Just One Kiss

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Kelly teaches virgin sister how to kiss, then more.
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The two girls sat on the edge of a bed. The bed sat in a disorganized room, clothes strewn about haphazardly and school supplies resolutely ignored in neat piles. They sat at the foot of the nice bed, on top of a thick comforter with pink laced pillows. Stuffed animals rested at the head of the bed, remnants of childhood obsession. The older girl, now woman, was tall and confident. Short brown hair trimmed for efficiency and style, it suited her well. She wore plain clothes, regular jeans and a close fitting t-shirt emphasizing her athletic build. The second girl, more so girl than woman, despite being eighteen years old, was in plain clothes as well. Long brown hair cascaded down her shoulders, and across her heaving chest. The younger girl was not as athletic, her features more curvy and rounded than the other. Both girls were attractive and their facial features quite similar.

The two girls were sisters, and they were practicing kissing.

Kelly was twenty one, home for summer from college, and her younger sister Pam had just graduated high school and would be starting in the fall. They had fought often as siblings do, but in recent years maturity had inevitably caught up and they remained now very close. Pam had complained to her older sister about her boyfriends unwanted pressure for sex, and Kelly had demanded to know why she was still holding out.

Pam was embarrassed but her close relationship with her sister had won out, and she had confided in Kelly her worries and fears. Kelly had listened to her sister's rant, and had seized upon the one incomprehensible fact.

"You don't like kissing him?" Kelly had exploded with confusion.

"Well, it's all sloppy and weird," Pam had explained.

"He's the only person you have kissed right?" Kelly asked.

"Yes," Pam replied, still embarrassed.

"He's probably doing it wrong," Kelly said confidently.

Pam wasn't so sure, but she acceded to her sister's wisdom. The next day, Kelly had found Pam alone in her room, and had quickly shut the door. She pulled Pam next to her and they sat at the edge of the bed. Kelly had demanded a demonstration of how Pam kissed, and Pam had reluctantly agreed.

"Just one kiss, to make sure you aren't doing it wrong," Kelly said.

Kelly leaned forward and pressed her lips against her sister's, softly. Pam's tongue shot out into her sisters mouth, fully extended and rough, and Kelly had to fall back, immediately laughing hysterically.

"What's so funny?" Pam demanded, as her sister had rolled around on the bed giggling.

"Your, um, a little eager. Keep your tongue in your mouth this time," Kelly said, still grinning.

She leaned forward again, and pressed her lips against her sister's. This time Pam remained almost frozen, her lips pressing back, but remaining mostly inert. Kelly found this easier to deal with, and she slowly kissed Pam's lips. Kelly leaned farther in, her lips pressing harder against her sister, and began to open her mouth slightly. Pam, wary of her sister's complaint, kept her tongue in her mouth. Kelly's lips pressed against hers, gently kissing and suckling in an experience that was totally new to Pam.

After several long minutes of delicacy and tenderness, Kelly softly moved her tongue forward. Pam let out a soft moan, feeling her sister probe against her lips. Pam felt amazed, never had kissing been so fun, and rarely had it made her feel this good. After a few minutes of this gentle kissing, Kelly pulled back and looked at her sister's expression.

"Better?" Kelly asked.

"That was great " Pam grinned. "That was way better than anything I've done before."

"Now I'll teach you to kiss like that back, just kind of follow my lead," Kelly said, and leaned forward again.

They had practiced diligently for most of the afternoon, and Pam had been reluctant when Kelly had gotten up, and declared that she needed to go. The next day, Pam had asked her sister to continue the lesson.

This had happened two weeks ago, and every day since then, they had managed to continue finding times to practice, if only for a few minutes. They knew their parents would be shocked, and both of them rather enjoyed it, so they discreetly found times to spend together alone. This time was one of those, their parents being gone for the afternoon to see a movie together and have dinner. They had been kissing for twenty minutes, and Pam was fully enthralled by her older sister's lips.

Kelly felt her back twinge in pain. She continued to kiss her sister, enjoying the sensation, but she wondered how she could ease her back. She placed her hand on her sisters, and eased it back onto the bed. Her sister willingly followed, and they eased themselves back onto the bed. Kelly was now lying down, and Pam was leaning over her. Pam's kissing skills had improved so much, that Kelly felt herself growing increasingly excited as Pam's tongue flicked against her lips.

