Loving Together

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Ken's mom found them out. What will she do?
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/12/2024
Created 12/31/2023
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Loving Together

Author's Note

This is the follow up to my first story, "Found Together". There are a few sections of this story that are part of dream, so I have italicized the dialogue to mark them.

This chapter is significantly longer than the first chapter and is slow to develop, but I think it works to set up the story.

Please enjoy, and remember, feedback is welcome!

Penny had gone to bed to think about what her children had just told her earlier in the afternoon. She was having trouble processing the information and her feelings about the situation. She had been mulling it over for a few hours when she finally fell asleep. With all the thoughts swirling around in her head, they transferred to her dreams.

"Kenny, where are you going?" It was Katherine who was asking while following her big brother around the house. They couldn't have been more than 9 and 8 respectively.

From the couch beside her, Paul spoke up, "look, honey! Kenny Kat has mas made it to the living room! Aren't they the pair."

Penny looked at him. He was smiling with a hint of laughter behind his eyes. It was just as she had remembered him saying it so many times before. She laughed and looked back at Ken and Katherine. She remembered so many instances when Katherine followed Ken around. They were cute. "Well, that's our Kenny Kat for you," she chimed in.

"I told you I was going to the kitchen for a snack," Ken said. "Don't worry, I'll always wait for you, Kat."

Katherine was beaming at her big brother for saying this. They were always so close. As they were leaving the living room and heading into the kitchen, Katherine said, "I know you will! I love you, big brother! Someday, I'm going to marry you!"

Somewhere beyond the doorway to the kitchen, she heard Ken replying with, "I don't think we can, Kat. If we could, I would!" Both children laughed at the rhyme as they disappeared into the kitchen.

Penny looked worried at this statement. She vaguely remembered this scene playing out in real life, but at the time she had been amused by the phrase. She looked at her husband, who still had an amused look on his face.

"Those two would make a great couple! Too bad society wouldn't see it that way," Paul stated.

Penny looked confused. Had Paul made those statements all those years ago? Before she could continue, her dream changed to a year later in their lives. She remembered it, but she wasn't sure why she was recalling it.

She saw Ken carrying a young Katie in his arms through the sliding glass patio door. Katie was crying, and Penny saw the reason why. Katie had fallen down and scraped her knee. Ken didn't have to carry her, but Katie was a young drama queen at 7 years old. She probably demanded that her brother carry her inside because she was too hurt to walk.

Penny was concerned for her daughter, but she smiled nonetheless that Ken so gallantly took care of his baby sister. Ken brought Katie over to a kitchen table chair and went to get some medicine and a band-aid for her scrape.

"Do you need any help with that Ken," she asked?

Katie responded through her tears, "my big brother doesn't need help! He can take care of me by himself!"

Ken just looked at his mother, shrugged his shoulders, and smiled. In that moment, Penny remembered thinking that he was already developing into a handsome young man. She turned back to making dinner, happy with her son for taking care of his little sister.

"There you go, Katie! All better," Ken said. "Now dry your tears, and let's go back out and play."

Katie was instantly happy! She jumped up and hugged her big brother. She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek before saying, "thanks big brother! You're my knight in shining armor," to which Ken replied, "and you're my little princess!"

"So, when will my knight marry me," Katie asked him?

Ken thought about it and said, "we can't really do that Katie, but I'd love to if I could!"

"Why can't we get married Ken?"

Penny was already turning around after hearing Katie's first question. However, they were already headed out the patio door. At some point, Paul had walked into the kitchen. Penny turned to him and asked if he had heard that.

"Yes, I heard Ken say he'd like to marry his youngest sister. All I can say is that he's going to have his hands full if he marries both of his sisters," Paul said and started laughing at his own joke.

Penny was aghast at hearing her husband being so silly. He didn't know the future that was being written. "How can you be so carefree about it, Paul? You don't know how this might turn out."

