Lesbian Polygamy: A Beginning


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I had met him on a few occasions and considered him a pretentious dick, but in all fairness I considered 99% percent of high society to be pretentious dicks or bitches...myself included.

As he talked about some new castle he had purchased in Catterick, I put my hand under the table, beneath her dress, and began teasing her pussy, getting it wet enough to slide the polo ball inside. Watching her try to keep a straight face was incredibly amusing as he continued to ramble on oblivious to the fact I was now fingering his wife and that no one was listening to him.

Content she was wet enough, I said, my meaning two-fold, "It must be a big spread."

The Countess didn't immediately catch on and I roughly spread her legs apart.

He nodded and continued his boring description of the castle while I moved the polo ball to her pussy; her eyes went big as she realized I was trying to insert something inside her. After a brief struggle, the angle incredibly awkward, I slipped the polo ball inside her cunt. She let out a gasp.

"You okay, honey?" her husband asked.

"Oh, just feeling really full," she responded, which made me laugh.

I stood up, "Well, great catching up with you."

"You too," he nodded, even though he hadn't asked me one question.

"And I'll catch up with you later, Countess," I smiled.

"I look forward to it," she smiled back.

I leaned in and whispered in her ear, "And that stays in until I come to retrieve it."

I walked away before she could respond and decided to let her dangle all day with the ball in her box.

That night was a special dinner to celebrate the birthday of one of the royal family members and due to a long nap, I hadn't had a chance to retrieve the polo ball before the dinner. I was curious if she had obeyed and kept the polo ball in her all day.

During dinner we were a few tables apart, but conveniently we were straight across from each other. All dinner long I could feel her watching me. I only looked up at her a few times to see she was desperately pleading with her eyes for me to remove the ball.

I excused myself after dinner, but before dessert, and went to the washroom. I wasn't surprised that a couple of minutes later she was there too.

I smiled, "How was your day, Countess?"

"Stimulating," she responded, with a nervous smile.

I pointed to the stalls, as there was someone in one of them. She nodded.

"Did you enjoy the polo match today?" I asked, as my hand went under her dress, inside her panties and directly to her cunt.

"The ball certainly moved around a lot," she answered, playfully, "it was hard to follow it all day."

My fingers went inside her pussy and I struggled to get the ball while she was standing up. After a couple tries, the door opened and I quickly pulled my hand out just before my Mom entered the washroom.

"There you are," Mom said, "your father was wondering where you were."

"It's been three minutes," I sighed.

"You know your father," she said, going to the mirror to check her make-up.

"That I do," I said sarcastically.

"Be nice," Mom said, before saying, "And how is Farrah this evening?"

"Having a ball," the Countess answered, just as a toilet flushed.

I smiled at the ball, pun intended, by the Countess as I too checked myself in the mirror.

"We'd better get back," Mom said.

"Yes, God forbid we were in the bathroom too long. What would they think of us?" I sarcastically replied over dramatically.

"This isn't the place," Mom sighed, used to my defiant attitude.

"It never is," I replied, walking out leaving my Mother and my newest pet alone together.

Annoyed, I returned to my table in a foul mood. Dad sensed it and was smart enough to not say anything and we ate dessert in silence.

After a plethora of boring speeches, that left me almost comatose, the dance started and I went outside to get some fresh air. A couple teammates were out there having a cigarette and I joined them. I didn't smoke, but talking to people my age was definitely needed. As we chatted, I glanced behind me and saw that a somewhat frantic Countess was behind me. I let her fret a moment before walking over to her.

I asked, "Are you still keeping my ball warm?"

"Yes," she whispered, "but my husband has implied he wants sex tonight and well the ball would be difficult to explain."

"That actually makes me want to leave it in you," I teased, the visual of him fucking her and discovering it quite amusing.

"Please, I'll do anything," she pleaded.

"Anything is a pretty wide spectrum," I pointed out.

"Please," she whined, "it's also driving me nuts."

