Maia Laaning Ch. 09

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Maia invites Harri and Arnold to her birthday party.
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Part 9 of the 26 part series

Updated 05/06/2024
Created 06/01/2023
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When Maia woke up that Friday morning, her erotic dream of her adventures in the sultan Selim's seraglio was vividly alive in her conscious mind. She was literally compelled to masturbate. In her imagination, she remembered some of the sexual tricks in her dream, which she performed during her one thousand nights. One of the most outstanding tricks required the assistance of the servants Delara and Azar.

A block and tackle pulley was rolled into the sultan Selim's chamber. Maia's ankles were bound together and Delara pulled Maia up so that she was suspended dangling upside down in the air. Azar then maneuvered the pulley contraption in position so that when Delara lowered Maia down she was able to perform fellatio in such an awkward position.

Imagining such episode from her dream heightened the sensual pleasure of her masturbation. As a result, Maia was overwhelmed by a delicious orgasm. Although she had not expended a tremendous amount of physical exertion, nevertheless her passion caused her to perspire copiously once she reached her climax.

During the time she was showering, and as well during the time she was subsequently getting dressed for the day, Maia's mind was occupied with contemplating the meaning of her erotic dream. It was clear to her that her dream was a natural progression in the sexy mood she had been all week long. She realized she would cherish the memory of her nineteenth birthday not just for the fact of losing her virginity, but for enjoying the hottest sex she could have possibly imagined or desired. In addition, her very first lover was a worldwide celebrity; not some inexperienced timid boy of her own age who would be ignorant as to how to truly please a woman, especially a woman like her.

Maia was not overly vain about her beauty, but she was cognizant that she had no cause to complain about her physical appearance. Ever since she could remember she was constantly being praised for her pulchritude, by everyone she was ever in contact with. Her greatest champion was her aunt Erica Koeninger, her mother's sister. Erica was a sensational beauty in her own right, universally acknowledged as the most gorgeous female in the Laaning family. However, during the last time her mother and her had visited Aunt Erica and her family in Chicago, Erica greeted her with a full, all out embracingly loving hug. When they separated, Erica declared, "Oh my goodness Maia, just look at you. You have become a truly beautiful, gorgeous woman! Obviously, I can no longer claim to be the prettiest woman in the Laaning family!"

With such reality established in her conscience, Maia had developed perhaps a shallow-rooted attitude towards having sex with a man. Since by all accounts she was considered a strikingly lovely female, she saw no reason to accept nothing but a superior male to be her sexual companion. And so, despite being the most attractive and popular girl in high school she never had a date, nor did she put herself out to encourage male attention. Of course, her busy schedule of playing and practicing the piano, plus playing and practicing tennis was a factor in limiting her extracurricular activities. Nevertheless Maia conceded in her own mind, that had there been a male student in high school she could feel was a cut above the rest, then she would have most certainly surrendered her virginity a lot earlier.

Her attitude started to change during the breakfast conversation with her mother on the morning of the date of her nineteenth birthday. Vivian had pointed out, that it was unrealistic of Maia to expect an exceptional lover amongst her male peers. Vivian had claimed that only an experienced man who had previous congress with a hot sexy woman can truly please a woman to ultimate pleasure in sexual activity. Given her lack of sexual experience as opposed to her mother's vast sexual experience, Maia had no reason to disbelieve such a dispiriting assertion.

Her mother had also pointed out that although great sex might not ensue from her male peers, still there is no denying that the sex act is a pleasurable activity in of itself, and not to be sneered at. Certainly, it's better than masturbation. Although Maia was aware of the proverb "you must kiss a lot of toads before you find your prince", she had never paid much heed to it, but she acknowledged the underlying principle behind that saying. Accordingly, Maia was determined in her declaration that she would endeavor to engage in a sexual tryst on the occasion of her birthday party.

The weekend sex with Dmitri Arkhangelsky relieved her of her virginity, and he certainly was a wonderful lover; everything she could have possibly hoped for or dreamed about. However, Maia also realized that she probably could have been satisfied to have lost her virginity normally like most of her female friends and acquaintances.

