Larry's New Neighbor


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"One reason I liked Josh so much was that we did eat well and I had a comfortable home. To be honest, living at home with mom was actually a better option. In fact, if it hadn't been for your family...well...that's where I'd be right now. Thanks so much for everything..."

Her voice trailed off. I could see the emotions getting to her. Mom took her hand and assured her that she was not only welcome at our home, but that she enjoyed having her around.

Later, I was laying on my bed, reading. I was wearing a t-shirt sweats, and socks. It was too cool indoors to be nude. Allie was in the shower. I heard the water shut off and then Allie calling out to me.

"Larry?" The door was open and the bathroom was directly across the hall from our rooms.

"Yes? What do you need?"

"Well, I forgot to get a towel out of the hall cabinet, and now I'm soaking wet with nothing to dry off with. Could you be a sweetheart and get me a towel?"

Of course, I would. Not only that, I'd get to see her wet naked body again.

I hadn't grown tired of seeing it. Wasn't sure if I ever could. She was gorgeous, with or without clothes.

"Thanks. I can't believe I forgot to get a towel first. What's worse is if I were ashamed of my body and had to face the embarrassment of you seeing me naked. That would have been more than weird."

"True," I said in agreement. "And there would have been nowhere for you to hide except to grab a hand towel from the sink. Then you'd have to choose which half to cover up."

Allie laughed at that possibility. "Well, your shower wouldn't have been any help, that's for sure."

She was right. The shower/tub combination had a clear glass sliding door. All I would ever have to do was just look inside while she was showering and see her awesome naked form whenever she showered.

"Are you going to hand me the towel, or are you just going to keep checking out my body?" asked Allie with a big grin on her face.

Busted. I was still holding the towel while talking to her and yes, checking out her wet small tits and wet light red bush.

"Hey, just giving you a bad time," she said, laughing. "I don't care. Check it out all you want."

Huh? I had been around plenty of naked female bodies over the years, some good and some not so hot, but I had learned to be polite and not stare, no matter how nice the body was.

"I'm sorry. It's not polite to stare. I'll try to be less obvious in the future."

"Weren't you listening to me?" she replied. "I don't care. Stare all that you'd like. You're one person that I don't mind checking me out."

That threw me off for a second. Then I recalled what my dad had told me the night before. Suddenly, I began to wonder if she had "forgotten" her towel on purpose. Maybe she wanted me in there with her all along.

I wanted her so badly right there. Mom and Dad were in the living room watching TV. I probably could have snuck her into my room, shut the door, and done whatever I wanted. I was convinced that was what she had hoped for. I didn't want to disappoint her (or myself for that matter), but I knew the time wasn't right. I wasn't sure what the right time would be, if ever, but it wasn't right now.

"Well, the same can be said for you as well, Allie. I won't be upset if you stare at my naked body either. That makes us even."

"What makes you think I haven't checked you out before? You didn't notice me standing at the bathroom door this morning when you took your shower? You never appeared to look my way, but I just thought you were ignoring me. Shit, I was standing there naked for you."

I honestly hadn't noticed her that morning. It was probably a good thing I didn't. That might have made my focus on my homework assignment more difficult.

Still, I felt it necessary to talk to Allie about my feelings. I offered to take her to a small diner down the road. Nothing fancy, just a quiet booth while we shared some fries and some iced tea. Allie seemed happy to go out and eagerly accepted.

Although a small diner, it was fairly quiet at 7:30 in the evening. It was in the 40s and windy outside and people tended to stay home. They were to close at 9pm, so we had about an hour and a half to visit at the booth in the back corner.

"Allie, to be up front with you, I know that there's a mutual attraction between us. We get along well and we've become good friends. I'm sure you'd agree with that."

"Yes, I'd agree. Your whole family has been great to me. I'm anxious to meet your sister someday as well. Heck, your mother has been a better mother to me than my own."

That made me feel good. I loved my mother dearly and her maternal instincts kicked in when she got to know Allie. She became the mother that Allie never really had.

