Journey into Cuckoldry Ch. 09: Cloud Nine


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"Don't look so shocked! You're hardly an angel yourself and neither is your lovely wife!"

That was certainly true, but I was sure our descent into the cuckold lifestyle wouldn't have happened without Carmen's interference - interference we were now glad of having had, of course."

"How... how on earth can you tell she's up for it?" I asked, stunned.

I had never understood how Carmen had known so clearly that the cuckold lifestyle would suit Alice and me as well as it obviously now did and I could see nothing in Julie to even hint that she might be a potential slut. As far as I could see, she was a simple, sweet young mother; pretty but not overtly sexy, taking care of her small child and, of course, expecting another.

"Let's just say it's She-Devil's intuition," Carmen replied in a low, wicked voice. "That's what you call me, isn't it?" I leaned further back, amazed as she continued. "She was a virgin when they married and hasn't ever had sex with anyone but her husband. He's a nice guy but from what little she's said when she's been a bit drunk, I reckon he's got a very small cock and she has never had an orgasm. When she finally feels Steve's monster inside her..." she left the words hanging in the air.

"But what about her husband?" I asked, "Gary, how do you know he'll be happy too? How do you know he'll go along with it?"

Carmen laughed aloud. "Let's just say he reminds me a lot of you, Mister Cuckold," she tapped me on the hand, "in the nicest possible way, of course."

I had no idea what she meant by that but I knew better than to ask at that moment because a couple more young Mums complete with buggies arrived and sat at the table right next to ours. Further intimate conversation would now be impossible. Carmen frowned at them then giggled at my obvious unease while rummaging in her handbag.

"Here," she slid a small piece of old envelope across the table towards me. I looked puzzled. "It's that number you wanted. I suspect you might need it soon."

I picked up the paper and saw the single word 'Mitch' followed by a mobile phone number. I could feel myself blushing as I thanked her and offered to buy us both another round of coffee.


It was Friday evening and 'Movie Night' in our household. Once a month Alice and I would take the kids to whatever movie they wanted, if and only if they could decide what it should be without fighting.

The week had passed quite quickly thanks to a very busy time at work. Unfortunately our sex life had reduced still further, but at least it gave me time in bed at night to think about what to do about Alice and her potential lovers. Predictably, I hadn't come to anything like a conclusion other than realising that her need was growing by the day and I was unlikely to satisfy it as we hadn't had sex since the Sunday morning, a full five days ago.

Apart from this, our relationship was as sound as ever and the atmosphere in the family was warm and close as we discussed the evening's activities. For a rare treat for the kids, we had taken then for pizza in a chain restaurant nearby before going to the multi-screen complex for our movie.

This time there had been no argument from anyone about our choice. A new Pixar animated comedy had just been released which even Alice and I wanted to see so we had booked tickets days in advance to be sure of getting seats. To make doubly sure, we had eaten dinner early and arrived forty minutes before the start to get to the front of the queue and secure a good position in the auditorium.

The downside of this was that we had a long wait in line which the kids were finding difficult and were helping the time pass by arguing about absolutely everything. All the screens in the theatre were busy, it seemed, and for a while, Alice and I watched the families and couples as they wandered in, making comments under our breath about the inadvisability of some people's choice of attire. It was childish and catty but we were bored and at least it gave us a break from the kids' squabbling.

Eventually our queue began to move and I turned to herd the kids forward when Alice put her hand on my arm and pulled me round.

"Hey," she suddenly whispered hoarsely, "isn't that Carmen and Steve?"


"Over there with that pregnant couple." She indicated subtly with her hand.

I looked across the concourse and sure enough, there were our friends about to enter the cinema complex. Steve looked his usual gorgeous self in tight black trousers and a close fitting white shirt. If anything he must have spent yet more time in the gym. He was chatting animatedly to Julie, the pregnant girl I had met in the cafe earlier in the week.

"That's Julie and that must be her husband Gary," I said as the four of us filed slowly in our queue towards the entrance door, "you remember I met her in the cafe earlier in the week, with Carmen?"

"Oh yes," Alice replied blandly, but I could see her watching the group carefully, "she's pretty, isn't she?"

