Maia Laaning Ch. 03

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Maia surrenders her virginity.
7.2k words

Part 3 of the 26 part series

Updated 05/06/2024
Created 06/01/2023
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Maia did not bother to restore her dress and cover up her naked boobs. Instead, she shimmed out of her gorgeous gown and undergarment, and thus as a result, was naked except for her thigh high silk stockings and her warm snow boots. She explained, "I don't feel like lugging my dress around any longer as it was a tight fit anyway, and prolonged wearing was causing me some needless discomfort. If I can just get to my car at the Solaris parking house, I could just leave it there. My mother had thoughtfully paid for a full one day parking. I believe she got a generous discount, as a result of her prominence in the Estonian government. Actually, I think I think she got an unlimited complimentary pass for her spot."

Accordingly, Maia donned her white mink fur coat. Dmitri successfully summoned his assigned limousine, and they drove to the entrance to the parking lot. Maia quickly got rid of her dress. depositing it in her mother's parked Škoda and returned to the limousine for the ride to the Swissôtel. As the ride was relatively short, about the only action with Maia that Dmitri had time for, was for some prolonged intensive kissing. In addition, as Maia had not buttoned up her coat, he had a free hand to manipulate her ample bosom as well as stimulate her clit with his other hand. Needless to say, there was no conversation between them during the trip.

For Maia, the ride to the hotel was her sexual fantasy come true. Mindful of her mother's cynical assertion that there is neither figuratively nor literally such a thing as a knight in shining armor to claim her love, nevertheless she believed without any doubt whatsoever that Dmitri Arkhangelsky was the most reasonable facsimile to one if there ever was one. And he was going to be her first one to do her! Helped by his manual stimulation of her, it was not surprising that she orgasmed before they arrived at the hotel. She squirted as well, which to her chagrin, she realized she was now going to need to dry clean her beautiful overcoat.

The Swissôtel Tallinn is the premier luxury hotel in the capital city. It is the tallest building in all of Estonia, boasting impressive views of the old town and the Baltic Sea (Gulf of Finland). The beautifully restored medieval old town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site with distinctive cobblestone streets, is a ten minute walk from the hotel. The elegantly appointed guest rooms and suites feature state-of-the-art technology and exclusive amenities and services. The facilities of this deluxe hotel include three exquisite restaurants and two bars, a heated indoor pool with several sauna and steams room plus a state-of-the-art fitness club. All in all, it's a natural drawing card for the discriminant traveler or tourist.

It had been a dream of Maia ever since she was capable of harboring such thoughts to spend a visit in this hotel as a guest. She knew her mother had done so on many occasions especially during the August chamber music festival, featuring Natasha Starikovich. That this locale would be the site for her very first sexual adventure was well beyond her sexual fantasy aspirations. She couldn't be more thrilled.

Whether deliberately or just plain neglectful, Maia still did not opt to button up her white mink fur overcoat upon arrival at the Swissôtel entrance. Instead, she was clutching her coat to keep it together, after exiting from the limousine and engaged in traversing the hotel lobby to Dmitri's suite. During her walk, despite Maia's attempt to conceal her naked body, invariably part of her coat would fly apart to reveal her nudity to any passersby in the vicinity.

When they got to the elevator banks, two other middle-aged couples got on the elevator with Dmitri and Maia. Since Dmitri and Maia were destined for the top floor, they naturally gravitated to the rear of the elevator with their backs adhering to the back wall. The other two couples then stood in layers in front of them. With a carefree attitude, Maia dropped her hands to partially expose her cleavage and vulva. Whenever any of the others in the elevator happened to glance back, Maia took the opportunity to flash them momentarily exposing her full nudity.

Maia grinned at the women and winked at the men on each such occasion. The former frowned and scowled; the latter reddened and quickly looked away. When each couple arrived at their designated floor, they quickly scurried out of the elevator. As each couple departed from the lift, and sensing that neither couple were Estonians, Maia cried out in English, "Have a good evening. I know I'll have one!"

Dmitri had only a rudimentary knowledge of English, so after the second couple had exited the elevator, he asked Maia to explain what she had said to them. Upon being apprised, he broke out into an extreme hearty laughter such that brought joyous tears to his eyes. Regaining his composure he said, "Well here's hoping I won't disappoint in your stated expectations."

