Laresa's World Ch. 11: Matthew


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"Come here," he growled, pulling her up and lifting her in his arms. He spun, glad the bed was behind him and dropped her on it, letting his breeches drop to the floor and stepping out of them. Taking her ankles in his hands, he stepped between them, watching as her silvery gown lifted above her slim thighs. His hands slid down her legs, spreading her thighs further until she lay open to him, her pink flesh already damp, glistening in the light.

She shivered as she watched his face, seeing the rapt expression of lust in his eyes, the need and desire he had for her inciting her own passions to higher levels.

He blew lightly upon the wet flesh, watching as her hips jerked under his hands, her cunt lifting towards his mouth, begging to be tasted and pleasured. He didn't deny her, his tongue slipping through her wet fold, burrowing in her sweetness. Her clit throbbed under his tongue and he lapped at it, torturing her while she cried her bliss to the room, her whimpers growing louder until grabbed his head between her head, pushing him deeper, her thighs wrapping around him as she shook under his talented ministrations.

She tasted of exotic spices and smelled of the sweetest of freesia, a heady aroma that had him nuzzling her neck as he rose above her. Her hands roamed over his chest, lifting to take him into her as he pushed slowly between her wet folds, his cock finding its home and slipping inside.

She felt like hot, wet velvet around him, squeezing him tightly inside the confines of her body until he could go no further, buried in her depths with a delight that made him moan. When she pulled his body down to his, wrapping her arms around him to hold him to her, he felt as if he'd come home.

"You feel so good, Master. I love the way you feel inside of me," Laresa breathed into his ear, her voice a husky caress that sent pleasure skidding over his nerve endings. "Fuck me, Master," she hissed, her body arching as he slowly started to move above her. "Fuck me hard!"

He pounded himself into her, battering her body with blissful thrusts that pushed her further into the maelstrom of ecstasy, feeling her leg come around his waist, her ankles locking at his lower back. She gave him thrust for thrust, meeting each one with a small cry or an ecstatic whimper until she could take no more, her head rolling on the pillow under her as wave after wave of incredible joy filled her.

Matthew felt her body clamp down upon his and smiled grimly even as he felt the need to howl his pleasure. The muscles of her cunt were fluttering around his cock, pulling him deeper, caressing his length until, with a shout, he pulsed into her, filling her with his seed before dropping down on the bed beside her. Even as he rested, his hand reached out, lying across her small stomach, unwilling to not touch her.

"We are late," he breathed huskily, turning to see her contented smile.

"Have you decided upon garments for me?"

Matthew smiled, his green eyes sparkling. "Wasn't reading my mind part of what got us here in the first place?"

"Yes Master, but only because you have such wonderfully filthy thoughts," she quipped, smiling when he burst out laughing.

He pulled her to him, kissing her gently once more and then thought of the style of gown he thought would look best on her. The dizziness took him once more and he closed his eyes against it, only to find when he opened them that they were standing once more in the exact place he'd asked her to marry him. Only this time, Laresa was dressed in a style befitting a lady who would be his wife.

She was wearing light green, an evening gown with off the shoulder sleeves and a tight bodice that belled from her tiny waist, the skirt splitting in the front to show off the darker green underskirt, pulled back and held with black bows. Around her throat were diamonds, there and at her wrist and ears, her hair piled high upon her head with intricate curls.

He walked around her slowly, smiling his approval. "My dear, you are beautiful."

Laresa reached out and plucked a matching fan out of the air. Snapping it open, she batted her violet eyes at him over the top. "Why, thank you kind sir, you are looking very handsome, if I might be so bold as to say."

"You may," he said, holding his arm out to her. "I think we should go and enjoy a long leisurely dinner and then pay a call upon my Uncle."

Laresa nodded her head, acting with the demure attitude of a lady of the day. Those thoughts had come with the picture of the gown in his head. She would be what he wanted but if his Uncle and cousin proved difficult, she would still turn them into braying asses.

Dinner was lovely, fresh venison fixed with a gravy made with some kind of berries Laresa had never heard of, asparagus in a light cream sauce, pheasant that melted in the mouth and other delicacies, some of which Laresa had never heard of. Course after course was served, until Matthew sat back against his chair, sighing.