"Give it to me," I ordered.

"Here?" She questioned, people everywhere.

"No place like the present," I smiled, wanting to see how far she would go to obey.

She looked around, a nervous mess which only amused me more. "Will you cover me?"

"Like in a buddy action movie?" I quipped.

"Please, just block others' view," she begged.

"Oh, the things I do for my cunt-licking sluts," I dramatically sighed, as I did oblige her desperate request. I wished I could have watched her awkward struggle to get the polo ball out of her cunt, but I played protective shield and didn't see anything.

Finally, she said, "Here, Miss."

I turned around and saw the polo ball shiny with her wetness.

I smiled, "No you keep it as a souvenir...in your purse."

Before she could respond, I walked away and joined my friends again...knowing leaving her hanging would have her confused and more desperate tomorrow to gain my approval.


Thursday, my last day there, I decided to really push her limits. As I walked past her at breakfast, I whispered, "I want you to come at the table during breakfast."

Her face instantly flushed as I joined my family for breakfast. I watched amused throughout my meal, not really listening to the conversation, even though part of it was about me, as I watched my pet clearly reach orgasm at the table full of other prestigious women.

When I saw her at lunch, I joined her and whispered to her, "Come again, this time with one of the utensils."

Her face went beet red as she took the spoon and slyly slid it under the table while somehow continuing to converse about handbags...apparently, Coach handbags, whatever the hell they are, were this years' popular choice.

I joined the conversation, asking questions I really didn't listen to the answers to, just to stay around long enough to watch her get off while other members of high society were oblivious.

It took longer this time, apparently a spoon not a very good makeshift cock, but eventually she did, squeezing my leg when she did.

I whispered, "Same time, same place as the first time?"

"Of course," she agreed, as I decided I would reward her for her obedience the past couple of days...it really was the least I could do.

Arriving a few minutes late, always keep them waiting, I reached her car and she was, of course, already there.

Once I closed the door, she said, "I can't believe the things you made me do."

"I can't believe you did them," I countered, although truth be told it didn't surprise me at all. The reality was older women have done almost anything I ever asked them to do to have a taste of my pussy...I'm not bragging, just telling the truth.

"I can't say no to you," she admitted, looking at me with such eagerness to please.

"Well, I always reward my pets' loyalty," I smiled, spreading my legs.

She didn't hesitate, dropping to her knees, and burying herself between mine. This time I had worn thigh highs and again gone sans underwear to give her easy access to my perfect pussy.

Apparently, third time is the charm as this time she was a lot better at pleasing me. She explored, she teased, she got me extremely stimulated. I moaned after a couple of minutes, "Have you been practicing eating cunt?"

She looked up, her lips shiny with my wetness, "No, Miss, but I have been watching a lot of online lesbian porn on my phone."

"You're really an insatiable little slut," I said approvingly as she returned to licking me.

I was so close to coming, a few minutes later, when the door suddenly opened and a male voice said, "I have a few minutes to suck that big hard cock of yours."

The Countess didn't have time to move from between my legs before her husband climbed in, as did a very prominent son of a high up politician.

"What the hell?" He gasped, as he caught his wife between my legs.

I smiled, having heard his words, as the Countess moved away from my pussy, "So you're a cocksucker and your wife is a cunt-licker. I think you two need to have a talk."

"What? No, I," he babbled, as he tried to comprehend the whole situation.

Meanwhile, the young man, Wilbur, who had hit on me since we were teens, stared in shock, before smiling no more embarrassed by his gay act than I was by mine, "Interesting."

The Earl demanded, pushing him out the door, "Go, just go and don't you peep a word of this,"

Wilbur, clearly not liking being told what to do, quipped, "Whatever you say, cocksucker. But I expect you on your knees begging like you usually do before this day is over."

"Fuck off," the Earl snapped, clearly humiliated.

"Feel free to bring your wife to watch," Wilbur added, before walking out.

