Katja Pt. 18


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Then Geoff cocked his head thinking, "Can we talk to her mommy?"

Katja shrugged. "I'm not sure love, since you can hear her, you might be able to. Would you like to try?"

Geoff smiled, and nodded quickly, then he concentrated like he did to talk to Gesa, "Sister, this is your brother Geoff, can you hear me?"

Geoff smiled as he heard, "Yes Geoff, I can hear you." Then Brigitte grinned as she said, "This is your sister Brigitte, I can't wait to play with you." She giggled, "We can gang up on Geoff."

"I want to play with you also. But why should we... gang up, on Geoff?"

Brigitte grinned, "You'll see. It's a brother sister thing."

Erik and Katja grinned as they heard the conversation. Then Erik said, "I don't know Brigitte, big brothers often look after their little sisters."

Brigitte laughed, then said, "Geoff is right daddy, our sister needs a name. Erik and Katja looked at one another, then Katja shrugged, "I'm not sure love, do you have a name?"

Erik cocked his head, "I think so, let me check." He whispered a name to Brigitte and she grinned nodding, then he called Geoff over and did the same. Geoff smiled, "That's a nice name daddy."

Erik nodded, then smiled at Katja, "How about... Aileen? It's a Celtic name and that should fit, considering."

Katja smiled her understanding, "I like it, let's see if she does."

Then she said to their daughter, "Mommy and daddy have a name for you kitten, lets see if you like it. If you don't, we can pick another."

"What's the name mommy?"

Erik grinned, "How does the name Aileen sound to you love?"

Then they heard, "That's a pretty name, I think I like it."

Geoff and Brigitte cheered as their sister Aileen accepted her name. Geoff grinned, "That's a pretty name Aileen."

Brigitte smiled, "I think it is to, I can't wait till we can play together Aileen.

Then Erik said to Geoff and Brigitte, "One thing kid's, let's keep this between us for now. We'll let the others know later."

Then he looked at Geoff, "And since I'd imagine you already said something to her, let Gesa know also Geoff." Geoff blushed and nodded okay.

"That goes for you and Bryan also kitten." Now it was her turn to blush.

Katja looked at her two children, "We'll explain in a while why, but for now, just do as your father says."

Then she said to Aileen, "Aileen, you should also not talk to anyone but us for now. I know this is difficult to understand, but there is a reason and we'll tell you when the time is right.

Then Geoff smiled, "Oh, like when Briast tells us something and she says we have to wait to the time is right or it won't turn out like it's supposed to."

Erik smiled, "Yes, exactly, but you can tell Her though, she more than likely already knows."

Then Aileen asked, "Does my other mommy know too daddy?"

Erik winced again, "Yes kitten, She knows."

Geoff's eyes lit up as he heard that, and Erik shook his head at him, then said mentally to him, "I'll explain it later Geoff, please just keep it to yourself for now."

Geoff smiled and nodded, he remembered the talk daddy and the Nice Lady had. He felt warmth and he knew it was Her and that Aileen was like him.

They talked some more, then they decided on pizza for dinner as they needed to go shopping tomorrow and take care of some things around the house.

After dinner, they watched a movie, then the kids got ready for bed. They watched TV for a bit more and they talked about what they did on the trip, then they showed them some of the pictures they took. Then the kids went to bed, with the cats following them. They tucked them in, then Erik and Katja went back to the living room. Erik got them some tea and coffee, then they sat and talked about this afternoon.

Katja curled up like normal, and asked, "How do you think we should handle this love? I didn't think they children could hear us before, I forgot that all you have to do is mention their names and they know."

Erik nodded, "Well, for now, we just keep it to ourselves. Once you see the doctor, then we can talk about it some more. I also need to talk to Geoff some more, he knows Brigit is his mother also. He doesn't know what it exactly means, I think, but since Aileen will be like him or more so, he can help her."

Katja looked at him, "I didn't know he knew; how did he find out?"

Erik smiled, "Pretty much like today, Brigit was talking to me and like you did, I mention him and he heard. He asked me what it meant, and I told him a little so he wouldn't worry about it, but not everything, I told him I'd tell him more once he was older." He sighed, "They're all so young to wrap their brains around this." He snorted a laugh, "Especially Aileen."

Katja smiled, "Your right love, but what can we do? We can't lie to them, we can say what you did to Geoff, but we'll have to tell him the whole thing, within reason, sometime."

