Laura Ch. 10

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Naked, whipped and writhing against each other.
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Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 11/14/2021
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After years of being incapable of experiencing an orgasm, Laura Sterling (age twenty-three) discovers that her problem is psychological in nature. She has deep seated feelings of guilt because of injustices perpetuated by her obscenely wealthy family. She can achieve climax now, but only if she's being dominated, punished or being subjected to harsh discipline (preferably all three).

Laura's twin sister Lexis assists Laura in finding people to punish her. Even though they're identical twins, Lexis is considerably smarter and more self-confident than Laura, and while Laura is masochistic and submissive, Lexis is sadistic and dominant. Lexis takes considerable erotic pleasure in punishing and sexually abusing her twin sister.

After learning more about Laura's sexual fantasies and masochistic desires, Lexis buys a disused schoolhouse and converts it into a private all girl's school. This is an unaccredited school that focuses more on strict discipline and cruel and unusual punishments than teaching the students valuable skills. Forced nudity, spankings and whippings are common forms of punishment at this school.

Laura is one of the first students enrolled at this school. She lives in the student dorm and is subjected to strict rules and harsh punishments. To avoid the Sterling family name being dragged into another scandal, Laura is enrolled under the name Jody Banks and Lexis runs the school as Emma Porter.

* * *

I was taken back to my dorm room and chained spread-eagle to the bed so I couldn't touch myself. The headmistress made a point of reminding me that until further notice, I was only allowed to cum when I had a large audience to watch me shudder and spasm my way to screaming orgasm. Private orgasms were forbidden to me. Only grand, public and degrading spectacles were allowed.

It was late at night, but sleep was elusive. There was an insistent craving between my legs. I desperately wanted to be touched, stroked and fingered. I panted and struggled to no avail against the chains that held me.

And when I did manage to drift off, my sleep was plagued with dreams of being naked and bound and on display in front of groups of strangers. In my dreams, cruel women fondled my breasts, rolled my nipples, pinched me and enthusiastically probed my vagina with their fingers, but never quite allowed me to reach orgasm.


When I awoke, I was covered in sweat and feverish with sexual frustration. My nipples felt achingly hard, and I could tell that my pink slit was visibly wet and shiny between my widespread legs. The prefect who came to unchain me could tell that too, going by the way she snickered as she handed me the note, simply folded in two with no envelope, from the headmistress.

"It's been decided that you'll be whipped this morning with the whole school watching," the headmistress' note informed me. "It will be instructional for the other students to see what happens to those who break the rules."

Headmistress Porter had instructed the prefect to bring me to her office, where she could lecture me in private on the importance of being a well-behaved young lady. There was no questioning her authority. I was dragged to her office and once inside, she locked the door.

"I'm assuming that your little stunt, stealing drugs from my desk drawer, was a cry for attention?"

"Well...," I began replying, my mind starting to churn.

Initially I thought I just wanted a powerful aphrodisiac. I'd been such a good girl since I'd been brought to this school, my teachers had a hard time finding excuses to punish me. On a subconscious level, I think I missed being punished. But I couldn't figure out how to say all that before my sister took over.

"I know you well, Laura," the headmistress said, using my real name. "You're capable of being extremely cooperative and obedient. Breaking into my office and stealing? I think that you were bored and acted out to get my attention."

"Is that what I did?" I asked. "I'm not sure."

"Admit it. I know you better than you know yourself. Being an obedient, well-behaved model student is good for your conscience, but it's boring. Being a naughty girl who gets stripped naked and punished in front of the entire school can alleviate that boredom. When things got too boring, you engaged in behavior that would force me to punish you."

When I hesitated to agree with her, she added, "Tell me you're not excited at the prospect of being punished in front of the entire school."

I took a breath and engaged in deep introspection before I replied.

There was an undeniable heat between my legs and my vagina throbbed and became so wet that it was literally dripping. The idea of being naked and punished while a crowd of fully dressed spectators watched was making my nipples hard. And my heart was pounding so hard, it seemed I could feel it trying to break free from my chest.

"Okay, I'm excited," I admitted.

"Of course, you are," my sister replied. "Good girls get praise and the approval of their teachers, but bad girls get to experience the thrill of being totally naked, exposed and tied up while all around you respectably clothed women sit in judgment and prepare to do wicked things to your helpless, naked body."

