Loving James Ch. 04


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"He said that." I said sourly. How could I forget?

"He likes you the way you are, Alex. All you have to do is believe him."

"How? It's like- a massive joke. I just keep expecting it to go wrong. It's like... I don't know... why do I deserve this? It's like someone fucked up and we're together instead of him and like the boy of his dreams..."

Sal sighed and I wiped my eyes quickly. I hate crying. I hate it.

"Alex." She hugged me again and this time I may have hugged her back a little. "You should tell him."

"What?" I jerked back from her. Was she insane?

"Just tell him how hard it is to believe you've got what you wanted and tell him that you can't just trust it's all going to work out yet, and ask him to be patient. And in the mean time, have some faith."

"Faith?" I glared at her. As if having faith had anything to do with anything!

Sal shook her head. She picked up my phone from the floor and handed it to me.

"Call him." She suggested. But it was that parental voice that really suggests that it's not a suggestion at all. "Ask him over, on a date, whatever. Alex- if you're worried, do something other than sit here and freak out. Ok?"

I hated it when she made sense.

I glared at her and took the phone, but I waited until she'd gone downstairs again.

Even then, I turned the phone over and over in my hands.

I wasn't sure I could do this. What if he didn't answer? What if we had nothing to say? What if we fought more?

I finally hit dial, and held my breath to hold down the nausea in my chest as the phone rang.

"Hey Alex," James sounded happy to hear from me when he answered his phone. Something lightened inside me.

"Hi." I said stupidly. I sounded like an idiot. I shouldn't have called. "Um. So... I was thinking... if you did really want to see that movie... we could probably go. I mean, I could try and..." Shit- what was I doing? I didn't want to sit through it! "I mean, otherwise we could go and see something else. I don't know what's on, though. Was there something else?" Rambling. I rested my forehead on my desk. At least I could kick myself without him seeing over the phone.

James gave a bit of a laugh. "You know, I was just looking up the movies in the paper. But you know... maybe we could hire something and make popcorn and just curl up at home and watch something."

I hesitated. There were advantages to this plan. Blankets, for instance. Good things could happen under blankets.

"Um," I said blankly.

"No?" James asked.

"No- not no. I mean, no, it sounds good!" Idiot! What was wrong with me? "So uh... you wanna come over?"

"Now?" James sounded surprised.

"Not if you don't want to. But I guess... you could stay over if you want."

James paused. "I'd like that. But- is that ok? With you?"

I let out a breath. "Seriously? Would I ask if it wasn't?"

James laughed a little. "I don't know." He said, but he actually sounded puzzled. "Cool. Well, I'll bring some food. I'll be there in a bit, 'k?"


"Ok, see you soon."

After he hung up I sat there in disbelief for a moment, then ran around my room and tried to make it look clean. And then I ran to get through the shower before he arrived. He was staying over! Who knew where that would lead?

The doorbell rang as I was throwing on my clothes. I tore downstairs and nearly broke something, and threw open the door.

"Hi." James said, smiling. I let him in, and he shut the door and then looked at me. He had that warm look. I don't know how to describe it, but we ended up making out in the hallway. That sort of a look.

Until Sal cleared her throat. "Do I need to get the hose?" she asked pointedly.

"Sal!" What the hell is it about parents? Or stand-in parents, as the case may be? I mean, do they seriously have to say that shit? Are they trying to kill us with embarrassment?

James just gave a half laugh and grabbed my hand.

"We'll be good, promise." He told her, grinning, and then pulled me in the direction of the stairs. I'm sure Sal watched us go up.

And I'm also pretty sure that she was smiling as we went. Which was a good thing. Since it made me pretty sure she wasn't too serious about behaving after all.

"Movie?" James asked me as soon as I shut my bedroom door.

"Seriously?" I asked him. Was there something wrong with me? Or did he just not want sex? Or anything at all?

I must have sounded pissed off. He looked at me, and smiled.

"Yeah." He agreed. "With the volume up. To drown out... you know. Anything else."

