Learning From Women


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Sue's very firm tits were upturned with adorably little pink nipples. It wasn't long under his licking and squeezing that she cried out and shuddered and when her breathing slowed why gave him soft kisses while her mother steered Eddie's fingers to her vulva, tossing her panties behind the sofa.

When Sue went off to prepare the meal of cold meat and salads, Eddie dropped to his knees and hauled Eva's legs over his shoulders and embarked on the traditional make-her-come mission. He applied his art lovingly and after leaving Eva with wet thighs and his face dripping she cooed, "You are a maestro young Eddie Major."

"Food's ready," Sue called. "Let's strip off and eat outside on the porch. "We have another half hour before the blood-seeing insects begin arriving."

Eddie had loaded his plate with sliced beef, potato salad, beetroot, tomato, pickled cucumber and lettuce and asked was there dressing for the lettuce. Sue pulled the squeeze container from behind her back and squirted it over her breasts. "There you go young man, regard these tits as a dispenser."

They carried on playfully and laughing and when he was licking dressing Eva ran a finger over Eddie's butt entrance and then slid two fingers around his balls and squeezed.

Unable to stop jerking himself off while licking the dressing off Sue's tits. Eva's squeeze caught him by surprised and heightened his sexual tension. Eddie's cock fired over Sue and as he pulled away the second stream went over the plate of quartered tomatoes and the lettuce salad.

He was mortified.

The two women fell about laughing and both had salad and tomatoes with two kinds of dressing.

The fucked on the sofa and it became almost a blur for Eddie. At one stage he recalled emptying into Eva with Sue gently squeezing his balls with her tongue tip inside his ass. It was a defining moment for the young guy becoming addicted to sex, being his first orgy.

Eva who'd been a schoolgirl competitive gymnast and these days worked as a trainer at a women's gym in which she had a third share with two male investors, remained in great shape and had amazing stamina. When Sue dragged herself to bed Eva taught Eddie to tabletop fuck, ass fuck and then performed something he'd encounter for the first and only time... she licked her clit as he strained in sweaty exhaustion to pump a pathetically small shot of semen between her swollen and very red cunt lips. By then his balls felt as they were undergoing petrification.

After cleaning up they joined Sue in bed and next morning engaged in much groping but only short bouts of real copulation, those parts of them feeling rather over-used.

That time up at the cabin had taken Eddie on a steep learning curve. Although it would never be repeated neither would it be forgotten. They returned to Sydney in mellow mood and sang songs most of the way. He noticed as they neared home Eva had transformed back into a conventional mother again and thought what else could he expect? Eva had a conventional role to play.

They'd stopped for food on the way home so Eddie greeted Cindy and Randy warmly and then sloped off to bed. Later he heard a familiar noise and worked out that it was the headboard in his parent's room rattling although rather more robustly than what they managed.


Sue Oldham found a new guy but Janis preferred to keep on drifting and that suited Eddie fine. They were both studying English and Australian Literature and he was taking writing as an additional major while Janis took options to assist towards a high school teaching career. They became great friends, intimate friends very often, but to Eddie's chagrin Janis was rather perfunctory when it came to sex, not like her more exciting sister. However, that was compensated many times over because due to her superior intelligence and scholarly approach Janis was a brilliant study partner for Eddie and he often paid tribute to her, feeling himself being pulled along. That taught him the usefulness in relating very closely to smart females.

In his final year at university another older womanMrs Federica Giovanni had profound influence on Eddie. Federica, a newspaper feature writer and part-time senior lecturer in writing was considered unapproachable sexually by guys who were into notching up conquests of females as if that were something of importance and unaware of the contempt many females and some males had for them. Eddie simply regarded their quest as rather childish and wondered how many of them would go into marriage with STDs.

Federica, who's CV stated she was thirty-one and married to a civil engineer, called Eddie aside after a lecturer on the editing and said, "Eddie your notes state you favour a career as a newspaper reporter but your written comments don't appear convinced about that."

"Well yes, I've worked on a newspaper during two semester breaks and, um, found myself at odds with that career choice."

"You were less than impressed?"