My sister knew me far too well. She could see the look in my eyes as I got swept away in the fantasy of being the only one naked and surrounded by cruel women who would abuse and objectify me.

Before showing me the door, she added, "The next time you get bored, come straight to me and I'll arrange for an appropriately exciting punishment for you. Let's not have any more of these awkward schoolgirl crimes in the middle of the night. They're totally unnecessary."

* * *

Kit was also in trouble that morning, and we were both scheduled to be whipped...with the whole school watching of course.

I was led out to the athletic field. Kit was already there, bound to a whipping frame with her wrists and ankles secured far apart, every inch of her naked body mercilessly exposed. She looked frightened, which was understandable. Most girls would be frightened if they were naked, bound spread eagle and facing an imminent whipping.

"You naughty schoolgirls will be bound together," one of the teachers informed me as I walked across the field. "I'm sure you won't mind. It will make your punishment more entertaining."

Kit and I were bound face to face. I blushed when I took it in, just how intimately Kit and I had been bound. Kit was an exceptionally attractive girl, but I never appreciated just how sexy she was until my naked body was pressed up against hers.

She was gloriously naked too. Her breasts squeezed into my breasts, her thighs rubbed up against my thighs, the side of her face nuzzled mine, so close I could smell the strawberry scent of her shampoo. I could feel her body heat radiating from her skin even where my body wasn't touching hers, as we squirmed in our common bonds.

I had an impulse to rub my crotch up against Kit's body, but it would have been extraordinarily embarrassing to do that with the whole school watching me. Never mind that we were stretched taut enough, deliberately I was sure, to make that difficult.

"The two of you look so deliciously uncomfortable bound together like that," a nearby teacher exclaimed as Kit and I panted, our chests pressing together, our thighs brushing, our eyes meeting unavoidably. "Like you're on a first date." Despite my feelings of embarrassment, helplessness and apprehension, my nipples became hard and there was a soft, wet pulse in my vagina.

I was nervous too. Of course, what girl wouldn't be? The scorching sting of a whip across a girl's naked body is a horrific thing. Even if my pussy was wet at the thought of being naked, helpless and abused by dominant women, that didn't mean I wasn't scared.

After my wrists and ankles had been bound, the headmistress reached between my widespread legs, and I felt her fingers caressing my sopping wet pubic lips.

"What a naughty girl you are to have such a wet pussy at a time like this," she whispered in my ear as she leaned in intimately close.

"You should be feeling penitent right now, not turned on."

I felt my face blush red hot with embarrassment and then the fingers that had been exploring the folds of my pubic lips were withdrawn.

The headmistress and the school nurse were both given whips. It was decided that Headmistress Porter would whip me, and the school nurse would whip Kit.


I cried out and writhed reflexively from the scalding sting of the leather snapping across my naked flesh and then Kit did the same when the whip snapped cruelly across her naked bottom.


Kit and I were whipped, and we gasped or cried out in pain every time we were struck. We rubbed up against each other as we squirmed and moved our bodies in an indecent dance as the whips reddened our soft, smooth, naked flesh.







Kit would cry out and rub her naked body against mine. And then the headmistress would slash my poor bottom with her wicked whip, forcing me to grind my naked body up against my classmate. There was a wicked, depraved genius to the way our punishment worked. Two bound women, naked and writhing in pain, thrusting their naked bodies against each other, I could instantly see the libidinous appeal.

We writhed against each other, Kit's thighs, pelvis, and breasts pushed forward into my naked body as she squirmed. It was lewd and indecent the way we rubbed our naked bodies against each other with more than a dozen spectators watching. However, the sting of the whip made it impossible for us not to. Kit and I screamed and cried and jerked under the lashing, and it's shameful for me to admit this, but we danced and grinded our crotches together with the best.

"Ow! Aaahhh! Ow! Ow! Ow! AAAAGHHHH!!"

Then, much to my surprise, Kit leaned her face in close to mine and kissed me.

I was caught by surprise by her actions, but given the helplessness of my situation, there was little I could do about it. I allowed her to kiss me. Soon the stinging pain of the whipping began to transform into a dark, sexual delirium.

Kit worked her tongue into my mouth and as she was whipped her screams were muffled as my mouth covered hers.

