Luke's Flame


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Sophie's two nieces were home when she arrived. It was always fun to see them and catch up a bit with their lives. Toni was fixing dinner so they all gravitated to the kitchen. The girls soon went to their rooms to finish homework.

"Can I ask you something?" Sophie began.

"Of course," Toni replied.

"Have you ever read any sexy stories?" she went on.

"Romance you mean?" Toni questioned.

"Not romance, but sexier stuff, erotica," Sophie clarified.

"I have," Toni admitted. "Stuff like that is easy to find on a computer, you know. Why?"

"What do you think of it? I mean, what do you think about the people that write it?" Sophie continued.

"I'm not sure I understand, Sophie."

"Well, do you look down at them for writing about sex?" Sophie expounded.

"Of course I don't. Why are you asking all this anyway?" Toni probed.

"Would you be ashamed of me if I wrote like that?" Sophie challenged.

"Sophie, you're my sister. I wouldn't be ashamed of you," Toni confirmed. "Now what is this really all about?"

"That's what I do," Sophie whispered. "I write erotica."

"You have to let me read it," Toni shrieked. "Did you bring some?"

"No, it's all on my computer," Sophie replied.

"E-mail it to me," Toni demanded. "Do it tonight when you get home."

Sophie was amazed Toni wasn't judging the genre she wrote. Not that Toni was that type person, Sophie reminded herself.

"Alright," Sophie agreed.

Toni's husband came home then and the topic went to other things. Sophie was glad her sister didn't say anything to her brother-in-law. Telling two people in a few days time was already stressful enough. She waved to her sister and mouthed thank you. Several minutes later, she pulled up in her own driveway, exhausted.

Sophie thought about going right to bed but she knew Toni would bug her until she e-mailed a story to her. She attached a couple to a short message and hit send before she changed her mind. The telephone rang an hour later.

"Holy cow, Sophie, those were so good," Toni said in lieu of hello. "I want more."

"Hello, Toni," she answered. "Do you really think they're good?"

"Sophie, I've read stuff on-line that's crap compared to this. Have you looked into any of the sites?" Toni asked.

"I don't even have any idea where to begin," she admitted.

"I'll send you the links for a couple. They have sections where you can sign up and submit your stuff. You need to do it," Toni went on.

"What if someone from town reads it? They'll know it was me, Toni. I'd be so embarrassed."

"Make up a name. You don't have to use your own. Call me after work tomorrow and I'll come over to help you," Toni stated.

Toni added a few more thoughts before she hung up. Sophie spent half the night wondering what she had done. It scared her to have strangers read her work. On the other hand, it excited her, too. She was so distracted at work that day her boss gave her several odd looks. The minute she got home, she called Toni, letting her know she was ready to do it.

The two girls giggled at the silly names they thought up. Nothing felt right yet to Sophie. The ringing of the doorbell startled Sophie. Not expecting anyone, she was surprised to see Luke standing there, a grin on his face.

"Okay, I didn't call, but I was on this side of town," Luke said.

"Sophie, who is it?" Toni called out from the living room.

"I'm sorry. You have company. I'll leave," Luke stated.

"No, don't go, please. It's my sister. She's helping me, ah, well, come in and you can see," Sophie stammered.

Sophie introduced Luke to her sister and explained a bit how they met. Toni hadn't seen Sophie with a man for quite a while and it intrigued her.

"Alright. This is what we're doing. After I let you read one of my stories, I thought about what you said, and showed Toni a couple. She thinks I should submit them to some of the writing sites that accept erotica," Sophie explained.

Toni raised her eyebrow when she realized her sister had shown Luke before her. "They're better than a lot of the stuff out there."

"I agree. She has a knack for drawing you in that many writers lack," Luke replied.

"We're trying to find a fitting name for her to use. Got any ideas, Luke?" Toni asked.

"What have you tried so far?" he inquired.

Toni went over some of the names with Luke. They tossed more combinations around as Sophie stayed out of it. She blanched at a few, blushed at several, and shook her head over most. Nothing had been decided when Toni said she had to get home. A quick good-bye and she was out the door.

"She seems nice," Luke said.

"Yeah, we get along really great," Sophie responded.

"So what name are you going to use?" he asked.

