Kiss Me Cate Pt. 02


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"I'm not above a burger and a second rate action flick. I rather enjoyed it." She hugged my arm tightly as we walked. "I hope you don't think I'm some prima donna, needing to be impressed all the time."

"Absolutely not, but you have to admit, it's nice to get dressed up once in a while and do something out of the ordinary."

"Yes, yes. We must don our finest and set out for your villa on the Riviera soon. Before the snow comes at least." We both laughed at that.

"Yes, quite." I said in stuffy accent. "Make sure I have the place fully staffed this time. Only three butlers a personal chef and chauffer. What was I thinking?"

"Have you travelled a lot?" I asked. "Besides coming here to work, of course."

"A little, it seems more common in Europe I think because there are so many cultures in such a small area. I did a semester in Spain. That was a trip." She said scoffing. "The boys were a bit over-zealous of their abilities to woo the ladies. Each one thought he was Don Juan, and being a foreigner they thought I would fall for it." She said smiling. "I spent a little time in Paris and Munich for work, but those were more work than anything. I didn't get to visit much. How about you? You have this huge country and it's all the same."

I smiled. "I'd hardly believe it's all the same. In some areas of it you can barely understand people and they're speaking the same language. I've been a few places here. I've been up to Toronto, not a stretch it's only a couple hours drive from here. I went to France about ten years ago for a summer exchange program. I loved it, I would go back in a minute. It's too bad you didn't get to tour a little, Paris is a wonderful place. It's a big city though and I found the countryside more enjoyable. Meeting people away from the tourist traps getting to see what life is like for the average joe is much more fun."

"Is that what I'm doing?" She smiled and hugged my arm tighter pulling us together. She took the opportunity for a quick peck on the cheek.

"I'm an above average Dylan, but if you want an average joe I can look around for one." I said laughing.

"I think you're better than just 'above average' Dylan."

"You may be somewhat biased."


At the hotel we changed for bed, Cate opting for a t-shirt from my bag, which was barely long enough to be decent. We kicked back and watched some bad late-night television. I laid back with my arm around her shoulders, her head laying on my chest. She let out a deep sigh, her hand sliding down the inside of my thigh.

"I honestly don't think guys understand just how good it feels to be held." She said drowsily.

"We understand, we like it too, but we don't admit it for fear of seeming weak." I said with a chuckle and kissed her forehead. She spread her arms and hugged my chest.

"Okay, don't admit you're enjoying this then."

"Never." I was enjoying it very much. She drifted off to sleep, and I knew I wouldn't be far behind her. I turned off the TV and did my best to re-arrange her comfortably before turning off the light and pulling the covers up over us. She rolled over and backed herself up curling against me, her round backside nestled against me. A soft giggle emanated from the darkness.

"You're insatiable." She whispered.

"Only for you." I kissed her behind the ear. She cooed softly and we slipped off to sleep together. I had some very erotic dreams, limbs pinned down and bodies heaving.

I woke with a slight start looking into the dimly lit, smiling face of Cate. The sheet had slid down, and the tee was pushed up past her breasts, the nipples rose-petal pink in the cool light of morning, and her hair was a complete mess.

"You look cold." I said smiling.

"Nothing of the kind I assure you."

I licked my lip and noticed it felt thick, and came away with the metallic taste of blood. I looked at her questioning and her smile widened. I moved slightly and the sheet slid across my lap and I quickly realized my gym shorts were missing. My eyes went wide. "Like that was it?" I asked using one of her favorite lines.

"You tell me." She said.

"I guess it wasn't a dream?"

She laughed. "It would all depend on the dream now wouldn't it. If it dealt with dancing pink elephants then I assure you it was a dream."

"It was more like I was wrestling with a white tigress." I said smiling.

"So metaphorical for so early in the morning. Let's just say that you were talking in your sleep, and didn't stop at talk."

I had the modesty to blush. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... well what ever I did."

