Life Raft


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I looked at the parking lot. Alex and Trish had just started hiking, while the other two sat down on a boulder. Evidently, Randi and Kim couldn't be bothered to make the hike themselves and were going to wait for the others to drive back and pick them up. At their pace, it would be at least five minutes until they arrived at the spot where we were parked.

I looked down at Jessica's shapely rear end. She was wiggling it temptingly at me. "Yeah, I think I can deliver, but don't you want to move around to the front of the truck so they don't see us?"

"I'm no exhibitionist, Sean, but just this once, I'd love to be watched. The best revenge is a life well lived, and life doesn't get any better than getting a warm load of cum from you."

I didn't say another word. I just stepped up and slipped into her. She was indeed wet and ready and I fully sheathed myself in one long stroke. Not having to deal with clothing sure made sex a whole lot more spontaneous. I gloried again at the incredible sensation.

"Jesus, it's only been half an hour, but I'd forgotten just how good you feel inside me," she gasped.

"I don't think this could ever get old," I said.

With time being of the essence, I didn't fool around. I pulled out almost all the way, then plunged right back in again. I kept doing that and soon we developed a good rhythm. To help things along, I reached around and began to diddle her stiff clit. With a moment's concentration, I slotted myself into the mental groove that would allow me to reach my climax as soon as possible. Within a couple of minutes, I could feel the first stirrings of my release approaching.

I looked down the road to make sure we were still in the clear, but to my surprise, Trish and Alex were only about a hundred yards away and closing. The cars were running and we could probably still escape cleanly, even if they broke into a sprint, but I most emphatically didn't want to stop making love with Jessica just yet.

"Hold it right there if you ever want to see the keys again," I called out to them. They came to a stop and watched as Jessica and I moved in perfect synchronicity.

"How are you doing, Jessica?" I asked her.

"I'm almost there," she moaned, "but neither of us dares come with Alex so close."

"Shit, you're right. He'd probably be able to get here before we were able to drive again. Should we stop?"

"I can keep myself from coming if you can," she said, "so let's keep going for just a little longer. This feels so good."

It really was good, and I too was relishing the idea that we were rubbing this in their faces, but soon, I could tell that Jessica was aching for her forbidden climax at least as much as I was. I had let myself go to the edge, but was holding myself there, right on the verge. This was exquisite torture, and I was about to suggest that we knock off and continue it later.

I took one last look over at our pursuers first and couldn't help but notice that Alex had developed a bit of a stiffy while watching us. Then, daringly, he reached over and took Trish's hand, moving it toward his crotch. She was so involved in watching us herself that what Alex was doing didn't seem to register until she felt him place her hand on his dick.

If he'd thought Trish was aroused enough to give him a hand job, Alex was quickly disabused of the notion as the Latin beauty yanked her hand away, then gave him a quick upward slap to the balls. Hard. He grunted and dropped to the dirt in a fetal position while Trish went right back to watching us.

"Now!" Jessica urged, and I felt her let go and slide into her climax, crying out in a low voice as the small death overtook her. She was absolutely right -- Alex was in no shape to sprint for the cars now. I held myself as deep as I could go and let myself tumble over the edge as I embraced my own climax. Each burst of cum felt like its own individual brand of ecstasy. I wasn't normally vocal during climax, but my long, low moan harmonized with her cries of release as we went there together.

I felt a sense of unity with Jessica that I'd never felt with another human being. Even in this completely exposed and vulnerable position, I knew I was as emotionally safe and secure as I'd ever been in my life. I was home.

At last we were done and the temporary exhaustion that came with my release made me weak in the knees. I had to grab the Suburban's luggage rack to stay upright. I could feel Jessica shaking from an endorphin overload as well. It was a good thing that Alex was still incapacitated -- he could have walked right up and taken the keys from both vehicles.

At last I regained full muscle control and slipped myself out. Jessica turned and I wrapped her in my arms, where she belonged. "Can I get you to sign for the delivery of a warm load of cum, ma'am?"

"Hand me the clipboard," she sighed in a low voice. "That was some excellent personal service." Then she turned and looked down the road. "Thanks Trish," she yelled.

"I didn't do it for you," Trish said sullenly, kicking a little dirt on the still curled-up Alex.

I kept an eye on them for a couple more minutes until we had fully recovered. Alex eventually managed to stagger back to his feet, but stood a safe distance from Trish.

Jessica and I drove another half mile down the road so we could get dressed in peace. That accomplished, we continued on toward the gate.

As we approached the fence, I realized that for the last half mile of their hike, Alex and/or Trish would have to hike parallel to the highway, just thirty or forty feet the other side of the barbed wire. My sense of compassion was almost enough to stop at that point and have Jessica park the Suburban at the corner so that they wouldn't have to be exposed to passing traffic for so long.