"Thanks. The feeling is mutual. The three of us are thrilled that you're with us. But...well for me at's more complicated."

She looked confused. "How's that?"

"Allie, when you first moved across the street with Josh, I was immediately attracted to you. However, you were married and that meant that I could only admire you from a distance. Does that make sense?"

"Yes, it does Larry. By the way, I know what happened with your married neighbor. I understand it. I can understand why you'd be hesitant to even want to know me back then."

My mom and her big mouth. I loved her dearly, but I realized that she had bonded so well with Allie that she felt comfortable enough to share something that I had rather been kept quiet.

"Damn it, I was hoping she didn't say anything about that. I still hate myself for it."

"Don't hate yourself, Larry. You're a handsome young man with a normal sex drive. An attractive woman came on to you. No, you shouldn't have done it, but your mother says she was 42 years old. She's the one that was more wrong. She was selfish and took advantage of you, not the other way around."

"Thanks Allie, but I still had a choice. Still, that's kind of why I'm here tonight. See, I do like you. You are pretty, sexy, and a real sweetheart. You are also just getting out of an ugly marriage. You weren't happy in that marriage. You're on the rebound. I'm not going to take advantage of another woman that may be emotionally vulnerable; no matter how much pleasure I might get out of it personally."

Allie smiled. "THAT'S why I like you so much, Larry. You could have had me in bed the very first night if you had just barely tried. I've done everything in the world to let you know that I'm available to you. Maybe I am on the rebound. Maybe I am vulnerable. You're probably right on both counts."

"Still, that doesn't mean that I like you any less or desire you any less. As a little girl growing up, my dream man didn't have any specific physical characteristics. I wanted someone smart, polite, someone with high goals in life, and a gentleman. You've aced every one of those. No matter what my current emotional state may be, I still want that in a man. I compromised once before when I married Josh. He used me and I used him. He got me out of a bad home...and put me into one that was even worse."

"Now, I live in the same house with the kind of guy that I'd always wanted. I know I'm two years older and previously married, but we've both made our mistakes and it shouldn't be a problem to be forgiving of each other. Now, I want to do what Sami did. Get out of bad marriage and go back to school. I want to be the kind of woman that a man like you can look up to."

She left me speechless. I honestly didn't have an answer to any of it. She had shot down every objection that I had presented. I sat there in silence, sipping on my iced tea and nibbling on a French fry. I wasn't convinced to pursue a romance at this time, but I couldn't think of a reason not to either.

She noticed my uneasiness. "Larry, what you probably don't understand...and it's not realistic to expect you that I am happier now that at any other time in my life. It's not just being at your home, either. A few months ago, I would have never even considered letting you see me naked. I was so damn insecure. I knew what I wanted in life, but I allowed various obstacles get in my way."

"I was ready to go back and live with my mother after I told Josh I was leaving him. It wouldn't have been easy to live with her, but at least I would have had her car to drive. Your mother convinced me to stay with you all and that you all would help me get where I needed and even help me with bus money when I needed to take the bus."

"Sami convincing me to try nudism and actually going out in the pool that first day was the most liberating thing I've ever done. The second most liberating was earlier today when I went to the springs with Sami. The next time we go will be at midnight sometime. She says it's great to be out there in those tubs on a clear night and see every star in the sky. Maybe you will join us sometime."

"I'm a different person. I'm what I've always wanted to be. Well, it wasn't my goal to be a nudist, but that just helped me with my self-confidence. When I first got naked in front of you, I was hoping that you'd like what you saw, but even if you didn't, I wasn't going to back down. I was a little nervous, but I was ready for some drastic changes in my life and let's admit it, that's pretty drastic for a shy girl without a perfect figure."

"Perfect to me," I interrupted.

That induced a huge smile from her. I almost detected a tear welling up in her eye.

"That's so sweet. I kind of figured that you liked what you saw when you had to get into that cold pool real quick to keep from getting any harder. That just gave me even more confidence to be naked in front of you. "

Now, she had me laughing. She did notice why I was anxious to get in the water that day.