"Like hell you didn't, and you did it twice." She said laughing. She leaned in and kissed me deeply, then rose slightly and whispered in my ear. "Don't worry, if I hadn't been willing, you would've woken quickly and rudely. Oh and Dylan, even asleep you're a wonderful lover." She kissed my earlobe, then bit it hard making me yelp in pain. I reached over her hip and gave her backside a firm slap, eliciting a similar response.

"Well since I'm such a natural while asleep, why don't we see how good I am awake." I quickly rolled her back, rolling over on top of her, causing her to yelp again and she began giggling. She tugged the tee over her head and threw it on the floor, and we took our time with the rest. Breakfast was going to be a late affair today.

"When is checkout time?" Cate asked dreamily.

"I don't know, but if it's too soon we're not going to make it. I don't think I have a solid bone in my body." She reached down to my crotch rubbing gently.

"Maybe not, but it's performed admirably this weekend." She said laughing. "Dylan, you won't think me a prude if I tell you something, will you?"

I kissed my way from shoulder to neck. "I hardly think there's anything prudish about you." She reached behind her and gave me a quick spank on the hip.

"I think we've made love more this weekend than I have, well ever."

I pondered the math, and smiled.

"You're smiling, I can feel it without even looking." She scolded.

"I can't help it. In all seriousness though, why do you think that is?" She was quiet for a few minutes.

"I think it's because none of them ever touched me here." She said bringing my hand up and setting it over her heart.

"Well that's the mistake they made then. That's where you want to touch early and often."

"How is it that you're single." She laughed. A qualm ran through me as I wondered why myself, and the answer came instantly. "Because I was waiting for you." I thought.

"The right woman hadn't come along yet." Cate's head jerked to the side to look over her shoulder at me.

"Dylan, please be careful." Concern colored her cool response.

"I am. That's why I haven't gone engagement ring shopping yet." I laughed trying to lighten the mood. She snorted and got very quiet. The grip she had on my hand tightened.

"Sorry. It's just human tendency to fear losing what you've gained."

"Who said anything about losing anything?"

"My mind is racing all over."

I was quiet for a moment, I wanted to ease her fears without causing new ones. It was as if I was approaching a skittish horse. "Cate, I love you. That's not going to change. I don't mean to scare you if I look forward at how things may go, it's in my nature, maybe not to so much to plan, but to look out for eventualities."

She relaxed. "Apart from that first bit, that's the most unromantic thing you've said all weekend."

I laughed. "I guess what I mean, if I can try for clarity."

"Please do."

I growled and bit gently into the softness of her shoulder. "I mean that I've never felt this way about anybody before. I want to see where this leads, and I hope it leads to something bigger, better is going to be hard to pull off because you're already incredible."

"You've recovered nicely." She kissed the knuckles of my hand. "Go on."

"Go on? What do you want me to say? I picture us with two children, a boy and girl, a house in the suburbs, maybe a flower garden and a mini-van. A comfortable job that doesn't require a large chunk of my time so that I can spend it with my family, and makes me enough to enjoy a good life, maybe a trip to the grandparents in Ireland once a year." I said grinning.

Cate rolled over, brushed her hair out of her eyes and looked at me for a moment. "You are both patently insane and the most wonderful man I've ever met." She smiled. "Can we put the kids on the back burner and travel a bit while we're still young enough to enjoy it?"

"Well we should get that done quickly, you are twenty seven. Oof!" The knee came up quickly and caught me in the thigh. "A little more to the left and we might have to write off the kids entirely."

"Don't worry, I hit what I was aiming at. I wasn't out to cripple you, just get your attention. I'll have you know I'm in fine form, thank you."

I traced my finger down her side, grazing her ribs, dipping down at her waist and sliding over the swell of her hip. "Oh, I'd say you're better than fine. I should know, I've been keeping a very close eye on your form for a while now." She smiled. "Where would you like to go? Wait, don't tell me. A train trek across Europe first, maybe sub-Saharan Africa for a little safari, then off to Sydney for a little opera and seafood."

