Love in the Time of Zombies Ch. 03


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Lorrie proved to be as zealous a zombie-killer as Erin. She hated Zach with a passion! But unlike Erin and her guns, Lorrie really wanted it done up close and personal. She wanted to look into their dead eyes as they died again.

We had cleared out a section of houses, then we went back to them to check for salvageable stuff. Lorrie and I were upstairs in this nice old house, checking things out.

"So you and mom are... what exactly?" she asked, coyly.

"I'm... not sure what we are, exactly."

"Well, you're doing it, right?"

"Yeah. I mean, it's been 'done'. But I don't think there will be any more. I don't know..."

"Whaddya mean you don't know? You're dumping her already?" Lorrie was getting a little steamed.

"No! It's not like that at all. It's..." How do I tell her that her mom wants US to hook up?

"Well, you guys are great together, it would be nice to have a real daddy!"

I smiled at her.

"But if you're my real daddy, then we can't... oh... never mind..."


"No! Never mind, it's fine. It's fine! Get back together with her!"

Wow, nobody can shut you down faster than a teenager!

We looked through the house some more. It's kind of sad, looking through a dead person's life. Usually, we just look for safes where we might find guns, trunks for ammo, kitchens for food etc. But this house was different. It was, really nice.

"You know, Lorrie," I began. "I like this house. I mean really. I could live in this house if it weren't for the damn zombies."

"Wyatt said it was once the Mayor's house. The townspeople built it a long time ago for the then current mayor to live in. But later, it got bought by some rich people... The town needed the money, I guess."

I looked through the closet.

"She was about your size, I think."

"Wow," said Lorrie as she picked out a couple outfits. "She had some taste. Where in this town would she wear this stuff? This is like, New York City, 20 years ago, maybe."

Lorrie sighed as we heard some moans from the street.

"Duty calls," I said.

"Let me get these zekes, ok?"

And she did. She hacked them up good.

"Remind me not to get you too pissed off at me!" I joked.

"You're already halfway there, mister!" She waggled her big blade at me. I think she was joking?

We rendezvoused at the Hardware store for lunch, now re-named Masters and Johnson, in honor of the upcoming nuptials between the Masters boys and the Johnson sisters. Lorrie was occupied by Gayle with something, I grabbed Erin for a moment.

"Come with me for a minute?"

She grabbed her rifle and we ran two blocks back to that nice house.

"What are you doing, daddy-oh?"

"I want to get a couple things from here, without everybody knowing."

"You mean, without Lorrie knowing? or Gayle knowing?" She smirked. "Shoot, I thought we were coming out for a quickie! Am I old news already?"

"You're never old news, my little darling. But... I just..."

"Oh it's fine, old man! What are we getting?"

"This... and maybe these..." I pulled out a black dress, fitted, with some crazy cuts. Kind of like that Demi Moore dress from 20 years ago. And I grabbed a pair of nice heels.

"Those won't fit Gayle," Erin warned me.

"Oh, uh... that's okay..."

Erin laughed at me. "Yes, they will fit Lorrie. You're such a geek."

Erin grabbed some earrings and a nice necklace, too. "You'll want these, too."

We stashed everything in the Jeep. I was giddy like a schoolgirl. Schoolboy, I mean. Jeez, I was actually acting like a retard.

"Stop smiling, Daddy, you look like you're up to something." Erin punched my arm and laughed.

"So what's your plan, Daddy-man? You going to take her to dinner? Not many restaurants open right now..."

"Well, I haven't gotten that far."

"Geek. Ok, I'll think of something. Just go with it, ok?"

- - -

We spent the rest of the day getting the Johnson Sisters and the Masters Brothers situated. I let them have two solar panels and a deep cycle battery so they could have lights and charge up batteries. We got them some food and water, too.

Eventually, the rest of us went back to my cabin. Lorrie rode with me in the Mog and Erin followed with the Jeep. Everybody hung out for the afternoon, getting showers and having a cocktail or two as we played some music videos on the TV. It was kind of cool. At one point, Erin dragged a bundle into my computer room that included the dress and shoes. She winked at me, then flashed her tits and said "Don't forget about me, Daddy!"

I turned her around and spanked her ass, then held on and rubbed her pussy through her camo pants a little bit.

"Ooooh Daddy!" she cooed. "Lorrie's in the shower..."

Yes, I want Lorrie so badly I can taste it. But this is Erin!

"Alright, up against the wall, little bitch. Spread em!"

I felt her up, roughly. As usual, she wasn't wearing any bra or underwear. I undid her pants and yanked them down to expose her ass. I could see her cunt lips, too.

I grabbed her gorgeous little boob with my left hand and with my right, I slid it between her ass cheeks.

"Oh yes, Daddy... yes... touch me..."

While squeezing her tit hard, I gently rubbed her pussy lips, feeling her moisture already, my hand spread them apart. I pinched her nipple hard and held on to it tightly, and slipped my finger up to her clit. I massaged her cunt like that, while still death-gripping and pulling on her nipple.

