friends made both JJ and Ashley happy.

They finally made it to the student center, not nearly as busy as usual, but still abuzz with students going about their day. They loaded trays and paid up, then found a round table to share in a less crowded part of the cafeteria. Their conversation petered out as they dug into their food.

Ashley was half way through her antipasto salad when she came up for air. "Oh my god Lisa. I forgot to ask. How did your final go? Chemistry, right?"

Lisa groaned, her forkful of pulled pork plunking back onto her tray. "It was so hard. I barely finished before time was up."

JJ sat back and listened while she ate. She had never really enjoyed math and science until she figured out she didn't have to approach it through a textbook. She learned much better through application and experimenting. Listening to the girls walk through the final exam JJ was amazed at how well versed they seemed. She could barely name ten elements off the periodic table, much less tell you about their molecular structure, which is what Lisa was doing. She'd pulled a napkin close and was sketching out shapes and bubbles. JJ stuffed the last of her pizza crust in her mouth and chewed while Lisa and Ashley discussed the essay question.

The cafeteria was nearly empty when the girls were finished. Lisa helped clear the table, then gave Ashley a hug. "I really need to go pack up. Dad will be here tomorrow to help me move back home. I already promised to have the packing done."

Ashley playfully swatted Lisa's butt, which made the taller girl blush. "Get going then. We'll be back before bedtime."

Lisa gave JJ a quick hug, her cheeks still pink. "It was really great to meet you, JJ."

"Same. Good luck packing." JJ waved as Lisa left them just inside the cafeteria.

Ashley took JJ's hand as soon as Lisa was out of sight. "Come with me."

JJ followed the blonde as she sped along a wide sidewalk, going in the opposite direction of her roommate. "Where are we going?"

Ashley gave JJ a look over her shoulder. "Somewhere private."

That got JJ's attention. She lengthened her stride, which made Ashley giggle and begin jogging.

Ashley made a sharp right, brushing past a group of students, tossing back an apology to the guy she bumped. JJ looked back, unsure where they were going and wondering what had gotten into Ashley.

Their destination was made clear when they approached a large building with classic roman columns and a large set of stairs. "The library? You brought me to the library? Are we going to read each other poetry?" JJ asked, confused.

Ashley snorted, and took the steps three at a time. JJ had no real choice but to follow. She wasn't sure what they were doing here, but she was curious.

Ashley headed straight for the stairs, skipping right up to the third floor. JJ came up behind her, taking in the huge space. She'd never been inside a college library. It looked just as big as they did in movies and she couldn't help but gawk a little.

When JJ finally looked back for Ashley she had to jog to catch up, the blonde weaving her way through the desks, which were centered in the space and surrounded by shelves. No one else seemed to be on this floor, all the desks empty and the aisles vacant.

Ashley ducked down a row of books that butted up against the wall on one side and took a turn on the other, only to end shortly after, creating a small alcove. JJ realized why there were here seconds before Ashley spun around, grabbed her shirt and dragged JJ into that small area, her lips mashed to the older girl's.

The intensity behind the kiss sent a rush through JJ. Ashley had seemed shy and a little reserved in her dorm room. Now she was demanding and hungry, and it was contagious.

Hands slipped under shirts and slid over bellies, breasts, ribs, and dipped into belly buttons. Ashley whimpered when JJ latched onto her neck and sucked hard and in time to the tugs she gave to Ashley's nipples. JJ released Ashley's neck with a soft pop when the blonde tugged roughly at a nipple, her other hand worming its way into JJ's jeans.

"I had no idea chemistry finals got you this hot." JJ teased.

"Late night phone calls from my girlfriend get me this hot." Ashley corrected, her fingers coasting over the smooth lips of JJ's pussy. She could feel some dampness and followed it, her finger splitting JJ's lips and instantly enveloped by a searing wet heat. They both moaned, JJ dropping her head to Ashley's shoulder.

Ashley wormed her finger about, curling it up and inside JJ. She grinned at the squeeze she felt, but soon realized that her idea to finger JJ wasn't going to work while the older girl wore jeans. There just wasn't enough room to move. She settled for slipping back and rubbing soft circles around JJ's clit. That got her a coo and lips brushing along her neck.

"I might start calling you more often." JJ gasped, pressing her hips into Ashley's hand. She tugged and twisted one of Ashley's nipples, but had her other hand braced on the shelves behind them.

"If you do, I might need a vibrator." Ashley whispered, half joking. She took JJ's earlobe into her mouth and practiced tonguing it the way JJ liked her clit tongued.

"I'll keep that in mind." JJ panted, her hips now following the pace Ashley had set.

Ashley hummed in response, concentrating on rubbing and tugging. She could feel JJ's body becoming tense, could feel the increase of moisture making her fingers slip more. When JJ let go of her nipple and wrapped her arm around Ashley, the blonde knew she was close. She sped up her rubbing which wasn't easy with the waistband of JJ's jeans pressing against her wrist.

