Lion's Den Ch. 06


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"Better yet she arranged with her ex to get it done?"

"Her ex?"

"Could you stop fucking repeating everything I say? Yeah her ex some Israeli asshole."

"I'll do my best bro, but this story is fucking insane and you're just two sentences in. Continue." Pauley instructed with a smile on his face.

"I'm glad you amused."

"I'm not amused, but proud. That's my girl."

"No that'smygirl. My fucking liar of a girl." Leo squeezed his fist causing more blood to ooze out. "She called him and asked him to take care of that problem for me."

"So that is the issue? You are jealous of Max's relationship with this guy. You're jealous that you weren't the hero. Dude but you were. You brought her into this family. She did what any of us would do for each other. She protected us. How she did it might have been a little fucked up for your relationship trust issues and shit, but what she did saved us. I can't hate on her for that."

"What the fuck bro you're supposed to be on my side." Leo was surprised at Pauley's insight. He was not expecting such reason to come out his mouth, but he did make sense.

"I am always on your side, bro. And I love that I could be on your side on the outside, catch my drift?"


"You told your pops yet?"

"Nah. Shit. I ended it with Max and called off the wedding." Leo rubbed his forehead wondering how he was going to put it right.

"You better mend that. Max is yours. Approve or disapprove of her actions all you want, but that chick is amazing. You won't find anyone like her ever again."


Max finally opened her eyes and looked at Leo.

"So I owe Pauley a thank you."

"We might have to name our daughter after him." Leo smiled at Max.

"Sure thing... in a few years."

"No harm in practicing right." Leo crouched over to kiss her but stopped. "What happened withyoulast night after you left Absinthe?"

Max was dreading this moment, but she knew Leo was going to get to it eventually.

"I drove around the city, and I ended up at Ari's?"

"When you came home you smelt like sex. Did you fuck him?"

"Then what did you do, Max? Full disclosure."

"We fought, then he... he fingered me."

"He fingered you?" Leo drew out the question.

"Yes." Max locked eyes with Leo, to see if she could read him. The vein at his temple jumped.

"Did you enjoy it?"

"What the fuck kind of question is that? If some ho was on her knees sucking your cock wouldn't you enjoy it?"

"Shit Max calm down. I'm trying to deal with all this shit okay, so let me have a minute." It took Leo awhile before he answered. "Last night was a raw and volatile one for us. Probably not going to be our last, but that will be the last time some other man touches you. Any shit like that goes down again I'll kill you both." Although he spoke calmly, Leo wanted kill Ari and string Max up. The idea of some other man having their hands on her, in her, the mother of his child, enraged him, but he was trying to reconcile with her and a flare up could ruin it all.

Max knew Leo was serious, and telling him the truth was dangerous, but the object of the conversation was to get it all out and handle it.

Leo looked at Max's face. Her lips curled into a smile. Leo's mind fought to let go of the image of Max and Ari. He was going make her buck and cry for him, no one else. Leo crashed his mouth into hers. His tongue stroked hers with urgency. All the anger, passion and emotions of the past twenty-four hours surged to the surface and they began to tear at each other's bodies. Leo ripped the wife-beater in two. Max delicious brown orbs drew Leo's mouth to its peaks. He cupped and squeezed as he sucked. This rough contact caused Max to wrap her legs around his hips. She hooked her ankles and undulated her hips. Leo was in heaven as Max's rhythm matched his own need.

"I'm gonna cum in you Max. Fill that kitty up." Leo whispered in her ears. He had to remark his territory.

Max released Leo so he could get to her pussy. She was wet and burning for his touch. Leo did not disappoint. He yanked her underwear off, and attacked her crotch with his tongue. He savoured the tasted of her juices, and she savoured the feel of his skilled tongue.

"Fuck me Leo. Hurt me." Maxed panted.

She did not have to ask again. Leo moved up and rammed into her. His thrusts were merciless. The carpet had no give. Max cursed and writhed beneath Leo. His teeth nipped at her neck heightening both their desire. Leo wanted to devour her. Max was fully surrendered to him. They rode each other into blinding orgasms. Max screeched as her belly tightened and toes curled. Leo gripped her hair and drew her head back, and kissed her as he spilled his seed into her. They gripped each other and synched their breaths.

