Maia Laaning Ch. 18

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Tony outlines the circumstances of his birth.
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Part 18 of the 26 part series

Updated 05/06/2024
Created 06/01/2023
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As they repaired to an upscale bar, Tony was surprised by Maia's choice of beverage. It was 'Grey Goose' vodka on the rocks; no orange juice for a screwdriver or any other mixed drink like tomato juice for a bloody Mary or clamato juice for a bloody Caesar or even ginger ale for a Moscow mule. He, himself, had settled for a mixed drink of 'Jack and Coke'. (Jack Daniels bourbon and Coca Cola) When asked about her selection, Maia replied, "Although as I understand my mother's beer, labeled in English as 'Vivian's Brew', is currently available in some outlets in the United States, it's not available at this bar. So, I decided to order my other usual go to drink of vodka on the rocks. I laughingly consider it as my mother's milk. I understood from my tennis coach while at the tournament in California, that 'Grey Goose' is considered as one of the more superior brands of vodka available in the United States. I find it satisfactory enough for my palate."

Such an intriguing answer left Tony a little non plussed especially considering the dichotomy between the choice of a beer vis à vis hard liquor diluted only by ice cubes. So, he asked, "But Maia for a sociable drink wouldn't you prefer a mixed vodka drink like a screwdriver or a bloody Mary?"

Maia mischievously answered, "I'm influenced by the American poet Ogden Nash's proscription of a happy time or conviviality to wit: 'Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker'. As we have so little time left to be together in this visit, why not enjoy it unequivocally."

At this point, Tony knew without a shadow of doubt, that Maia's answer was a signal that she was fuckable. He believed that Maia was consciously deliberately misconstruing Nash's quote which to his mind was clearly intimating a successful ploy for a man to seduce a woman. With such merry thoughts in his mind, he opted to steer the conversation to a more general direction which might provoke some confirming flirtation. Accordingly, he alluded to the discovery of a mutual heretofore unknown cousin, namely the story of Sonia Broadhurst.

To this, Maia replied, "I can partially relate to Sonia's story since I grew up not knowing anything of my biological father as he had passed away before my birth. Of course, the major difference between Sonia and I in our upbringing, was the fact that she had been under the impression that her stepfather was her actual biological father as she was led to believe. It wasn't until relatively recently that she discovered who her real biological father was, namely Uncle Paul. But at least Sonia has now gained the opportunity of discovering her previously unknown blood relatives.

"However, in my case my biological father died before my birth and that he seemingly had no blood relatives with whom I could communicate. As a result, my two stepfathers, particularly Raimond Kruuse, are in fact my real honest to goodness fathers to me. Especially Raimond who has treated me equally as his own daughter vis à vis his actual flesh and blood daughters from his previous marriage. In fact, those women treat me and regard me as their sister notwithstanding the absence of any relationship by blood."

At this point, Tony felt compelled to reveal, "Well I guess compared to the two of you, I seem to be in the middle ground. In that my de facto father, may or may not be my biological father."

Maia was absolutely stunned by Tony's assertion which seemingly came out of nowhere. She had to ask, "What the hell do you mean by that Tony? Are you saying Uncle Rod is not your father?"

Tony answered, "No Rod Koeninger is definitely my father especially legally. However, as for him being my biological father, it is merely a thirty-three percent possibility that such is the case. And your mother had a central role to play in bringing about my existence."

Now Maia was totally shocked by such an assertion, as she reacted. "Oh really? My mother? How so pray tell?"

Tony said, "Shortly after my eighteenth birthday, my parents sat me down to give a detailed account revealing the actual circumstances of my birth. They had decided that now that I had become an adult, I was entitled to be aware of the true circumstances of my birth. They indicated that it would be left up to me to explore further if I so wished to ascertain the identity of my biological father.

"The circumstances of my birth all started with your mother when she was finishing her junior year at the University of Wisconsin. She wanted to celebrate the occasion with a bang so to speak."

At this point, Tony started chuckling as a consequence of intentionally having uttered a pun. Since Maia's command of English did not include the meaning of some common English slang expressions, she was nonplussed by his reaction. So she asked, "What's so funny?

Tony replied, "Forgive me as I was just being silly. I'll explain later if you like. Anyway, during that school year your mother had engaged in sex frequently with my uncle Nigel Koeninger and another black dude, either individually, separately or occasionally together as a threesome. These two of your mother's lovers were graduating that academic year, so that it clearly meant the end of their relationship with your mother, as the three of them would move on their separate ways. With that reality in mind, your mother suggested that they engage a luxurious hotel room in Madison for a farewell threesome orgy, right after the end of their final exams on the Friday morning of the Mother's Day weekend. It would be a true farewell as Uncle Nigel was planning to return to Charlotte to visit his parents, my grandparents, before moving on to Texas for his job. The other dude was also planning to leave Wisconsin never to return. Naturally the invitation was readily accepted.

"Well then a few days later, my mother, who was at the time still married to her first husband and living back in the Lydiaville area, contacted your mother. Apparently, my mother's mother-in-law was planning on a shopping trip to Madison for that Friday. So, my mother asked to tag along so that she could come spend the weekend with your mother and return to Lydiaville with her.

"My mother's idea was to go to a singles bar with your mother and see if they could each pick up someone to spend the night with. I gather our mothers would be considered libertines when they were young."

Maia opined, "I guess that is the polite way of saying it. I understand that the common vulgar way to describe them would be as sluts and whores. However, my mother would say of herself, that she is a woman with a healthy appetite for sex. And that is what I strive for in my life. In the past three months, I believe I'm well on my way to achieving such a goal."

