Luscious Little Monster!


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Quandary for Rog. The honest nod might be taken the wrong way and land him in even more trouble.

He shook his head.

Melissa cracked up. "Oh goody! That must mean you are the sort of old pervert who likes to have a pretty young girl teasing and tormenting him. I will carry on in that case."

Standing to one side of Roger so everybody could get a good view of what she was doing to him, Melissa reached across and gave his erection a squeeze through his underpants. An anguished groan from Roger. She giggled and left her hand there, applying some gentle further pressure. A bigger groan and the trace of a wet patch. Poor Mossy was leaking pre-cum. Everybody else in the room was highly aroused too, and in stitches.

Melissa took her hand away and pointed at Roger's crotch. "Should we see what he's got?" she asked, gurning wickedly at the guys.

Fuck yeah, was the unanimous feeling.

Roger had closed his eyes. That was all the poor bastard could do to combat the dreadful humiliation that Melissa was inflicting on him. He knew that he had to submit to whatever indignities she wanted to dish out.

With a flourish, Melissa pulled Roger's underpants down to mid-thigh level. "Da Da!" she went, as all was revealed.

It was quite a sight. Roger had a full erection but a small cock. His little hard-on was jutting out loud and proud.

"Oh my god it's such a teeny one!" squealed Melissa. "Isn't it small, guys?"

Everyone joined in, loudly mocking the size of Roger's penis. I made a couple of dry contributions myself.

"New office name for Mr Moss too, I think," Melissa smirked. "Official name change, same as with Fatso. From now on he is Needledick."

This went down great in the room.

"Bet all of you boys are much better endowed," Melissa flirted.

Her fan club all quickly agreed with this. Melissa had them eating out of her hand. They were scared of her, sure, knew not to take liberties, but they were as completely in thrall to her as I was. Well, why wouldn't they be? She was that sort of girl. And she wasn't utterly debasing and degrading them, was she? On the contrary, she was entertaining them royally with this spectacle.

"Mark certainly is, I can tell you," she said, with a saucy glance and a wink in my direction.

I enjoyed that immensely. Grinned and gave a little 'aw shucks' shrug for everyone's benefit. They all laughed, the sound a delightful cocktail of admiration and envy and resentment. It had never felt so great to be the boss. I knew that every single one of these guys was wishing on a star that they could swap places with me. Sorry suckers!

Melisss had far from finished with Roger Moss. "Watch this," she giggled and she began stimulating him with her hand. She tickled his erect cock, fluttered her fingers all over it. She flicked at the tip a few times like it was a toy. She ran a fingertip lazily up and down the shaft. Then she gently squeezed his balls. Roger, eyes shut tight, grunted and grimaced and was soon on the very edge. Melissa skilfully kept him there, doing enough to hold him on the point of exploding but not quite enough for him to release. He kept moving his hips, trying to grind himself into her hand to force the extra pressure he needed for orgasm, but Melissa would simply adjust and ensure that this did not happen. Occasionally she would hurt him. She would dig her nails in somewhere sensitive and make him cry out in pain. Afterwards she would start the wicked tease again, driving him over and over into a state of frustrated frenzy. It was cockteasing par excellence. We were transfixed. Kind of wishing that she was doing it to us but at the same time glad that she wasn't. Because it was torture basically. The spunk was building up but apart from the sporadic leaking of pre-cum it was going nowhere. He ended up howling out and begging for mercy. "Please let me come, Melissa! Please!" he screamed suddenly, which caused me and the guys to just about wet ourselves.

"Should I let him come, Mark?" she asked, grinning over at me.

"No baby, definitely not. Oh fuck, talk about cockteasing a poor guy!"

"Sorry Needledick," she giggled. "Guess it's not your lucky day."

Eventually she got bored and stopped. "Ok, now one last thing," she announced.

Melissa retrieved Roger's belt from the floor and went and stood behind him. "Oh jesus christ, she is gonna whip the poor bastard now!" yelled somebody quick on the uptake.

The excitement level in the room grew when Melissa with the cruellest of grins announced that yep that was exactly what she was about to do. She was gonna whip his bare ass till it glowed in the dark. Needledick would not be sitting down for a while. She had always wanted to whip a man, she giggled. She often fantasized about it. Roger whimpered like a baby as he listened to this. He was visibly trembling up there on his chair.

The atmosphere reached fever pitch with Melissa's next words.

"Shall I do it topless?"

Everybody shouted oh fucking yeah!

"How about a please?" Melissa teased.

They obliged.

She removed her top amidst a racket of gasps and groans. With her luscious tits free and jiggling, she swung the belt a few times, swishing the air, and then she brought it crashing down on the back of the chair, making Roger flinch. She got us avidly watching voyeurs to do a countdown from 10. On the shout of zero! she started in on her helpless victim. She was giggly and semi-playful at first, just flicking away at his buttocks with the non-buckle end, enough to hurt Roger but not that much. Then she abruptly changed gear. She stopped the giggling and flipped the weapon around and embarked on a sustained and vicious assault. Ouch!