"Yeah," Eddie said, looking at Federica's tits and became embarrassed when he saw her embarrassment. God, the hard-nose bitch had a slight vulnerability despite being altogether comfortable with males. Why had she picked him out to chat with?

"Um I appreciate you taking this professional interest in me."

Her smile engulfed the still impressionable young man. Christ she had the best figure of all their female lecturers and an ass when she walked away to drool over, as many guys did and females smiled softly when appraising it.

"Would you care to meet me for coffee, away from the university?"

"Are you coming on to me?"

Her face burned and she practically spat, "What has happened to your appreciative comment about professional interest?"

"Ah, my mind raced away on me again Federica... er my creative mind."

"Ah, saved by the bell," she said mysteriously. "In recognition of that my offer stands. I must talk to you at length. From your essays I perceive you have a talent of which you may not be aware."


Federica laughed musically at his astonishment. "I'll meet you at the Cru Bar around 4:30. I think they serve coffee -- I'd prefer a cocktail. Do you know where that is?"

"In James Street."

"Yes, so is that okay. I have a function in the city with my husband but we don't meet till 6:30."


Eddie was already seated when Federica arrived. He saw the guys staring at her and commenting to their companions and he asked, "Are you embarrassed at the ways guys look at you?"

"I'm long used to it but this is not about me, it's about you."

She ordered a cocktail and launched into her dissertation and ended it by saying, "Well?"

"You want me to apply for the William B. Goldsmith Scholarship for Young Aspiring Novelists knowing I'm not an author?"

"Yes. Your background, your study record and university essays will be assessed along with a novel manuscript of 120,000-plus words."

"That I haven't written?"

"That you have yet to write. If you win the scholarship you will have a gratuity of sufficient generosity to keep you in food and modest lodgings for two calendar years in any location in Australia of your choice, travel to that location and at the end of your first year a return ticket back to that location after a summer break from late December."


"I'm prepared to help get you started. Your studies have already covered the basics of magazine writing, the novel and tweaking structures involved in novel writing. You may wish to stay in the guest house on my parent's property at weekends when it's available."

Eddie eyed the dark-eyed rough-hewn face and said softly, "Is that where you set-up with your lovers?"

"You are not without imagination Eddie Major but of course that is no surprise to me. You are not wrong but whether we become lovers depends on how you perform and how we relate. I'll still complete this mission irrespective of our relationship because I have a desire to exploit the talent within you."

"Some say it's not the captivating face or the swell of breasts or flashing thighs that is the real sexual attraction of a male to a female but something from within."

"Good boy, Sophia Loren is attributed with saying something like that."

"With you I could have all that plus something we develop from within."

"Lucky boy, yes we may. You are just twenty-two and it's time you had that kind of encounter. It will provide a romantic edge to your writing that may prove to be a rare and outstanding asset."

"You appear to possess certainty that an affair with me will soar?"

"As I said before, you are not without imagination Eddie Major."

They talked on and had two more drinks and when Federica looked at her watch for the second time in only a few minutes Eddie knew their time together was almost at an end.

"Federica, may I stroke down the inside of your thigh?"

Her response was to sit closer to him. He stroked softly from her knee, feeling the nylon and they gazed at one another. When he reached the end of the stocking top and his hand had bare skin under it he paused, and then withdrew and sat up straight, smiling.

"Why did you do that?"

"To record it to memory to recall and think about the time when I'll have you in my arms."

Federica started at him and as he watched her lips were parted by the bright tip of her tongue.


Federica smiled and stood, saying she must go. She turned at the door and waved and he waved back. His dick was pulsating and just the single exquisite foreplay to a possible future sexual encounter burnt into Eddie's brain. Never would his heroines be drawn as decorative descendants of bimbos but women of substance capable of hugely inspiring actions in the realms of deceit and manipulation as well as being very nice women to know.

When Janis arrived that evening for tandem study Eddie told her about what Federica had revealed to him, that she saw in him considerable talent as a possible novelist of merit because in her opinion his brain worked that way. He said Federica wanted him to apply for the scholarship and that involved writing a draft novel of 120,000-plus words.

