Life after the Lottery Ch. 17 Pt. 4


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We dried off and went back downstairs. It was almost 4:30, almost everyone was back, a few had dressed. I grabbed a beer and within a few minutes everyone was in the den.

"I hope everyone had a good time!" Dawn yelled as she walked up the steps.

"Dawn, on behalf of everyone, we thank you and we all had a great time," John said.

"Well thank you all. Now, on that table over there is a box with each couples name on it. It is a copy of the video we showed plus some extras."

"Great!!" Almost everyone shouted.

"What about this weekend?" Keith asked.

"Later, much later, but I will get it for all of us," I said. "If you come over, you can always pull it all up and watch what you want."

"Before everyone showers and gets dressed I need to hand out some prizes, everyone get all the gold chips you earned."

It took everyone about 5 minutes to get all their chips and return.

"Okay, I want to know which couple has the most combined chips."

"Julie and David!" A few people yelled.

"Julie how many chips do you have?

"Sixteen," Julie said.



"That is 24, is there any other couple that has more?"

No one did, everyone had really liked Julie and David on the video.

"You two come here."

Dawn walked down the steps and pulled a tall box out from under a table.

"This is for the winners and that is you two, open it."

David and Julie worked on opening the box and pulling out a very large Styrofoam cube and finally got it open. In the packing was a 2 foot tall crystal statue that was of a naked man and a woman standing intertwined and kissing and holding each other tightly.

"Oh this is beautiful!" Julie said. "Thank you!"

"You earned it as a couple. Now is there any man that has more chips than David or any women that has more chips than Julie?"

No one said anything.

"Okay, then they are the winning man and woman. I know what I want for prizes for each of them, but it has to be okay with each of them and everyone else."

"Julie, you have the most chips for a woman. If it is okay, your prize is this. You get to pick any man from our group and he has to take you to a nice hotel and treat you to whatever you want for a weekend, is that okay?"

Julie blushed again. She leaned over and said something to David.

"Okay!" Julie said.

"Is that okay with all you ladies?"


"Okay David. You get the same thing. You get to pick any woman from our group and take her to a nice hotel for the weekend and you two do what you want, is that okay with everyone?"


"Katrina, how many chips do you have?"


"Is there any other woman that has more than three?"

There were several that had two.

"Okay, Katrina, if you would like, for having the second highest number of chips James has agreed to do a photo shoot of you. You have seen the pictures of me around the house; would you and Joe like to do that?"

"Oh god yes!" Katrina responded.

"How about you Joe?"

"If she will do some nude!" Joe said with a laugh.

"Okay, we will set it up this spring when it is warm and the flowers are all blooming."

"Great!" Came from Katrina.

"Now, how many women have two chips?"

Elizabeth, Michelle and Lisa all raised their hands.

"How would the three of you like to go with me one day for an all expenses paid lingerie shopping trip!"

"Yes!!" They all screamed.

"We will do that then!"

The three of them seemed happy.

"Now, we have some guys to deal with and I am not sure what to give them. James I know you have a bunch and Sam I think you have 4 or 5."

"Four." Sam said.

"That means James is second after David and then Sam, what can we give them?"

"A woman!!" Some lady yelled.

"Well David won the woman of his choice, we can't do that again," Dawn said.

"Sure we can!" Carol shouted.

"Is that okay with everyone?"

"Yes!!" The women screamed.

Dawn stood pensive for a minute.

"Amy, would you get the bag with the ladies chips in it please."

Amy went to the study.

"While Amy is going to get the bag this is what we are going to do. James and Sam will draw one woman's chip from the bag, if they get their wife, or fiancée's name that is okay. But here is the catch; they are not going to tell anyone whose name they picked."

"Not fair!" Carol yelled.

"They will keep the chip and whoever the woman is that gets picked will get a phone call at some point in the future and you will have to be ready to be picked up on a Friday evening, well dressed, and you will spend the weekend with the man that has your name, unless anyone has a problem with it. This will make it a surprise."

"Very good!!" Came from Olivia.

"Olivia, you want Sam to pick your name?" Carol asked.

"Hell no, I want James!"

Everyone laughed.

"Of course, David can pick me also," Olivia added to more giggles.

Amy returned with the bag.

"James, you first."

I walked up and stuck my hand in the bag and selected a chip and pulled it out without looking at it and held it in my hand. Sam walked up and did the same.

"Who is it!!?" Michelle screamed.

"Nope, no one will know but the two of them," Dawn said. "You two keep the chips, I will seal up the bag and keep it with me until everyone is gone!"

"I will let the lady I have know in June!" James said.