Now that was more like it.

James fixed the movie on my computer. I perched on the edge of my bed and watched him as he took his shoes off. I was already in my pyjamas... and James looked me over quickly before pulling a pair of boxers out of his backpack and taking his jeans and underwear off all at once... and quickly pulling his boxers on.

Then he caught me pouting and laughed at me.

He kissed me, holding my head in one of his hands... I didn't want him to pull away.

"Bed?" he asked softly.

"Yeah." I breathed.

Finally. Finally.

We got in and pulled the covers up so we were mostly covered, leaning back on my pillows so we were half propped up.

It suddenly felt weird. Like actually being boyfriends. I think I would have frozen up, but James didn't seem to notice. He just fitted himself next to me, then turned to me and started stroking his fingers through my hair. He smiled at me, close, and moved forward to kiss me.

I opened my mouth and let him kiss me, let him wrap around me. Fuck, this was good. Better than it should have been, considering it was only making out.

"Can I do this?" James murmured against my skin.

"What?" I whispered back. I was almost afraid of speaking too loudly.

"Sort of... take over." James answered softly. "I want to... touch you all over. Explore you. Can I do it? I want to go slow and learn you."

"Did you just say 'learn' me?" I demanded. The anxiety was fizzy and sharp under my skin.

"Well, yeah." James admitted, but he gave me a crooked smile too.

"You mean... you don't want to fuck me?" The words tumbled out of me.

"I do." He answered after a small pause. "But I guess... I want... it still feels new, you know? So I guess I just want to... mess around a bit. Is that ok?"

I hesitated. Ok. So this meant what? He didn't want to fuck me? He had no real plans to stick around at all, and not fucking me meant he wouldn't feel so bad about buggering off? He didn't want to fuck me yet? He wanted to know how I liked it? Couldn't I just tell him?

"What I mean is that there's more to us than sex, right? And I want it to be right."

I looked back at him, and his fingertips trailed over my stomach. My muscles flinched. Fuck, I wanted this anyway.

"Ok, fine." I answered. "As long as I fucking come."

James gave a soft chuckle and kissed me.

"Damn straight." He agreed, smiling. His fingertips were still on my stomach, slowly getting lower, finally nudging the waist of my pyjama pants.

I half held my breath and his fingers moved under the flannelette, brushed through my pubic hair. I let my eyes close as his hand finally closed around my dick.

"You know how hot that is?" James suddenly murmured.

"What?" I shot back, forcing myself to breathe. I looked at him, and James kissed me, demanded I let his tongue into my mouth.

"The way you get all tensed up."

"Shut up," I told him. It wasn't very convincing though. Especially as it became a groan half way through, when he started running circles around my cockhead with his fingers. I was damp, leaking pre-cum already. God, I wanted this so badly.

"Huh." James breathed, and I grabbed him and brought him close for another kiss. Fuck, who was I kidding? This was definitely not worthy of complaining about.

I pulled my pyjama top off and chucked it somewhere on the floor. James made a soft murmuring noise and nuzzled my neck, his hand changing to a firmer grip around me.

"Ah, yes," I hissed.

"Like that?" James whispered back, his tongue dancing over my skin.

"Uh huh. Mmm..." I reached to touch him. Fuck, this was good. Better than I'd thought it would be.

James slowly fisted me, his other hand resting on my chest, thumb rubbing my nipple. My hands were in his hair, holding him close, and my hips were moving.

It was slow and it was fucking torture... but at the same time I never wanted it to stop.

"James," I mumbled, feeling completely bereft as his hand moved away from my dick. "James, please..." He made a soft, satisfied noise, cupping my balls. "Fuck..."

He moved half onto me and starting kissing me hungrily again. His skin was hot and soft against mine. I really really liked that. I really really wanted more of it.

I struggled to get my pyjama pants off. James realised what I was doing and helped, then grinned at me.