"Then up to Tokyo, Buenos Aires, Vancouver and Seattle, let's not forget a stop in the tropics. I'll need a vat of sun screen, and I'll warn you now that I freckle up terribly."

"There's nothing terrible about your freckles." I said kissing her nose. "Here we are traveling the world in our heads and we can't even get out of bed."

"I suppose we should, and get it over with." She said, the distaste obvious in her voice. I laughed.

"The curtain rises and we're back on stage in less than a day."

"All the worlds a stage and we merely players." She said laughing. I slid out of bed stretching my hands towards the ceiling. I heard a little moan behind me. "You have no idea how good you look, do you." She said with a smile.

"Ditto." I said turning, to look at her languid form. She looked like an homage to beauty laying on her side, her hair cascading onto the pillow. "You look like a Roman goddess in marble." She bust out laughing and rolled onto her back.

"Oh yes, that's me Venus de Milo!" She continued laughing. "Come hither and assist me my adorable adorer." She said holding her arms up. I walked around the bed and lifted her out bodily. She let out a yelp and grabbed onto my neck balancing herself.

"Off to your bath milady?"

"Yes and I'll expect you to do the honors of course."

"Of course."

"You're awfully fit for someone that doesn't work out." She traced a finger down my chest as I negotiated the bathroom doorway.

"I swim, not for competition, well not any more. It's more like meditation."

"Really? Well I guess we'll just have to check your breathing control another time then." She said her eyes ablaze.

We roamed around town a bit before heading back into the city in the early evening.

"Do you have your own place or do you stay in the dorms?"

"I have my own apartment. Do you want the address so you can stop by?"

"Yes." She said smiling. "Not that I'll have much mobility short of public transit for a while yet. Are you near a bus stop?" We unloaded her things and brought the wine upstairs. "I'm not sure I should be the guardian of that horde." She said pointing at the line of bottles on the counter. "They're not exactly safe with me are they."

"Show some restraint, make it last." I said. She dropped her bag in the bedroom and came back, hands in her pockets and stood in front of me.

"I keep telling myself I'll be fine, I won't break down, I can handle this for at least a few months. Truth is I want to climb up on the roof and scream at the top of my lungs that I love Dylan Butler!" She said smiling. "Then I think, damn you've known him three months and only been seeing him for a weekend, and I realize how ridiculously short that seems."

I leaned in and kissed her. "Don't worry, you'll be yelling at me for leaving my socks on the floor in no time."

"There's a hamper for a reason you heathen."

"See? I told you it wouldn't take long."

She uncrossed her arms and leaned into mine. I wrapped her up tightly, her head lay on my shoulder. "This is going to suck."

"I know, but we'll do fine you and I. It's not you alone or me alone, it's us. Right?"

"Thank you. Thank you for everything Dylan." She whispered, her voice nearly cracked.

"No, thank you Cate for taking a chance on me. I'm sure it was a difficult position to put yourself into despite your feelings, and before you know it we'll be able to stop skulking around like thieves in the night."

"Would you stay a little longer?" She asked looking into my eyes with a mixture of emotions.

"Of course, anything for you, Venus." I said kissing her deeply.

We sat on the sofa, Cate leaned back in my arms and we talked. The light of a single candle gave off a faint floral scent. We talked about so many little things and nothing at all.

"Plaid school girl uniform, the mind boggles." I said.

"I bet it does, pervert."

"Do you still have it?"

"You're incorrigible."

"Yes I am. Was that a yes?"

"Probably in a box in my folk's attic."

"Well, if ever there was a reason for a trip to the old country, that would be it." We both laughed.

"You can get that look at any so-called gentlemen's club here in the states if that's what does it for you."

"You're what does it for me, I think we can agree on that." I tightened my arms around her.