"Hey, there's men would pay for that. Hot topless girl whipping them," I joked, which went down a storm.

Roger was plainly not one of them however. He yelped loudly with each lash from the heavy steel buckle and was soon bawling his eyes out. "Aw no, aw no, aw no," he pleaded, through his sobs, which merely caused his tormentress to escalate and prolong the ordeal, to hit him harder and for longer. I could not quite see from where I was but I suspect his poor abused rear was a complete mess by the time Melissa finally wound it up.

"I so enjoyed that," Melissa said, when she had got her breath back from her exertions. "Perhaps I'll get myself a proper whip and keep it here. Can I do that, Mark?"

"I think you should."

"Ha ha ha. Great!"

She put her top back on. Groans of disappointment from her fan club.

"Sorry boys," she laughed, then turned to Roger. "Ok, Needledick, you stay right there and just like that for the rest of the afternoon. Keep that risible little cock on display and do not move a muscle. The rest of you, feel free to laugh at him, oh and take some photos ok? Send them to me tomorrow. I will pick out my favourite and we can set it up as his screensaver. Hey, and listen, the winner, the guy who takes the photo I choose, he gets to take me out for a coffee sometime this week. Maybe he does anyway, assuming I feel like it."


Time to catch up with Wendy. Have that meeting that Melissa had promised her.

We closed the door and the three of us sat at my desk, around the various lunch cartons.

Melissa glanced across and pronounced herself satisfied with her spotless looking workspace. "Jolly well done, Fatso," she drawled. This triggered a weak smile from the poor girl.

"Do it again tomorrow morning. I'll mess it up as much as I can before I leave. Get yourself in early so as not to have to rush things."

Melissa's tone was soft but effortlessly commanding. The tone of someone who knew that not even a semblance of dissent was going to come from the super-low status person she was addressing.

"Fine, Miss Chang," Wendy said, meek and obedient. It was striking how the abject girl had already come to terms with her new reality, had accepted this utter servility to a fellow female so much more physically attractive that she seemed to belong to a different and superior species.

The Chinese meal was stone cold due to the time it had taken Melissa to cocktease and humiliate and whip Roger Moss. It went in the bin.

Melissa was distinctly dissatisfied about this. So much so that she retained a container of thick plum sauce and decided to fingerpaint her PA's face with it. She smeared it liberally and carefully all over - cheeks, chin, around the mouth, under the eyes, on and inside her ears, across the forehead, rubbed some into Wendy's hair even. The last dollop she placed with great ceremony slap bang on the end of the poor girl's nose. There, she smirked, don't you look a picture. It was actually an improvement, she joked. It was quite a sight and I had a good laugh too. Fatso's new screensaver, I grinned? Gotta be, Melissa giggled, and she reached for her phone and took some snaps.

Thing is, the reason Melissa was so pissed off, she said, was she felt that Wendy should have found a way to keep the food warm for us. She had failed to use her initiative. I wholeheartedly agreed with this and I asked Melissa if a punishment was in order. Melissa said that apart from obviously not reimbursing Wendy for the cost of the meal, on balance no. No punishment. Wendy looked relieved through the plum sauce. Then Melissa changed her mind and said ok yes, perhaps she would apply a punishment. She had been going to set Wendy's pay cut at 15% but would now double that to 30%. Wendy twitched with distress.

Melissa smiled maliciously. "Not to worry, Fatso. You will be saving lots on food because I am putting you on a strict diet. Let me elaborate on that, plus the rest of your job spec."

She proceeded to do so, starting with the food scenario.

Wendy would eat nothing at all from the time she arrived at the office to when she left. So from say 6 am to 6 pm. Twelve hours. PAs should be slim, she said, and ok so Melissa wasn't a man but she wanted her PA to at least try and look her best for her. Don't even think about cheating on the diet, Melissa said. Wendy would not be leaving the office unless Melissa was with her, and in the office we were going to install CCTV, which Melissa would be able to view on her phone. Miss Chang would be watching her PA at all times, she grinned, or she might be at least.

Melissa checked her watch. It was well after five. "Ooo, need to get a move on. I have a new flat to move into, Mark, don't I?"

"You do, babe."

"Ok so do not interrupt, Fatso. A day in the life of Miss Chang's dogsbody. We will tell the cleaners that my work area is your domain, so it's in at the crack of dawn to service my workspace and polish my shoe collection. Also draw up a list of five new and specific ways in which you plan to make my life easier and more amusing and enjoyable that day. For example, you might want to sing me a song, dance for me, tell a funny joke, perhaps give me a shoulder massage, brush my hair, rub lotion into my legs, freshen up my pedicure, whatever. You might recommend a great restaurant where Mr Brown could take me, or for lunch at my desk make a suggestion of what I might like and offer to arrange it, like today, although don't let it go fucking cold obviously, ha ha ha. Fresh list every day, Fatso, no repeating yourself. Punishment awaits if you screw up and do that. Oh and a cappuccino and blueberry muffin ready for my arrival every morning. Ten o'clock that will be approximately, certainly not earlier. It could be later if I fancy a lie in, or it could be never if I decide to have the day off. But you won't know that, so just assume ten o'clock and that way you will be safe. At just before ten you will prostrate yourself face down on the floor under my desk and wait. Do not get up until I arrive. Not for any reason whatsoever. The only exception to this rule is if it turns out that I am having a day off, in which case you may get up at 5:30 and go home. You will no doubt have pissed yourself a couple of times by then but, you know, tough tittie. How does all this sound, sweetie? Looking forward to your new job?"

