Lillian and Sharon Ch. 07


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As they entered the living room, both totally nude with hair still wet, Kumiko silently handed a folded note and a pair of glasses to Lillian. Sharon giggled as Lillian put on the stylish Versace-framed glasses and read the note. She folded it again, took off her glasses, handed them both back to Kumiko with a nod, then whirled on Sharon to grab her sides and tickle her mercilessly. Sharon squealed with laughter, attempting to push Lillian's hands from her, and yelped, "I've just never seen you with glasses....ya old bat..."

She grinned and ran toward the bedroom with Lillian in hot pursuit, pinching Sharon's bottom when the girl came into range. Sharon sped into the bedroom and leapt over the bed. She turned just in time to see Lillian, a huge grin on her face, come charging across it with outstretched hands.

"I'll show you just how fast an 'old bat' can move, you young whippersnapper!" laughed Lillian as she made a grab for Sharon who twisted away and ran to the other side of the bed. Lillian spun, the grab being a feint, and caught Sharon neatly in a bear hug. She grinned evilly at the girl, smacking Sharon's bare butt, eliciting a squeal of pleasure/pain with each blow. Sharon squirmed and writhed in a vain attempt to get away, giggling all the while. A few more smacks and Sharon's bottom was rosy red. Lillian kissed her lightly and released her, both women giggling.

"What was in the note, Ms Lillian?" Sharon asked, her resting lightly on Lillian's smooth hips.

"While we were in the shower, Kumiko took a phone call. She was just passing me the information." Lillian smiled her Mona Lisa smile again. "I had a hunch that you would accept my offer of employment, so took the liberty of ordering certain things necessary for your job. They'll be delivered Monday. You'll receive them AFTER you finish your schoolwork." She headed for the door again, delicious bare bottom wriggling. "The school is emailing your work, per my request."

Sharon followed her into the living room, casting a wistful glance into the kitchen. Kumiko was very good at her job, already having mopped the floor and just finishing scrubbing the table. No signs remained of what had transpired an hour before, save the faint scents of them all.

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Nicole2023Nicole2023almost 2 years ago

Wow I hate it’s not longer

Bridget69Bridget69almost 5 years ago
Continues to surprise and tantalize

but I'm not sure if I like the idea of the relationship going from personal to professional.

BahamaBahamaalmost 12 years ago

You are just damn good !

drvrkev2drvrkev2over 14 years ago
A very interesting and intriguing story !

This is a great story. I will recommend it to everybody that will listen to me.

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