Maia cavalierly replied, "Oh I'm certain I could not have asked for a better lover for my first time. I'm truly excited and ready. I'm sure you can't possibly disappoint me. That is, unless of course, you were to succumb to a sudden unexpected heart attack."

Luckily for Dmitri, Maia did not notice that he had visibly flinched at hearing her off the cuff random remark. Obviously unbeknownst to her, and for that matter most of his friends and relatives, he had been diagnosed with incurable brain cancer during the previous summer. He canceled his engagements for the ensuing autumn season. He was able to keep the reason for his cancellations a secret. Fortunately, he was not hard pressed for an explanation as sufficient advance warning to the musical venues had been given to allow for adequate replacements to be engaged.

During his secret treatments to contain and control the disease, Dmitri resolved not to let this illness defeat him. Whatever time he had left, he was determined to live the remainder of his life to the fullest. At the start of this new year, he returned to the Bolshoi Theatre stage in Moscow to perform as Count di Luna in Verdi's opera, Il Trovatore for a run of three performances opposite the spectacular Anna Nezhdanova. He received strong reviews from both critics and audiences for his performance. This evening's concert was his second event on his return to the stage, and he was pleased with his stamina, especially considering that the concert had extended well beyond the original scheduled time.

As previously indicated, he had expected to finish the night by imbibing some vodka and then retiring to bed. However, Maia's exuberance and sexual brazen antics paved the way for the possibility of an alternative conclusion. He was shocked to learn Maia proclaim her virginity along with her eagerness to surrender it to him upon such short acquaintanceship. Although not particularly theistic, but as Maia was vamping him and putting forward a suggested sexual outcome, he entertained an outrageously irreligious thought. He had formed the belief that God was perhaps making amends for His infliction of this horrible terminal disease on him by allowing him in the interim to enjoy the favors of a gorgeous nubile female creature, such as Maia Laaning, as compensation. He decided that it behooved him to make the most of such divine dispensation.

He was pleased to discern that his illness had not yet sufficiently debilitated his health and impaired his ability to give a good accounting of himself to this fetching young thing. Consequently, he replied to her last flippant remark by suggesting, "Not to fear my dear Maia. I've only had one bottle of vodka, so I'm pretty sure my heart will hold up."

Maia went along jocularly with this trend of conversation, as she said, "Phew, that's good to hear. It would dampen my spirits if you were to pass out on me just as I'm about become a woman! From my own experience I have no problem in inferring a man like you can easily handle one bottle of vodka. Hell, even little old me can consume one bottle of vodka without any ill effects from the same!"

Bemused by Maia's girlish cheerful friskiness, Dmitri stated, "Well yes one bottle of vodka surely won't impair my ability to sexually perform to your initial expectations of your first sexual experience. The material question remains though, will that be sufficient to satisfy your fantasy of what your first sexual experience ought to entail?

Maia replied, "Well I guess that remains to be seen. Or as the famous applicable adage would suggest, 'The proof is in the pudding.' Or of course I mean in the fucking."

When they entered the suite, the opulence of it pleased Maia immensely, as she deemed it a splendid setting for her first time sex. Happily Maia thought, 'No back seat of an automobile or at a seedy motel room or even on a blanket during a picnic outdoors for me!' Such locales had been previously reported to her by some for her girlfriends. The suite was divided into two rooms: with a sofa and armchair in the living room and a king-size bed in the bedroom.

Once inside the suite, Maia launched into a business-like demeanor in order to set up to her satisfaction a proper venue for her first sexual intercourse. She went to the closet to hang up her lovely white mink fur coat. She quickly removed her snow boots and turned to face the bed. She turned back the bed covers and let the material drop onto the floor at the end of the bed. Then she gathered up the top sheet and carried it to the living room to place it over the sofa and cover its entire surface.

Aside from being aroused by Maia's naked beauty, Dmitri was absolutely nonplussed by her actions. He couldn't help asking her, "What the hell are you up to Maia? What the hell are you doing?"