Then I thought about how exposed Jessica would have been, trapped in the canyon overnight. Yeah, they could walk the whole way. There wasn't much traffic and if a car came along, diving down into the dirt would mostly hide them behind the thin scrub brush.

We drove through the gate and parked on the wide shoulder. I walked back to the Suburban and helped Jessica sort through my backpack and make sure that we had everything that belonged to us. We left the rest on the passenger seat. It had occurred to me that it might be fun to take their clothes and force them to drive back to town naked as well, but enough was enough.

Jessica put the keys up on the visor and we left the Suburban unlocked. We were about to get into the Mustang when she stopped suddenly.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Hang on, I want to check something out." I followed her to the gate, suddenly catching on to what she was thinking. Sure enough, there was an open padlock and chain hanging there. "Should we?" she asked.

"Damn straight we should," I said with a laugh. We swung the gate closed and locked it.

Trish and Alex would have no trouble squeezing through on foot. They could even get dressed and snag clothes for the other two, but at least one of them was going to have to walk all the way back to the rise in the road to signal the others to start walking. They could decide at that point whether it was worth lugging the tubes and coolers. In any case, they wouldn't be following us down the highway for another couple of hours.

I took Jessica in my arms, something to which I was becoming more and more addicted. She clung tightly to me as well. It felt a little kinky to do it with our clothes on.

"You're a genius," I said.

"Hey, this was your plan. I feel very well avenged."

"It was the least I could do, milady."

I opened the Mustang's door for her. Just then I felt a drop of rain on my arm and looked up at the sky, surprised. With everything else going on, I hadn't noticed that the clouds had moved in.

"Looks like Randi, Alex and company are going to get wet," Jessica said. She didn't seem too upset about that.

"It's a warm rain. They'll be fine. At least their clothes will stay dry."

"Cool, let's go."

Moments later, I had us flying down the highway, Jessica whooping as I chirped the tires during the first two gear changes. After all, that's how a supercharged Shelby should be driven, every now and then.

The rain was starting to fall more heavily. I eased back to the speed limit so we could talk safely.

"You know, Jessica, I don't think you need to worry about Kevin releasing that video."

"How do you figure that?"

In response, I silently pulled into a turnout, then reached up and removed the unobtrusive black plastic box from above the rear view mirror. I fiddled with it for a moment, then folded out the screen and handed it to her.

"What's this?" she asked.

"It's my dash cam. It records video and sound any time the key is on. I have it in case I get into an accident or something." I pushed the play button.

"So how did you get Jessica's sex tape from Kevin?" came my tinny voice from the little speaker.

Jessica's jaw dropped, then the two of us watched and listened as a very naked Randi confessed to felony blackmail and used a couple of nasty racial epithets. When it was done, Jessica looked at me with wonder in her eyes. "How did you figure out that she was the one, when I never did?"

"You may have been too close to the situation. I had the advantage of looking at it from an outside perspective. Frankly, I had a hard time believing that there could be more than one person willing to work so hard to hurt you."

"This is amazing, but what's the best way to use it?"

"Do you have her cell number?"


"Then we'll call her while they're driving home tonight and let her hear it. We won't let her have a copy, so she can't make any counter claims about being blackmailed herself. We'll just remind her that what she admitted to on the dash cam is a felony and that if the video of you and Kevin ever goes public for any reason, the cops will receive a copy of my recording. If she has even half a brain, she'll erase every copy she's got."

"I like it," Jessica said contemplatively. "I really like it!" She leaned over and gave me a toe-curling kiss.

"I love you, Sean," she said when we finally came up for air. I almost couldn't believe that she'd said those momentous words so soon.

"And I love you, Jessica." I couldn't believe I'd waited this long to say them to her. But then her face took on a sad look.

"I really want to go to Colorado Springs and start training with the team, but I don't want to be so far from you." She sighed. "I'll be leaving in two weeks, and I wish to God you could come with me."

"If you really want me to, I will," I said.

Her face lit up momentarily, but then fell. "No Sean, I can't ask you to leave your job. How would you live?"

"Jessica, I made a little over $140,000 at Jensen last year."

"See, I can't ask you to come. That's a great job you'd be walking away from."

"Hang on there. They paid me like that because I made them a lot of money through my skills at picking stocks and predicting trends. All false modesty aside, I'm really good at that. It's because I approach market research and trends with the same intensity that I use when I play Rachmaninoff on the piano. It's what has allowed me to make $1.2 million trading from home in just the last year."

"Huh? You made that much? For yourself?"