"Don't you forget it." She laughed and went suddenly quiet. "Dylan?"

"Yes?" I said, nose buried in her hair, the scent of her was heavenly.

"This isn't some flash in the pan is it?" Her question wasn't accusatory, it was inquisitive and I treated it that way.

"No, I don't think so at all. I think you were right when you said fate would bring us together. We don't need to deal with the conventional method of getting to know one another."

"Wouldn't you say that's what we're doing now?"

"Yes, be honest and tell me that you've jumped to this point with someone within a few days time before."

"I never have. I've always gone through the usual courting practice of dating a few times, then maybe going to his place or inviting him back to mine."

I gasped aloud. "You, a good Catholic school girl would invite a man to your place?"

"Corrupted Catholic school girl. Although," She added quickly, "I'm not a take a guy home on the first date kind of girl either. I am a tad more progressive than the rest. If I'd followed the nuns direction I'd be married with several children now and live a discontented life as a sidecar to some upstanding man of the community."

"That is hardly your style."

"Don't I know it!"

"Is it possible to be an independent strong woman who earns her own way and makes her own contributions while still being able to share a life with another person?"

"I'll show everybody how it's done." She said with a chuckle.

"I should get home." I said kissing the top of her head. She sighed deeply.

"I know, but that doesn't mean I want to let you leave."

"Are you kidnapping me then?"

"Would you mind if I did?" She grinned.

"Only if you promise to keep me forever."

"I might do that anyway. You're pretty tough to have around. You cook, clean, nurse-maid me, hell you even bathe me. I sound like a bedridden old crone!"

"I like the idea of you being in bed all the time." I began rubbing her shoulders and massaging the back of her neck.

"Mmm, I like that idea too so long as you're bedridden with me."

I noted her statement that she might be with me forever 'anyway' and didn't jump on the obvious reply. It was early yet, but then I didn't want to wait either. I remember hearing old people who told stories of barely knowing their spouse before getting married, and some of them had been happy for their entire lives. I was only twenty three, and I already felt like that's what I wanted, to be happy, and to make someone else happy.

"Most of all," she continued, "you accept me as I am."

"Well who you are seems pretty terrific so far. You know if I stay any longer I'm not going to leave."

"You don't know how much I wish you could stay. Better you skulk off into the darkness while it's safe though." She sat up so I could slide from behind her. She turned and looked straight at the front of my pants. "They say you should always leave them wanting more." She laid her hand on the fly of my jeans.

I moved her hand, took her by the shoulders and pulled her to her feet. Her look of surprise clear in the dim light. "No matter how much I have of you Catelyn Murray, I will always want more." Her features softened, she reached behind my head and drew me into a kiss.

"If you don't leave right now I don't know if I'll be responsible for my actions Dylan."

I chuckled. "That's incentive to stay and we both know it."

I did begrudgingly leave and went back to my cold, empty apartment where I gave in and went to bed, hoping I'd dream.

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gunmakergunmaker12 months ago

Very good. It reminds me so much of meeting the woman I wound up married to. Life is an incredible journey. Well played.

dgfergiedgfergieabout 3 years ago

Well so much for ripping their clothes off and the less than steamy sex, oh well it was still to be expected. But the love in your writing burns hot. You show real love not just sex, can't seem to find anything to criticize. Still waiting for some fireworks on the sexual harassment plot. What's with all these anonymous reviews? Afraid to use a made up name on a site for erotic and sexual writings?

SkinTicklerSkinTickleralmost 7 years ago
The only thing that bothers me is...

I think I'm falling for Cate, too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Excellent and realistic character development and well developed plot line.

maddictmaddictover 7 years ago
On holiday.

This is the kind of story we would like to happen to us. I can't help wondering if prep boy is going to make trouble for Cate, it would be a nice victory for her after losing her first job. I'm glad they waited the two months before they hook-up.

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