When they both could think clearly Max broke the silence. "Wow sugar, we should fight more often."

"No we shouldn't. We should fuck more often," Leo replied laughing.


Tara stood in the living room of their Montclair house. She stared intently at a photo of Max. Tara was having a hard time trying to reconcile the Max she knew and with Max that seemed to now exist. She felt responsible for the decisions Max had made. She wondered if leaving Antonio would have made any difference or was Max genetically programmed to be Max. Was it nature versus nurture? If it was nature, then she worried for Luca. With her thoughts spiraling she did not notice Max had walked into the room.

"Mom?" Max proceeded cautiously.

Tara jumped.

"Niña you scared me."

"Sorry. Dad called and said that you left him. He wouldn't say why. What happened?"

Tara chose her words carefully. As hurt as she was by her family's betrayal, she wanted to understand and not begin with accusations.

"Your dad told me what you and Alejandro did in Colombia."

"Mom. Ohh Mom." Tears sprang into Max's eyes.

"Couple that with what recently happened with Ari. I had to take a moment to assess this family, my choices and our future."

"Mom, I don't know what to say."

"Just tell me why you never told me. I am your mother I am supposed to protect you, even from yourself." Tara turned away from Max as her own tears began to flow.

Max embraced her mother from behind and put her head against hers. "Mom, I am the same person you've always known. I did not take those lives callously. I weighed the options each and every time. That little girl in Colombia was changed forever by that pervert, killing him did not change that. But at least she would not have to see his face or feel like he would come after her again. And Peretti threatened the lives and freedom of my family. I know that if Papí was in a situation like that you would use every weapon you had in your arsenal to keep him safe. I did the same thing. I'm not trying to get a seat at the table."

"Child." Tara caressed Max's face.

"Mom I love you and Papí more than words can express sometimes, and I have the best of you. You have not done anything wrong, neither Papí. We did not tell you because I thought you'd be disappointed in me and blame him. He wanted to tell you, believe me. But I swore him to secrecy."

"Max I can't condone what you've done, but I understand your reasoning. Your father's all have this thing in your blood, then it's enforced through those damn trainings. What will happen to Luca?"


"Yes, that dear boy got it coming both ways."

"He'll be okay. Leo and I have already promised each other to not let this touch him."

"Max that's naïve. Get real. You and Leo will do your very best to protect Luca, but you won't cover every base. This is our life."


"Yes our life. I've made my choice, and I intend to live with it. I love your father, I just needed a break to wrap my head around this new info. Tell your father I'll see him in a few days."


Wedding Day

Leo stood at the end of the aisle shifting nervously. Pauley patted him on his back attempting to reassure him. The past few weeks had been insane with fights, parties, preparations, and pure chaos. Now as they both stood awaiting the arrival of the bride they knew that it was all worth it.

Max sat in the dressing room of the cathedral. She was dressed in a stunning white gown complete with veil and train. She held her flowers tightly as she tried to control her breathing. Max was more excited than nervous. She has just gotten a pep talk from her mother. Laney was constantly by her side. Antonio was ready to do his duty. She looked at herself in the mirror for the final time.Max all is well. Tonight is going to be amazing. Everyone you love is here. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

The music began and the church stood up. Max walked in arm in arm with her father. She and Leo had battled about whether to play the Bridal March or something less traditional. He won that debate. Now in the setting and seeing all the beaming faces she knew it was the best choice. The sanctuary looked so romantic with the dimmed lights and candles. The parishioners were going to love the set up when they came for the New Year's mass.

Ari sat in his car watching the wedding procession. He had installed cameras in the church. He still could not believe Max and Leo were going through with the wedding. He was sure their break-up would be permanent. Ari was jealous that whatever they had between had survived.Damn she looks amazing.