It paid off when about four seconds later JJ gasped and shook, squeezing Ashley to her and flooding the blonde's fingers. Ashley kept up a slower, gentler pace to drag JJ's orgasm out. When JJ stopped trembling Ashley pulled her hand out of JJ's pants and held them up. They glistened in the low light, the juices dripping down to her knuckles.

JJ looked up in time to see Ashley lick her fingers, sucking them into her mouth with a needy sound. Her eyes closed as she suckled noisily at the pussy juice on her fingers. That sent a shiver through JJ and sent her to her knees.

Ashley's eyes popped open in shock when JJ unbuttoned, unzipped, and yanked the tight denim shorts halfway down her thighs in one swift move.

"JJ, what are you doing?" Ashley whispered, her senses suddenly on high alert, automatically peeking through the shelves to see anyone who might be approaching. She reached for her shorts only to have JJ move the damp gusset of her thong and bury her face into the swampy heat between Ashley's legs.

"Oh my, JJ you can't do this. Not here. Ung." Ashley gripped the waistband of her shorts and tried to pull them back up. Of course, JJ's head was in the way and Ashley was having a hard time thinking beyond the pleasure radiating from her pussy. She pushed half-heartedly at JJ's forehead, but that did nothing to deter the older girl.

"C'mon, what if someone walked in here? JJ!" Ashley hissed, pulling away from JJ's grip and bumping into the bookshelf behind her.

"Ashie!" JJ teased, mimicking Ashley's tone. "No one is here. Now quit griping. I've been dying to taste you for days."

JJ stood and turned Ashley around to face the bookshelf, bending her over with a hand between her shoulder blades. JJ leaned over Ashley to keep her bent, her hand sliding down the length of Ashley's back to curve over the taut cheeks of her bottom. Her fingers quickly found the seam of Ashley's pussy and followed it to pet and ruffle the springy bed of curls covering her sex.

Her thumb split open the puffy lips and was immediately covered in Ashley's excitement. That was something JJ couldn't resist and after pressing a quick kiss to Ashley's upper back JJ squatted behind the blonde. She used both hands to grope and fondle the firm cheeks, squeezing and spreading until Ashley started squirming. JJ didn't let up, leaning in to lick the soft pink folds she'd exposed.

Ashley let out all the air in her lungs in a rush. This was overwhelming. Making out with JJ in such a public place had been exciting. Fingering the older girl had been extremely naughty but this was more than that. Exposed and bent over with her ass and sopping wet pussy raised in the air, that was downright slutty. Ashley shivered and moaned, blushing as she admitted to herself she enjoyed being slutty for JJ. She bit her lip and pressed back into JJ's licking, hoping to encourage her to do a little more.

JJ didn't miss the way Ashley arched into her. It excited JJ and brought an idea to her. She spread Ashley's cheeks again and spotted the tight crinkled knot of Ashley's asshole. It was the same pale pink as the rest of the blonde's sex and JJ was curious. She let one thumb brush over it as she caressed Ashley's bottom. Ashley froze, but relaxed when JJ didn't touch that spot again. JJ lapped at the teeny hole of Ashley's pussy, splashing little drops of pussy juice. She pulled away and took in the plump, glistening pink flesh. Delicious. JJ pressed her thumb just inside Ashley, who shook and moaned. Time to change things up.

Leaving her thumb just barely inside Ashley's puss JJ licked the blonde's slick perineum and boldly licked upwards, sweeping right over her asshole. Ashley froze again and tried to pull away when JJ kept her attention and her tongue busy with Ashley's tight little star. JJ slipped her thumb further inside Ashley, encountering tightly gripping muscles and an intense heat.

"JJ." Ashley whimpered, torn. She didn't want to move and lose the sensation of being filled. She also wasn't that comfortable with JJ's licking. Not there.

"Hmm?" JJ hummed, not about to stop. She wiggled her thumb a little, feeling how Ashley's puss clutched at her even when she moved.

"Your tongue." Ashley gasped, visibly shuddering.

JJ chuckled and circled her tongue around the soft crinkly flesh. She probed but Ashley wasn't relaxed enough to let anything inside. JJ didn't mind. There was time to get the blonde used to a bit of backdoor fun. She kept up her rimming but intensified the wiggling her thumb was doing, adding a gentle thrust. That got a shaky moan and an increase in the wetness already seeping over JJ's thumb.

"Oh baby. You're so wet." JJ rested her cheek against Ashley's bottom. Ashley hung her head between her arms and whined, panting and shaking.

"I want to feel you cum all over my thumb. You're already dripping down my hand." JJ licked her lips watching the dribbles. "I love how excited you are." She ducked her head to lap up the drippings, following them up to their source.

"Ung." Ashley panted, pushing back into JJ and trembling, her body locked up as she came.