Erik sighed, "I know love, I'm just hoping to give them a normal, kind of, childhood. Before they get into anything deeper. Kids should be able to be kids, play, laugh, not worry, enjoy all the joys of just being a kid.

She smiled and hugged his arm a little tighter, "You're still the best man I know my mate. I love you."

He smiled and leaned down to kiss her, "I love you too hon. Thanks for thinking so much of me."

She kissed him back, "Come on, lets go to bed. I sort of miss our own bed."

They shut everything off, then went to bed. He spooned up to her like normal, with his face buried in her hair and neck, and one arm around her to hold her close. She smiled and sighed contentedly.

They woke up like normal the next morning, and Erik grinned as she stretched out the kinks. He loved to watch her do this, she always looked so cute.

She rolled on top of him and kissed him, "Good morning love. Did you sleep well?"

Erik grinned, "I always sleep well as long as I'm with you kitten." His hands stroked up and down her back making her purr. "I suppose you're going to stay her until I make your tea?"

She grinned and nodded, "Of course, I wouldn't want to deny you of the pleasure you get from it.

He laughed and leaned down to kiss her. She grinned evilly as she pulled him off balance and he landed on top of her as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. They laughed as they kissed, then she let him up and watched as he walked into the bathroom to get cleaned up and dressed.

Katja smiled to herself as she stretched once more, "I love him so much." Then she heard, "Mommy happy?"

Katja grinned wider, and she stroked her belly, "Yes dear one, I am. Daddy always makes me happy."

Then she smiled as she heard, "Good, do I make you happy too?"

Katja smiled, "Yes Aileen, you make me happy also." Then she felt the love her daughter had for her. It was very close to the feeling she got from Bast and Brigit.

Erik walked out of the bathroom and he smiled as he saw a look of love on his mate's face while her hand gently stroked her belly. "Aileen's up to I suppose?"

Katja grinned and nodded. Erik returned the grin, "Good morning Aileen, love you."

They both heard a what sounded like a happy voice reply, "Good morning daddy, love you too."

Erik smiled gently as he came over and kissed Katja once again, then he leaned down to kiss her bare belly. Then he felt his daughters love like Katja had.

He smiled, "Tea should be ready soon love."

Katja grinned and made a shooing motion with her hand.

He laughed as he walked out and went down the hallway to the living room. As he passed Geoff's door it opened and a grinning Geoff ask, "Can I help daddy?"

Erik smiled as he picked up his son and hugged him giving him a kiss which made him giggle, "Of course you can, don't you always now?"

Geoff nodded and hugged his fathers neck as Erik carried him to the kitchen. Like normal, Erik got a chair and stood Geoff on it. Geoff smiled as he reached out and turned on the coffee maker for his father, then pushed the button on the water kettle to turn it on also.

Erik smiled at his son, then he opened the cabinet to get the tea and two cups for him and Katja, then he opened up another and got two glasses for Geoff and Brigitte. He sat everything on the counter, then opened the jar of tea leaves. He pulled the tea pot closer so Geoff could reach it, then watched as Geoff removed the top and carefully measured out the tea leaves and put them in the teapot.

Once it was ready, they talked about what they were going to do today. They needed to go shopping, and then take care of outside and a few other things. Geoff smiled, he loved helping his father with the garden and cleaning up some of the flower beds. While they did that, Katja and Brigitte would do some things on the inside of the house, like laundry and taking care of the cats. Brigitte and Geoff had made a deal and she took care of their cats, Marcus and Neffi, while Geoff took care of their section of the vegetable and flower garden.

Both the water kettle and coffee maker got done at the same time, so Erik poured the water into the teapot and put the lid on. Then as it steeped, he poured his coffee and set it on the table, then got the container of orange juice out of the fridge. By then, the tea was ready to pour, so he filled Katja's cup, then Geoff fixed it the way his mother liked it.

Erik smiled as he watched his son do this simple thing, he laughed to himself, he's going to make Gesa very happy one day. He was always surprised on how much Katja loved that he did this for her. Once Geoff got the tea done, Erik opened the juice container and Geoff poured him and his sister their juice.

Once done, he climbed down from the chair and Erik handed him the juice glasses and Geoff put them on the table while Erik carried Katja's tea, setting it at her spot. Then he and Geoff stood waiting, and a minute later they smiled as Katja, holding Brigitte's hand, walked into the kitchen.

Katja smiled as she kissed her mate and son, then Brigitte smiled as she hugged her father and got a kiss in return. Erik but her down and she gave her brother a hug before sitting down at the table. Erik and Geoff joined them, and another morning started like normal.

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