Maia Laaning Ch. 17

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Maia goes out on a date with her black cousin Tony.
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Part 17 of the 26 part series

Updated 05/06/2024
Created 06/01/2023
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When Maia along with Rose arrived at the Koeninger home, she was greeted by her aunt, who hugged her enthusiastically. Speaking in Estonian, Erica exclaimed, "Welcome my darling niece. I'm so pleased to see you for this unexpected visit." As they separated from their hugging, Erica continued with, "Oh my Maia! You have become even prettier than when I last saw you, and you weren't even looking your best because of your illness."

Maia had contracted mononucleosis the previous June, which prevented her from playing tennis at Wimbledon, that year. To look after Maia's illness properly, Vivian had cancelled her normal July visit to America, to visit her relatives. As a result, Erica was concerned enough at the plight of her favorite nibling, that she took some time off to make a rare visit to Estonia.

In continuing her praise of Maia's pulchritude, Erica declared, "Not only are you the most beautiful Laaning woman, but you must be the most gorgeous woman in Estonia. There can't be any debate about that. I bet it helps your stepfather remain in office as the Prime Minister when he can be photographed with you by his side."

Maia blushed by such effusive praise from her favorite relative. She suspected that her aunt deliberately spoke in Estonian so as not to cause discomfit to her own daughter, although from Maia's perspective Rose had no cause to complain concerning her own beauty. In any case, one of the reasons Maia loved her aunt was the fact she had no problem in speaking Estonian with her.

During her earlier visits with her mother to America, Maia had no grasp of the English language. Erica had taken the trouble to translate for Maia of any conversations directed to or at her. Maia was always grateful for her aunt's incursions in such instances as it made her visit more enjoyable, less tedious. Her uncle Paul did not provide the same courtesy probably because she was just a girl. And her mother was no help, as Vivian was always engrossed with adult conversations that she could not trouble herself to help her daughter. Consequently, her previous visits to the Laaning farm were boring; not at all pleasant. In contrast the Chicago visits to the Koeninger residence was much more bearable for Maia.

Maia was naturally happy with the outcome of her visit this time to the Laaning farm. As a result, she was glad to have taken the opportunity to visit her uncle and his family. Looking forward to her three day visit to her aunt's family in Chicago, Maia was equally happy to have the opportunity to conclude a previously unscheduled visit to spend some time with her American relatives.

To her aunt's affectionate warm greeting, Maia replied, "Thank you for your remarkable hyperbole of my presumed beauty. It reminds me of Casanova's prescription for seducing a woman. To wit: 'Assure an intelligent woman that she is beautiful; assure a beautiful woman that she is intelligent.' Since I'm first in my class in high school with the highest grades, I must be objectively deemed as intelligent. Therefore, it behooves me to be on my guard when anyone compliments me excessively on my feminine allure and alleged beauty."

Erica harrumphed and replied, "You will note that Casanova has nothing to say about a woman who is in equal measure superior both in intelligence and in beauty. Maybe he didn't believe such a creature exists, but more likely he had no prescription as to how to win the heart of such a superior female especially if the seducer is lacking in either one or both of these qualities. After all, Casanova was able to rely on his intellect and to his whiles to successfully seduce women despite by all the accounts that suggest that he was not a particularly physically attractive man. I infer, therefore, that he was not able to stir interest of the truly superior woman."

Maia answered, "You might be on to something Aunt. I now believe that the reason I was a virgin for such a long time was that my reputation as to my beauty and intelligence was intimidating to all of my fellow male schoolmates. Consequently, they were not able to present themselves in the best possible light to me to advertise their better qualities. This in turn prompted me to dismiss them as inadequate and unworthy to pay any attention to them sexually."

Erica picked up on the use of the past tense by Maia, and thus reacted, "So, you're telling me you're no longer a virgin? Your mother hasn't apprised me of your new sexual status last time I communicated with her. Does she even know? Has it happened just recently during this tennis adventure of yours in California and Florida? Did you bonk your tennis coach, then?"