"What?" I demanded. James only smiled wider and began sliding down the bed, lifting the covers as he went so he disappeared under them. "Ohhh, fuck," I said aloud, resting back on the pillows. I felt stiff and jerky, waiting for James' first touch.

His tongue. He licked me. "James," I said, probably too loudly. Whatever. "Ohh, yessss," I sucked in a breath, and squeezed my eyes shut as the heat of his mouth closed around me.

This was heaven. I mean, God, Angels -- whatever. This was kind of how I'd like to spend eternity. Oh yes.

James sucked me and began to bob, but he did it all so slow. I didn't know if he was teasing me or if he was just taking his time and doing his 'learning' thing but it was seriously more than I could take.

"You're teasing me," I growled (whined. Something.), sliding my fingers into his hair. He laughed softly and then let my cock fall out of his mouth.

"No, no," I gasped. I didn't mean for him to stop!

James laughed softly again, and then his tongue was licking my balls.

I groaned.

And there was a finger. He was rubbing my hole with it, teasing me. I don't like being teased. I hated it. But I was damn sure James wasn't going to be listening to me right then so I bit my tongue and ... it did feel really good.

I was moving, writhing between his mouth on my balls and his finger against my butt. Neither of them was really giving me what I wanted, but it was good, it was driving me crazy. And I wanted more.

"James. Please..."

James ignored me. I'd been pretty sure he would. But I still wanted more and I tried to pull his head back up to my cock.

I was surprised and relieved when it worked, let James get back to sucking me and let my head fall back. His mouth was hot and wet, but most of all- it was his.

The familiar tightening sensation told me I was getting closer to coming, but James pulled off before I got so close that I thought he'd done it on purpose. He slid back up my body, smiling at me. He was glowing, pink. His mouth was dark and moist and fucking hot.

I pulled him close to kiss me and he made a soft groan in his chest, pressing his body tighter against mine. I liked the feel of his cock against mine and ground against him. James' fingers dug into my butt and he kissed me harder.

"Alex," he hissed, and it made me all warm in my chest.

"Uh huh," I murmured back to him, kissing him again and trying to grind against him harder. "Ugh- James, I'm-" I lost my train of thought as his fingers slid into my crack again. "Please," I didn't mean to beg him, but I was desperate. Needed.

James smiled at me. He looked hungry and flushed, nowhere near his normal calm self.

I tried to pull him closer. James pulled away, grinning at me again and sliding back down my body.

"Oh god oh god," I held by breath and then his mouth was trailing down my stomach and I had to gasp for air again. I had object to this why? "James..."

He rumbled in his chest as he mouthed my balls and my head tipped back.

"James- James..." I was getting closer and closer and closer...

And then he was pushing a finger into me.

"AH- ah..." closer than ever. "James... ungh..."

He moved back and sucked my cock back into his mouth as he pushed his finger deeper into me. I wasn't sure which action I wanted to encourage more. I got stuck in the middle instead.

I don't think James noticed. He just started moving his finger as he sucked me, started touching that spot inside me and making me see sparks.

"James- James I'm going- I'm-" And then the white hot overtook me and I was arching against him... I came in his mouth, his finger inside me and my balls cradled in his hand. God, and what an orgasm.

"Uhhh," I groaned. Drained. Exhausted. Completely satisfied. I'd had sex before... I'd messed around before... but not like this. What the hell had this even been? I just wanted more.

James laughed softly. I expected cuddles, kissing. James seemed to like that. But he was sitting up where he was kneeling between my legs, his boxers gone, somewhere down the bottom of my bed (who knew) and stroking himself.

My mouth went dry. I watched the flushed head of his dick vanish into his palm and reappear as he stroked himself, languidly at first and then faster.

"Uh," He groaned, tipping his head back. Did he want me to suck him off? My butt? What was he doing here?

He looked down at me and smiled then, leant forward over me and claimed my mouth.

"All good?" he asked me.

"Uh huh," I murmured back. He hesitated then. I mean, speaking, he did. But he was still jerking himself over me. I reached and stroked my hands down his body.