Yes, the time with Dmitri was magical and she would hold dear the occasion forever in her memory. Still her practical mind registered the undeniable reality that he was not the love of her life, unlike some virgins might imagine of their first lover and for that reason was the impetus for surrendering their virginity. For one thing, she realized that Dmitri would not have considered fucking her had it not been for her sexual aggression. Besides, it was a natural given that their paths would likely never cross again.

Then Maia also considered the sequence of the events imagined in her masturbation and subsequent erotic dream. She was first captured by the Cossack leader who resembled Dmitri Arkhangelsky whom she had had actual sexual congress. But the rest of the men in her dream consisted of Toomas Tamala, her tennis coach, Harri Kutsaar, the most mediocre and least interesting male student in her high school and Arnold Viisimaa, at least arguably the smartest male student in her high school but also the most unattractive male student by physical appearance.

Maia had in reality of course fucked the opera star but there's no gainsaying that she hadn't fucked the other three men. Was she supposed to? Is the dream suggesting that she ought to? Or is the dream a portend of things to come or cum in her sexual history?

With regard to Toomas Tamala, she was most enthusiastic to the notion of planning to have sex with him. He was younger than Dmitri, in his forties, and just as handsome and macho. Tamala was married, but Maia did not view that as a deal breaker given the example of Dmitri's marital status. Besides it was common knowledge that most professional female tennis players have had or suspected to have had sexual relations with their coaches. That fact was reinforced by the reported declaration of Pam Shriver, a former hall of fame American tennis player, who stated that she had had an inappropriate ongoing sexual liaison with her coach which started when she was seventeen and he was fifty. Ms Shriver admitted, though, that she was the instigator of their affair.

Since Maia was committed to playing in tournaments in California and in Miami in March, and Toomas was committed to accompanying her for these events, Maia could see the possibility and opportunity of seducing him during those occasions. During her shower, she resolved that if she didn't have sex with him during those events, it wouldn't be as a result of any reticence on her part.

With that thought Maia giggled, as she remembered an anecdote her mother had related to her during one of their intimate sexual conversations. Her mother was the maid of honor at her sister's (Aunt Erica) first wedding, and the groom's best man was designated as Vivian's escort for the reception. Upon being introduced to her date Vivian was instantly attracted to him. His sex appeal was compelling enough that Vivian confessed to Maia, that she had at the time resolved in her mind, what was the exact same resolve, Maia had just made in regard to Toomas Tamala. Vivian finished her anecdote by advising that she was successful in her quest to get to know the best man in the Biblical sense. Maia could only conclude that she was apparently more like her mother than she would care to admit.

When her mind turned to the possibility of having sexual congress with either Harri Kutsaar and or Arnold Viisimaa, her enthusiasm for such prospect lessened considerably. What was dispiriting in Maia's viewpoint was that in comparing those two with the male guests she had already invited to her party, they were both lacking in sexual appeal to everyone of her invited male guests. Now after the pep talk with her mother about not sneering at having sex with someone, she was not so attracted to, she had made up her mind that she should try to have sex with one of her male guests to her party.

At least with those invited guests, she was pretty sure she would not be prone to retching after having sexual intercourse with any one of them. But with Harri and Arnold she could not be so certain that such would not be her reaction were she to do the deed with them. In fact just contemplating having sex with either Harri or Arnold immediately provoked a gagging reflex in her mind. Maia realized that such an attitude was highly conceited and condescending on her part, but she couldn't help feeling that way. She was familiar with the psychological jargon: "feelings are neither good nor; bad they just are".

Maia knew that if it hadn't been for her recalled erotic dream, as she hadn't invited either one to her party, she would never have considered having sex with either one of them. Since she had vowed to herself and indirectly to her mother that she would endeavor to have sex at her birthday party, at least now she had a target or targets to shoot for. Before her dream, she had expected that she would drink heavily. Thereby after losing her inhibitions, she would be able to pick out someone to fuck who would catch her fancy. Of course, considering her tolerance for alcohol consumption, she knew this plan was a dicey proposition. She probably would pass out before her mind would be inebriated enough to make the necessary distasteful choice.