JJ stilled her thumb, but left it inside Ashley's clutching pussy. She stood and leaned over the blonde who was trembling and shuddering. Wrapping her free arm around Ashley's torso JJ gave her a hug, nuzzling through blonde curls to kiss the back of Ashley's neck. "I love you, Ashie."

Ashley turned her head to peek up at JJ through her hair, blue eyes wide. JJ was startled to see tears gather and spill over to run down Ashley's cheeks.

"Not gonna lie, that's not the reaction I was hoping for." JJ's comment made Ashley giggle and straighten up a bit.

"Sorry. You caught me by surprise." Ashley wiped her cheeks only to have another tear roll down. "I never thought I'd hear you say that again. Or get to say it back. I love you, JJ. I always have."

Elation filled JJ making it impossible to talk. Instead she leaned in and kissed Ashley who eagerly tipped her head back for JJ. JJ slowly pulled her thumb from Ashley's pussy, which earned her a pouty moan. She chuckled and pulled away to pull up Ashley's panties and shorts. "How about we make our way back to your room?"

By the time JJ and Ashley returned to the dorm room Lisa was fully packed and sitting on her bed reading a book. They ventured back out for dinner, but spent the rest of the day inside discussing their summer plans and recounting adventures from the past semester. Both Lisa and Ashley were planning to work through their summer vacation, with time for family and friends interspersed.

Lisa unknowingly put JJ on the spot when she asked JJ about her plans for the summer.

JJ shifted in Ashley's desk chair and glanced at Ashley before answering. "Well, I'm going to be spending time with some friends I haven't seen in a good long while. And I'll be looking around for a job too."

"Did you figure out what you'll do when the house is done?" Ashley asked, sitting on her bed hugging the pillow in her lap and chewing at her thumb nail.

JJ caught Lisa's questioning look. "I came back to Sierra Falls to renovate the house my dad left to me when he passed away. I can either keep it or sell it when I'm finished. And, uh, I finished the work and already made my decision." JJ paused in her explanation to add some suspense. She waited too long for Ashley who tossed the pillow at her.

"What did you decide?!" she asked, exasperated.

"I'm keeping the house. Already moved in." JJ and Lisa both giggled when Ashley flopped back on her bed chanting thank yous.


By mid-morning the next day they'd packed up Ashley's sedan and JJ's truck, said farewells to Lisa who blushed bright red when JJ hugged her goodbye. Ashley double checked everything before giving the green light for them to get on the road. Ashley led them from the campus through the sprawling college town and onto the highway. JJ was content to follow, the bed of her truck filled with boxes.

It took them longer than anticipated to make it back to Sierra Falls. Traffic was slow and heavy for much of the first half of the drive. Ashley called JJ to coordinate lunch, stopping at a fast food chain to grab a bite.

The second half of their trip went much faster, traffic having lightened up now that they were past the cluster of students leaving school. They were able to make up some time and passed the city limits only a half hour behind schedule.

JJ followed Ashley to her house, the sight of the familiar white house with its fading blue trim more comforting that JJ would have expected. Together she and Ashley unpacked their cars and stacked everything in a corner of Ashley's bedroom.

Ashley dropped her duffels at the foot of her bed and flopped onto her back on said bed. "I love coming home."

"There's no place like it." JJ quipped from Ashley's desk chair. She was slouched in the soft seat, hair combed back off her forehead.

Ashley rolled her head and found herself staring at JJ wondering if she'd felt the same way when she came back.

"So you're really going to stay." Ashley didn't speak as if it were a question, but she needed a second confirmation. Hearing JJ fess up to keeping the house the night before had taken a weight off her. Most of it had been stress, Ashley trying to work out how they'd keep in touch and work a long distance relationship if JJ left. All for naught, thankfully.

JJ grinned over at Ashley. "Yep. I wanted to tell you as soon as I signed the paperwork. I called you and everything but," JJ's grin turned sheepish, "I felt kinda awkward sharing the news over the phone."

"Oh, but you can just blab it out in front of a stranger? You're weird." Ashley nudged JJ's knee with her foot to indicate she was teasing.

"I would have told you earlier, but you were pretty determined to show me the library." JJ rolled the chair away to avoid Ashley's foot again.

"You would be too, if I'd called you for phone sex the night before." Ashley's cheeks were turning pink and she'd sat up in an effort to reach JJ.

"True. Feel free to give that a try anytime." JJ snickered and batted Ashley's foot away.

"We'll see. You want to go get a bite to eat or something?" Ashley asked, not really hungry, but restless.

The girls went to Al's diner and decided to split a piece of pie. Al delivered it to their table and stayed to chat for a few. He was thrilled to hear JJ had completed the house and would be staying. He left to cook another patron's meal, after giving both girls a hug. Left on their own to enjoy their dessert, they made plans to see each other Sunday afternoon, leaving Friday evening open for Ashley and her mom to spend time together. Saturday Ashley needed to unpack and reorganize her room for the summer home. They parted ways with a hug and long kiss, both excited to see each other again in a few days.