Maia replied, "Of course Mom knows. She was actually with me for the occasion. It occurred when we both attended a concert at the Alexela Concert Hall to celebrate my nineteenth birthday in January. The concert was a performance given by the Russian opera super stars, Dmitri Arkhangelsky and the soprano Anna Nezhdanova. The acknowledged highlight of this concert occurred when they sang as a duet 'Moscow Nights'. But the event will always be remembered as the major cultural event of having ever occurred in Estonia, especially when the two of them led the audience in a rousing and emotionally charged rendition of our beautiful national anthem. I have to admit when these Russian opera stars sang our anthem in the reverent manner as they did, brought tears to my eyes. It was definitely a beautiful night to remember.

"That night became even more memorable for me. Because of Mom's prominence in cultural matters in Estonia, plus being instrumental in bringing about this concert in the first place, we were allowed access to the backstage dressing rooms to meet these two superior vocalists. As a result, in due course, I lost my cherry to Dmitri at his hotel room. Mom had to settle with Anna for her sexual pleasure.

Erica chuckled as she said, "Knowing Vivian as I do, I'm sure she was not too disappointed to be forced to settle for lesbian sex when a cock was not available. I remember that her first exclusive love relationship was with a woman, being her high school history and English teacher; Erin Falconbridge I believe was her name. And she's had numerous other female partners as well."

Maia contributed, "She told me once that she could not possibly compile an accurate a list of all her sex partners as she was certain to leave out some whom she could not recall. Her situation becomes impossible because of her frequent visits to the TLR to partake in the club's orgies. On her last visit she spotted whom she believed was a new stud who she believed she hadn't seen before. As he looked particularly appealing to her, she decided to have a go at him. After they finished their inevitable clinch, the gentleman raved on claiming that the sex this time around was just as good as the last time they were together. Mom swore she could not recall their previous encounter and so she had to take his word for it that they had actually fucked before."

Erica laughed uproariously at the anecdote and spluttered out, "That's my sister all right! She has certainly taken over the title of the premier slut of our family despite the fact that I had such a huge head start. I lost my virginity when I was thirteen while in contrast, she was still a virgin on her eighteenth birthday. Mind you at her party days later celebrating that birthday, she finally had her cherry busted and hasn't looked back since."

As Erica and Maia was chuckling away at their repartee, Rose who had been impatiently sitting waiting for a chance to join in on the conversation, protested, "Can you guys not switch to English? Maia, you can speak English as well as any American which theoretically you are anyway. Its rude not to let me in on the conversation. And can you guys tell me what you had been talking about and what's so funny anyway?"

Erica quickly answered, "I'm sorry Rose my darling. I get so little opportunity now to speak Estonian so I couldn't help myself with Maia. However, we shall all speak English and I'll only speak Estonian when it is just Maia and I alone."

Thereupon, Erica informed her daughter of the gist of the previous conversation with the exception of the initial greeting praise and the analysis of Casanova's assertion.

Once Rose was brought up to speed, Maia chimed in with, "By the way Aunt, in answer to your secondary question, I did indeed bonk my tennis coach, Toomas Tamala. It was a marathon virtually non stop sexual adventure lasting for the full week between my last match in California and my first match in Miami. The only thing that interrupted the sex during that time, aside from eating, actually sleeping and the calls of nature, was the practice time I devoted in preparing for my appearance in Miami. Considering the lack of my success in Miami, I shouldn't have bothered and instead enjoyed even more sex with Toomas. Plus, as a result of my birthday party, I did fuck one of my guests, actually two. And one of them is now my boyfriend who I fuck two or three times per week."

Both Erica and Rose burst out laughing at the outrageous description by Maia of her sexual antics. With tears in her eyes, Rose quipped, "And to think that you had admitted to being a virgin at the start of the year. Now within just the first three months of this year you seem to have exceeded the amount of sex I've had."

Maia added, "And I'm not done yet. Like my mother, I have had some girl-on-girl sex as well. I have played with my best friend Riina Mölder too many times to count. But they weren't too serious of occurrences to be worth mentioning; more like occasions to experiment before we each would develop a serious love partner.