"That's why I don't have a problem when I catch you staring at my naked body. Sami has been a great friend. She has helped teach me to accept me as I am. I know I don't have big boobs, especially not as big as hers, but she assured me that the right guy won't mind and will never insult me like Josh did."

"She's right about that," I interjected. "I've seen plenty of women. All shapes and sizes. Ages old and young. You're a beautiful woman. I knew that from the beginning. I'm now getting to know you. Don't interpret my reluctance to go any further as a rejection of you. If or when it happens, it will be the right time."

She seemed disappointed but managed a weak smile.

"Thank you, Larry. I guess I should be grateful that you are so considerate. Josh had my clothes off and in bed on our first date. I was a virgin but he didn't seem to care. I was sure that I would hate sex for the rest of my life. I got used to it with Josh, but I can't say I ever enjoyed it. He didn't give a shit about me. Even if I wasn't feeling well, he had to have his pussy...pardon the expression...but that's what he'd say."

"I now realize that I never really loved him. Love is reciprocated. It's unselfish. It's give and take. You see Larry, you...and your family...has done nothing but give. I stole 200 dollars out of Josh's sock drawer before I told him I was leaving him. I tried to give it to your mother to help out with the extra expenses I'd cause. She refused. She assured me that you guys were capable of taking on another mouth to feed."

"I'm just receiving right now, but I want to give. I want to cook. I've been helping with the cleaning so that your mother can do her office work. I love your family. For the first time in my life, people are giving to me without expecting anything in return. Mom wanted me at home so that she could have my income. Now she just lives on her disability and alimony. She's not disabled. Just lazy."

I had never heard this side of her before. I began to understand her much better. I also believed that although she didn't realize it, her eagerness for sex was some form of showing her appreciation.

"Look, Allie, we aren't helping you out so that we get something in return. That includes me. You don't owe me a damn thing. I like you. I want to help. On the nights that I'm not working, you're welcome to use my truck for your work. Again, nothing expected in return. Saying thank you is enough. Seriously."

"Thank you again, Larry. I'm so lucky to have a friend like you. Or a family like yours. I hope you appreciate what a great life you've had. Take it from someone that's had just the opposite."

"One of the things I've learned from Sami is that we can't erase our past. We can learn from it. We can make sure not to make the mistakes our parents made. She grew up in an oppressive so-called Christian home. They were good providers, but seemed to almost disown her when she married Bernie. Bernie was a nudist, but also a cheater. She married at 18 and two years later she was divorced. She moved back home but is anxious to get her LVN license. Once she gets a place, she's already offered me a place to stay."

I didn't want to hear that. I wanted her at my place permanently, although I knew that couldn't happen. What I did learn that night was that she had a well laid-out plan for her life. She had the confidence and the drive to do it. I realized that she appreciated the opportunities that were hers by staying with us.

Before we realized it, the time was 9:05 and the waitresses, although very patient, were ready for us to leave. I paid the tab and tipped our waitress generously for the time we took up in the booth. That was another thing my mother taught me...always tip your waitresses generously. She worked as a waitress in her late teens and early 20s and taught us to respect the work they do.

The next few days were about as normal as could be expected. Allie spent a large part of the day with Sami, and I was just kind of lazy. I watched some baseball on TV, caught up on some reading, and snacked on whatever I could find in the fridge...and didn't take much time preparing.

As I promised, since I was off work Monday night, Allie took my pickup for her first night of work...returning to the place she worked prior to marrying Josh. We all made sure that she never needed to take a bus.

After our Saturday night visit, Allie wasn't quite so obvious about her intentions. She was always pleasant and always willing to help around the house. By mid-May, the temperatures had begun to climb again and the 90-100 degree days became more common. Also, the early evening temperatures were still warm. That meant enjoying our pool in the evening hours, even after dark.

That gave us more opportunities to be alone, since she enjoyed a nice dip in the pool as much as I did. She had signed up for summer classes at the junior college and had picked up a few extra hours at the diner. This kept her with a little extra cash in her purse as well as paying for her minimal tuition and book charges.

