Journey into Cuckoldry Ch. 12: Dirty Dozen


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I smiled and waved to him and received a pained smile in return then he stepped out of the car and fell in step alongside me as we entered the house. I felt him tense up as he crossed the threshold and when we entered the empty kitchen and I began to make strong coffee I knew his first question wouldn't be far away.

"I'm not sure I can stand it!" he said quietly but directly, wrong-footing me for a moment.

"Now you're a cuckold?" I replied, trying to be direct myself and keep emotion out of my voice.

"Yes! No! I don't know," his voice sounded strained, "I suppose that IS what I am now but..."

His voice faded and I thought for a moment.

"It's not easy, that's true but... you love your wife, don't you?" I eventually asked.

"Of course! I'm crazy about her! I adore her!"

"That's good and it shows. I love Alice too. And you want to make her happy?"

"More than anything else in the world."

"And that shows too! Think of it this way; you're a good husband, you care for your wife, take care of all her needs, support her in her career, with your new family, you do all you can for her. You find you can make her happy in every respect but one. You can't make her truly happy in bed, can you?"

He looked at the floor.

"We are... were... quite a naïve couple. Neither of us had slept with anyone else before... before..."

"Before Carmen happened?" I finished his sentence. Gary nodded and I chuckled. "She's a force of nature, isn't she? I suppose the two of us should think of our lives as clearly divided between BC and AC."

"Before Carmen and After Carmen?" he grinned sheepishly and I nodded, for a moment wondering where all this wisdom I was professing had come from.

"Now, thanks to her, both of us have learned how great sex can be for our wives in the right circumstances and with the right lover. It just turns out that the right lover isn't either of us."

He laughed mirthlessly, "That's one way of looking at it I suppose."

"Then accept it, Gary. I'd guess that you get incredibly aroused watching her being seduced and then fucked. Then you feel dirty and guilty afterwards; partly for letting it happen at all - even though you know it's what she really wants - partly for enjoying seeing someone else's cock where only yours should be, but mostly because for men like us, watching our wives have incredible multiple orgasms is the most erotic thing on earth!"

He was nodding so I continued:

"And of course there's the whole Alpha Male issue. Being a cuckold means accepting you're not the Alpha Male in your wife's bed any more. In one way that's a disgrace, a cause of shame, in another it's truly liberating. In both cases it's arousing as hell and you feel guilty about that too."

"You do understand," Gary smiled again wanly.

"I've been a cuckold for longer than you, that's all," I reassured him though hearing my voice say these things out loud was a strange experience. I was amazed at my own words and realised that I was probably expressing my own deep feelings for the first time.

"It's true what you say," Gary replied, a look of real relief on his face, "and on top of that I'm worried she'll leave me for a better lover. Now I've seen what a real orgasm looks like I can't see why she would stay with a man who can't give her one. She's already changed so much I'm worried I won't be able to keep her!"

"But you ARE giving her orgasms Gary," I insisted, "it's just not your cock or your mouth that's providing them. You love her enough and care for her enough to let her have what she needs even if it means being submissive sometimes and letting another man fuck her. In a way it's the ultimate in love and adoration."

"Don't you worry you'll lose Alice? I could hear how much she was enjoying it last night. Aren't you worried she'll want it all the time and leave you?"

"Yes! Of course I worry! There IS always that risk, I suppose, but there's a risk in any relationship. What if she got so frustrated with my performance in bed that she found a lover on her own? That's a much greater risk to a marriage than what we do and what you've started to do. You're making sure she can have what she needs in a safe and caring environment; she'll love you even more for it.

"Besides, pretty much every other aspect of our marriage is really strong, and now Alice is getting such amazing sex too it's become even stronger in many ways." I thought for a moment. "But you do have to keep on your toes; try and spot the signs that she's getting frustrated early and make arrangements yourself before she gets unhappy."

Gary sighed and sat down at the table. There was a sound from upstairs like the movement of feet and we both raised our eyes to the ceiling.

"How long did it go on for after I left," he asked quietly as if not wanting to know the answer.

"Most of the night," I replied honestly, "I heard them through the wall."

"Julie and Steve?"

"Only Mitch after you left; they spent the whole night together," I saw him wince at the news. "Carmen took Steve away after he'd finished with Alice. She gets a bit... territorial afterwards," I shrugged. "I didn't get much sleep."

Gary pulled a face. "Neither did I; none at all. I've just dropped the baby off with my parents for a few hours to come and collect Julie. She'll want to get home and clean herself up before she sees anyone."

"Is there any coffee left?"

A voice came from behind me and I span round to see my lovely wife standing in the doorway dressed in nothing but Steve's blue bath robe. Although she had removed the remains of her make-up and tried to tidy her hair, there was no mistaking what that familiar, tired look on her face meant; she had been thoroughly and comprehensively fucked once again and was feeling the after-effects big-time.

Springing to my feet, I poured a large mug of the strong black liquid and handed it to her, kissing her briefly on her lips which were a little swollen and puffy. I could only imagine what the rest of her felt like and looked like.

"How are you feeling?" I asked. Alice looked meaningfully at Gary as if embarrassed to speak in front of him then sighed as if remembering she had little left to hide.