The Countess began to apologize, "I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize," I interrupted. "Your husband was coming here to suck cock."

"You stay out of this or I will tell your father," he threatened.

"Tell him what?" I questioned, "that you suck dick?"

"Young lady," he said, mortified by my response.

"Old man," I shot back sarcastically, never one to back down.

"Well, I never," he said, while glaring at his wife.

"So this is what is going to happen," I began.

"You're not calling the shots," he said firmly, interrupting me.

"Look here cocksucker," I snapped. "This is how it's going to work. First get Wilbur back here."

"I will not," he began.

"Now, cocksucker," I roared," Unless you want everyone to know you blow young men."

"I can out you too," he countered.

"Everyone knows I prefer pussy to cock," I countered, not completely true, but not really a secret to those who knew me. "Plus you would out your wife too."

"Fine," he snarled, grabbing his phone and dialing. "Come back."

Wilbur responded, "I don't think so."

I grabbed the phone, "Get here now Wilbur, I have a delicious proposal to discuss."

"Well, since you put it that way," Wilbur flirted.

"Now, stud," I ordered and hung up the phone. "Now where were we? Oh yes, how this is going to work. You keep your mouth shut, except to suck cock, and I will do the same...well...except the sucking cock part. That is just disgusting."

Looking defeated, yet still trying to control the situation, he glared at his wife, "How could you?"

Finally standing up for herself, she shot back, "How could I? You're the one sucking cock! How long have you been a dick flamer?"

"Farrah," he said, shocked by his usually obedient wife standing up to him.

"Cocksucker," she shot back, just as the door opened.

"I hope I'm not too late for the party," Wilbur quipped.

"Oh, the fireworks are just getting started," I smiled, as I ordered, "Slut, get back to what you were doing before we were so rudely interrupted."

"Yes, Mistress," she said, using the term 'Mistress' for the first time, all the while staring at her soon to be cuckold husband.

He watched, mouth dropped open, as his wife dropped to her knees, between my legs and buried herself in my cunt.

Wilbur quipped, "Well, that is a good boost to my ego. You're a dyke."

"Yes, I prefer women," I smiled, "but you really are out of my league either way."

He laughed, before turning to the Earl, "Emulate your wife, cocksucker."

"Please, no," the Earl pleaded, clearly humiliated.

"Now or never again, cocksucker," Wilbur firmly threatened, "and we all know you can't live without cock."

The Earl, beet red, dropped to his knees, fished out Wilbur's rather impressive seven inch uncut cock and took it in his mouth. I had never watched a gay act between two men before, but it sure was a turn-on.

I asked Wilbur, "So how long has the Earl been a flamer?"

Wilbur answered, "Shit, he's been regularly swallowing my load for a couple of years now."

The Countess said, lifting her head with eyes on fire, "You've been cheating on me for two years."

Wilbur continued, "Actually, he sucked cock on your wedding night."

I snapped my fingers and she returned to her task as I asked, "How do you know that?"

"He has always been a cocksucker," Wilbur answered.

"How very political of you to not answer the question," I smirked.

"And how long have you had the Countess as your personal rug muncher?" He asked.

"So eloquent," I quipped, before adding, "just since Monday. Until then, I think she was a loyal, obedient wife...now she is a loyal, obedient pussy pleaser."

"Nice," he nodded, closely watching as the Countess worked between my pussy lips.

I reached for my phone and began filming the Earl, knowing it would be perfect blackmail. Wilbur went to speak, but I pointed down to imply it was just the Earl I was getting.

"So do you have a harem of cocksuckers?" I asked.

"Do you have a harem of cunt lickers?" He countered.

"I asked you first," I smiled.

"Actually the Earl here is my only flamer," he admitted, "although I have a long list of chicks who love sucking my dick or more."

"I bet you do," I said. Wilbur was a very good looking man and had money which drew women to him.

"And do you have a harem?" He asked again.

I shrugged, not wanting to say too much, "I am never in short supply of being pleased."

