Lesbian Sex Slave


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Smack, Smack, Smack! My poor butt kept getting spanked hard. Then the spanks became lighter for awhile. She slowed down the pace of the blows, and then stopped for a few minutes, giving my ass some time to recover. It still stung like Hell even when she wasn't spanking it. She tenderly massaged it after the first round of spankings had stopped.

"Mistress Lynn, you simply must give me a turn! Please?" Karen begged her.

"Her ass is all yours! Don't go easy on her just because she is your friend; remember, she is your total slave until midnight."

"Oh, believe me; I have no intention of going easy on her. Can I use the paddle?"

"Not yet. She needs some more bare ass spankings before her ass is ready for that."

"O.K., you're the expert!"

My two mistresses simply picked me up and turned me around so that my face was in Mistress Lynn's lap and my waist was in Karen's lap. Karen started spanking my ass immediately, and she was even harsher than Mistress Lynn.

I felt wet tears welling up inside the blindfold. My ass really was starting to hurt badly. I had completely forgotten about the nipple clamps when I felt Mistress Lynn tugging on them. My nipples felt sharp intense pain.

Karen rained blows down on my butt. I kept crying. I screamed "Stop, Stop! Please." My hands involuntarily tried to reach for my ass, but of course I couldn't protect my poor ass from the harsh spankings with the cuffs on.

"Slave Miranda, if we stop now, you will have done all of this for nothing. Remember, you owe me a debt. We are only about an hour away from the end, we can't quit now. Come on; think of how good it will feel at midnight. I'll eat you out, and you can have that orgasm you have been dying for all day!"

I knew I somehow had to keep going. I grit my teeth and stoically took the blows. They got harder and harder, and I could hear the loud smacking sounds with each spanking.

"Let's give her a break!" Mistress Lynn said. I was relieved. I lay still and tried to relax before the next round. I knew that the paddle was coming next, and wondered how much worse that would be than the bare handed spankings.

About five minutes passed, and then Mistress Lynn spoke. "Mistress Karen, here is my finest paddle. I had this hand crafted in New York by an expert. It has my name on it. The letters are very worn out from use. Over a dozen slaves have felt its sting, and your slave should feel honored to be introduced to its pleasures!"

I wasn't really feeling very honored by this promised treat; in fact, I was even more scared than I had been before the hand spankings.

"First, it is time to remove the nipple clamps, Mistress Karen. Slave Miranda, I should warn you that when they are removed, it stings more than when they are first put on from all the blood rushing back to your nipples. It is dangerous to leave them on too long, though, and it is time for them to come off."

I learned that she wasn't lying about the pain being worse when they are removed; I felt a quick rush of pain in my left nipple as the first clamp was removed. God, it stung like Hell! The process was repeated on the right nipple with similar results.

As with the first spanking, the first blow of the paddle came completely without warning. I heard a loud WHACK! as the paddle struck my already reddened ass. It hurt even more than the spankings, and I screamed "Yee-OWW!" My ass smarted.

"Look at her squirm! This is delightful." Mistress Lynn was having a lot more fun than I was having.

Smack, Smack, SMACK! The paddling continued without mercy. I writhed in pain, wishing my hands weren't cuffed so I could protect my poor butt from the merciless paddling. Smack! "Holy shit this hurts! OWW!" I yelled. Smack! WHACK! A few particularly hard blows hit me.

My ass was blazing with pain. It felt like it was burning up. The stinging hurt really badly. Somehow I hadn't imagined that it would be this painful. I had a new found respect for what real life subs have to go through.

"Oh, look at the color! Her white ass is turning a nice shade of red! I think its time to quit the paddle. We have just one more step to go before turning her ass dark red!" Mistress Lynn informed Karen.

I heard the paddle fall to the floor, and I quickly realized that the belt was coming. They gave me another five minutes to recover. The stinging was really setting in. I had imagined that spankings only would hurt while in the process of receiving them; that night I learned that the pain becomes sustained when you are not being spanked. I prayed for a quick ending to this night.