"I'm shattered," she confessed then whispered so only I could hear, "and really, really sore... down there!"

"Is there anything I can do to help? Anything I can get?"

"Can we stop at the pharmacy on the way home?"

"Of course."

"Thanks. And thanks for... for last night. Thanks for... for everything. You're a very special man, you know? I love you so much!"

She kissed me on the lips again. She tasted salty and there was a powerful aroma of stale sex on her body.

"I need a bath. See you later Gary!"

She kissed me once again, squeezing my fingers in her free hand then glided silently from the room. I heard soft footsteps on the stairs followed a few moments later by the sound of running water. Slightly dazed, I turned to where Gary was standing, stunned.

"Jesus! Now I think I understand," he said, astounded.


A short time later, Carmen entered the kitchen fully dressed in jeans and a tight dark blue top which if anything exaggerated her womanly curves compared with my wife's skinny, almost androgynous figure. She looked tired but was bright, happy and full of mischief.

"How are my two favourite cuckolds this morning?" she asked, helping herself to orange juice from the fridge.

Gary and I exchanged glances before he smiled resignedly and replied.

"We're good thanks but it seems I've got a lot to learn and get used to if we're going to do more of... of this kind of thing."

Carmen grinned wickedly. "From what I saw last night, your sweet Julie isn't going to make do with just any old cock in future. You'll be doing a lot more of 'this kind of thing'. Still, you've got a good teacher there," she squeezed my upper arm, "I've never known a couple take to the lifestyle like these two - though you and Julie come a close second!"

I noticed Gary blush and lower his eyes but Carmen hadn't finished.

"But you'll find out yourself soon. I heard movement in her room as I came past," she continued, "I'd better warn you though; Mitch is quite an athlete as well as having a huge cock. She's probably worn out, poor thing."

"Oh... well... I'd better... I'd better go up and see if she's all right," he bumbled, pushing past Carmen and me and almost running upstairs.

For a few moments there was silence in the kitchen; the sort of silence that occurs between two friends who are relaxed together and have a shared history; a silence broken only by the sounds of Carmen making tea.

"Was it what you wanted?" I eventually asked as she poured two cups and turned towards me.

The smile on her face told me all I needed to know.

"Nearly perfect! I told you we'd remind her why she became a slut in the first place. I don't think your lovely wife will fall in love with Mitch now, do you? The only disappointment was Gary missing the finale when he had to leave, apart from that..."

"Did you arrange with Steve for Alice to..."

"Be buggered for the first time?"

I nodded though the word was horrible. Carmen laughed.

"No, that just came to him at the time. I think you credit me with more power than I really have. I can set the scene, get the players into position but once the action starts, it's in the hands of the Gods."

"More like the hands of the She-Devils!" I said. Carmen laughed out loud half choking on a mouthful of tea.

"The Gods made a good call as far as sweet goody-two-shoes Alice was concerned. She really got into it in the end, didn't she? Is she sore this morning?" she eventually asked.

"Very sore, she says," I smiled, remembering the astonished look on my wife's as Steve's cock entered her rectum for the first time.

"Well you can tell her from me that the more she does it, the easier it gets - and the better it gets too!"

So I had just learned something new about Carmen and her little secrets, hadn't I?

"If you don't mind, I think I'll wait a while before trying again though," came a familiar voice from behind me.

Once again, Alice had entered the room without me noticing. Both Carmen and I span round to see her standing in the doorway. Freshly showered but without make-up and in the white dress she had worn last night, my lovely wife still looked gorgeous. True, her hair was more tousled, the dress very much more rumpled than she would have preferred and her slim legs were now bare but she was still recognisably the drop-dead gorgeous woman who wore my ring and had arrived with me little more than a dozen hours ago.

She crossed to my side and I felt her take my hand, squeezing my fingers between hers.

"We'd better go and relieve the babysitter, don't you think?"

I looked quickly at my watch.

"Goodness, you're right. An overnight like this will cost us a fortune!" I joked.

We kissed and hugged Carmen our goodbyes before going outside to the car, still hand in hand. As Alice bent to peck her friend on the cheek, I saw Carmen whisper something in her ear and for a moment felt jealous. Then the absurdity of it hit me; if watching my own wife being fucked by Steve didn't make me jealous, why should Carmen and Alice sharing a secret have that effect?

We drove for a while in companionable silence before Alice first spoke.

"Did you know it would happen?"

"I knew no more than you," I replied truthfully.

"Did it upset you when he..."

"Fucked you in the ass?" I finished her sentence. Alice winced.

"It sounds so nasty when you say it that way."

"Sorry. It didn't look like you thought it was nasty though. At least not all the time. Was it good for you?"

"It hurt like hell to start with," she said pensively, "I couldn't believe how big it felt inside me but then I seemed to loosen up and... wow!"

"I know, it looked like you were feeling wow!" I grinned, "but you're paying a price this morning?"

"I can handle it," she grinned back, "in a way it feels like I've... reached a new stage... grown up or something."

"Like lost your cherry all over again?" I suggested.

"I suppose so," she grinned and blushed. I grinned back at her, still amazed that this lovely, sexy woman really was my wife.