With her sober mind, and under the influence of her erotic dream, Maia could possibly make a case for either Harri and or Arnold and convince herself that it would not be an ordeal to fuck either one of them. Perhaps she might even enjoy the exercise. After all, Harri was OK in physical appearance and her dream suggested that Arnold had a huge cock to compensate for his otherwise negative appeal. As her mother had intimated, actual sex with a male partner had to be better than masturbation. In the case of Harri with his above average good looking male physical appearance, at least she wouldn't need to put a bag over his head to fuck him.

That last whimsy by Maia stems from the epithet of the 'two bag lady' uttered by her and her girlfriends to label an ugly female. It is stipulated that the love partner of a 'two bag lady' would need to don a bag over the head of the homely female to avoid seeing her hideous visage and at the same time the lover needs to don another bag over his own head in case the bag over the 'two bag lady' gets dislodged during the sexual activity.

In the case of Arnold, one bag over his head would not be the ultimate solution. The rest of his flabby unappealing body could not be covered from view with just one bag. But then again, every lover looks good in the dark. Finally, Maia concluded that her vivid erotic dream was sending her a message that she ought not disdain them as potential lovers. Therefore, since she couldn't determine beforehand which one of them, she would prefer she decided that she would do them both. Then she realized she hadn't invited either one of them to her party. Was her dream telling her that she ought to invite them to her party?

Two other facts about her erotic dream, drew Maia's attention in her contemplation of the meaning of the dream and what it might portend for her. They were the inclusion of the legend of Scheherazade and the sultan Selim. The sultan Selim in her dream did not resemble any person known to her. Instead, he represented the ideal male whom she envisioned in her fantasies who would claim his love for her and sweep her off her feet. He was her knight in shining armor. Maybe her mother was wrong. Her dream was suggesting that it was her destiny to meet her mythical knight in shining armor and he existed, but perhaps he did not own any armor or a horse either.

For that matter, the inclusion of the legend of Scheherazade must mean that when she eventually meets her knight in shining armor, she will be fucking him for one thousand nights consecutively. And she will bear him three sons and be pregnant with a fourth child. That of course would fulfill her mother's desire for her. Although Maia had not yet seriously set in her mind that one of her life's goals would be to become a mother of at least four children, still she was sensible to the rationale for establishing such a goal.

As her mother had often pointed out that Estonia's population was a mere one and half million souls, whereas Holland with approximately the same territorial size as that of Estonia, had a population of over seventeen million. With the actual population replacement rate currently in Estonia being below 2.1 per woman of childbearing age, it threatened the extinction of Estonia itself. Thus, as an Estonian woman Maia could see that it was almost her duty to bear at least four children.

Her dream, therefore seemed to suggest if she wanted her knight in shining armor then it behooved her to plan to have sex with Harri Kutsaar and Arnold Viisimaa toute suite in order to set in motion her happy encounter with the presumed promised knight in shining armor. Accordingly, that day at lunch time, Maia sought out Harri Kutsaar in the school cafeteria. He was sitting alone at a small table and there was no student seated near his vicinity. His reputation as a dimwit was well established such that not only did, he not have any friends, but no one would even talk to him unless it was absolutely necessary.

As Maia had never previously had any real contact with him, she had been oblivious to his apparent ostracized existence in high school. That realization now prompted in her a feeling of concern as she was hard put to imagine such solitary lifestyle that Harri was forced to endure. Thus, as she approached him, she was determined to be as compassionate as she could possibly be. Accordingly, she addressed him, "Hi Harri, how are you?"

Harri Kutsaar was startled by this greeting by the most popular and undeniably the most beautiful girl in the school not to mention the daughter of the Prime Minister of Estonia. Caught by such an unexpected surprise, he could only stammer, "Oh! Hello, Maia."

Ignoring the fact he had not responded in the customary expected manner of her common innocuous salutation, Maia proceeded with, "May I join you?"