"Quiet baby... stay quiet..." I said to her. "It's just Daddy. Just Daddy feeling up his little girl... His bad little girl... and her wet cunt... daddy likes her wet cunt... yes... he will lick it again soon... yes Daddy likes her cunt..."

"It's your cunt, Daddy," Erin whispered. "Do whatever you want, Daddy... but don't stop... fuck me anywhere I don't care, Daddy... even If you marry Lorrie, just fuck me sometimes."

I rubbed her cunt harder, squishing around in all her pussy drippings. I grabbed her other tit and squeezed it hard.

"That's a good girl... you like me squeezing your tits?"

"Yes Daddy... they've been bad."

"You and Payton getting it on?"

"Yes daddy, she licks me all the time. We shower together, and I pee on her tits in the shower. You should see us Daddy... you should pee on her tits, too... oh god! shit shit shit shit! I'm cumming daddy cumming so good oh shit oh shit!"

Erin soaked my hand with her juices. I slipped my drenched middle finger right up her butthole as she continued cumming.

Erin turned around and began to kneel down in front of me, to suck my fully raging cock. I stopped her, though, and held out my wet hand. She licked it clean of herself and swallowed everything she could.

"I might need this later, I hope!" I said as I patted my cock.

I hoisted up her pants, patted her bum, and sent her on her way. I returned to the lounge a few minutes later, nobody seemed to notice. I took my shower.

I came from my shower and met Erin again, who handed me a nice cold Coors Light.

"Well thanks, darlin!"

She smiled. "Some of us were thinking, maybe we might go back down to see the boys and girls for dinner. You know, help them out with their first meal and stuff."

Nice plan, Erin! What a good girl she is...

"Well, who's going? I'm kind of beat, but I don't know if I like the idea of us separating, especially at night."

Truth was, Zach had been pretty calm lately, we seemed to have killed most of them in town.

But I had to make it look good.

"Well, I'm going," said Erin. "And I'm not drinking. I've got my AR, the suppressed 22, my 1911, my blade. The rest of us will be armed also. We'll be good!" She winked at me.

"Well maybe I should go with you-" I started.

"Naw, you stay here. Besides, I think Gayle isn't feeling well. Lorrie's going to stay with her. We need you up here to hang."

I thought about it for a few moments, hoping to make it look good. "Well, I guess it's settled then!"

Erin and I did go over plans and rules. I wasn't too concerned, but I didn't want anything stupid to happen. And you can always count on Zach to make things stupid.

- - -

We all said goodbye to each other as the group went to down to visit the Masters and Johnson Hardware store.

"Gayle, are you not feeling well?" I asked.

"Oh, just a little headache. Nothing serious. I'm going to rest in my room, I think."

"I was going to make us some dinner, I'll send you in a plate?"

"Sounds good," she replied as she ambled off. A few minutes later, Lorrie stepped out. She looked great in her khaki shorts and t-shirt.

"Would you care to dine with me, young lady?" I made an exaggerated bow.

"Oh my!" Lorrie replied in her best fake southern accent. "Well aren't you just a dear man? I would love to!"

I picked up the southern drawl, too. I mean, I'm from Texas so I have some of one already, but I exaggerated it. "Well darlin, I happened to be shopping today, and I picked out a little something that I reckon just might fit. Would you like to try it?"

"You are too kind, sir! I would just be delighted! I mean, after all, what kind of dinner outfit is one with blood on it?"

We walked to my room, I opened the box for her. She gasped as she held up the dress.

"It's, it's beautiful! Where on earth did you..."

"Now darlin, that's not important. What is important is that dinner is in one hour, and I don't want to see hide nor hair of you until then! Now, git along!"

I handed her the footwear and shooed her out of the room. I had things to do!

Within the next hour, I whipped up some freeze dried beef stroganoff, canned corn, and honest-to-god Bisquick Biscuits! Then I perked myself up a little, shaved, put on my best shirt and some of that Drakkar Noir they found. I looked pretty good, if I must say so.

In precisely one hour, Lorrie made her entrance. And what an entrance!

The dress, black. The design, bare shoulders, with about one-inch straps that crisscrossed over Lorrie's ample cleavage. Tight around her stomach, flowing over her hips, and ending just above her knees. Her bare legs stretched down to her satin black stiletto 3 inch heels. Her rich brown hair tumbled over her shoulder in its naturally wavy way. Just a little makeup to highlight her eyes and some lip gloss to make her lips shiny.

I couldn't speak. My jaw actually dropped.

Lorrie walked towards me, stopped, and did a turn a few feet away from me.

"Well?" she asked, softly. "Do I look okay?"

Gayle watched from the hallway, her hands clasped and her eyes shone with pride.

"Lorrie. Good God! I've never seen anyone, anything, so striking!"

"I almost didn't wear it, but mom made me."

Gayle gave a little wave at that point. "Good night you two!" She retired to her room.

"Well, uh..." I stammered. She actually had me flustered! "How about I escort you to the lounge where we can have a cocktail."

She went into her southern accent again.

"Why, sir! You know that the legal age for alcoholic beverages is 21!"

"Darlin', if we see a peace officer, I shall turn myself in! Until then, I think we'll be alright."