I heard a swishing sound in the air. One of them was swinging the belt around to tease me! I was in an extreme state of fear. Then I felt a hand on my pussy. This touch brought back all of the horny sensations from the earlier teasing, and my pussy lit up with anticipation. I found it hard to believe that I could be aroused during this painful spanking session, but my pussy ached with desire even more than before, and I needed to come really badly. Whoever was touching my pussy brought me right to the brink of orgasm and then backed off at the last second. Three more strokes on my clit would have sent me over the edge, and I felt extremely frustrated again.

As usual, the first blow came out of nowhere. Whack! "OUCH! Fuck that hurt!" SMACK! "AHH! Please stop, this hurts way more than the paddle!"

"Of course it does. Did you think it would tickle?"

Smack! My ass blazed with searing hot pain. The belt hit areas of my skin that hadn't been touched by the spanking and paddling. The back of my thighs lit up with fiery pain as they were hit hard with the belt. Everything stung like Hell. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Three really hard blows hit me. "OW...I can't handle this, it hurts SO badly!"

"Be glad I didn't bring my cane! If you want to feel something hurt your ass more than the belt, I have numerous instruments in my dungeon." Mistress Lynn educated me.

SMACK! "O.K., we are finished now!" Mistress Lynn announced. I felt so relieved to hear those words. I couldn't wait to get out of the restraints and end this slavery.

"Thank GOD!" I said loudly in relief.

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! She hit me three more times in rapid succession. This was especially cruel, coming just after I had been told that the punishment session had ended. "HEY, what the fuck?" I screamed.

"Burn!" Karen yelled in triumph. She laughed.

I felt my ankle cuffs being removed, and then the ropes were untied from my legs. Karen removed my blindfold. Every piece of bondage gear was now off my body except for the collar and the cuffs behind my back. They helped me to stand up.

I looked at the clock. It said 11:42. I had almost reached the end of my ordeal.

"Can you remove the cuffs from behind my back?" I asked Mistress Lynn.

"My work here is done, that is up to Mistress Karen."

"C'mon, Karen, enough is enough. Are you really going to make me wear these for 18 more minutes?"

"Yes! And you have a lot longer than 18 minutes." She answered.

"What are you talking about, it is almost midnight!" I argued.

"Miranda, you just saw the time on the clock. It now says 11:44. Guess what? I changed the time on the clock before Mistress Lynn arrived to mess with you even further! I set the clock back an hour."


"See for yourself!" Karen grabbed the remote control and turned on the T.V. The T.V. guide channel was on, and it had the time clearly displayed. It said 10:44!

"I have to go pee really badly." I said.

"Go on the kitchen floor." She replied.


"Either that or hold it in until midnight. It is your choice."

"Why? Why would you make me do that? It's your kitchen!"

"Don't worry, I don't mind cleaning it up. I just think it would be funny!"

"I'll hold it in then."

"Well, my work here is done. Good meeting you, Miranda!" Mistress Lynn said. This had been the first time she hadn't used the word "Slave" before saying my name.

"Goodbye!" I yelled at her. I wasn't in the mood to be friendly with this woman who had made my ass burn up for over an hour. She put her clothing back on. She said goodbye to Karen and then walked out the door.

"C'mon, Karen. The game is over! Just uncuff me and let me pee, I REALLY need to go badly!"

"You can either go on the floor or wait more than an hour I'll bet you're really hot and thirsty, too. How about a tall cool glass of water?" Karen walked into the kitchen and poured a glass of water from the sink.

"Fuck. Are you serious?" I asked.

"Hell yeah! I think it would be hysterical to see you squat and pee right now."

I had to go really badly; I was clenching my muscles to hold the pee inside. I felt so embarrassed. I didn't want to do something so private in front of her, and on the floor to boot. I sat down on the floor. Even though I had to go so badly, I couldn't make myself pee in front of her. She slowly gulped the water down, and then turned the faucet back on. The sound of rushing water started to drive me crazy! The need to relieve myself intensified. I closed my eyes.