They had conversed over a range of topics, Matthew delighting in the precociousness of Laresa's mind. She'd argued literature and politics, gave teasing hints of the future and surprised him with her knowledge of the past. She made him laugh and sent his pulse racing with just a glance from under those spectacular silvery lashes.

Men had stared at her when she'd walked in upon his arm, giving him a wonderful feeling of satisfaction, acquaintances coming to get an introduction only to sigh when they saw the beautiful ring upon her finger and heard the couple's happy news.

It had been a rousing success, his plans for his Uncle beginning with him hearing the rumor that he was back in London and still very much alive. When one of his Uncle's most trusted friends happen to see him, Matthew knew it was only time before Sirius learned of his return.

"Are you ready to beard the lion, Laresa?"

"May I turn them into snails, Matthew, if they try anything?"

Matthew smiled feeling a glow of pleasure at hearing his name come from her lips. It might have seemed ridiculous to some, the way he was feeling, but he was enjoying it. He'd asked her to call him that, afraid someone might hear her say Master and wonder at their relationship.

"No snails, my love, we discussed that already."

The trip to his Uncle's small home, where he'd moved when Matthew had reached his majority, went by quickly as Matthew pointed out some of the sights of London to Laresa. When the coach door opened, he jumped lithely out first, reaching in for her hand to help her alight. His coachman went to the door, knocking upon it briskly so that it opened just as Matthew and his bride to be reached it.

"No need to announce us, Berkley. Just point me in the direction of my Uncle and I will surprise him."

Berkley smiled indulgently. "He's in his library, my Lord. I know he will be quite happy to see your return and to know that the rumors of your demise are false."

"Oh, I think he'll be surprised all right. Could you make sure we aren't disturbed, Berkley. I wish to spend some quiet time with Uncle Sirius and introduce him to my fiancée." Matthew held up Laresa's hand, kissing her palm and smiling, accepted Berkley's well wishes.

Then he turned down the hallway of the house he'd visited innumerable times before, opening the wide doors of the library with a flourish. "Uncle," he exclaimed as if happily anticipating his reunion. "I am returned."

Sirius face turned gray, and a sickly shade at that. Then it was if he remembered himself, rising with his arms opening though his hands shook. "Matthew, my boy, we were told you were dead."

Matthew let himself be hugged, his expression turning to one of disgust as his Uncle pounded on his back, holding him tightly. When he was released, his expression changed back to a sort of battered joy. "As you can see, those rumors were greatly unfounded, Uncle, though not by much. If it weren't for Laresa finding me, I would most certainly have expired out there in that sandy wasteland."

"Laresa?" his uncle asked, staring at the small girl at his side. "Then I owe you a debt I'll never be able to repay," he said, bowing graciously and lifting her hand to his lips. His eyes grew large as he saw the diamond upon her finger and recognized it as one his sister-in-law, Matthew's mother had warn everyday of her life. "What is this?" he exclaimed, his tone angry before he recovered himself once more.

"She has done me the honor of accepting my proposal, Uncle. Laresa is pretty much alone in the world and I am in need of a wife, as you so often stressed to me. I must give Hevershem an eighth generation to pass down my title to, since you have no children of your own, Uncle." He smiled, though it felt more to him like a snarl, baring his teeth at the man.

"You actually were listening to me?" Sirius said, playing his part. "Come, we must celebrate this happy news." He started toward the door, intending to have his footman go to the cellar and fetch a bottle of the finest wine he owned when Matthew stopped him.

"It is happy news, Uncle, but I must confess, I feel little to celebrate. Phillip is still lost in the desert or dead, I don't know which. Nor do I know why those brigands felt the need to kill the lot of my traveling entourage. They didn't take anything, just ripped it all apart."

"It is a mystery, and one perhaps that will never be solved, my boy. I'm just so glad that you are back, hale and hearty and engaged at that."

"Are you really, Uncle?"

"Of course, what kind of question is that?" Sirius crossed his arms over his chest, turning to gape at his nephew in astonishment.

Matthew heard the knock upon the door and smiled. Here comes the second part of this play on the truth.

"You wanted to see me, Father?" Abbott said, walking in the room as he removed his hat and gloves. He didn't look up at first, busy straightening his waistcoat. "I can't imagine what could be so urgent that you had to flag me at my club."

"Hello, Abbott," Matthew said.

It was almost worth this farce to see the looks on the two men's faces when they heard the name come from his lips. If it didn't hurt so much to be betrayed, he might have enjoyed this scene.