As the whipping became more intense, I found myself grinding my body against my naked cohort more and more deliberately...attempting to blot out the pain by increasing the libidinous sensations I was feeling. Kit followed suit and we both squirmed and rubbed up against each other with even greater intensity.

I writhed and danced in reaction to the painful sting of the whip. My achingly hard clit was so close to Kit's pelvis as I writhed. My heart pounded and my sex throbbed as my twin sister's cruel whip sliced across my buttocks and the backs of my thighs. She reddened my naked flesh and caused my backside to burn with hot, bright pain.

My naked body was sweaty and feverish at this point as we thrust our bodies together. Eventually I figured out how to twist my hips and squirm in my bonds in just the right way. Finally, I could rub my swollen, aching clit up against Kit's body until I achieved orgasm. It was shameful, but I was naked and bound and motivated to do whatever it took to cope with the pain I was being forced to endure.

I thrust my pelvis as I was whipped, and Kit's naked body writhed against mine. Kit and I twisted and contorted our bodies in stinging pain and sexual urgency. The sweat glistening on Kit's young body acted as a sexual lubricant and made it easier to rub my pink slit against her. With everyone watching, I felt horribly humiliated, but I squirmed my pelvis against Kit over and over, finally bringing myself to an intense, gasping, heaving, passionate orgasm.

"Ahh! Aaahhh! Aaaahhhh! Oh! Aaaaahhhhh! AAAAAHHHHH!!"

When it was over, both Kit and I were panting. Kit's face was soaking wet with tears and my own face was just as damp. My buttocks and thighs were throbbing with white-hot pain, but my whole body was suffused with post-orgasmic bliss.

Of course, there was a crowd of students and teachers with gazes intently focused on us. And although every student in the school had seen every other student in the school naked before in the showers and the locker room, it was totally different out there on the athletic field, where everyone was dressed except for Kit and me. And the post orgasmic panting, and the spread eagle bondage with Kit's boobs pressed suggestively into mine made our nudity very distinctly and definitively sexual.

"If any of you would like to come closer and examine the whip marks on these two naughty girls, I invite you to do so now," the headmistress called out while Kit and I panted and sobbed. "Get a good look at the vivid lines on their naked skin."

I bit my lower lips and prayed for the examination of my whipped flesh to go quickly. But to my dismay, the whip marks on my abused buttocks fascinated my fellow students and they did an in depth examination of my hindquarters. One of my classmates grabbed a big chunk of my ass, right where it was most intensely sore. I bit my lower lip and tried not to cry out in pain.

One of my fellow students assisted the headmistress in releasing me from the wrist and ankle restraints. And while I was rubbing my poor, tender buttocks, the headmistress called Skye Stracke over. I was ordered to give Skye a hug and then Headmistress Porter informed me that Skye was to be my keeper for the indefinite future.

Skye was about my age, with crystal blue eyes and an angular face with remarkably high cheekbones. Her blonde hair was styled into a cute pixie cut and she had a mouth that was girlish and seductive. She was remarkably slender, but not weak. Her abdominal muscles, thigh muscles, calves and glutes were all hard and firm. She was graceful and athletic with a body like a dancer.

"Ms. Stracke has proven herself to be quite trustworthy," the headmistress explained. "I have therefore decided to place her in a state of specific authority over you. You'll be living in the same dorm room as her from now on and you'll do as she says."

"If you're not a good girl, I have the authority to punish you," Skye volunteered helpfully.

"You will be respectful and obedient, or Skye will make you regret it," the headmistress added. "As your keeper, she has the authority to discipline you with a riding crop, a leather belt or her bare hands if she so chooses. She has a great deal of discretion in how she punishes you. In time, you'll come to both respect and fear her."

I shuddered at the thought of being punished by one of my fellow students. And when Headmistress Porter wasn't looking, Skye gave me a wicked look as if she was eagerly awaiting her chance to exploit the power that she'd been given to discipline me.

* * *

Skye took me to her dorm room and a wicked smile spread across her features. Without the headmistress there to watch her, Skye didn't bother to conceal her delight at me being at her mercy. She pushed me into the center of the room, unzipped her skirt and let it drop to the floor. Then she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and pulled them down.