It wasn't a real question so I didn't make the mistake of answering it. Instead I watched the happy foursome as they made their way through the foyer. Julie did indeed look very pretty and as innocent as she had looked when I had first met her. From a distance I could tell she still wore only a minimum of make-up although her short hair had tonight been carefully styled. She still wore leggings but now had on a long dark T-shirt which gave the impression that she was perhaps a little ashamed of the small, firm baby bump half hidden by the light summer jacket under her arm.

She was clearly flattered by Steve's attention and occasionally touched him excitedly on the arm as they talked. Steve's hand in return flittered over her lower back. They were evidently getting on well.

In front of them, Carmen and Julie's husband were equally animated. Carmen herself had chosen the close fitting white dress she wore rarely but which to my mind highlighted her full, womanly figure to my mind even better than the black she habitually wore. Its clean innocence contrasted sharply with her dark hair and the mischievous sparkle in her eye. In my imagination, it made her look like even more like a She-Devil than usual - a dangerous trap for those who didn't know her as I did.

I suspected Julie and her husband fell into that vulnerable category and at that moment, Gary was definitely under the She-Devil's spell, hanging on her every word; his hand on her arm a little more than mere politeness and acquaintance would expect, his face beaming with interest.

It suddenly struck me that he looked to all intents like a reverse copy of Steve. He was clearly fit and healthy himself and dressed in pale jeans and a black shirt looked strong and handsome. Carmen obviously found him attractive and was flirting with him as the four of them entered the auditorium.

I wondered what the atmosphere would be like when they left in a couple of hours' time; and whether Carmen's prediction about the likely state of Julie's vagina by midnight would come true. Something perverse within me hoped it would and I studied her as carefully as I could without making it obvious to Alice and the kids.

"Come on, Mummy!" The voice of our son, slightly annoyed, broke through my reverie as a hand pulled me forward. A large gap had opened in front of us in the queue which we had not noticed.

"Sorry, Darling," Alice said softly then looked across at me as if expecting me to remonstrate with her. I smiled and said nothing.

"What were you both staring at?" my daughter eventually asked as we moved forward and handed over our tickets.

Alice and I both jumped guiltily and I realised she had been just as fixated on the foursome as I had been.

"Um... I was wondering if we needed popcorn," she quickly replied. I smiled at her conspiratorially but her expression was still one of guilt, "I'll just go and get some."

Alice hated popcorn so it was an unconvincing excuse but all the same, moments later she returned with a large bucket and we made our way into the theatre.

In the darkness, I fondled her bare leg underneath the jacket on her lap, my hand occasionally brushing up against her panties. She didn't push me away, and as I gently caressed her loveliness, my mind was filled with images of what might be happening in the theatre above us, what might happen later; and whether Carmen and Steve would conquer Julie and her husband as totally as they had conquered Alice and me.


"Did it upset you, seeing Steve with Julie?" I asked Alice later that evening as she came into the bedroom from the shower, her slender body wrapped in a large white towel.

The movie had been great and we had all laughed heartily but there was no denying the change in atmosphere that seeing Carmen and Steve with another couple had cast over our enjoyment. Both Alice and I had been slightly distracted all evening. Fortunately neither of the kids had noticed.

She seemed to think a long time before replying.

"Not upset really, more unsettled," she eventually said. I raised my eyebrows in silent question. "I thought I would feel jealous but I'm not," she explained, "I always knew Steve would have other girlfriends."

I waited while she assembled her thoughts before continuing, "It's more, well, envy I suppose."

"Envy?" I asked. She gave an embarrassed laugh as she crossed to the full length mirror and unconsciously examined her reflection, frowning. I thought she looked simply incredible but doubted she would see herself that way. My lovely wife was not a vain person.

"I'm envious of Julie, I guess," she explained with a sigh, "she's about to discover for the first time what you and I discovered last year and, well, I suppose I envy her that incredible discovery."

Alice was looking wistfully into the middle distance; clearly the memories of her first seduction at Steve's hands and the spectacular orgasms she had enjoyed since, first with him and then with Mitch were still vivid. They were certainly vivid in my mind and I had only been an onlooker.

"It was sort of like losing my virginity all over again," she continued dreamily, "to feel that attractive and that sexual... and after Mitch too..." her voice faded.