Janis said she was delighted and congratulated him. "We'll still remain study partners until our final exam but this is the end of you and me dating. With only six weeks to go for the scholarship applications it's nose to the grindstone for you."

Janis pulled him on to his bed for a bang and said that could continue but she'd look for someone else.

"What should I write about?" he asked, as Janis licked his cock clean.

"Write about cunt; it's the centre of your focus."

In bed that night Eddie thought Janis was wrong that pussy was the centre of his focus. Perhaps it had been when he'd gone through a real rutting patch but his interests were expanding. He was now really big into reading and was advancing into classical music and had gone to three concerts with his mum in recent months, much to her delight. No a novel about cunt wouldn't seem right. No matter how skilfully he wrote it would be regarded as pornographic.

Eddie lay awake and he was thinking about Fitzgerald's 'The Great Gatsby' when the dining room clock struck midnight and it came to him with a rush: What endeared Australian's most after sport... great Australians from the past... the explorers, the war heroes, the politicians who were seen by the people as heroic figures and the great singers and other artists and particularly sportsmen who'd made it to the world stage. His mind reeled and began the story...

Through fog on the last day of March 1822 the ship's bells sounded midnight as the brig Britannia hove-to off Sydney heads to wait for favourable wind some hours after dawn to take the fare-paying immigrants on board up harbour to Sydney town. A quarter moon outlined the towering stone cliffs as Sarah Cavendish, one of the few passengers lining the side of the three-masted sailing vessel, smiled and whispered, "Hello Australia. You look sombre and dangerous to a young woman."

"Ohmigod, Eddie almost whooped, jumping out of bed and sitting in front of his laptop to write down what he'd just thought.

There was a noise and the bedroom door opened and his mum came in rubbing her eyes.

"I thought I heard you cry out?"

"I did," Eddie said joyfully. He was standing and had been reading what he'd written.

"For goodness sake Eddie," his mother said, catching her breath and looking at what hung down from him. "Cover up -- that's not what a mother ought to be seeing."

Eddie ignored her and sat her on the bed and sat beside her and told Patricia about a tutor recommended he attempt to become a novelist because she believed he had literary talent. He talked about the scholarship application and Patricia, always practically minded, said, "Well done. That gives you a two-year career at attempting to prove yourself. God Eddie, I can't believe how large you are down there. You're now a man."

"Thanks mum. Want to touch it?"

For once his mother remained tease-proof. "I'm very, very proud of you Eddie Major; please don't spoil it."

At the end of her lecturer on Friday afternoon as the room was clearing, Federica handed Eddie her card and said the address was on the back. "I'd like you to start preparatory work tomorrow by 7:00."

"At night?"

"In my morning you clown. My parents know you'll be there. I'll join you after visiting them. Expect me with lunch about 1:00. Take your own coffee and printer if you want to printout anything... my parents didn't become wealthy allowing other people to live off them. I'll bring my own laptop to read your copied preparation plan."

Eddie smirked. "I'll have all that stuff printed out for you. I've already started the novel, finishing chapter 5 last night."

"Oh Eddie, I am impressed. I'll reward you tomorrow if you want it."

"Yeah, providing I'm not on a writing roll."

Federica pouted and she was on to him. "No Eddie, please don't touch me. Other people are in this room."

* * *

Mid-morning Caterina Mecca arrived at the summerhouse with morning tea and a few steps behind was her quiet husband Rocco. Well with Katrina talking like the clappers is was difficult for a guy to get a word in.

At one stage Caterina said, "You are too young for my daughter yes?"

"Yes but it doesn't matter," Eddie said, attempting to bluff his way out to ease her disapproval. "I'm her literary protégé and that is bigger than anything else, eh?"

But the move failed; Caterina wasn't falling for that one. Eddie took the plunge, "You are very lucky to have a naughty daughter like Federica -- it fires her spirit and she gets what she wants, but of course you know that?"

"Hmmmm. My Federica said you were a very clever young man. Now eat up, I didn't make these foccacia bread sandwiches and peach muffins to go stale. Eat up Rocco."

"Yes dear."

"You will sleep tonight here with Federica? Her husband Ross has gone fishing."