"I don't know yet, Luke. What do you think about the ones you heard?" she questioned.

"Well, I thought 'GreenEyes' was okay," he said. "I have an idea though."

"You do? Tell me," she demanded.

"This might not be what you have in mind—" Luke began.

"Just tell me," Sophie said again.

"I like 'Flame' for you," Luke admitted.

"You're thinking of the fire next door. That's when we met," she reminded him.

"Yes," he agreed. "There's always a sparkle in your eyes when I see you, too. You make me think of heat and passion."

Sophie stared at Luke. Her gaze went to his lips. She wanted to feel them on hers but was afraid to make a move. Luke made it instead.

"I've wanted to taste you ever since I first saw you in the rain," he said softly.

His lips captured hers in a sweet, soft kiss that seemed to never end. Sophie felt his tongue run over her lips and gasped. Luke slid his tongue into her mouth and deepened the kiss. Sophie groaned as she felt his arms wrap around her. The feel of his body next to hers was enough to drive Sophie wild. Her tongue danced with his as she laid her hands on his shoulders.

Luke felt himself swelling. Her nipples pressed into his chest. He knew it was too soon to do more even though his body screamed at him. His hands roamed over her back as he slowed the kiss. It was tough, but he stepped away, putting space between them. Sophie still had her eyes shut when he looked down at her.

"You have to know I want you," Luke spoke first.

Sophie took several deep breaths and opened her eyes. "Yes."

"I don't want just a few nights, Sophie," he told her.

"Me either," she agreed.

"Will you go to dinner with me Saturday night?" Luke asked.


"I'll pick you up at six," he stated.

"Alright, Luke," Sophie answered.

He leaned in and dropped a kiss on her forehead before he headed out the door. Sophie didn't move until long after the sound of his truck was gone. She finally got ready for bed and turned the lights off. Her mind was still on those few minutes with Luke as she closed her eyes.

In the morning, she checked her e-mail before work, as she always did. There was one from Toni so she opened it first. It was short and to the point.

"I want details!" Toni had written in huge letters.

Sophie laughed at the message as she sent off a reply. As she hit send, she grinned, knowing it would bug Toni all day. Even at work, she smiled whenever she remembered what she wrote. As expected, when she got home, the answering machine light blinked. Hitting the button, she leaned against the counter, waiting for the messages.

"Sophie Michaels, you better call me back as soon as you get this," she heard.

The way Toni spoke made her laugh as she waited for the next message.

"Don't make me tell mom," Toni's voice said from the machine.

Sophie had tears running from her eyes as she thought of all the times Toni used that line on her.

"I'm on my way over and you will talk to me," was the last message.

She was still standing there laughing when Toni walked in.

"You can't send me an e-mail like that and expect me to accept it," Toni stated.

"Like what?" Sophie asked when she could speak.

"I told you I wanted details," Toni repeated.

"I gave you my answer, Toni," Sophie chuckled. "Are you saying you didn't like it?"

"Let me think, Sophie," Toni said as she glared at Sophie. "Your exact words were 'Short version. Yes, we did it. He's hot. No further details necessary' I believe."

Sophie burst out laughing all over again at the indignant look on her sister's face. Tears rolled down her cheeks when she saw Toni put her hands on her hips.

"You look just like mom, Toni," Sophie got out.

"Don't you change the topic on me, young lady," Toni said with a stern voice.

"You are her," Sophie roared.

The irony of it hit Toni right then and she began to chuckle. Soon both girls were giggling so much they couldn't talk.

"You still owe me details," Toni reminded Sophie when she could speak again.

"The sky is blue," Sophie began. "So are eyes and water and—"

"Don't give me that crap," Toni cut in. "Wait. You said eyes are blue. I bet he has blue eyes!"

"He was here. You met him," Sophie reminded her.

"You're a devil, Sophie Michaels," Toni said.

The telephone rang just as Sophie started to reply and she grabbed it on the second ring. Within a few seconds, she turned her back on Toni, lowered her voice, and smiled. Toni noted the behavior and pictured herself much the same way when her husband called while they dated. All Toni wanted was her sister to find a good man to make her happy. Without a word, she picked up her purse, slowly opened the door, and left. Sophie never even heard her go.