Leo turned to look at Max. She looked radiant. The veil shielded her face but Leo could see the grin that Max sported. That reassured him and tears ran down his cheek. He still could not believe she was going to marry him. When Antonio placed her hands into his Leo knew it was a done deal. Well close enough. They needed to get through the vows and sign the papers. When the priest asked the"If anyone here knows of any reason why these two should not wed?",Pauley coughed and everyone laughed. Ari had his hand on the handle of the door ready to burst in and claim Max. But he reevaluated his position; Max was no longer his and never going to be again. The priest continued with the rest the ceremony.

When Father Flannery got to the "I do" portion, it seemed like everyone held their breath.

"Do you Leonardo Carmine Carbone, take Maxine Francesca La Costa to be you lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Leo looked at Max with a dead pan look on his face to indicate that he was so serious about what he was saying.

Do you Maxine Francesca La Costa, take Leonardo Carmine Carbone to be you lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Max looked at Leo but quickly averted her eyes as the tears rolled down her face. Leo caught sight of them and leaned over and kissed them away. He wanted to do more, but had to keep it chaste since they were standing at the altar with hundreds of people staring.

Pauley and Laney beamed brightly at them.

Hand in hand Leo and Max ran out of the church, to the sounds of applause and cheers. The cold night air did nothing to dampen their joy. Ari looked at Max's laughing face and drove off. He knew if he spent a million years he would never make her smile like that. Leo and Max posed for photos briefly then hopped into the limousine.

"We did it baby!" Leo exclaimed dragging Max into his lap.

"Yes we did." Max replied kissing him passionately and rotating her hips.

Leo pulled away, "Sugar you need to stop that 'cuz you 'bout to start something."

"Oh am I really?" Max responded and pulled Leo's face towards hers. "How much time do we have?"

"Give or take twenty minutes."

"Good, we have enough time." Max spoke while unzipping Max's pants.

"Girl, you are naughty."

"Yes I am now shush." That was the last thing Max said before swallowing Leo hardened cock. She threw the veil back over her face to hide what she was doing from Leo. It made everything seem more forbidden. Max swirled her tongue in the mushroomed head. Her steady sucking action was driving Leo crazy. She took him down her throat and vibrated it. Leo was in heaven and getting closer to the brink. He held on to Max's head as hot squirts of his delicious liquid cascaded down her throat. Max took one last long deep suck before tucking him away and zipping him up. Leo looked over at her with glassy eyes and a content smile on his lips.

"Woman your mouth is kryptonite."

"And now you have a lifetime of that. Perhaps we can skip the reception"

"Yeah right, our mothers would have a conniption."

"It would be nice to know where we are having this reception of ours."

"Told you, it's a surprise."


The reception hall was absolutely spectacular. Max was bowled over at how he tricked out the decommissioned firehouse. Leo had outdone himself. This was the part of the wedding he wanted to take care of and he did not disappoint. He applied his experience in designing clubs to create the best ambience and experience with light, colour and décor.

The night went without a hitch. Leo and Max circled the tables greeting all the guests. There were some that they had to introduce to each other. Some they had in common. It was an international affair, with both sides having family and business partners from all over the world. After their first dance Leo took Max to the third floor balcony where they had a good view of the festivities below. His hand encircled her waist as he nuzzled her neck.

"Hello Mrs. Carbone."

"Hello Mr. La Costa."

"Oh you have jokes." Leo laughed.

"Yes, I do. See, that was not so hard to say, I do, I do, I do."

"Woman are you tipsy? Look at our family and friends. They are having so much fun."

"I am so happy. Everything went off smooth. No drama. Knock on wood."

"Can we leave for our honeymoon now?" Leo faked a whine. "No one will miss us."

"They will miss us. Let us rejoin the party. How often do we get to do this? All these families, no guns, just fun."

"I give, but you owe me some crazy sex. And when I say crazy I mean swinging on the chandelier crazy."

"You got it, my Lion. Now let's go boogey with our son, until he passes out, or we do."

"Okay," Leo replied spinning Max around, "but I got something for you first." He brought his mouth down on hers. Kissing her slowly with a deep longing. His hand held her neck and his thumb stroked her cheek.