On a very warm Thursday night on one of those mid-May nights, she got home at 9pm and noticed that I was enjoying some quiet time in the pool. She quickly disrobed and got inside the cool, but not cold, water.

I still enjoyed watching her as her naked body descended the ladder steps. Yes, I still tended to stare at her, and she seemed to take her time descending the steps, allowing me to enjoy the scene.

"Larry, remember that night we went to Rocky's Diner and we had a talk about our feelings for each other?"

How could I forget? Of course, I did. I thought about it often. In my mind and heart, I kept weighing when the right time would be to initiate a relationship a little deeper than just having her as a platonic friend. I erred on the side of caution, that is, the safest way.

"Yes, I remember that night Allie. I think we've done quite well since then."

"I'd agree," said Allie. "In fact, I think your approach has been the best. I've had a few weeks to get my life back in order. I'm a free woman. An annulment is a legal way to act as if I'd never been married. It's way back in my past. I may have to testify in court, but I was told an affidavit would probably suffice. I hope so, but I'm in a good spot and if I do have to verbally testify, I'm prepared for it."

"I bring this up because I'd like to revisit that night. I have no doubt that I am now ready to get on with every aspect of my life. Larry, I couldn't be happier and more motivated than I am right now. Work, school, a great home...I've learned so much from your parents, especially your mother. I've even slipped a couple of times and called her mom instead of Dolly. I envy you, Larry, you have such nice and loving parents...even enough love for someone else's child."

"I do want to be honest with you. I don't want to deceive you in any way. Your mother is really hoping that you and I become a couple. I know most guys don't want their mothers interfering with their love life, and I can't blame you for resenting it, but I think she's seen how compatible we are."

"You know what, in the time I've been here, I've hugged your mother and father. I even hugged your sister the other day when she was in town for a few hours. I have never received a hug for you. I think I know why, but damn it, I do like you a lot. I hug Sami. I hug her boyfriend Zach and that's certainly nothing sexual to it."

The fact is, I had intentionally avoided hugging Allie. I knew she wanted one on many occasions, but I shied away. Not that I didn't want to. Shit, I wanted to hug her, kiss her feel up her body, get her into my bed, and enjoy passionate sex with her. I was in fear that with my feelings for her, that a hug might lead to more...or at least a desire for more that would be almost impossible to repress.

I had imagined my hard cock up against her belly while her small tits pressed up against my chest. I had imagined our lips meeting and then our tongues becoming intertwined. I imagined her hot, naked body lying on my bed, begging for me to enter inside of her.

Now, she was practically begging for a hug. I no longer could think of a good reason not to do so. Whatever was going to happen, would happen.

Two nights prior, while Alllie was at work, I had been in a conversation with my parents about Allie. What I had learned about her was that she was incredibly resilient. She knew how to deal with failure and disappointment, yet didn't let it define her or hold her back from her goals.

She had told me before that her decision to marry Josh was based on both impatience and immaturity. Impatience, because she was in a hurry to get away from her mother. Immaturity, because she honestly believed that being married to Josh, despite the warning signs that she should have heeded, would somehow go away once wedded.

Still, she was determined to make a good life for herself. Prior to my mom opening our home to her, she was go back to live with her mother and be content to work, go to school, and be her mother's housekeeper. It wouldn't have been pleasant, but she was determined to make it happen. Plus, it would have been temporary, just a few years. Mom offered her a better option and she was eternally grateful for the opportunity.

I walked to the edge of the pool near the ladder where she was standing. Without saying a word, I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and pulled her into me.

She responded with a hug much tighter than I expected from her small body. She held on very tight and showed no inclination to loosen her grasp.

I also felt some tears that had streamed from her face onto my shoulder. Maybe she needed this hug long before this evening. I made no effort to get her to stop. I was going to let her hold me as long as she wished. Except...

My soft cock was tight up against her...about an inch below her navel...and rubbing against her pubic mane. My cock didn't stay soft much longer. Although I didn't make an effort to disengage the hug, I did reach down and repositioned my cock where it stood up against her belly.