Sophie hung up the telephone many minutes later. She was surprised not to find Toni anywhere in the house. A quick peek outside showed her car was gone. Sophie said a silent thank you to her sister for giving her privacy. It had been Luke on the phone and Sophie forgot all about her sister. The rest of the evening was quiet for Sophie. She fell asleep thinking of what might be in her future.

The next two days dragged for Sophie. She wanted it to be Friday night so she could see Luke again. Thursday night she went through her closet to find something to wear. Nothing looked right to her, and in a panic, she called Toni. They wore the same size, Sophie knew, and Toni had great taste. Her sister promised to be right over with several outfits for Sophie to check out. Sophie ran out to greet her sister as soon as she heard her arrive. They each grabbed some clothes and went inside.

An hour later Sophie stood in front of her mirror in awe of the sleek black dress she wore. Sleeveless, with an empire waist, it was in the style that Jackie Kennedy made famous. The back zipper and front darts completed the look. Sophie dug around in her closet and came out with a pair of stilettos. She stared at herself in the mirror and wondered what Luke would think.

"That's the dress, Sophie. If you want to make a killer impression, that's the one," Toni stated.

Sophie carefully hung the dress back up and set the heels next to her dresser. Her eyes shimmered with excitement.

"I like him, Toni. I really like him a lot," Sophie admitted.

Toni watched her little sister and hoped it would go well for her. The few minutes she talked with Luke made her think he was decent. She planned to keep an eye on things so he didn't hurt Sophie.

"You deserve good things in your life. Maybe he's the one for you," Toni said.

Toni left with the remainder of the clothes safely back in her car. Sophie wandered through her house until bedtime. Last thing she thought of was being able to see Luke the next day. In the morning, she raced through getting ready, grabbed a muffin, and made it to work with a minute to spare. The boss was out for the day so she was able to catch up and actually leave a little early. She wanted all the time she could to get ready for her date.

Sophie felt her hands shake as she attempted to apply her make-up. A long shower had been refreshing until she realized what time it was. Now she struggled with the simplest tasks in her preparation. A desperate call to Toni ended with a promise that she would be over in a few minutes to help. Sophie sat on the edge of her bed and cried.

"Sophie?" Toni called.

Toni walked into the bedroom and knelt in front of her sister. It was obvious she had been crying and her hands were ice cold.

"Hey, it's alright. I'm here to help now," Toni said. "It's big sister to the rescue!"

Sophie gave a small smile and hugged Toni.

"I'm just so nervous. Luke is a great guy, Toni," Sophie told her.

"Let's make you even more beautiful than you are right now, then," Toni chuckled.

For the next hour, Toni fussed over Sophie's hair and make-up, fixed her manicure, and finally zipped up her dress. The two giggled like they had years before when Toni practiced on Sophie. Slipping into the stilettos, a big smile on her face, Sophie heard the doorbell ring right on time. Thumbs up from Toni encouraged her as she opened the door to see Luke standing there.

"My god, you're gorgeous!" Luke said and whistled.

Sophie blushed softly. "Thank you, Luke."

"Every guy that sees you will be jealous of me," he remarked.

"I'm glad you approve," she grinned. "Toni helped me."

"You don't need help. Someone as beautiful as you already stands out," Luke stated.

"Hello, Luke. Good to see you again," Toni said as she joined them at the door.

"Toni, hello," Luke replied.

"Be good to my sister, Luke."

Toni whispered the words to Luke as she squeezed through the doorway on her way out. Sophie couldn't hear what Toni said, but knowing her sister, had a general idea.

"Thank you, Toni," Sophie added.

Luke helped Sophie into his car and made sure she had her seatbelt on before he closed the door. He settled himself behind the wheel and started the car. The conversation was light and comfortable considering Sophie's nerves earlier. Luke told her about the phone call from his mother the night before. She reminded him that at his age he should be married and giving her more grandchildren.

"Maybe our moms should get together. I hear the same thing all the time," Sophie chuckled.

"I remind her that when the right woman comes along I'll do just that," Luke remarked.

The restaurant was trendy with several people waiting for tables. Luke gave his name to the host with confidence. He confirmed his reservations that morning and a table awaited them. Sophie felt glamorous and smiled the entire evening. Luke's eyes smoldered each time he looked at her.