I felt the first hot stream of urine run down my thighs. It felt so humiliating to be sitting stark naked on the floor, with my hands cuffed behind my back, peeing in front of my friend on her kitchen floor. I had a lot inside me; the pee kept coming out for a long time. I felt a puddle form around my thighs. Finally, it slowed down to just a few drips, and then stopped completely.

"Are we done with this game now?" I begged her.

"Let's see. It is almost 11:00. O.K., I don't have any more ideas left. How about you just sit on the sofa and relax for another half hour?"

"Can you take off the cuffs?" I asked.


I sat down on her sofa. My ass burned. I stood back up. Fuck, I can't even sit down, I thought. I tried sitting again. It was very uncomfortable. My hands were still behind my back. Karen sat across from me. We were both still naked. Karen put on MTV. I sat and watched the screen, not really paying attention. After awhile, Karen started to play with her pussy.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"What does it look like? I am masturbating. Watching your butt get paddled got me turned on, what can I say?"

I remembered how horny my pussy was. Karen masturbated furiously. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I wanted to be doing the same thing. All of the sexual pleasure had built up inside me. The need to come was more intense than the need to pee had been earlier. I watched her do what I could not do yet. She put a finger inside her hole. Her other hand rubbed her clit. She spread her legs. Her pussy was gaping wide open. She took her finger out and spread her pussy lips open for me to see. She played with her tits. She made a lot of noise.

"Oh...Oh...OH! Mmm...this feels SO good! UHH. UHH! Oh, Miranda, I'm gonna come! Oh...OH...YES! OH GOD!"

Her hips rocked up off of the chair and her body spasmed. Her face was as red as my ass was. I watched in envy as she experienced a powerful orgasm rip through her whole body. She panted hard, and I saw sweat dripping down her chest. She took a few minutes to come down, and then she walked over to me. "Fuck that felt good. Miranda, you have almost made it! I am not going to take the cuffs off until exactly midnight. If I did, you would finger your clit in a heartbeat. I want to walk over to the bedroom with you so you can see your ass in the full length mirror.

I followed her into the bedroom. I realized that I hadn't actually seen what my ass looked like after the severe punishment it had received. I stood by the mirror and turned my head. I saw the entire back side of my nude body. My hands were still behind my back in the leather cuffs. And my ass...what a sight! It was a glowing crimson red. It was even darker than had thought it would be. There were darker red marks across my upper thighs from the belt. Just seeing my ass made the stinging feel even worse. I sobbed softly.

"Well, Miranda, you have almost made it. You have served me well. Sit down on the bed, and I will make it up to you for all the misery."

I sat down on the bed, and she removed the cuffs from my hands. It felt so good to move my arms again. I touched my ass. It felt hot. I lay down on my stomach.

"Miranda, I know it hurts when your ass touches things, but I suggest that you roll over on your back if you want the pussy licking of your life!"

As much as it hurt my ass to touch something even as soft as the sheets, I quickly obeyed this final request of the evening and lay on my back. I eagerly spread my legs, dying to get off. Karen did not disappoint me. She licked my thighs and put her hand on my pussy. Her kisses quickly reached my cunt, and she gave me the best oral sex of my life. Every lick and wet kiss sent shivers down my spine. I knew that I would finally be allowed to come. The sexual feelings were intense. Her mouth eagerly ate me out, and I felt the first tingle of orgasm come. This time I would be allowed to have my orgasm. I suddenly hit the point of no return...

"Oh...Oh...I'm coming! FUCK!"

I was panting really hard, and the orgasm hit me with more intensity than any of the earlier spankings had hit me. It was without a doubt the hardest physical orgasm I had ever experienced. My hips jumped up, and I felt intense muscular contractions in my pussy. Then the waves of pleasure flowed throughout my body. They radiated, even bringing pleasure to my poor ass. The endorphins rushed to my head, and I felt incredible physical and mental pleasure. I felt like a floodgate had been stuck inside me all day, and it was finally allowed to open up. I writhed around the bed, savoring every last second of the aftershocks as my pussy shook and quivered with pleasure.

After coming down, Karen turned me over onto my stomach and gave me the softest, most tender backrub imaginable. She stopped half way through to get an ice pack to cool down my butt. It felt so soothing.