When she was naked from the waist down, she sat on her bed, gave me an imperious look and said, "Since you're a naughty girl, I'm sure you know all about the naughty things girls can do to make other girls happy. Show me."

Skye's voice was stern. Without thinking, I dropped to my knees and crawled awkwardly over to where she was sitting. The hardwood floor was rough on my knees, but when I heard that rich, commanding voice give me an order, I found I was compelled to obey, no matter how difficult or awkward the task.

Also, on a certain level, I savored the feelings of being forced to do something that was difficult and demeaning. There was a dark deliciousness to being treated like a naked and abused slave-girl and I quietly embraced those feelings.

When I reached Skye, I placed my head into her lap and nuzzled her pink, swollen pubic lips with my face before gently brushing my tongue across them. I licked at the swollen folds of Skye's smooth, waxed vulva and she moaned.

In some ways, being on my hands and knees with my face in Skye's crotch was more humiliating than being bound spread eagle on the athletic field.

At least on the athletic field, I could imagine that everything happening was against my will. The way I was bound, there was no way I could possibly resist. In Skye's dorm room, I wasn't being physically restrained. I was kneeling in front of my fellow student and licking her pink slit because I was a submissive, naked girl, yielding to the voice of authority because it was in my nature to yield.

Being a willing participant in my own humiliation somehow seemed much worse than being a helpless victim. I hoped that in the future, Skye would tie me up so I could feel that I was being made to do things like this against my will.

I worked my tongue diligently into Skye's moist, pink slit. Skye swayed her hips and moaned. And then her moans became louder, and her thighs trembled as I licked the pink hood away from her swollen clitoris. Before long, her moans became piercing cries and then her hips rose abruptly off the bed, and she stiffened.

She squirmed her hips in a shameless, wanton manner as my tongue slid over her hard clit, and she made some adorable vowel sounds. I decided to focus all my attention there and Skye moaned prettily and bucked her hips towards my face. She seemed to be urging me to lick harder or possibly even to take her clit into my mouth, so I tried each approach one after the other. I got my most dramatic results from taking her pink, swollen clit into my mouth and sucking on it, so I decided to stick with that.

"Ohhhhhh, Gaaawwwwd!" she exclaimed mindlessly as her thighs trembled and her breathing became intensely labored. "Oh, Jody!"

There was a lot of excited panting, and Skye's skin became feverishly hot as she clamped her thighs around my skull and demanded that I not stop what I was doing. I obediently continued to suck on her hard clit and then felt a remarkable sense of satisfaction as Skye let out several impassioned screams when the orgasm finally hit.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!" she cried. She panted uncontrollably as she rode her powerful orgasm to the end. It seemed to take forever for the panting and the writhing to stop and then she went limp and reclined on the mattress, utterly relaxed, savoring the post orgasmic bliss.

"Oh damn, you keep giving me orgasms like that, I'm afraid I might fall in love with you," Skye gasped as she continued to lie back with her eyes closed.

"Well, would that be so horrible?" I asked as I remained kneeling between her widespread legs. Her pussy was quite beautiful. Her pubic lips were still pink and swollen and wet with my saliva. I thought that her vagina looked adorable, and I had an urge to kiss it.

"A keeper should never fall in love with her charge," Skye replied breathily. "A keeper who falls in love will always be looking for excuses to not inflict punishments. Instead of being stern, I'll become soft. You understand how that could be a problem, right?"

"Maybe you could fall in love with me and still be stern," I suggested. "Maybe I crave harsh discipline and cruel punishments."

Skye sat up, opened her eyes and raised her eyebrows at me. She gave me a quizzical look and said, "Wait. You want me to punish you?"

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
MikePaulWritesMikePaulWrites12 months ago

Like the writing, hate the ending.

EddieTheBastardEddieTheBastardover 1 year ago

love the dark compact that seems to be forming at the conclusion and which promises so much more wicked fun to follow

cat833942cat833942over 1 year ago

Thank you for the recap at the start, it helps, since it is a while between updates. Again a sexy and fun story, the punishments are suitably harsh and vivid, and the characters are well drawn. The ending though... wow, I just love that ending! Really brought a smile of anticipation to my face!

AviciaAviciaover 1 year ago

Well done keeping this story so inventive and moving along. I’m enjoying it - thank you

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