"However, in the morning after that wonderful time I had with Dmitri, while Mom apparently had an equally good time with Anna Nezhdanova in her hotel room, the four of us decided to carry on at our house and take advantage of sauna sex. In the limousine ride to our house Mom and I agreed to switch partners during the ride. So, I had girl-on-girl sex with Anna during the trip while she had her go at Dmitri. Although Anna is straight like me, our sexual time together was truly carnal much more enticing than all my encounters with Riina. It was marvelous!"

Rose, nonplussed, wondered, "What the hell is sauna sex? I've never heard of such a thing."

By that utterance, Erica surmised that her daughter was not as sophisticated in sex as her niece, if she could not decipher the meaning of 'sauna sex'. She impatiently replied, "Oh Rose honey, you know what a sauna is. Hell, you have partaken many of times in a sauna when we were visiting your uncle Paul at the family farm."

Still not understanding the implication of the term, Rose replied, "Yes of course I remember the many times I've been in the sauna with you and Aunt Eleanor and sometimes with Cousin Judy and occasionally with Cousin Marlene as well. And the last time Aunt Vivian and Maia visited together, we had a sauna with all of them as well as Marlene's daughter Anita. I agree wholeheartedly that the health benefits and the pleasure of becoming clean that a sauna affords of a thorough cleansing of the body and for that matter of the soul is an incredible experience. Still, I don't understand what you mean by sauna sex."

Exasperated by the inability of her daughter to infer what Maia was alluding to, Erica rolled her eyes. She replied in a curt manner, "Look Rose you are aware that the primary way we bathe is taking a shower and that is the paramount use a shower is utilized. But you can surely imagine that a couple of lovers while partaking in a shower together, ostensibly to get their bodies clean, would also engage in some sex play simultaneously. I believe that when Maia mentioned sauna sex, she was suggesting that the four of them, in addition to bathing were also indulging in group sex, a foursome if you will. Am I not right Maia?"

Maia reddened, as she succumbed to blushing. She could infer that her aunt was alluding to the possibility that she might have had taken part, even if only incidentally, in an incestuous lesbian act with her mother during that weekend when she surrendered her virginity. Maia also suspected that if she blatantly admitted to that being the case, and in fact describe exactly what her mother and her did during the sauna sex, her aunt would no doubt further assume that her mother had confessed to her of an ongoing incestuous lesbian relationship with her and her sister. That was something her mother made clear that she didn't want Erica to become aware that she had shared this secret with her daughter.

Deliberately ignoring such potentially incriminating suppositions by her aunt, Maia carelessly informed, "The Russian opera singers were definitely thrilled to experience the cleansing benefits of a sauna with the added bonus of the group sex. Anna and I were so happy that we sang a duet of a song from an old Broadway musical. The atmosphere was surreal."

Before Erica could question Maia further into the details of the group sex in the sauna, Rose interrupted by saying, "Oh wow that sure sounds like your sauna sex was ever so exciting! I guess when we're visiting uncle Paul it's not practical to engage in sex in the sauna as we are not coed when we bathe."

Seizing on the opportunity, provided by Rose's meaningless observation, to further obfuscate what occurred in the sauna sex, Maia was able to pronounce, "Anyway by getting rid of my holdout waiting for my prince to claim my maidenhood, I've since become sexually active with a vengeance. In addition to my prince, Dmitri, my boyfriend Harri and my tennis coach Toomas, I've now had girl-on-girl sex with my cousin."

Erica exclaimed in astonishment, "You fucked Marlene?"

"No, it was a blood related cousin!"

"What blood related cousin? Do you mean to say you and Rose got it on during your roadside trip here?"

Rose, was clearly shocked by such insinuation, and so protested, "Mother, how could you even think that?"

Before Erica could reply, Maia said, "No, she was an unknown female cousin previously unknown and unheard of to the family."

Now Erica was bewildered, so she demanded to know, "What unknown blood related cousin? As far as your mother knows your biological father was an orphan without any known relatives. Certainly, none showed up at your parents wedding ceremony nor at your father's funeral. I should know as I was present on both occasions."

Maia answered, "No apparently, I do not have any paternal relatives. It turns out that it is Uncle Paul who has a love child."

Erica completely astonished could only splutter, "What? What are you saying? I would swear on a stack of Bibles, that Paul has been absolutely faithful to Eleanor."