"Have you written any new stories?" Luke asked.

"I have one close to finished," Sophie replied with a blush.

"Do I get to read it?" he wondered.

Sophie thought about some of the words that she had written that week. The story was her fantasy of what might happen between her and Luke.

"I don't think so, Luke," she said.

Luke tipped his head and watched Sophie for a few minutes. He appeared to be thinking and she worried he might guess what the piece was about. Instead, he talked about the new house he was having built, and some of the decisions he needed to make.

"So the contractor wants me to pick out floor coverings this week," Luke began. "How am I supposed to know what will match?"

Sophie laughed at the face he made. "It's easy, Luke."

"Then you try it once," he said. "Carpet, hardwood, vinyl, neutrals, warms..."

"Think about how you'll be using each room. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in the house. Now what do you see?" Sophie asked.

Luke did as she said and saw the house of his dreams. "I see kids playing in the den, with toys all over the carpet, and my wife nursing the baby."

Sophie envied the woman in his image. She didn't want to admit it was almost identical to what she yearned for.

"Now you know how easy it is to choose things for your new home," Sophie remarked.

They talked a bit more of his house as they finished dinner. Luke took care of the bill and pulled Sophie's chair out for her. His hand rested on her back as they weaved through the other tables to the exit. He helped her into the car as he had done when he picked her up. They were both silent on the drive back to her house. Once in her driveway, Luke shut off the car, took a breath, and turned to Sophie.

"I won't ask if I can come inside, Sophie, even though it's what I want to do. Sex isn't what I want from you," Luke started. "When I saw you standing in the rain, concerned about your neighbors, something twisted deep inside me. I'm thirty-four years old, Sophie."

He spoke quietly as they sat in the near darkness of his car. Sophie held her breath as she tried to follow his words.

"I've dated many women over the years. All the years I went for hot bodies were a waste. What I should have been looking for was someone that made me smile, with a sense of family, and with intelligence. I guess as I got older I realized the important things a mate should have," Luke explained.

"When we're young we don't always have the experience to make the right decision. Having fun is as far as we can see at times," Sophie added.

"The day I signed the contract for my house I sat in the middle of the land and wondered what I had done. It was as if from that moment on I was a responsible adult. I was committing myself to staying here," he went on.

"Owning a home isn't for everyone," Sophie said.

Sitting so close to Luke, the stars twinkling above, Sophie was confused where Luke was taking the conversation. They hadn't known each other long enough for her to sense his moods. She waited for him to continue.

"Sophie, I really like you. You're beautiful, sexy, smart and sensitive," Luke expounded. "I don't want to screw things up with sex right now."

"What are you saying, Luke?" Sophie asked.

"I'd like to get to know you better and see where it leads us," he answered.

"I'm sure you know I'd say yes if you wanted to come inside tonight," Sophie stated.

"I know that, Sophie," Luke sighed.

"You're right about not knowing each other very well and I'm not looking for a few nights of sex either. Getting to know each other sounds perfect to me," she ended.

"Then I'd better let you get inside before I change my mind," Luke chuckled.

Luke held her hand as they walked to her door. Sophie thought how right it felt to be with Luke. The future looked very good indeed.

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OvercriticalOvercriticalabout 2 months ago

As I got toward the end of this tale the word that popped into my mind was: "saccharine". So sweet as to be cloying. Nothing in life works this smoothly. Maybe it's meant to have some stumbling blocks to that we'll appreciate the positive outcomes when they arrive and not be too disappointed when they don't. So I'll continue not expecting the best and rate things like this a 3* and look for more balance in the way life treats us all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is another incomplete story on Lit.

oldwayneoldwayneover 13 years ago
Nice tale, so far.

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it. But, it is getting late for old folks in Kentucky. Five Stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

This is a delightful tale, and although it could end right here and be complete, a chapter or two more would be perfect.

-- KK in Texas

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

....Story Please give us part two

DesertPirateDesertPirateabout 16 years ago
Very good!

A very nicely done romance. Interesting characters and a good storyline in a well written tale. Wonderful work Lynn.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Normal People

Great story line. Everyone is basically NORMAL. Can't wait for the next installment.

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