Maia casually replied, "My girlfriends, who have already engaged in sex beforehand, had advised me that the first time I have sex might hurt when my cherry is broken. However, they had assured me that such pain is merely ephemeral and is not experienced again in subsequent sexual experiences. I might say that as a big girl such perceived pain is of no consequence in my apprehension or fear as a virgin, especially considering that it's a pain all we female virgins must undergo.

"However, because of the rupture of my hymen, there would be as a matter of course expulsion of some blood, and in some cases, it could be quite a lot. Inevitably, that would produce a messy stained bed. Since I know that I would want to make love on the bed not once but several times, the stained bed would be uncomfortable for repeated sex play. So, I propose we do the first time on the couch and then afterwards we can finish up on the bed, for some really fun time."

It struck Dmitri that Maia was handling this scene in a very dispassionate, matter of fact manner indeed. There was no hint of romance or even some honest to goodness anticipated eroticism in her manner. Her pragmatic approach to what was about to transpire sexually belied her stated condition of being a bashful virgin about to engage in her very first act of sexual intercourse.

Dmitri had forgotten whether he had ever deflowered a virgin. His memory of his initial forays into sex were a distant memory only; in fact he couldn't even remember the names of the girls he had sex with during his youth. However, despite such lack of memory, he would have thought that a bona fide virgin would be a helluva of lot uncertain in her demeanor and no matter how willing to participate would have to be somewhat apprehensive in what was about to occur. Obviously, Maia Laaning was a different kettle of fish.

One other thought that occurred to Dmitri was that for a virgin to agree to so willingly surrender her maidenhood, she would be usually inclined to have some sort of loving regard for her lover. In his case, Maia certainly gushed enthusiastically in expressing her admiration for him. However, Dmitri formed the impression that her attraction to him was based more on who he was as opposed to having a personal intimate attraction towards him.

Actually, this was not too unusual for him as he was frequently importuned by what could be described as classical music female groupies intent on securing a one night stand with him. Occasionally he had acquiesced to such female wiles, but rarely did he experience unfettered joy as a result. In the case of Maia Laaning before him, he instinctively knew this would be one of those rare occasions. The fact that he had been diagnosed with incurable brain cancer made it all but certain that the forthcoming joy he was to experience would be one to savor.

As a natural consequence of a heterosexual man, Dmitri had immediately become aroused by Maia's nudity; first when she exposed her one breast, his cock sprung to action. Then when she exposed the totality of her breasts, his cock hardened. When she subsequently shed her dress completely and donning her beautiful white mink fur coat as the only cover to ostensibly avoid public nudity, he was enchanted and enthralled.

Now while he was still relatively fully dressed in his performance tuxedo and its accouterments, he saw that Maia was nonchalantly sitting on the bed linen covered sofa. She was in the process of calmly removing her thigh high stockings, the only clothing apparel remaining on her body. Maia apparently just noticed for the first time of the disparity in the state of their dishabille, and so said, "As you can see Dmitri, I'm ready for you. So, what's holding you up? Are you having any second thoughts? Am I not pretty enough for you? Don't you want to transform me into a true woman?"

At this point Maia had climbed upon the sofa. She rested on her right side to face him. Her right arm was folded with the palm of her hand resting flat on the surface of the sofa. As a result, her large right boob drooped down to rest on the back of her hand. Her large left boob was promptly displayed as it rested upon her midriff and was truly a mouthwatering sight. Maia's left arm was draped around the middle of her body with her hand clutching the bottom of her right side.

Maia's right leg was stretched out along the sofa bent at the knee at right angles. Her left leg was raised at right angles to her other leg with the sole of her foot resting on the surface of the sofa. This kind of a pose by Maia offered a tantalizing view of her vulva. Although she was covered by blonde pubic hair, the same could not hide the sight of her prominent slit of her lady parts. That in turn made her irresistible to any straight man to even those who weren't otherwise prone to be attracted to her.

At this point, Dmitri had divested himself of the cummerbund of his tuxedo and had divested himself of his trousers. This had freed his cock from the confines of his restrictive clothing and made it appear as a solid exposed sword. That being the case, Dmitri moved closer to Maia's provocative posed position and non verbally offered his penis to her.