"Yeah. Before taxes anyway. See, Amanda and I took out million-dollar life insurance policies on each other when we got pregnant. Afterward, I didn't need the money to live on, so I played the market with it. I took some major risks, but most of them paid off in a big way. I'm much more conservative in my investing strategies now, but I'd anticipate doubling my money every few years almost indefinitely."

"Holy shit, I'm sitting in a car with a potential gazillionaire."

"Well, I've learned that money isn't all that big a deal compared to a lot of other things in life, but not having to worry about it does give you a certain flexibility. I've been totally free to start pursuing my career as a concert pianist ever since getting the insurance settlement, but I was kind of in a rut where I was. I have been practicing three to four hours a day, though, and I think I'm probably a better player now than I was when I finished college."

"Wow, my parents were lucky if they could get ten minutes out of me back when I played the clarinet in the junior high band. I only wanted to be out on the court."

I smiled. "Spending time doing what you love is no chore, but practicing on your own isn't the same as being under the instruction of a really good teacher. It's high time I quit my job and applied to that Master's program at CU. It's less than a two-hour drive from the Olympic Training Center. I've been waiting for the time to be right to make my move -- and what could be more right than this?"

"That sounds great, but let me remind you that we've only known each other for a few hours," Jessica said.

"All else being equal, would you want me to come with you?"

She hung her head. "It's embarrassing to admit how hard I've fallen for you, but I think I'd have a hard time going if you didn't come with me."

I gently reached out and guided her face to look at mine. "Jessica, no one can tell what the future holds. Our lives can change in the blink of an eye, so we have to take a hold of the chances as they come along. Unless you forbid me to, I'm coming with you."

She leaned over to kiss me. "Thank you, Sean."

Eventually, we started down the highway again. "Jessica, we've got some leverage on Randi, but I'm a little worried about what Trish or Kim might do for revenge. They know where you live, right?"

"Yeah, and they know I love my little red Toyota. I wouldn't be surprised to end up with keyed paint and slashed tires."

"Well, I've got a slot available in the two-car garage of the townhouse I've been renting."

Her face lit up. "Hmm, that sounds kind of appealing. What would it cost me to rent that slot for a couple of weeks?"

"Not much."

"Really? Just what kind of 'not much' are we talking about here?"

"Well, I've been needing some live-in help to water my houseplants, organize my sock drawer, and... uh... oh yeah... have passionate, uninhibited sex with me a couple times a day."

"Sean," she protested, "what kind of girl do you think I am? I'd be tickled pink to do the other two, but there is no way on God's Green Earth that I'm going to organize your sock drawer."

I sighed dramatically. "You just can't get good personal help nowadays, but I guess it's a deal anyway."

Then the car chimed that I had a voicemail waiting for me. We'd finally gotten within radio range of civilization. I had the car play the message through the stereo.

"Hey Sean, this is Matt. They canceled our tee time because of rain. We can reschedule tomorrow at 7:50 or 1:45, but unfortunately we're going to be a threesome since Eddie's old lady is taking him antiquing with her. Let me know which one works. Later, dude."

I looked over at Jessica. "Do you play?"

"Yeah, but I don't want to intrude on a guy's-day-out thing."

"Not an issue. We've had wives and girlfriends fill out our foursome on many occasions. You'd just have to be tolerant of the occasional bout of juvenile behavior."

"Juvenile behavior? That's pretty much how it is whenever there's a few guys around," she said evilly. "I'm up for it if we can do the later tee time."


I had the car call Matt and I told him I could bring a fourth if we took the 1:45 slot.

"What, you got some hot young thing gonna keep you up late tonight?"

I was about to tell him to mind his manners when Jessica piped up. "Hi Matt, this is Jessica. I'm the fourth. Let's just say that I'm going to be keeping Sean very busy until at least noon."

I could hear Matt nearly choke. "I am really looking forward to meeting you, Jessica."

"Oh, but we may need to get carts," I added. "I'm not sure she'll be able to walk the course by then." Two could play that game.

"Sean, you are a lecherous dog," Matt laughed.

"See you tomorrow," I said.

"You got it." Matt clicked off.

"Sounds like a fun guy," Jessica said.

"Yeah, but he's harmless, just like Steve. You'll meet him tomorrow too."

I noticed that it was almost seven and asked Jessica to pull the warden's card out of my backpack. She punched in the number for me.

"This is Sikes," the warden said.

"Hi, this is Sean, the guy with the raft."

"Hey, thanks for calling. I was about to start worrying."

"Sorry about that. It took longer than I thought. Everyone's safely out of the river, though. I hope you don't mind that I locked the gate behind me."