"Penny," Paul began, "there are worse people that our children could end up with. Our children deserve the best of life. When the right time comes, I'm sure they'll end up with the ones they are supposed to be with."

Paul grabbed Penny into a gentle hug, one that she hadn't felt in a long time, and she really missed it. She didn't want it to end. These were happy times for the family.

However, while she was being hugged by her husband, her dream changed again. Paul was gone, and she and her children were standing in front of a casket. Penny instantly recognized the scene in front of her and immediately hated it. They were at her husband's funeral.

Penny didn't want to relive this memory, but she was dreaming, and she didn't know how to wake herself up. They were just wrapping up the graveside service. Katherine and Katie were ahead of her and Ken, walking towards their car and the rest of their lives without Paul. How were they going to make it now.

Penny stopped dead in her tracks. She broke down, crying as she sank to the ground. Before she knew what was happening, she felt the warm embrace of someone hugging her gently. She looked up to see Ken there, holding her in his arms. He had been crying, but now he just had a steely, resolved look on his face. He was trying to be tough for her sake, for the family.

Ken held her, and she enjoyed his love and warmth. After a few minutes, he finally spoke to her. "Mom, I won't let you down! We are a family, and I will help you in any way I can. Dad may be gone, but he would want us to continue on without making a fuss over him."

Penny knew his words were true. Paul would have been the first one to tell them to get over it. "There is plenty of living to do, and you have to do it!" He had told her that once when he was down with a broken leg that kept him bedridden for a while.

"Mom, I will be strong, but I need you to be strong for us! We need you! I need you! Please tell me what I need to do to help!"

Ken's words snapped her out of it. She looked up into his eyes. He looked so much like his father right then. She knew that she would be able to move on after this tragedy with his help.

"We'll get through this, baby. Thank you for being strong for me! I'll need you to be much stronger in the coming years until we can get settled in. Please be patient and help me take care of our house." Penny needed Ken now more than ever.

Ken nodded at his mother and said, "I will do anything you need me to do."

"I love you Ken," Penny said without further thought. He looked so much like a younger version of his father just then.

Ken didn't hesitate. He bent down and lightly kissed his mother on the lips. It was a quick peck, but it said everything Penny needed to hear. Ken spoke softly to her, "I love you too, mom!"

Penny was about to get up, but her daughters had made their way back from the car. They joined in a group hug which officially signaled the beginning of their bond after Paul's passing.

Penny rose to her feet. She took both Katherine's and Katie's hand, Katherine on her right, Katie on her left, and strode toward the car. Ken led the way, and they all followed.

Before she could continue with the memory, her dream shifted once again. This time, she was in her bedroom, the one she had never shared with Paul. She recognized the room, but she couldn't recall the setting.

"Penny for your thoughts," Paul asked her?

Penny jumped, not realizing that anyone was with her. She turned to see her late husband standing there, looking like he did before he died.

"What are you doing here? You're dead, Paul," she said at just under a yell. Paul quickly answered, "and your asleep, my dear Penny."

"As for what I'm doing here, I came to give you some guidance."

"Just how are you going to do that? You are a part of my dream, so I don't know how you can," Penny quietly said.

Paul came to her side and sat down on her bed. He took her hands in his gently. It all felt so real to her, even in her dream. She was breathing heavily. Her whole dream rollercoaster down memory lane had been exhausting.

"Penny, I know what's going on, but I don't know why you are so conflicted."

"Paul, it's wrong. You know they aren't supposed to be together like that. I love it that they are so close and support each other, but this shouldn't happen," Penny shared with her husband.

Paul looked at her. He smiled, and Penny felt a little less burdened by her kids' situation. Paul started, "Penny, don't you think our children finding themselves together was foreshadowed?"

After Penny's recent memories awakened in her dream, she began to wonder. Both her daughters were head over heels for her son. They had been devastated as he left for college, but when they all started living together in their off-campus apartment, all was right with the world again.

Paul continued, "I'm not saying what they are doing isn't a little concerning, but it feels right. Our children have always had a close bond. That bond grew ever stronger when I was gone."