Leaning over her sister, Pam rested her hand gently on her sisters stomach. Kelly felt the soft touch and brought her own hand up to wrap around Pam's waist and hold her close. Pam lay down on her side, pressed into her sister, not having any desire to break the kiss. Pam's hand was still resting gently on her sister's stomach, and she began to move it slowly back and forth.

Kelly found herself growing extremely excited by the feel of her sister's body. The hand on her stomach, and her sister's breasts pressing against hers was growing a little too intense for a sisterly make out session. Kelly recognized the signs of sexual longing in her sister, and grew worried that they would do something that Pam would regret. Kelly struggled to sit up, and gently pushed her sister's body away.

"What's wrong?" Pam asked, not hiding her look of disappointment very well.

"Listen, I like doing this as much as you do, but we have to talk about this," Kelly said, frowning slightly.

"Okay," Pam sat reluctantly back, her lips still tingling with pleasure from her sister's mouth. Her body felt warm and content, like it had after every one of their practice sessions.

"I wanted to you enjoy kissing, so that you would enjoy kissing your boyfriend," Kelly said carefully.

"I know. I know that's why we are doing this," Pam said, a little confused.

"Okay, well, it's becoming something else." Kelly said seriously, looking into her sister's eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Let's face it, I've taught you how to kiss, any further 'practice' is just because we're enjoying it, and that's something we should talk about," Kelly said, watching her sister's face flush with embarrassment. "Don't be embarrassed, it's perfectly natural, but we should acknowledge it."

"I know, but I want to keep doing it." Pam said quietly, not meeting her sisters gaze.

"I know, so do I, but I have more experience, and I'm worried that you're not ready," Kelly said.

"What do you mean?" Pam asked, now angry.

"You are a virgin, but do you ever masturbate?" Kelly asked, and watched with satisfaction as Pam's face grew bright red.

"Yes," Pam answered defiantly.

"Since when?" Kelly asked.

"Last week."

"And how do you do it? Under or over the underwear?" Kelly guessed.

"Just rubbing through my underwear," Pam confessed, bright red and mortified.

Kelly nodded, and smiled. Her sister was going through a rush of emotions, unfamiliar and overwhelming, and she didn't have any previous experience to ground her.

"You haven't been sexually active, your body is roaring with hormones and your just now dealing with them. Masturbation is normal, kissing is normal, and it might take you some time to assimilate them. Your body is craving sex, and what we've been doing is only making it worse, am I correct?" Kelly asked.

"Yes," Pam whispered.

"Well, I want to help, but I want you to be sure you're ready."

"I'm ready," Pam replied.

"Then let's move on to the next step," Kelly answered.

"What's the next step?" Pam asked.

"You'll see," Kelly grinned.

Kelly got up off the bed and adjusted her shirt. She walked briskly to her room, and opened a drawer. She reached past crumpled clothes, through old bathing suits, and finally she found what she was looking for. She held it firmly in her hand as she walked back to her sisters room. Holding it behind her back, she stepped through, closing the door behind her. Pam looked upon her expectantly, and Kelly pulled out the small dildo.

"Pam, this is your new best friend."

Pam's mouth opened with shock, and she stared at the six inch realistically shaped dildo with an open mouth.

"Where did you get that?" Pam asked, her eyebrows shooting up.

"They do have stores that sell these you know, there's one kind of close to campus," Kelly shrugged.

"Does your boyfriend know you have one?" Pam asked with surprise.

"He went with me, actually, he paid for it," Kelly smiled.

"And you actually use it?" Pam asked, her voice still sounding shocked.

"Of course, and now you will."

"I don't think I can..." Pam started, but Kelly sat down on the bed again next to her.

"I know it's scary, but if you learn how to take care of yourself properly, then things become a lot easier," Kelly said carefully.

Pam was nervous, and Kelly could sense her unease. Kelly set the dildo aside, and put an arm around her sister, intending it for support. Pam felt grateful, and leaned in to hug her sister. After a moment of this, Kelly turned Pam's face toward her, and she leaned in to kiss her. Pam eagerly accepted her sister, and they lay back on the bed once more.

Kelly wrapped her arms around her sister, and they lay holding each other for a long time. Pam pulled back, her face flushed with pleasure.

"Maybe we can just do this for a while, I don't think I'm ready to..." Pam started, and then she looked at the dildo.

"I understand," Kelly sighed, and then was struck with inspiration.