"Well, I am afraid I am getting married in June and I don't think Olivia wants anyone else going on the honeymoon!" Sam said to a lot of laughter. "So maybe March!"

"We will all go crazy by then!" Lisa said.

"If either of you drew your partner's name, I would suggest you make it a very special weekend!" Dawn told us.

"Well everyone, that is it for the weekend, go shower and get dressed, we have had fun," Dawn said.


"Dawn!" Katrina yelled over the cheers.

"Yes Katrina?"

"Several of us have talked and we have been discussing how you squirt so much when you have an orgasm. I think we would all like to watch you do that before we leave."

"Yes, yes, yes!!"

"I tell you what, I will let everyone watch at the next party anyone has."

"Very good," Katrina said.

"Before everyone leaves, after you get dressed, meet back in the den, I have one last thing. If you still need to shower, enjoy it with someone else before you go!" I said.

Everyone walked off in different directions to showers or to get dressed and get their bags.

"You want to stay naked?" I asked Dawn.


"Us too!" Samantha and Amy said.

"Everyone come and sit for a minute," I told them.

We all sat on the sofa.

"Sam, Amy, did you have fun and neither of you did anything you didn't want to do did you?"

"No, and we had a blast!" Sam said.

"How about you Amy?" I asked.

"I made some new friends!"

"So everyone is okay?" I asked.

"Honey, how about you, are you happy with everything that happened?" Dawn asked.

"Yes I am, and you are crazy!"

We all laughed.

"This house is going to be a mess to clean up," Dawn said.

"We will all help," Amy said.

"You two have to go to work tomorrow," Dawn reminded them.

"Sam, I am going to write you a check for school for all the bets I won, $21,000 should help."

"No, you can't do that!" Amy said.

"Why not?"

"I mean you can do that, but don't give her the money."


"Just let me have it and I will send it to her when she needs it."

"What is going on Amy?"

"If she has all that money...our father will take it from her if he knows."

"I will call her school then and send a check to the admissions department."

"James, just let me take care of it," Amy pleaded.

"If you say so. I will give it to you as you need it so you will not have to pay gift taxes on it."

"Okay," Amy said.

"Sam enjoy your money. You let Amy know when you need money. Do you have a checking account Sam?"


"Leave us a check or a deposit slip so we can put the money in your account."

"Okay, thank you."

"And if there are any problems, let me know and I will contact the school and send them the money," I told her.

Everyone was starting to come back dressed and carrying their bags out to their cars. It took about 20 more minutes for everyone to get out of the showers and come back to the den. I went to my desk and got a stack of cards and a box of ink pens.

"Everyone have a seat a minute!" I yelled.

I had some surveys I wanted everyone to fill out. I gave them to Nancy and the twins to pass out.

"They are passing out something I want each of you to read and fill out and then give back to me."

"What is it?" Katrina asked.

"I just want some feedback about the party."

"It was great," Katrina said.

"Just read it and fill it out for me, I may need the information for the next party."

On the card there were some questions and places for comments. The first question on the card was 'Did you do anything you regret this weekend?'

People started giggling and talking as they read the first question. I waited a minute and they kept talking.

"Okay, I have lost control of you all, I'll read the questions then everyone fill them out."

"First question, did you do anything you regret this weekend?"

There were several more giggles.

"Okay, just answer the questions, everyone can talk about them later."

I waited a minute for everyone to finish.

"Next question. Did you enjoy letting other people watch you have sex on the video?"

More laughter.

"Yes or no. Next question. Are you planning on getting together with any of the other couples and having more fun?"

"James!" Carol said.

"Carol, we all know you two and Keith and Elizabeth get together."

Carol laughed and blushed.

"Not that often!" Carol said.

"Maybe you should work on that!"

Everyone laughed.

"Okay, next one. Did you enjoy watching your spouse with another person?"

A few of the women looked over at their husband's card to see what they were checking.

"James, what are you going to do with these?" John asked.

"I just want to make sure everyone had a good time and I thought there could be information that everyone would like to know. Plus, it is a chance to tell us if you didn't have a good time privately."

"Like what?"

"Let's finish first. Next question and you need to write the answer in the box. Are you really okay with your spouse having sex with another person?"

I waited while I watched everyone write.

"By the way, don't forget to put your name on it," I told everyone.

"I thought these were going to be anonymous?" Elizabeth asked.

"No ma'am, we are adults, put your name on it."

I gave everyone another minute to finish that question.

"Okay, this is a write-in question. Men, did you enjoy watching you wife make love to another woman if she got the chance, if she didn't, do you want to watch her with another woman. Ladies, for those of you that may have made love to another woman, did you enjoy it. If you did, do you want to do it again? Take your time."