Penny knew it to be true, but she felt a little saddened that she hadn't had an equally strong bond. Paul suddenly spoke. "Stop those thoughts right now! You think you haven't bonded with your children over the years? That is foolish thinking indeed."

Paul moved a hand to her face and gently held her. She closed her eyes, relishing the long-lost touch. Paul quietly said, "think about all the times you needed them, and they were there for you. You've also been there for them in their time of need. It wasn't perfect, but it was right for you all."

Penny started thinking back to various times when her children pulled her through some of the most difficult times in her life. She especially thought about Ken and what he said and did for her after his father had passed.

Penny opened her eyes and stared at Paul. He said, "that's my girl. You remember that our family is there to help each other."

Penny continued to look up at him and smiled. Paul returned her smile and gently leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips. When the kiss ended, Paul started getting up from the bed. As he got up, he said, "I've got to go now."

Penny wasn't ready for him to leave and started to protest, but like in so many dreams, she couldn't move or call out to him. She sadly watched him start to exit through the bedroom door.

Before he left completely, Paul turned to her and simply said, "you know, you deserve to be happy too!" He winked at her and vanished through the door, leaving Penny alone again.

Penny, still sleeping, began to cry, but the tears were a mix of sadness and happiness. She didn't realize that she had company while she slept.

Ken bolted awake after a fitful rest. It wasn't his unfit rest that caused him to awaken so abruptly. It was his dad's voice.

"Ken, go to your mother now! She needs you, son!"

It was 4:30 in the morning. Ken was still trying to wake up as he left his room and walked to his mother's room. It was a short walk since it was next door to his room. Her door was closed. He thought about knocking, if something was wrong, he didn't want to wait for a response.

Ken opened the door quickly but quietly in case it was all just in his head. His mother had fell asleep with her lamp on, so it was easy for Ken to see her tossing and turning on her bed. He approached her bed cautiously since she was still asleep. As he got closer, he could see she was dreaming of something unpleasant.

Ken wasn't sure what to do. He stood there watching his mother for a little while. She seemed to calm down after a few minutes. He took the opportunity to sit down on her bed facing her. He looked down at her and saw her briefly tilt her head on the pillow and smile, almost like she was savoring something familiar to her.

A couple of minutes later, Ken's mom had a concerned look on her face. It contorted into a sad face, like she was losing something, and Ken became aware that she had started to cry in her sleep. He let her go for a little while, but he couldn't stand to see her like this. Ken racked his brain trying to figure out what he needed to do.

Suddenly, a familiar voice popped into his head. It was his dad's voice again.

"What are you waiting for? She needs you!"

Ken made his decision. He leaned forward and gently placed his hand on her tear-streaked cheek. His mother responded to the comfort of his touch but didn't wake up.

Ken spoke softly, "mom, wake up. It's okay. I'm here for you."

Penny opened her eyes to see her son lovingly stroke her cheek.

"Mom, I won't let you down! Please tell me what I need to do to help!"

Penny, now fully awake from her dream, looked up at her son and smiled. Again, she couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance he bore to his father. "Ken, what are you doing here?"

Ken didn't really know what to say, so he said what felt right. "Mom, something, like a familiar voice, told me to come here quickly because you needed me. I don't know why, but I listened to the voice and saw you tossing and turning in your sleep, but then you calmed down a little, so I sat down on the edge of your bed and waited." Ken continued when she didn't say anything.

"Mom, your face became saddened, and you started to cry in your sleep. I didn't know what to do, so I sat there trying to figure it out. That's when the voice told me not to wait, so I decided to wake you. I hope you're not mad at me," Ken finished. His concern shown in his voice as he spoke.

Penny couldn't believe what she had just heard. It was just a dream, wasn't it? Then she remembered what Ken had said when he first woke her up. She realized it was the same thing he had said to her all those years ago. She sat up and looked and Ken carefully.