"We can stick to kissing, that's alright, but it gets me pretty excited." Kelly explained, "I'm going to get a little more comfortable."

Kelly stood up, and unbuttoned her jeans. Pam's expression was startled, and she hesitantly looked down at her own clothes. She blushed, and then looked up at her sister. Kelly pulled down the jeans, and stood before her sister. Pam's eyes traveled up and down Kelly's long legs, and she looked up at her sister in shock.

"You don't mind, do you?" Kelly asked.

"No," Pam said softly, her eyes guiltily meeting her sister's.

"It's okay to look, you've seen me naked before."

"I know, but, since we've been kissing, it's different," Pam said.

"I know," Kelly said.

She sat down on the bed, and leaned in to kiss her sister. They eased back into the familiar position, Kelly lying down on her back, and Pam leaning against her, head arched over her sister. They kissed slowly, and gently for a few minutes, each drifting again into the comfort zone they held with each other.

Kelly held Pam close with one hand, and her other hand drifted to her own chest. Her nipples were hard with excitement, and she gently rubbed one of them through her shirt. Pam became aware of what her sister was doing, and paused to watch for a second. Kelly used two fingers to outline the hard point in her shirt, aware of her sister's scrutiny. After watching for a few moments, Pam bent down again and kissed her sister, affirming her support, and to Kelly, her encouragement.

Kelly trailed her hand down to her legs, resting it on top of her groin. She spread out her hands, and her fingers gently began to move on top of her panties. As her sister's tongue grew more explorative, Kelly let her hand rest against her sex. She gently extended her two fingers again, this time slowly tracing her slit. She felt her lower lips tingle with excitement, and she wasn't surprised the fabric was forming a wet spot beneath her entrance.

After making out for a few more minutes, Kelly moved her head back.

"I was thinking, maybe it would be less scary for you, if you watched me do it," Kelly whispered.

Pam stared into her sister's eyes, and nodded.

Kelly removed her arm from her sisters back, and reached down with both hands to remove her panties. Pam watched as they slid down her sister's legs, and dropped quickly onto the floor. Her eyes traveled back up the long legs, and Pam stared down in fascination at her exposed sister's sex.

Trimmed to short, wiry curls, her pubic hair stood out against her sister's skin in sharp contrast. Looking down, Pam could see the top of her sisters lips, and she sat up, removing her hand from her sister's stomach. Kelly watched Pam's gaze lock onto her crotch, and Kelly sighed in satisfaction. She lowered her hand again, this time coming to rest against her entrance. Pam leaned forward and watched as Kelly slowly slid one finger into herself.

Kelly toyed with herself slowly for a minute, mostly watching her sister's reactions. Pam was flushed, but she could not take her eyes away from her beautiful sister. Keeping her legs slightly spread apart, Kelly reached over and grabbed the small dildo.

Pam watched eagerly as Kelly brought the dildo down to her crotch. She kept her left hand gently working on her lips, and used the right hand to slid the dildo up and down her slit. She knew she needed no extra lubrication, and pressed the dildo against her lips.

Kelly closed her eyes and eased the dildo into the entrance. She pushed slowly, knowing that Pam was watching with her complete attention. The head pushed through the lips and disappeared inside of her, and she took a deep breath as she pushed harder. Pam watched as her sister pressed the dildo firmly inside of herself, and as it reached it's base, Pam exhaled as her sister bit her lower lip in pleasure.

Kelly opened her eyes again and she found Pam watching her face. Kelly smiled up at Pam, and began to slowly fuck herself with the dildo. She used her left hand to keep her lips spread, and her right hand eased the dildo back and forth.

"Are you still scared of something being inside of you?" Kelly asked, slightly breathless.

"Yes, but this is making me want to even more," Pam replied.

Kelly stared up at her sister as she increased her pace. The dildo slid easily in and out, her excitement level was evident as she masturbated for her sister.

"Once you get over being scared, this feeling is amazing," Kelly said.

"It looks like it," Pam said with a smile.

Kelly continued using her right hand to operate the dildo, but she moved her left hand up, resting it on her stomach. She felt pleasure racing through her body, and she pushed the dildo in harder, and she knew she was going to cum, for the first, and not last time of the afternoon. She quivered as it raced through her, and she tensed as the waves rushed through her. She opened her eyes to see her sister still staring at her, an expression of lust and desire etched on her face.