"And you're thinking that Julie might be feeling that way right now?" I asked. She nodded sheepishly. "And you'd like to feel that way again soon?" There was another nod.

"It makes me worry when I realise how dependent on sex I've become," she said anxiously. It was by no means the first time she had expressed this concern. "I can't imagine how it must make you feel, having a Slut for a wife. I love you so much but I just can't help it."

I crossed to her and took her in my arms, kissing the top of her sweet blonde head as I hugged her.

"You know how much I love you too. I'd do anything to make you happy and so far your little... addiction... has been good for both of us, hasn't it?" She smiled up at me, her face, devoid of make-up making her seem ten years younger.

"I think it's time you had another date, don't you?" I stated, my chest tight with excitement at the thought, "and as soon as we can arrange it." I squeezed her again.

"It would be... nice," she said softly, squeezing me back, "as long as you're still ok about it."

"Do you know who you'd like to... fuck you?" I asked, revelling in the deliberate coarseness of the last two words. I felt her tense in my arms as she heard them.

"Who would you like to see... fucking me, Cucky-Boy?" she replied, clearly beginning to play the game. I felt her body pressing against mine.

"Which of them has the biggest cock, my little Slutwife?" I continued, escalating the fantasy.

"I can't remember, perhaps I'd better try them both again and find out!" her eyes were gleaming now, "Or maybe I need someone new...someone even bigger..."

The cheeky, lascivious look on my wife's face told me clearly she was enjoying this little interchange.

"It's certainly not you, Cucky-Boy!" she added. "I need a real man's cock in... my... cunt!"

There! The 'c' word told me she was getting seriously aroused.

"In your what?" I demanded.

"In... my... cunt... making... me... cum..." she replied and I felt her rubbing herself on my thigh. I pressed it forwards to make it easier for her.


"Fucking... huge..." her rubbing was growing faster and harder now.

"Deep inside you?" I asked, "Making you cum? Filling you with his seed?"

"Oh yes!" she croaked, "hot, wet and sticky, ready for you to..."

And then to my delight, her lips were hard on mine, kissing me with a passion I hadn't felt in a long while. Her tongue practically forced my lips apart then dived into my mouth as her arms rose around my neck. It took a second or two to realise what was happening before I responded eagerly, returning the passion of her kiss with my own equally strong embrace. The towel fell to the floor as her body rocked against mine, pulling me firmly into a full-on embrace, our mouths pressed so firmly together that our teeth collided clumsily.

My hands flew to her lower back, pressing her naked body against mine as her hands pulled my lips even harder against hers. Our mouths opened impossibly wide, teeth clashing, tongues writing over and around each other as she hung from me. My hands slipped downwards to her small, tight, firm buttocks and gripped them firmly, my middle finger sliding with difficulty into her cleft, over her tight, puckered anus and down towards her hot, moistening slit.

"Mmmmm!" she moaned into my mouth, her chest heaving against mine, crushing her tiny breasts, their nipples rubbing against the sparse hair on my chest.

"Ohhhh Alice," I hissed into her ear as we came up for breath, "my little slut of a wife, you are amazing..."

She smiled broadly, her long damp hair falling in a curtain over her sweet face, then released my neck and, taking my hands from her bottom, led me to the bed.

"Lie down, Cucky-Boy," she whispered, pushing me backwards until my calves pressed against the side of the mattress, "it's time you had a little attention for a change."

Intrigued and excited, I lowered myself to the bed and lay back, my eyes fixed on my lovely, sexy wife. Without breaking eye contact, she knelt alongside me then sat back on her heels.

"How's my little friend doing?" she asked, taking my already hard cock in her right hand, "is he feeling strong today?"


This time it was my turn to moan as she began to stroke my erection; first with her fingertips, then her fingers, then taking it into her fist and squeezing it hard. I could feel myself growing harder still in her grasp. At first her strokes were long and tantalisingly slow along my shaft, from the sensitive furrow behind my glans, down to the tightening sack at its base.

"Ohhh Alice..."