"Yes, Miss Chang."

The girl was not a bad liar!

Melissa giggled and turned to me.

"What would you like me wear tomorrow? Any special requests?"

"Up to you, gorgeous."

"Ok, jeans today - maybe I show some leg tomorrow?"

"Do that, baby. Your legs are fucking fabulous."

"Ha ha ha. I know. So should I wear something especially clingy and short?"


"Something to drive the poor guys out of their tiny minds?"

"If you would, babe."

"Skirt or dress?"

Skirt or dress? My thoughts drifted back to the selfies she had sent me. There were plenty of her in both included there and they were all hotter than hot. There was this particular one, though, Melissa in a red leather dress looking insanely sexy, that stuck in my mind.

"Dress," I said.

"Something particular in mind?"

"You choose, gorgeous."

"Ok! Can you mess my desk and stuff up for me then, honey, before you leave? So Fatso has something to get her teeth into tomorrow morning?"

"Sure, sweetheart. I'll totally fucking trash it. "

"Ha ha ha. Brilliant! - Ok, Fatso, so that's it. You can fuck off now.

"Right, Miss Chang."

Wendy got up to leave. "Can I go to the loo and clean my face up, Miss Chang?" she thought to ask as she did so.

Melissa smiled beneficently. "Of course you can, sweetie!"

Wendy nodded her appreciation.

"But only after you have done one more thing," Melissa said, still smiling.

"What would you like me to do, Miss Chang?"

"Something you will enjoy. At least I think it is."

"Thank you, Miss Chang. What is it?"

"Out there is Roger Needledick Moss standing on a chair with his pants down and his willy on parade with all the guys laughing at him. Do you see that?"

"Yes, Miss Chang."

"Now you are totally gagging for cock, Fatso, aren't you?"

"Yes, Miss Chang."

"Ok, so a little treat for you, to prove that I am not a heartless boss. I want you to walk out there and go stand in front of Needledick and inform him in a loud seductive voice which everyone can hear that his cock looks absolutely yummy to you. That you simply love the look of his cock even though Miss Chang has told you that it is ridiculously small and could not satisfy any self-respecting woman in a million years. Tell Needle that just the sight of it is making you wet your knickers because you have never been this close to a penis before in your whole life. Tell him that tomorrow you will be asking Miss Chang's permission to have him stripped by the guys and held down spread-eagled on the floor and for super-hot Miss Chang to make him erect by standing over him and letting him peer up her dress, so that you can then take your knickers off and hitch your skirt and lower your great weight onto the poor guy and straddle that tiny hard little cock of his and ride it fucking hard. Ride it until just before either you or he is about to come, whichever is first, at which point you will be hauled off. Then after you have told him that, I would like you to suck his stupid little dick for precisely ten seconds. Make sure to count it in your head and not get so excited that you lose track. And then you can go and clean up. How's that, sweetie? Fatso, I mean."

"Ok, Miss Chang."

"Coolio! Just thinking though, I personally do not wish to witness the disgusting spectacle of a monstrosity like you sucking the tiny smelly dick of an inadequate like him, so I would ask you to wait here until I've left and then do it."

Melissa looked at me. "Ok so I'm off, babe."

"See you, honey."

"You can tell me about it tomorrow. Should be a scream for you guys."

"Ha ha ha. You bet!"

"Oh and tell Fatso about the other stuff. You know, the stuff I told you in the restaurant. Like the makeover, for example, and about having to feed me sometimes. All of that."

"Will do."

"Good boy!"

That made me blush a little.

Melissa noticed. She skewered me with a cool penetrating gaze.

"A thought occurs to me. I am in charge of this company now, sweetie, aren't I? I am the big boss around here and you are like my little number two."

Her tone was needling and amused, and at the same time extremely assertive.

I did not wish to reply. I looked away, felt embarrassed, particularly since Wendy was in the room with us.

"That is true, Marky, isn't it?" Melissa persisted.

It was a key moment. I sensed it.

"Yes," I said, shamefaced.

She giggled, grabbed her phone and bag and made to leave.

"Oh, yeah, last question," she said, turning as she opened the door. "About this super-short red leather dress that I will be wearing to the office tomorrow with the zip pulled down enough to flash my tits."

Oh god. The photo. Spooky!

"Mmm?" I said, imagining it already.

"Should I wear panties?"

"I would rather you didn't."

"I'll think about it," she teased.

"Um, ok," I mumbled.

The boss smiled contentedly, blew me a kiss and exited.


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