"Great! I forgot to ask you to do that. Now I won't even have to drive up there."

"I really appreciate your letting me float the river, Officer Sikes."

"And I appreciate your bailing me out, Sean. You have a wonderful evening."

"I'm pretty certain I will. You do the same, sir."

The rain ended not long after it started, leaving an enormous, horizon-to-horizon rainbow in the sky. Jessica and I rode in agreeable silence, taking in the gorgeous desert scenery as we snaked our way down the winding canyon road. The supercharged Mustang was perfect for this part of the drive.

I'd always thought that the Shelby, a graduation present to Amanda from her parents, had been a needless extravagance. When she'd died, I'd wanted to get rid of it at first. The racing stripes, wide tires and loud exhaust had seemed to scream to the world that I was compensating for my impotence, but Amanda had loved the car so much that I'd finally decided to hold onto it. Today, I was glad I had.

"I really enjoyed hanging out with Ethan, Fiona and their friends," Jessica said. "I sure hope we can do it again next year."

"Maybe we could get actual tubes, though. We'd fit in with the crowd a little better."

"Not on your life, mister. Not after what happened in your raft today."

I thought about that for a moment.

"You know, I think you're right, Jessica. It wouldn't be the same without it."

We eventually rolled out onto the desert floor and the road straightened out. I slipped the transmission into sixth as we cruised for home. My mind was swirling with the incredible changes in my life since I'd ridden up this very same road with Alex earlier in the day.

Eight hours before, I'd been guilt-ridden, impotent, and resigned to spending the rest of my life celibate and alone. Jessica had believed that she was irredeemably ugly, had sworn off of ever finding love, and had been about to forgo the biggest opportunity of her life because of the abuse she'd suffered at the hands of Randi and her friends.

Then, in that piece of PVC-coated polyester fabric, everything had changed for both of us.

It truly had been our life raft.


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AuroraAccidentAuroraAccidentabout 1 month ago

A great story. I want to be clear that I really enjoyed it and I'm offering the rest of this comment as constructive criticism because I want you to keep writing and putting out more terrific stories.

I think I preferred Imperfections slightly. Sean wasn't as instantly likable as Alan.

I think what might have helped would have been if Alex was a bit more subtle about how much of a POS he is. If we, the reader, had more of a reason to question whether Alex is as much of a garbage human as it turns out at the end. Maybe some more backstory early on explaining why Sean is putting up with him.

The tantric aspect of the story... I sorta wish it had been woven in a bit more naturally. Sean springs it on us a bit out of the blue. It's one of those story elements where I'm not sure if it helps us know and like the characters any better. The more I think about it, the more I find myself thinking "Was there any REAL payoff for the tantric talk?" There is some inner monologue where he says he's relying on it to hold off, but at no point was it essential.

Some more foreshadowing regarding Ethan's celebrity status would have also been appreciated.

As I'm writing this, I realize each of my criticisms come down to one thing. I wanted this to be longer. I wanted you to give us more. And since my feedback for Imperfections was also to expand on the story, apparently I like your writing and just want more of it.

Guess that means I should get ready to read Promises.

I look forward to reading more of your pieces.

texlootexloo3 months ago

I love new love. I love petty revenge. This is a really fun story. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago


WriterPerson314159WriterPerson3141595 months ago

I love stories about broken people finding love, and this was excellent.

lincolnleolincolnleo5 months ago

Great story, I hope you do a follow-up

Marklynda2Marklynda210 months ago

A story of healing wounds and wounding heels. A very well thought out and written story. I definitely look forward to reading more of your work. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Another great hit! I have been captivated by your skills and imagination and have lost many potentially productive hours reading everything you've posted. I sincerely hope there will be more and that I'll be fortunate enough to to find it!

RangeExpanderRangeExpanderabout 1 year ago

This is a wonderful story full of kindness and compassion in the face of the nasty things in this world. And It is a plus to have sexual energy bubbling along all the way

Cor007Cor007about 1 year ago

Just as great a story 2nd time around!

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartover 1 year ago

Some stories I wondered how they get such high scores, this was not one of them. Pretty amazing story, a breeze to read despite the length. A lot of pain but more healing, nice bit of revenge towards the end with the promise of more. The part with the father in law in particular jumped out at me, the just plain cruelty of it but glad Sean got some help to get over it. 5 stars and faved.

GradStudentGradStudentover 1 year ago

A very good story and the sex was pretty good too.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

2nd time I read this and it's still a great story. A little too long but good. Still think Randi, the other 2 girls willing to leave Jessica alone and naked on the river need much more punishment. Kevin and Randi's BF need more punishment too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Make a good movie

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Outstanding story.

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