I pulled out the necklace and earrings I looted, err, scavenged, and placed the silver necklace around her neck, my hands lingering on her soft skin. She put in the matching earrings and admired herself in the mirror.

"I never thought, I didn't think that this was ever possible again! I feel like royalty or something!"

Chuckling, I slipped my arm around her warm waist as she snuggled close. I made us some Grey Goose gimlets over ice. It's a simple drink, just vodka and Rose's lime juice, but it's honest and to the point.

We sipped our drinks, told each other funny little stories, talked about old times. The thing was, she had a way of making me seem interesting. But it wasn't forced, she seemed excited about what I had to say. She was either very good at this, or she actually cared. I was hoping it was that she cared.

She ran a plate of food back to Gayle, then we ate our dinner with a chilled chardonnay. I find white wine to be very tongue-loosening, and so did Lorrie. She told me stories of near-misses with boys; tons of boyfriends but most were scared of her or too stupid to know what to do.

"But what about college? There had to be some 'men' in your classes?"

"Well," she began. "There were some interesting prospects, for sure. And one professor who already promised me an 'A' if I would sleep over. But it just wasn't clicking yet. And then, well, all this shit came down..." She waved her hand at the offensive outside world.

"What about you, why is there no Missus around?"

"Well, there was one. She had trouble remembering she was married, though. Since then... just haven't found the right one, I guess."

"And what bout now?" asked Lorrie. "You don't seem to be having any female problems right now."

"Ha! No, not really."

"Who's your favorite?"

"Oh no darlin, I'm not going to answer that one!"

"Oh why not? What about my mom?"

"A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell."

"You haven't kissed me yet..." her voice trailed off. "Aren't I, pretty enough?" She leaned forward earnestly. She really wanted an answer. But I was having a hard time concentrating with all her tit flesh and cleavage poking through the top of her dress.

"Lorrie," I began. "You're the prettiest girl here. Prettiest girl anywhere, actually! I just, well, you were injured, and then your Mom and everything."

"Ah yes. Mom. You know, Michael, with some practice I could be as good as her in bed, I'm sure! I've watched lots of videos, and, ohmygod I should shut up! I'm so embarrassed!"

I stood up and held out my hand to her. Grabbing the remote, I clicked on some soft music, this old 70s group called 'Ambrosia'.

I slid my hands to her waist as hers clasped around my neck. We swayed gently for a few moments, and I pulled her closer to me.

Her body melted into mine, her massive chest pressed into mine. Her hair smelled delicious, some rosy shampoo. While everyone takes showers, usually we smell a little rank as we're working hard killing Zeds. But now, with Lorrie, she just smelled like heaven.

My cock began to twitch. And to fill up.

"Uh... excuse me for a second babe." I had to reach in and adjust my cock as it was growing in an uncomfortable position. "All better now."

"You get, hard that fast? I'm sorry, that's so personal..."

"No it's okay. And yes, with you pressing up against me, yes I get hard very fast."

I pulled her in tighter so our pelvises contacted.

"Nice, Michael," she whispered.

I slid my hand down her back, tracing her scar.

"You seem all healed up."

"Yes, thanks to you. You saved my life, you really did."

Lorrie leaned up and kissed my cheek and lingered for a moment. I turned slightly and met her lips with mine. Oh god, she was so soft and warm. She opened her mouth slightly as I did, and we tested and tasted each other. My right hand came up and I lightly traced her jawline with a couple of my fingers.

After a few moments, our lips parted. But I pressed my forehead to hers, maintaining a very intimate stance.

"Hey," I whispered.

"Hey," she whispered back.

"I like this. I like you. A lot."

Lorrie pulled me to her and kissed me hard, her mouth working me over. Her hot tongue licked my upper lip, then darted inside my mouth. I tried to wrestle her tongue with mine as our passion increased. I grabbed both her ass cheeks full on and grinded my cock into her. She responded with a little gasp, and then proceeded to suck my tongue.

I could get lost in this girl.

- - - to be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Well here is another one.

If you are to continue and finish the story in time it will be added to my favorites list. Believe me when I say that I have read dozens upon dozens of stories over the years on this website. This one is really one that I'm taking a shining to really fast. 5* all the way so far. Keep up the great work and I will be looking forward to the next chapter.

ubar91865ubar91865about 8 years ago
Absolutely Wonderful Story

Just finished Ch. 03 and I find myself wishing that it hadn't ended so soon. I absolutely love your characters, and the way that you are treating them thus far. Your story line is good and I really like the way that you are fleshing the characters out in a limited space. I know this can be a very challenging thing to do in an erotic story, with everybody feeling the constant pressure to have a sex scene at least once every 3 pages, but you are doing a fine job with it. By the way, I also think you are handling the sex scenes very well also. Really love some of the themes you are working with and some of the others that seem to be lurking on the horizon. Perhaps the formula for a late night Cinemax version of the Walking Dead? I don't know, but so far I am really enjoying it. Thank you, and keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!

Jb6186Jb6186about 8 years ago
5 stars

Fucking awesome effort ! 5 stars .

I think I fell in love with lorrie just then too

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