"Remember the other day? When you came on me? That was incredibly fucking hot." He finally blurted. I wasn't sure if I imagined it or if he was pinker than before.

"Come on me, babe," I told him, stroking my hands back up his chest to his nipples, speaking softly and close to his ear. "You wanna mark me? Make me yours? Come on, James. Come. Get it all over me."

James gave a noise that was slightly unsteady.

"Then I'm gonna make you lick it up. Your cum and my cum, all together. All of it. You like the sound of that?" I wasn't sure if this was the right thing to say or not, but James seemed to like it. He ducked his head and came with a rough groan, his cum splashing onto me, hot and sticky.

I pulled him to me for a kiss, felt the rapid rise and fall of his chest against mine.

"Fuck, Alex..." he whispered. I grinned at him.

"You didn't want to." I told him cheekily, and reached down to find his softening prick. "Aw. Maybe next time."

James shot me a flat look and I laughed, moving closer to his warmth.

How lucky could a guy get?

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I’m not going to completely bash the whole story (or especially the talented writer - she sure brings out the reactions from readers), and I know this was posted a long time ago. But I didn’t like this chapter. The shitty attitude of Alex when James returned to the party was unforgivable! Go back to Ch 3 and read the words about James that actually came out of Alex’s mouth, in some pitiful attempt to stand up to Tim the douche! Alex never even apologized, James did. James’ actions were completely warranted and he had nothing to apologize for. Alex defended himself by saying “it didn’t mean anything” despite James clearly expressing that it hurt him and did mean something to him. Still no apology or regret from Alex the prick. He even threw it in James’ face a few other times when he accused James of not even wanting him. Then for the entire chapter Alex was a moody bitch and an insecure asshole - and constantly attacked James instead of being honest about his own feelings and issues. Then he would try to make up like a dog in heat and then throw another tantrum (and rinse and repeat). I can’t fathom how James even likes Alex let alone why we wants to date him and be his lover. I want to give up on this story because I find Alex so entirely unlikeable, but I guess I’ll read the final chapter to see it through.

sm1982sm1982over 6 years ago
Alex is over thinking and I get where the uncertainty is coming from..

However, he didn't follow his aunt's suggestion of speaking to James about his feelings towards James and theit relationship. I know this story was published long ago and so were most of the comments but the author already wrote in previous chapters that James LIKES that Alex is the way that he is and doesn't care about the dramatic way he handles things. Afterall, they were friends way before they became boyfriends! Part of Alex's insecurities comes from James laughing since their first convo after they kissed when James was hella drunk at that party. Laughing during serious moments or while naked doesn't help anyone's insecurities and the sudden likigof Alex maked Alex question if James is really feeling the way he does. How many people have a crush on a friend for so long without that person showing signs of crushing on them back, suddenly have that person all over them and not wonder if the feeling is genuine and really mutual, just took the other person a long time to consider being more than just friends?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I don't understand

why James would want to be with someone so unpleasant. Really, why would anyone want to hang around someone who's so mean and spiteful and petty...?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
whiny Bitch

Sadly Alex is the classic case of a whiny ego Bitch in this chapter. I hope he matures in the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Alex is a horribly annoying character. He's insecure, needy, immature, stupid, and constantly starting fights because he's a dumb ass. I hate this story and all the characters in it except for James.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Mmm, Alex maybe a bit TOO moody and insecure?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

You are an amazing writer.... And you have gift for creating characters which seem REAL. But also because it's fiction we hope to see that not everything turns out as it would in real life- on that not I hope alex grows into a more

Mature individual- James doesn't deserve the Alex we saw here. Everyone has insecurities and nothing in alex's past was SO painful or SO dark that he turned out the way he did- nothing really explains his prsent nature - but this was just way over the top melodramatic. Wishing for a more happy ending....hoping that you intend to show us how love can change a person for the better!