Leaning her head forward towards him, she reached for his penis with her left hand and popped it into her mouth. As Maia pumped her hand along the length of his shaft, she was merrily licking on his cockhead while swirling it in her mouth. She was humming along in conformation of the joy she was experiencing from the activity. In her previous conversations with her female friends and acquaintances she discerned there were two schools of thought concerning the activity of fellatio. Either one detested the practice and was determined never to participate in this type of oral sex; or one is enthralled in the sexual satisfaction inherent in giving head that one does it every chance one gets.

Maia instinctively believed that those of the former camp would be needlessly missing out on a sexual thrill. Whereas those of the latter, she believed would be deemed as truly sexy women in addition to enjoying the eroticism of the entire sexual activity. She also had theorized that given the truly erotic nature of such an intimate oral sex, that her brain would accept the ingestion of male sperm as an exotic taste sensation. So, she was primed to taste cum in addition to experiencing her first vaginal penetration sex. Although she was hoping for her to experience the latter first, but in any case, she wanted to revel in both activities before this evening would end.

While Maia was busy giving him head Dmitri was busy divesting himself of the rest of his clothes and discarding them on the floor beside himself. Once he was naked, except for his socks and shoes, he broke physical contact from her, and withdrew his cock from her mouth. Having removed his socks and shoes to become totally naked as she, he directed Maia to roll over to become supine on her back on the couch.

Dmitri then climbed onto the sofa to hover over her and face Maia in preparation for a missionary position sexual intercourse. He imagined that as a virgin, she would be more comfortable for her first sexual activity to follow a standard regular position of sex which even novices could easily relate to. Mind you, he did realize that the quick acceptance by Maia to give him head surely signaled that she was no ordinary virgin needing constant reassurance before completing even a perfunctory first time sexual intercourse. In any case, after a slow deep kiss, Maia deliberately broke away from the kiss and declared, "I'm surely ready! So do me Dmitri! Fuck me! I say fuck me Dmitri!"

Sure enough, as he took hold of his penis to direct entry into her vaginal opening, Dmitri could sense the moisture of her leaked female juices rendering her pubic hair completely wet. His cock easily entered into her slit and faced no resistance until it touched her intact hymen. He naturally stopped pushing as he was really psychologically in uncharted waters as to the protocol of proceeding in such actual circumstances.

Luckily it turned out that it was the virgin Maia who saved the day from any inherent awkward embarrassments! She sensed that he had met an obstacle i.e. her intact maidenhood and was reluctant to proceed for fear of causing her intense pain. Maia, of course subconsciously applauded his trepidation but by the same token his reluctance was not helpful in successfully concluding her first sexual occurrence. As a result, she wrapped her legs around him and planted her heels on the back of his calves. In that leveraged position she forcefully lifted her hips to force his cock to break through the obstacle of her hymen.

Maia let out a squeak but was able to contain the temptation of emitting a shriek. She was so damned committed not to display any appearance of suffering any pain. To be considered a wuss was an anathema to her. Nevertheless, she was grateful that Dmitri paused before resuming to fuck her. This respite was sufficient time for her to recover from the sharp pain she had endured as a result of the rupture of her hymen. Thus, she was now in a very cheerful mood when he recommenced the coitus.

So, she couldn't help uttering, "Atta go Dmitri! That's it! That's the way I like it! You're turning me into a woman! Here me roar!"

Obviously, although Maia was a classical music enthusiast, it did not mean she was not conversant of Helen Reddy's well-known feminist anthem i.e. "I am woman hear me roar." In fact, being a virgin, she really wasn't particularly attuned to the tolerated orthodox comportment for a woman's vocal reaction when she was enjoying an intense orgasm. Consequently, once the pain of the rupture of her hymen had subsided, she was enjoying an exquisite sexual thrill well beyond even her most optimistic expectations for her first time sex. She was constantly grunting, sighing, breathing heavily, even squeaking throughout the entire course of their coitus. As a result, when Dmitri, climaxed and was pumping load after load into her previously virginal pussy, Maia was truly overwhelmed in ecstasy to such an extent that she actually roared! Yes that's right! Maia roared! Twice even! Uncannily imitating to some degree, the sound of the roar of the lion introducing the commencement of an old MGM movie.