Kelly continued to masturbate, intent on a repeated orgasm, and lifter her left hand out to her sister. Pam took her hand, conscious of the slight sticky residue, and rather intrigued by it. Kelly pulled Pam closer, and closed her eyes.

Pam leaned down, kissing her sister once again. Tongue darting forward, met eagerly in her sister's mouth, she kissed her sister passionately as Kelly played with herself. After several minutes, Kelly felt her next orgasm approaching, and her breath became labored as she increased the pace of her right hand.

Kelly and Pam continued to hold hands, as Kelly climaxed for the second time, twice as hard. Her body shook, and she cried out, squeezing Pam's hand tightly. It lasted for several long moments, and Pam increased her sister's pleasure by using her right hand to gently stroke Kelly's arm. After Kelly came down, she slowed the pace of the dildo, and gazed up into her sister's eyes.

"Thank you for showing me," Pam said softly.

Kelly grinned, and concentrated on catching her breath. It took her several minutes to recover, and Pam, sensing her sister's fatigue, lay down beside her, so they could both rest. They held hands and neither talked for a long time.

Kelly got to her feet and slipped her panties back on.

"I'm going to take a shower," Kelly said, feeling slightly embarressed now that it was over. Pam nodded, and continued to lie on the bed.

"Do you want me to leave this here?" Kelly asked softly, looking down at the dildo.

Worried that her voice would betray her, Pam merely nodded.

Kelly picked up her jeans, and quietly left the room. She took a long shower, and hoped her sister would be able to help herself out. Pam stayed in her room the rest of the afternoon, and Kelly hoped she enjoyed it.

Her parents came home later that night, and Kelly chatted amiably with them. They went to sleep early, and Kelly remained watching television, waiting for her sister to emerge from her room.

Near midnight, and still having seen no sign of her sister since early evening, Kelly grew worried and went to see her. She knocked on the door, and Pam answered quickly.


"It's Kelly, everything all right?"

"Yes, I'm fine," Pam's voice came through the door.

Kelly frowned, wondering if her sister was worried about the aftermath of her actions.

"I'll be in my room if you want to talk about anything, anything at all," Kelly called through the door.


Kelly walked slowly to her room. She now felt uneasy, but she decided she would confront Pam in the morning and make sure everything was okay.

About an hour later, Kelly was lying in her bed, trying to get to sleep. She had kicked off her covers and was lying under her sheet only, when she heard faint footsteps in the hall. She reached for a bedside lamp and turned it on. She stared towards the door, and watched as the handle turned. Pam slipped in, wearing a long oversized t-shirt that fell down to her thighs. Kelly smiled, wondering if Pam had come to talk.

Pam reached down and grabbed her t-shirt. In one motion she pulled it off and stood before her sister naked. Kelly stared in surprise, and then in interest. Her sister's body had certainly developed since the last time she remembered seeing her. Kelly let her gaze float over every part of Pam's body, and then she looked up and met her gaze.

Kelly didn't say a word, she just lifted one side of the sheet. Pam walked softly over, and crawled into bed next to her sister. Pam wrapped her arms around her sister, and they held each other. Kelly kissed Pam's forehead gently, and Pam moved to whisper into Kelly's ear.

"I'm not scared anymore, but I want my first time to be with you," Pam said.

Kelly nodded, and held her sister close. They kissed, as their bodies pressed against each other. For a while, Pam took control. She moved her lips down, and began kissing Kelly's neck. Kelly was surprised at Pam's initiative, but eagerly encouraged her sister's exploration. After several minutes of working on her neck, Pam moved down to Kelly's chest, her lips planting kisses along her skin, finally encircling the nipple, and placing the hard bud in her mouth.

She sucked hard at first, and Kelly almost cried out in pain. Pam's mouth slowed, and her tongue gently lapped against Kelly's nipple, causing waves of pleasure to shoot through Kelly's body.

Kelly allowed her sister to suckle at her chest for quite a while. When she felt like she couldn't stand it anymore, she used her arms to lift Pam up on her elbows. She scooted herself down and as Pam pushed herself up, Kelly eagerly encouraged Pam to give one of her breasts to her sister. Pam understood, and cupped her left breast in her hand, and then guided it to Kelly's mouth. As Kelly closed her eyes, she heard Pam moan into the still night. Kelly eagerly fed at Pam's nipple, and shivered. Pam pulled back, offering her other breast to Kelly, and stared down as Kelly latched herself on.