"How could I be mad at someone who obviously cares for me so much?" Now it was her turn to think about what she wanted to say to him. Ken never tried to interrupt her.

"Ken, the dreams I was having were very vivid memories that I had long forgotten. I want to think about them before I share them with you three."

Ken was a little confused by this, but he didn't say anything. He figured his mom would explain it when she was ready.

Penny continued, "I will say that before you woke me, I was dreaming of your father, but it wasn't any memory of him. We spoke about what was going on. The reason you saw me become sad and start to cry was because he left, and I couldn't say or do anything in my dream to stop him. The next thing I see when I open my eyes is my caring baby boy."

Ken slightly blushed at being called this. He knew his mother meant this to be affectionate, but it was still a little embarrassing. At least he was alone with her and nobody else would hear her say it.

"Did you just call Ken your baby boy," asked Katherine as she and Katie both walked through their mother's bedroom door.

Ken was mortified. His hopes of nobody hearing his mother's words vanished. He didn't want to turn around and look at either of his sisters. Instead, he stayed focused on his mother's beautiful face.

Their mother looked up at her girls as they entered. She responded with, "as a matter of fact, I did. He is my baby boy, but you two are my baby girls. No matter how old or how big you are, you three will always be my babies. I'll always love and support you."

Penny words encouraged her children, who all started smiling at her, but they gave her pause. She had just stated the answer to what she intended to do about her children's evolving relationship. What had she thought before? Of course, she would never stop loving or abandon her children. They had always been there for each other, especially after Paul had died. She knew it to be true. Paul was right when he said that they had all bonded together after his death in her dream.

Penny looked at her children, all of them looking back at her with love and concern on their faces. She smiled back at them in appreciation. For some reason, her gaze always came back to Ken. He was so much like his father. They shared so many features, except their height, of course. They were all waiting for her to say more, so she did.

"I know why Paul is here, but to what do we owe the honor of your visit at a quarter to 5?" She looked at the girls when she said this.

All three siblings looked at mom curiously. Had their mom just called their brother by their father's name? Katherine was the first to say something. "Mom, don't you mean you know why Ken is here?"

Penny was so mesmerized by the similarities of her son to her husband that she had mistakenly called him her late husband's name. She tried to walk it back a little. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm still a little tired and remembering the vivid dreams I had involving your father. Though you must admit, Ken does resemble his father quite a bit."

"I guess you're right," Katie said as they all looked at Ken.

Ken felt all the eyes upon him and squirmed a little. He piped up and said, "ok, but you still didn't answer mom's question. Why are you girls up?"

Katie responded saying, "I couldn't really sleep. What sleep I was getting was unrestful. I was sleeping when I heard a voice tell me I should go check on mom. I couldn't tell if it was real or a part of my dream, but I decided not to ignore it. When I opened my bedroom door, I saw Katherine had just opened hers, so we headed down to check on you when we saw your bedroom light on and Ken's bedroom door open."

"As for me, it's almost exactly like Katie said," Katherine started. "I was in and out of sleep when I heard a voice telling me to check on you, mom. The voice sounded very familiar. It almost sounded like dad."

"Yeah, you're right, Katherine," Katie exclaimed. "It did sound an awful lot like dad's voice. Maybe that's why I didn't ignore it.

Penny was wide awake now. She knew her husband had somehow pulled them together through their dreams. She was bewildered as to how any of this could happen, but she had a new resolve that caused her to get out of bed and address her children.

"I think we should go to the kitchen and make some coffee, kids. I don't think any of us are going back to sleep anytime soon, and we have much to discuss. I plan on calling into work later on to let them know I'm taking a vacation day."

All four of them migrated from Penny's bedroom and toward the kitchen. The siblings looked at one another with uncertainty, but each of them felt an unspoken hope that they were going to be ok.

Penny followed behind her children. She was determined to tell them about her dream. She thought it was the right thing to do, and it would help her share her memories with them. They needed to come together as a family for this important topic, one that would change all their lives significantly.