"I bet you aren't," he nodded, before turning to the Earl and demanding, "Deep throat, cocksucker."

The Earl immediately obeyed, which was kind of hot, and my own orgasm built. We remained silent, each of us watching the other get off, until Wilbur grunted and said, "Swallow it all."

I watched the Earl continued to bob all the while rubbing his cock through his pants.

Watching the gay act turned me on even though I had no interest in cock, and my own orgasm followed shortly after as I grabbed the Countess's head and came all over her pretty face.

"Fuck that's hot," Wilbur grunted, as the Earl continued sucking his cock.

"As is that," I countered, putting my phone away.

A minute later, Wilbur sighed, "Hate to shoot my load and leave, but I'm late for an engagement."

"An engagement," I sarcastically said, with air quotes.

He laughed, "It's actually a meeting, sadly." He pushed the Earl away and put his cock back in his pants.

"I need to go pretty soon too," I said, even as I let the Countess keep licking.

"Later, cocksucker, Countess," Wilbur said smugly, before leaving the car.

The Earl didn't respond, still on the floor, head down.

I said, "I think it may be time for some marriage counselling," as I pushed the Countess away.

The Countess, her face again shiny with my pussy juice, said, "Thank you, Mistress."

"You're welcome, my pet," I smiled back.

"And as for you, cocksucker," she said, surprising me, "you are going to offer Lucy the dairy farm at the new castle."

"What?" He asked, finally looking up, completely in a daze.

She continued, "And she will live in the house with a full staff."

"Farrah!" he gasped, her demands clearly excessive.

"That is, if you want it?" the Countess asked, ignoring him and looking at me.

"I'll consider it, once I see the operation," I said, the offer appealing.

"It's the biggest dairy farm in the area," she added.

"Interesting," I said, before adding, looking at the Earl, "You be a good boy and your secret stays safe with me. Is that clear, Cocksucker?"

"Please. We can work something out," he pleaded.

"We just did," I shrugged, before getting up and leaving the married couple to deal with the consequences of their infidelity.


The Earl sent me all the business information a few days later and I decided to take the very generous offer for a few reasons:
1. It was a new challenge and I loved challenges.
2. Daddy had caught me in a rather compromising position with Carol our accountant, and to put it lightly he didn't approve.
3. I would have virtually my own castle, with a full staff.

So I moved, started working, and had the Countess moved in temporarily as my live-in pet. The Earl and Countess agreed to stay married, and she would still be seen in public with him at events, but their marriage was otherwise a facade.

Over the next couple of years, I began building the business while accidentally beginning to build my own stable of live-in pets, although the Countess eventually only came by on occasion as I trained her to be a switch.

Besides accumulating massive wealth, I also accumulated five more live-in pets, each of whom fight for my attention, but also have to live in harmony with each other. I have essentially created my own lesbian polygamy home...but that is a whole other story.


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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The countess wedging the polo ball out Is close to impossible. 3.5 inches across and covered in urethane, which gets quite slick when wet. She would never get a grip on the ball for a long enough time to pull it out.

Nightwish1977Nightwish197710 months ago

This was very entertaining

Tw4tTw4tabout 1 year ago

please tell me there is more to this

nyctidromusnyctidromusabout 1 year ago

uufff what a horny story I almost ran reading it

lexdw32lexdw32over 1 year ago

I always love your stories of lesbian seduction/coercion. Would you have any sequels in the works, Jasmine?

Thanks, Lexi

4chuckssite4chuckssiteover 1 year ago

324. Not too hot, but the conclusion was unique with the awarding of expensive property because of the exposure of a single cocksucking incident. Amazing! Eight years and no sequel, it appears.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Is there going to be a sequel to this?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Part 2 please

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Well Done.

What was ever done about Penny? I would also like to hear more about how Carol was seduced and also her punishment for being a babber mouth.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Definitely more,,,!

At least 5 more....nice!!

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