PS- still gave this one a 5!

nomoretears00nomoretears00about 13 years ago

I'm glad to see you're back, and can't wait to see what's next!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I was so excited to see a new chapter. Still loving James and Alex.

zolia_lilyzolia_lilyabout 13 years agoAuthor
Just to make it clear...

Just to make it clear, because you've annoyed me now - I DON'T DELETE COMMENTS. It's your right to be able to comment about whatever you think about the story, and I'm ok with that. I agree with that. If I didn't, I probably wouldn't post my work on a public site and let people vote on it at all.

I also agree with being able to post comments anonymously- even though it might be nice to be able to put forward my case on the occasion that someone accuses me of something. But you know what? I'm also aware that that goes with the territory, and i can deal with that.

Sorry. Not a good few days.

But that's it.

Rant over.

I don't delete comments.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

This chapter was decent but didn't have the same feel as the previous ones. I don't know maybe it was simply the sex. It felt like they fight, have make up sex, fight, have make up sex, and so on.. They were friends before so I'm not really sure why they can't do something normal to develop the relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Can't please everyone all the time

I like it. I read so many stories with flat stereotypical characters. Your characters are wonderful. They have distinct consistent personalities. Don't be discouraged about ratings. You can't make everyone happy. Write to make yourself happy. I am just glad you share your talent with the rest of us.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Low ratings?

Well, maybe it is because some of us didn't like it? I sure didn't. Nothing rang as true or believable to me. Perhaps if the writer ever listend to how people really speak he might get it right. Then maybe if every poor comment wasn't deleted then you might get it.

StarMAPStarMAPabout 13 years ago
I don't get

why this chapter has such a low rating =( people loved it. What's up?

seeker71seeker71about 13 years ago
Thank you

Thank you for a new chapter to this story. I went back through the earlier chapters, is this the final one? Originially you wrote it was a four part series. If there is more, great, if not, great. I mean it has been established by thier behavior these two love one another. James by being who he is is going to make Alex better and vice versa. Under the bluster James recognizes Alex's soul, and isn't that what love is? If it was easy, we'd all have happily ever afters. You have given us so much of who these characters are we can see they have the ability to grow together. Of course Alex finally trusting himself and James enough to make love to James, or James telling Al he loves him would be welcomed. I will be on the look out for your next post, whether this series continues or a new tale you have crafted for us.

Peace and joy,


AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I like the story alot. I"d like to see Alex become more confident and trusting. I only didn't like that Alex said those things about James and somehow James ended up ap apologizing? I mean it was pretty rude of him and he should have been in more trouble rather than acting self-righteous about it and asking why James left and stuff. Other than that I look forward to seeing where their relationship goes. I think it's time to move it forward and have them be more open about their feelings.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
I'm so glad you are back...

I know Alex seems like a pain in the azz but raise your hand if you know insecure, "put up a front", smartasses like him(hand raised). This story is developing and I think pessimistic, dismissive statements/feedback are a bit premature. I'm intrigued and want to see where the author takes us. These individual chapters are just snapshots...sort of a day in the life. I don't know about anyone else but I definitely have days when I "act out" like Alex. Doesn't mean the final product won't be worth it. Thank you for sharing your work with us and for FREEEEEEEEEEEEE...haahahaha.

P.S.-You are a talented writer and hope you continue to hone your skills.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Its a good story but my goodness, Alex is PAINFUL!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
not really worth the wait

Sorry, you established good characters, you brought them to a climax of realisation in the previous chapters and then you backtracked with this regressive episode that did not progress your story at all. I also agree with the previous comment, who would put up with Alex' shit? No-one! You have not given James or Alex or us one single reason to believe anyone would either.

alexandra36alexandra36about 13 years ago

it but Alex was hella annoying to me. I mean, I understand insecurities but darn....that's alot of insecurities. He was totally annoying that I just wanted to smack him on the side of his head. Come on now, sheesh!

Anyway, enjoyed it and I can't wait for the next chapter. Who knows...maybe then...I'll get a chance to smack Alex.

Cheers! (:

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