"Would you want to do it again?" I asked, hoping for the right answer. It came instantly.

"It depends," she replied her eyes on me, "partly on how you feel about it. I mean I wouldn't want to do anything that you couldn't live with. I need to know you would still love and respect me... afterwards."

I turned to her in astonishment. "Alice! There's nothing you could ever do that would stop me loving you, and as for respect? Well if anything this lifestyle has made me admire and respect you more than ever. I adore you, my little Hotwife. I want you to have all you need - and I mean ALL - even if it means I have to watch you being fucked by other men."

I'm not normally one to make speeches but as I spoke them I knew my words were nothing but the truth and for a moment my lovely wife was stunned into silence.

"Even... like that?" she eventually asked.

"Even... 'like that'!" I mimicked her voice quite accurately and she laughed as I added, "was it as good as it looked? You looked like you were far, far away."

"It was... amazing," she confessed, "I've never felt anything like that before. It was much more intense; huge pleasure and real pain all mixed together; so much more powerful than any orgasm I can remember, it really caught me by surprise..."

Her eyes had gone dreamy and her hand had unconsciously moved to her breast as she continued:

"But I couldn't do it again for a while and certainly not with anyone bigger than Steve. God knows how I'd be feeling now if it had been Mitch's monster in my ass."

These unusually crude words coming from so sweet and lovely a woman made me shiver with a strange mixture of arousal, excitement and revulsion.

There was another pause.

"How did Julie get on?" she asked, breaking the tension.

"She's another natural according to Carmen and from what I saw she's right."

"You did more than watch her though," she said in mock-chastisement then added, "was her... body... very different from mine? Down there?"

"Very different," I replied honestly, "in look, smell and taste. And you both look, smell and taste quite different from Carmen too. It's amazing really."

Alice seemed to contemplate this for a moment before continuing.

"Did you make her cum?" I paused then decided honestly was the best policy.

"Yes I did!"


"I think so. It looked like it."

"I thought you would," Alice said almost triumphantly, leaning back in her seat and patting my thigh as if she was patting a beloved dog that had just performed a trick for her friends. In a strange way I understood; she was proud of me and I glowed with pleasure!

"How did Gary handle it?" she asked.

"He's not sure yet. He's still in the guilt-wracked denial phase but I think he'll get used to the idea."

My lovely wife squeezed my thigh as I drove.

"Well he'd better get used to it; from what I saw and heard, Julie's not going to be happy with that little cock of his any longer. Anyway, you got used to it and look how happy we are now!"

There was another, longer pause before she continued, "I meant what I said, you know. You're a very special person. I know I'm lucky to have you."

We were indeed happy. I positively glowed with pleasure at this praise from the woman I adored. Then she put the icing on the cake with five wonderful words.

"I do love you, Cucky-Boy!"

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amadeuseroticamadeuserotic4 months ago

Why did Steve use a condom for anal sex? I was hoping that he intended to switch holes, so he could give Alice (and cuckboy Dave by extension) the much needed creampie without having to clean his cock in-between. However, he could have also gone bareback with Alice cleaning his cock ATM-style before the final vaginal insemination.

Or perhaps Steve could have taken it to the next level and make the lovely couple lose their anal creampie virginity as well.

Missed opportunities ...

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 1 year ago

missed out on the obligatory creampie

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Julie does anal

I'm so glad that Julie has joined the back door club! Anyone who has been fucked up the arse knows how painful it is the first time, but I'm sure Julie will learn to love being fucked there as much as she loves a big thick cock in her cunt. I don't know how this is going to develop, but if my own experience of anal sex is anything to go by, being fucked up the arse is a great alternative when I'm on my period. I'm only sad that I can't give this chapter more than 5 stars!

JDmiddlesonJDmiddlesonabout 8 years ago

I loved the series and it was very well written. That said it is a bit far fetched. In real lives when something like this happens by Steve and Carmen, not everybody lives happily ever after. Most of the time, lives are changed dramatically or destroyed. Still, it was a good read, even if it isn't close to reality!

robin_wakefieldrobin_wakefieldover 8 years ago
I hope that this is not the end of the story...

I hope it is not the end because I really want to see Steve and Carmen; particularly Carmen, suffer. She is playing with emotions and people's lives She plays a very dangerous game in thinking that she can pick out couples for future conquest just so that she can get her rocks off with Steve. Her evil manipulations should rebound on her hard. I want to see Alice and her husband teeter on the edge of separation. I don't care how submissive he is, there has to be a breaking point. Perhaps she starts cheating in her desperation to a find new, large cock. Perhaps he finds a love interest outside of his marriage.

I have the impression that he has an average sized dick and is not on the small side at all. Sex may not be the most important ingredient of a good, loving marriage but it can easily go to pieces when it goes out of kilter.

So she is a slut wife and he is a happy cuckold. That's not the end of the story; it's only the beginning. Lets have a nice rounded ending where the bad guys get their just desserts and the good guys get to be on top, for a change. Come on, Jenny. They're your characters! It's only fiction! You can make them do whatever you want.

Please give it a rousing and emotional ending! I know you can do it,

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