Harri was still absolutely shocked by Maia's greeting, so that all he could manage in response, "You want to sit down with me?"

"Of course silly, or I wouldn't have asked."

"But are you sure?"

Maia was bemused at Harri's diffidence, but she could understand his reaction given their disparate popularity and reputation in the school. So, she unceremoniously sat down at his table and said, "I believe Harri, I'm known in this school as a girl who knows what she wants and a girl who usually gets her way."

Harri replied, "Well sure I'm aware of that, but I'm hard put to understand your interest in sharing your lunch with me."

That crisp response by Harri nonplussed Maia. She instantly realized that Harri could not possibly be as dimwitted as his reputation in their high school would suggest. Yes, he certainly had failed two years in his secondary school education, but his insightful reply indicated to her that perhaps there were mitigating circumstances which would account for the lack of success in his academic endeavors. These speculations on her part tended to make her careful in formulating her dialogue with him so as to achieve the best outcome for interaction between them.

Accordingly, she shyly replied, "Well Harri, the fact of the matter is that I turned nineteen last Saturday, but because my mother had tickets for the concert at the Alexela Concert Hall featuring Dmitri Arkhangelsky and Anna Nezhdanova...."

Here Harri interrupted, "Oh really? I love them and I have CDs of each of them singing their favorite arias. I would have loved to have gone to see them in person, but I couldn't really afford the ticket prices."

Two things instantly registered in Maia's mind: (a) Harri was more articulate than she had expected given his failures in school progress, and (b) he apparently loves classical music. She, therefore, concluded that fucking him would not be so bad as she had dreaded. With a smile she then said, "Yes they were great, and it was an excellent concert. It is unfortunate that you were unable to attend. Anyway, you can understand why I didn't have a party that night. So instead, my nineteenth birthday party will be held tomorrow night."

Harri was even more shocked as he asked, "By telling me this, are you seriously inviting me to your birthday party?"

Maia replied, "Why yes indeed. Can you come? It will be starting at eight o'clock. I apologize for such short notice. It was a regrettable oversight on my part when I made the guest list. Then when I saw you just now, I realized that I had forgotten to include you."

Harri suspected that he was not initially deliberately invited but that perhaps someone had canceled, and Maia had decided to have him replace that person. So, he skeptically asked, "You really want me to come to your party?"

This time Maia was a little exasperated at his modesty, as she replied, "Yes of course. As I said before, I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want you to come."

"Well OK then. I really would like to come to your party. So where is the party going to be held? I'm assuming the party is not going to be at the Stenbock House or is it?"

Maia answered, "No it wouldn't be held at the Stenbock House as only my father as Prime Minister, when on official government business, resides there. My mother and I live in our family home. Sometimes my mother goes to the Stenbock House to spend the night with him there, and sometimes he comes for dinner, which I cook by the way, and spends the night in our home."

Harri was surprised by that information as he had been under a different impression based on what he was aware of from the news accounts about Maia's family. So, for clarification he asked, "Are your parents separated then? I thought all the news stories indicate they are happily married."

Maia was nonplussed again by the false information Harri Kutsaar had surmised of her family. In an effort to clarify she advised, "My parents are not legally married since my father is still officially married to a professor at the Tallinn University. He has been separated from his wife for some twenty-five years not bothering to get an official divorce. My mother has not been anxious to remarry since she has been married twice before and doesn't want to jinx their relationship given her history of two failed marriages."

At this point Harri asked, "So are you their illegitimate daughter, then?"

"Oh no. My actual biological father related by blood was my mother's first husband, but he died a few months before I was born. Naturally, I know nothing of him except what my mother can tell me about him. My mother's second husband was not fond of me, and so I do not have good memories of him.

"On the other hand, I've known the Prime Minister since I was seven years old when he and my mother got together, and we have been living together as a family ever since. I know he loves me as his own daughter; he does treat me equally in the same manner as his two daughters of his marriage. Incidentally, they treat me as their sister and so, I regard them the same way as well. That's why I refer to him as my father even though he is only my stepfather and technically not even that."