"I will be delighted if she invites me to stay Caterina."

"Ah she will. I'd stay myself if I didn't have Rocco."

"You have to excuse my wife young man, she... she..."

"Pretends to be promiscuous?"

"Ah yes, exactly. But our youngest child doesn't know what pretending is."

Caterina said her husband meant their daughter went beyond flirting.

He responded smoothly, "I admire Federica and have immense respect for her."

The couple in their early sixties looked at Eddie and smiled approvingly.

It was almost 2:00 when Federica yelled 'Hello the house!" as she approached.

Eddie, dressed only in white baggy shorts went running to her.

"Oh my dear Eddie, your look rakish."

He grinned and took one of handles of the hamper she was carrying. "One meaning of a rake is a womaniser."

Federica giggled, eyes flashing. She was wearing a white sundress and white headband and sandals and Eddie could tell by the wobble she was braless or the dress offered inadequate built-in support.

Inside the house he kissed her.

"Oh I thought you didn't like me enough to kiss me?"

Eddie coloured. "I adore you. I just thought I shouldn't kiss you out in the open where perhaps we might have been in view of your parents."

"Oh darling. Mom's already told me you are staying the night to sleep with me?"

"Yes your parents arrived with morning coffee. But in reply to your mother's question I said I would stay the night if you invited me and I made no suggestion of sleeping with you."

"Well that's just mother. She likes good things to happen to me. Please open the wine why I serve the chicken salad."

Sipping the Shiraz, Eddie asked, "Do you have an addiction for young men?"

Federica fended asking why one earth was he asking that and Eddie said one of his mom's friends was suspected at such an addiction and as most of Federica's students were younger than she was she would be in a position to exploit her sexual preferences.

"So just because there is an age gap between us of nine years you think that's my interest in you?"

"Not your primary interest. I believe you see potential in me as a senior student and you wish to push me academically to accelerate my progress and see if I have what you suspect. That is you just being professionally supportive. But they fact you have me working from this summer house provides a possible bonus for you... so do you have the addiction I have spoken about."

Federica was in no hurry to reply, eating some salad and sipping wine while staring at him. "As I suspected, you have a virile mind when it comes to story setting and possible intrigued."

"Stall as much as you wish. In fact don't satisfy my curiosity."

Federica touched her hair a little nervously. "Until now I had no idea I could be acquiring addiction status with my extracurricular passion. I had expected to give up my interest in other men on my marriage but that didn't happen. I married an older man and love him in the sense I find him the near-perfection companion and it was almost five months after the wedding before I hunted down another man, a younger man. I liked younger men and had done so for years because they put 100% into sex, at least most of them do and I suppose being with young men makes me feel younger. To be truthful I found younger men pose fewer complications for me than older men. If you think I'm addicted then I'm addicted."

"No, it doesn't matter what I think. Really it's none of my business. But I do want to have sex with you. I think you are gorgeous."

"Is that so? And what do you think about my possible attraction to you?"

Eddie had anticipated she might ask that. "There's this potential thing you've talked to me about and that deepened your awareness that I had sexual appeal to you. Some men, much like women, have what it takes to attract a member of the opposite sex without any or perhaps very little work to create the buzz. I believe from what has been happening to me that I have something of what it takes."

"A surprisingly frank and analytical answer without loss of modesty. Congratulations."

"Will we fuck tonight?"

"Yes. But first to work. Download what you have written to date to this memory stick while I clear away."

* * *

Maria Ricardo who lived opposite the Major's home looked at her daughterFrances Bolt and said she looked frazzled.

"Yes, setting clients up for their summer holidays puts us under pressure and as branch manger I have to deal with the fallout over changes of plans, cancellations and foul-ups by travel agencies at the other end, tour companies and so on. But there are also the people with thanks for when things go right and our office has put so many bookings through the Sheraton in Fiji that I've been given a complimentary week's stay in a beachfront suite with air travel paid."

"How lovely."

"Indeed but Richard won't go with me saying he's had enough of Fiji so I called around to find if you and dad will come with me. You'll only have to pay one return airfare and..."