The kissed exchanged more than the vows did. They basked in their bliss, knowing that they had each other for real, and whatever comes their way they would deal with a family.



Laney was having a great time at her best friends wedding. She had been there from the beginning of their relationship and it was nice celebrate their future. She checked her watch and signaled to the dj to make the announcement. It was time for everyone to make their way to the upper balcony which had a glass wall and skylight. With everyone huddled together the countdown to the New Year began. As they shouted "Happy New Year!!!" together the sky erupted with a gorgeous firework show. Every one buzzed around kissing and well wishing.

Laney spun around and bumped into the rigid chest of one of the guests. She looked up to apologize, but was left speechless staring into a pair of icy blues. She knew their owner. The Russian from two summers ago.

What the freak! What is he doing here?

As if reading her mind he answered with his thick sexy accent, "I know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody." He winked.

All Laney could do was nod dumbly as he looked down on her, not moving, not wavering.

"Laney you good?" Pauley was now at her side.

Still all she could do was nod.

And it seemed like all eyes were on her because almost immediately, Alejandro was asking her the same thing.What the fuck does my face look like? Probably like a ghost. Fix your face.

"I need some air," Laney pushed past her three former lovers escaping the awkward situation.

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LittlelottaloveLittlelottaloveabout 6 years ago
Loved it

I love the entire series. It was very detailed. Dramatic. Sexy. An over the top!

Max frustrated me though for this ending. Honestly, she deserved way more then just one spanking with some cuffs. Leo -was too damn nice on her for that one. Then again She did what she believed was best for her family. Plus I’m a sucker for a dominant man.

As for Laney, girl seemed to innocent until that ending. Haha! And she calls Max the mischievous one? Not only did she have the Russian and Pauley but Alejandro? Mhm I wonder if they’ll share her... doubt it. Though I like the idea of her with the Russian. Go get some of dat rough voice.

What’s gonna happen to Ari?

How will baby Luca go through life?

I got questions for daysss

Ellienora35Ellienora35over 6 years ago
Laney’s story

Are you going to write Laney’s story? You have set it up so well

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

What a story! Fomation start to finish!

CYNNARACYNNARAover 9 years ago

Oh you know you gotta do Laney's story.

Three ex fuck buddies in the same room?!!!!!


Laney's pussy must be platinum coated!!!


FirediamondFirediamondover 9 years ago

Laney has been getting more tail in this series than anyone else! Hahaha

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This is the best story I've read on literotica and I have read many. I hope you got this story written into a book and it is some where out there. I love, love Leo just needed to say that.

chocolatesistachocolatesistaover 10 years ago
so good

i agree laney needs her own story but i loved this series loved, loved and loved it some more. i will reread this again, thank you

snowgirl714snowgirl714over 10 years ago
Laneys Story

Please, Please, Please give us Laneys story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
I love this story!!!

I am booking a flight to Italy ; )

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Aww shux!

"You say that you would kill me if I ever broke your heart. Ditto. You feel me.".... I felt that! THIS WAS AN AMAZIBG SERIES!

angel1990angel1990about 11 years ago
ohhhhhhhhh so great

this was 4th time reading this story and it was even better than the first..............i just love it

MsShaybabeMsShaybabeabout 11 years ago

This is my second time reading this is amazing...I love it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

It was well worth the wait!!!!!! You wrapped it up so well,thanx so much,ur one talented writer!!! Can't wait 4 Laney's story! Plz hurry!!!

KayladoeKayladoeover 11 years ago

This cannot be the end like I totally love it I hope you will make a sequel to it this is I'm very very good did you I hope you can make more like this

partial2passionpartial2passionover 11 years ago
soo great!

This was one of those stories that stuck with me... and I was sooooo sadden when I thought there wouldn't be a final chapter. Thank you soooo much for finishing this. This chapter had it all; the crazy love, the wild sex, guns, loyalty, trust, family. GREAT job and hope to see Laney's story soon.


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