"Matthew...but...but you're dead," Abbott said, his eyes growing wide.

"I'm happy to say that the rumors were sadly mistaken. I am still very much alive and well, with no thanks to either of you two men. I came here tonight to confront you and let you know that I know of your plans and have taken great pains to make sure that any further actions by either of you shall be swiftly punished to the full extent of the law." He walked up to Abbott, looking him over with a sneer on his face.

"What you did to me was inhuman, leaving me to die a long and torturous death in the heat of the desert. If it weren't for Laresa, you'd have gotten away with your nefarious scheme." Matthew turned his baleful glare at Sirius. "You raised me as your own son since my parents' death. How could you do something like this?"

"Money," Sirius said, easily enough. "You have it, we want it. It's as simple as that." He went back to his desk, seating himself casually. "I've not your way with investments, Matthew and I've overdrawn myself a bit. I'm in desperate need of blunt and," with a move quicker than Matthew could have predicted, he reached into the drawer, drawing a dueling pistol out of its hiding place and aiming it at him. "I want yours."

Before Matthew could move, before Laresa could blink, he'd pulled the trigger, the bullet ripping into Matthew's chest, the impact throwing him against the wall. He fell slowly, his eyes open in shock at the suddenness of the attack.

Laresa ran to him, shielding his body with her own. "Wish yourself well, Master, so that I may heal you," she begged him, tears threatening to fall down her cheeks. She could feel the draw of the ring begin to pull at her and knew without a doubt that if she didn't heal him in the next few seconds, it would be too late.

"Master?" Laresa shook him, trying to rouse him. "Master, no, wish yourself well," she cried, pulling on him.

Her tears fell, landing on his chest as she tried to rouse him, her body already beginning to turn to smoke. Before she disappeared, she turned toward the two men, nodding her head, watching with satisfaction as they disappeared into their new shapes, one a slug, the other a snail.

Then turning back to Matthew, she concentrated on him, closing her eyes searching for a tiny spark. When she found it, she held on to it, carefully tending the spark. "Master, I wish you well," she whispered, her tears falling onto his wound. Then she waited for that spark to burn out, knowing she wasn't able to grant her own wishes.

Instead, it grew, flaring brighter. Her eyes opened and she looked down at him, seeing a strange golden glow hovering above his wound, repairing the torn and bloody flesh until nothing of the wound could be seen. Matthew gasped, startling her, then opened his eyes and gazed into her astonished ones.

"I'm not dead?" he asked, his hand going to the hole in his shirt, feeling for the wound.

"No, Master, I healed you," she cried, throwing herself in his arms so hard that he fell backwards and knocked his head against the wall.

"Ouch, bloody hell, Laresa, I was almost dead. Take it easy, will you?"

Laresa laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him.

When he ended the kiss, still looking slightly bemused, she curled up on his lap.

"Where's my Uncle and Abbott?" he asked her.

"Oh, over there, somewhere," she said, making a dismissive gesture towards the desk.

"We should go after them," he said, starting to rise. "I wouldn't want to give them too much of a head start."

Laresa giggled, clamping her hand over her mouth. "I wouldn't worry about their head start too much, Master. I don't think they'll go far."

He shook his head at her laughter and the cryptic meaning of her words.

"Does this mean you no longer wish me to marry you, Master?" she asked him suddenly, toying with his buttons.

His arms tightened around her waist and he pulled her even closer. "Just try to get away from me," he whispered against her lips. "Remember who the Master is here. Now take me home, Laresa, where I can show you exactly how I feel for you."

"Your wish is my command, my Master."

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MissesthebeachMissesthebeachover 8 years ago
Missing chapters

Where can I read the rest?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I have enjoyed many of the Laresa stories, but this one was the best. I always look forward to DanielleKitten's stories. Thank you


PrincessErinPrincessErinabout 16 years ago

What a hot and sexy chapter.

PrincessErinPrincessErinabout 16 years ago

What a hot and sexy chapter.

Stanz12Stanz12about 16 years ago

To use two words which have been well used in the past:

Bloody Maaarvelous!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
I never cease to be amazed!

I never cease to be amazed at how you can twist a story, present a cliffhanger, and ultimately produce a wonderful ending. Once again, nice work.

-- KK in Texas

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