Maia revealed, "That is most likely true. But when he was single and in high school, he got a girl from the high school pregnant. And she subsequently gave birth to a daughter."

Erica responded, "I can't believe that. Paul and I were close during our teen age years. I was privy to his escapades before he married Eleanor. He sure as hell would have told me if he had impregnated anyone. As far as I know no female claimed she got pregnant by him.

Erica blushed as she inwardly recalled that she herself had gotten pregnant when she was single. In her case there were two possible men that could have impregnated her, one of them being her boyfriend. The other was her father's friend who was visiting her father and staying at the farm for a week prior to leaving for Australia. She had engaged in sex with both of them during that week, and so she could not with any certainty determine who was the father of her baby. Since her father's friend had left the country before she realized that she was pregnant, she told her boyfriend that she was pregnant and that he was the father. They got married as a result, but she miscarried. As she did not get pregnant again with her husband after three years of trying, she assumed her father's friend must have been the one who had impregnated her.

With such recollection on her conscience, Erica added, "I did know that he fooled around with some married women. I suppose he could have gotten one of them pregnant and the woman in question would likely have claimed her husband to be the father. But if that had been the case, I'm sure Paul would have told me. Perhaps the woman didn't tell Paul of the possibility that he was the cause of her pregnancy and so, Paul remained clueless. But then how is it, that such a case has now come to light after so many years later?"

Maia answered, "No he did not get a married woman pregnant. It was a school mate named Sylvia Young. She did not reveal to Uncle Paul of her pregnancy, and instead left town before anyone knew she was pregnant. She went on to live with her married sister in Saint Louis. She got married to a Patrick Broadhurst before she gave birth to a baby girl who was named Sonia Broadhurst. Sonia grew up believing Mr Broadhurst to be her father.

"This past January, Patrick Broadhurst died as a result of a motor vehicle accident. With his death, Sylvia informed her daughter of the true circumstances of her birth and advised her that Uncle Paul was her actual biological father. Apparently, Mr Broadhurst had extracted a promise from Sylvia not to divulge the fact that he was not the father and that another man had really impregnated her mother.

"Consequently, being apprised of such information, Sonia came to Lydiaville to visit her grandmother, Sylvia's mother. Naturally, her main purpose was to face Uncle Paul and present him with the details of her birth and its implication. After their meeting, he agreed to a DNA paternity test and the results of which did determine that Uncle Paul was indeed the biological father of Sonia Broadhurst.

"Because of such circumstances, aunt Eleanor agreed to allow Sonia to visit and meet her family. That visit coincided with my visit and so I got acquainted with a blood related relative who heretofore was unknown."

All Erica could reply, "Well I'll be! What a strange set of circumstances. That sure means that I'll have some interesting conversations with Paul and Eleanor after this bit of family news."

Rose said, "I guess this means that I have a new blood related cousin as well. And you say that you had girl-on-girl sex with this Sonia Broadhurst?"

Maia replied, "Yes indeed. As you are aware, of course, that Uncle Paul and his family are dairy farmers. Accordingly, they all tend to go to bed early in the evening. The cows must be taken care of so very early in the morning, you see. Thus, Sonia and I were eventually left alone on Tuesday night. Since we were getting along so well, we weren't willing to call it a night just yet. And so, we repaired to my room in the spare barn for further conversation and drink. Since Sonia earlier had professed to be a gold star lesbian, and I happen to be female, one thing led to another. It was only a matter of time before we found ourselves naked. And as I was not averse to some girl-on-girl play, we indulged in some truly Sapphic delight."

Erica burst into laughter upon listening to Maia's droll description of her lesbian sexual activity. Rose, though, was nonplussed. She asked, "What is a gold star lesbian?"

Maia replied, "A gold star lesbian is a lesbian who hasn't ever fucked a man, nor does she ever intend to. I suppose an exception could be made for a lesbian, who happens to be in the company of a man and succumbs to the persistent and relentless demands that they have sex; his successful persuasive line being 'you might as well take the opportunity of engaging in straight sex, if only to experience it once and for all'. If the lesbian, thus finds the subsequent sex distasteful and not enjoyable and swears off men absolutely, I imagine she is entitled to retain the status of a gold star lesbian."