With a broad smile, she lowered her head to my waist. Her long blonde hair fell forward like a damp curtain, cool against the heat of my belly and obscuring her sweet mouth from view as it descended closer and closer to my cock. I felt the heat of her breath on its swollen head, then the lightest touch of her tongue on its tiny lips, then around its smooth dome, then along its ridge.

And then the whole head of my cock was engulfed in the warm, wet cavern of my wife's mouth, her tongue wide, smooth and active all over me. I felt her fingers on its base and her other hand grasp my sack, squeezing it firmly as she began to raise and lower her head.

"Oh Jesus!"

My head flew back on the sheets, my legs parting involuntarily as to my amazement and still hidden by her long blonde hair, my sexy wife began to fuck me with her sweet mouth. Up and down her head rose and fell, each stroke a new sensation; her tongue on my tip, then on the side of my shaft, then her teeth drawn sharply against my lower ridge, then gently biting my painfully swollen head.

Still kneeling, her slim hips swivelled around as she worked my cock until her bottom was towards me, her hairless vulva peeking out between parted buttocks. I could see the damp darkness of her slit merely inches from my face as if taunting me. I reached out with my fingers to touch her, craning my neck in an attempt to touch her swelling lips with my tongue. She moved herself away.

"Relax, Cucky-Boy," she croaked, her mouth releasing my erection for a moment and rising on her knees. Her hair fell away and I could see the dampness around her mouth, her lips slightly puffy from the incredible job they had just performed on my cock.

Grinning knowingly, she leaned across my chest and tugged open the top drawer of the bedside cabinet. Her breasts were merely inches from my face and I kissed her nipples, feeling the hard nibs between my lips and smoothing their dark surrounds with my tongue. She gasped and giggled then reached into the open drawer and pulled out a small, square, purple packet. I smiled as she sat back on her heels, her lovely thighs spread wide and tore it open, extracting its soft rubber contents which she placed carefully over the end of my dangerously sensitive, erect cock.

"Must put his little knobbly jacket on..." she teased as she began to roll the condom down over my shaft, "somebody's unusually big today. I wonder what brought that on."

The sexiness of her words and the soft, warm touch of her slender fingers on my erection as the condom slowly covered its tingling sides were almost unbearable. I watched in slow motion as the rubber sheath descended until it reached the base of my cock which she held at right angles to my body, making it look as big as it ever could.

"There we are!" she whispered, "all ready to be fucked by your slut of a wife."

I smiled broadly at this new, lascivious side to Alice's behaviour, something I knew only I ever got to see. Even with her lovers she was shy, reserved, almost demure right up until they brought her to orgasm. This slutty side was a performance for me and me alone and I loved it so much.

Her eyes fixed firmly on mine, she rose on her knees then lifted her left leg over my body until she straddled my waist. Her face beamed with mischief as she reached behind and took the head of my latex-covered cock in her hand before directing it towards her opening.

"Mmmm. I think you're ready for this Cucky-Boy," she said and slowly lowered herself onto me.

I felt the heat of her splayed lips as her vulva descended onto my erection followed by a little pain when my tip missed her opening and bent awkwardly. I grimaced; she grinned then quickly adjusted the angle of my erection until I felt her inner lips part and my sensitive head being smothered in wet warmth.

"Better?" she asked huskily. I nodded eagerly.

My shaft now correctly aligned, my lovely wife released it and brought both hands round to her front where she cupped her tiny breasts before, teasingly lowering herself tantalisingly onto my shaft. I felt the heat of her vagina slowly swallowing my erection as millimetre by millimetre, her slender, fit body was lowered onto mine. Her chest heaved as the studs and ridges dragged against her stretched entrance and along the sensitive first few inches of her passage. Her nipples grew visibly harder and strangely darker under her fingertips and I stroked the length of her athletic thighs as she slowly impaled herself on my shaft.

"Mmmm," she breathed out heavily as my cock stretched her inner passage and the warmth of her body engulfed me, "I'll swear you've grown thicker since Spain."

I felt the heat of her thighs approaching mine as my latex covered head began to press against her cervix and the thicker base of my cock stretched her inner lips still further.

"As thick as Steve? As thick as Mitch?" I demanded, my voice as breathy as hers in arousal, the masochist within me hoping for and expecting the right answer.