"Miranda, I'm sorry I tricked you with the bet, and I'm sorry I was such a bitch. Lynne has been a friend of mine for a few years, and I guess I just got jealous hearing all of her tales of domination. She told me how fun the S/M scene was, and I had never had the opportunity to seize control. Out of all of my friends, I knew you would be the one most open to something like this."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"C'mon, Miranda. You are so kinky! You are a total exhibitionist, you have had threesomes, you like anal sex. I knew you would be interested in having a new sexual experience. Admit it, looking back on it; wasn't it an experience to remember?"

She was right. Although some of the day had been quite difficult to get through, I knew I had gone through a memorable sexual experience. I didn't plan on being a submissive again anytime soon, but I was glad I had stuck it out and made it until midnight. I gave her a wicked grin and said "Well, it was an experience to remember all right. My ass is still going to remember it tomorrow! O.K., I forgive you. Just promise me you'll never trick me in a bet ever again."

"I promise. No more tricks, Miranda."

"Just one more thing."

"What's that, Miranda?"

"Will you eat out my pussy again like you just did right when we wake up in the morning?"

"Anything you wish, Miranda. Anything you wish."

I fell into a deep sleep, relieved that my day of sexual slavery had come to an end.

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kbone1kbone18 months ago

It's a GREAT story!

Damn it! I forgot to post the MY and ME words. I accidently copied it, but it was over written on the copy command. It was in the beginning and the post MY is wrong and you would have to substitute ME for it

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

She would have hated her by the end.

Ravey19Ravey19almost 3 years ago

Quite good. If Miranda had thought more she could have won the bet, the butt plug event was too much to soon, other than those points enjoyable. Would be interesting to see a sequel as they go further into a relationship.

kania_helpukania_helpuover 3 years ago
Not smart

The bet was to drink 3 shots of Amaretto against 3 beers. All Miranda had to do is pick up the bottle of Amaretto and pour it in one of her used shot glass and drink it. No rule said she couldn't use one of her own glasses twice, They just couldn't touch each others glasses. Other than that it wasn't to bad of a story.

Samantha1952Samantha1952over 4 years ago

This was absolutely one the best stories I have read in many years I very rarely read a whole story such as this in one night very we done

Lil_kittyLil_kittyover 5 years ago
Not sure

It began great, and I’m all for teasing and testing boundaries. However, my understanding of BDSM is that it’s based on trust and the very clear lack of safe words and ignoring the slave completely make this a disturbing piece of material. Personally, using the largest butt plug on a completely inexperienced person was ROUGH, to say the least.

MarieKNMarieKNalmost 6 years ago
Great sexy fun

I liked all of the story. The drinking gamble and cheating was hilarious. Humiliating Miranda was quite inventive. I only wish that Karen had demanded more sexual service particularly with Miranda in bondage but I'm nitpicking. Lovely story. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
minor critique

rather than pleasure themselves the misstresses should have made the slave do them while she was tied on the bed & again as she was getting her spanking after she had her face right in their laps. thanks for the very good story.

huntsman29huntsman29over 7 years ago
Dreadful example of BDSM in so many ways.

No safe word, metal cuffs for hours of someone thrashing around in denial would stand good chance of leading to possible nerve damage or other injury. At the end she calls stop and gets ignored. Sadly she'd not be successful prosecuting Karen, but this would be assault to be clear. Okay story in parts, but DO NOT use this as a fucking guide to BDSM play period. Fantasy writing only.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
friend or no friend

If she was smart, at midnight she should have smacked her hard across the face, and then left and say goodbye to their friendship as well.

MichaelnSCMichaelnSCalmost 9 years ago
Loss of friendship

I don't care how you color it. You use tricks to win a bet like that makes the bettor a piece of shit. Bets are wagers of honor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
No Way

Friend or not I would have kicked her fucking ass

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Mmm that sex story was amazing I came so hard

evosexevosexover 9 years ago
good story

the story is very great and it can be real actually. It has also gathered all the principles of BDSM. Keep going ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I've being a slave so this story got me so incredibly hot!!! I want more and more!!!

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