I gave everyone time to write down what they wanted to write.

"Okay, last one, write-in your answer. Would you let your spouse have sex with another person in our group if you were not there to watch?"

"Oh my," I heard one of the ladies say.

"No listen to me first. This weekend was a first for some of you; I think everyone enjoyed the things that happened. Now that you all have shared, what are the conditions that you would let your spouse have sex with another person?"

I watched as everyone looked at each other, there was some talking for a minute before I saw people start writing. I wanted to ask this question just to see what kind of answers I would get, and for future reference.

"When you get finished, flip the card over and write anything on it that you want Dawn and me to know."

I looked over at Dawn she was reading the card.

"You too, fill it out."

I told Nancy and Amy and Sam to fill one out also.

Dawn looked up at me and smiled.

Some of the others were reading the questions and giggling and talking to other couples. I waited for everyone to finish. I walked around and collected all the cards to make sure I got one from everyone.

"Everyone be careful going home!" I said.

"When is the next party?" Several asked.

"The next party here is the weekend of the 4th of July; the rest of you can fill in with parties between now and then, and, remember we have told all of you to come by anytime you want."

Everyone eventually left, we all helped Nancy and the twins clean up then Dawn and I went to the shower with Nancy while Amy and Sam went with the twins.

"I have had a blast," Nancy said as we washed her.

"I think the twins have too," Dawn said.

"Nancy, your name was in that bag too," Dawn told her.

"You shouldn't have done that!"

"Well I did, I guess you will just have to wait." Dawn said.

"James, the answer to the twins question, is it okay," Nancy told me.

"What question?" Dawn asked.

"The twins told me they asked James if he would have sex with them and he told them they had to ask me," Nancy told her.


"It is okay Dawn. I want them to have fun."

We all finally finished showering and met the twins downstairs so Nancy and the twins could get dressed. Once we were all dressed we helped Nancy and the twins load everything into her vans.

"Nancy, I hope you had fun," I told her as she was getting in the van.

"I did, thanks for everything, especially the money."

"Nancy, I am going to make the payments to the school from the money, if I give it all to you the taxes will eat it all up."


Amy and Sam were talking to the twins as they were getting ready to leave in the other van.

"You all be careful, send me the bill," I told Nancy.

They all drove off and we went back inside.

"I am exhausted," Dawn said.

"Let's get something to eat and have a glass of wine, then why don't we all go to our bed for the evening," I said.

We got emails and phone calls for the next 6 weeks. Everyone enjoyed their DVD's and wanted to know when the DVD's from the party would be ready. All the comment cards were positive and I compiled the information and emailed it to everyone.

Dawn and I hope you enjoyed this long story about the party, we are going to take a break for a little while before we continue the adventures. Vote, comment and send us email, we enjoy all the email we get. And a special thanks to Judy & Mark who helped me edit and proofread.

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nativensdnativensdabout 4 years ago
OMG - I love your stories!!!

Your stories are AWESOME, I so love your writing. All the characters and all the amazing sexcapades - WOW!!! I'm only at the end of chapter 17, but loving every minute of it. Your wife Dawn, is she really like that? I was worried that she is wanting to be with others more than you. I know you are with so many other women, the love and bond you and Dawn for each I'm hoping is unconditional love and lust for each other. What you have is every man's fantasy, I know it's mine. Really looking forward to much more of your stories. You are now my all time Literotica writer. From a very devoted fan - John

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Have enjoyed this whole series AND looking forward to reading 18 to 42.

Thank You


dozendozenover 9 years ago
A great story....

...although a careful edit would make reading it smoother. At least you spell "champagne" correctly!

golferdangolferdanalmost 11 years ago
WOW !!!

Thank You...Wife and I did some role playing, I was Sam she was Olivia and so on we read out loud and acted out what the couples were doing to each we are talking about finding an Amy we can share

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Maybe next time

Well darn, I really was hoping for a good old fashioned gang-bang with Dawn taking every single guy while they all watched... But hey, I guess I'll be happy with some nice DP and wife swapping action. Maybe at the next party...

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Thanks for the great read will be waiting for the next story. Dawn & You have a great time on break!!

dreaming_dailydreaming_dailyover 11 years ago
It is Amazing

Where you come up with all the ideas. I am enjoying myself immensely. Thank you for all the good stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great ending.

This was a great series and a great ending. Can't wait to what happens next. I will be waiting for your retirn.

AllosaurusRexAllosaurusRexover 11 years ago
Great set of stories

I hope that you two will continue posting more of these tails

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