Tony broke out into a sunny smile, as he was now certain that he was going to score with his Estonian cousin that night for sure. He continued with his story, "Now it so happened that my father, had been traded from his former team, the Miami Dolphins to the Chicago Bears. He had come up to Chicago to secure an apartment to live in while he played for the Bears. Accordingly, he contacted my uncle to let him know he would come up to Madison to drive him back to my grandparents' home in Charlotte, North Carolina.

"Naturally, my uncle advised my father of the planed orgy and suggested he join in. As our mothers had no objection to his presence, the five of them indulged in a non stop private orgy, at the hotel suite they had engaged. The action lasted from Friday night till early Sunday morning. The result of which my mother, as well as your mother, my aunt acquired sperm in their vaginas from all three equally."

Maia exclaimed, "Oh wow that sounds like a blast! Something I wouldn't mind participating in."

This remark by Maia solidified in Tony's mind, that he was certain that Maia would agree to sex, after they finished drinking at the bar. Still, he was alarmed at Maia's display of insouciance over the wanton experience of debauchery exhibited by their respective mothers. He couldn't help remarking, "But Maia aren't you a little horrified by our mothers' slutty behavior? And you want to emulate such behavior, you say?"

Maia answered, "My mother is fond of pointing out, that obviously we all are going to die, and so our time on earth is limited. God has designed sex to be an enjoyable experience to ensure we procreate and preserve the human race. That being the case, a day without sex is just that: a day without sex and without the enjoyment derived from that. It cannot be made up. The sex you have today does not rectify yesterday's day without sex. I regret having stayed a virgin for so long, but it could not be helped as virtually none of the available guys in my school seemed to be interesting enough for me. Happily, things have changed for me this year and I've enjoyed sex from four very delightful lovers. One of them is now my boyfriend from my school and we fuck at least three times a week.

"As for our mothers, I get the impression that they must have enjoyed this group sex orgy. This is especially so considering that my mother was the promoter of the event and was eagerly supported by your mother. I gather since you're telling me this story, this must mean you are going to inform me that your mother got pregnant with you as a result of this event. So why didn't your mother utilize some birth control measure? Presumably, my mother did, since I was born several years after this event, and I don't have any brothers or sisters despite the fact that my mother hasn't exactly been a nun."

Tony answered, "Yes, my mother did get pregnant with me as a result of that weekend. She was out of the habit of utilizing birth control measure as she was trying to get pregnant with her first husband. Since she had been married for four years by this time and had not gotten pregnant, perhaps she thought she might be barren."

Maia responded, "Yah, everyone usually assumes it's the woman as the cause of infertility, but it takes two to tango. In this case, it might seem to be that it was her first husband who was sterile."

Tony opined, "That does seem to be a reasonable assumption, since in addition to me, my mother has given birth to my younger brother and sister."

Maia then said, "So, as you told me that you are uncertain that your father is your actual biological father, how did he become your everyday father? Did the three guys flip a coin when your mother advised them of her pregnancy? Or did your father volunteer to take full responsibility because he was the only one of the three earning a living while the other two had just finished college?"

"It turns out that she never advised my father or the other two of her pregnancy."

Astonished, Maia asked, "Why not? Did she by chance think she had been impregnated by her husband after all?"

"No, she knew her husband could not be responsible for her pregnancy. They had not had any sex since her last period and never since for that matter."

Maia replied, "I see. So, I take it this then ended her marriage, as I presume, she would've had to have admitted to this adultery since she didn't get a secret abortion?"

Tony said, "I believe so and it didn't help to learn that she had committed adultery with not only one black man but three. I've never met my mother's first husband, so I can't say whether he's an outright racist. But I can't imagine any white man would be thrilled to continue living with his white wife who had borne a biracial child during their marriage. It seems like the ultimate insult to a white man's ego."

Maia responded, "Maybe so. Although I would not think the pain a man suffers by learning his wife was pregnant by another man is softened if the wife's lover is of the same race. If anything, if the wife's lover is say the husband's brother or a very close friend of the husband, the betrayal would I venture to say feel even more acute."

Tony replied, "You may have a point there. In any case the marriage was at an end, and my mother raised me as a single mom. She shared living accommodation with your mom first in Madison when your mother was completing her final year at the University of Wisconsin and then three years in Chicago when your mother was going to law school."

Maia then said, "Now that you mention it, I do recall that my mother had advised me that your mother had been married to another man before your dad, and that she and your mother lived together between the two marriages. But she never even hinted to me that your father might not be your biological father. Considering your age, I had never put two and two together that you must have been born during the time our two mothers were living together. I just had assumed your father was, well your father. Of course, I had never been concerned that there might have been an oddity to your birth especially at how you've just outlined it to me.

"But that begs the question, considering what you had said that your mother did not inform the three guys that she had gotten pregnant as a result of the orgy in May of that year. So how did your father become your mother's second husband? Did they then against all odds meet again? Or is there another explanation?"

Tony answered, "Exactly you hit the nail on the head. It was a coincidental happenstance that they met again. In separating from her husband, my mother abandoned any desire to be a farmer's wife and work on a dairy farm; not even the Laaning farm. So instead, she opted to enter the restaurant business and start as a server. She first obtained a position at the finest restaurant in Lydiaville. However, considering Lydiaville was unsurprisingly prone to small town gossip, it quickly became common knowledge that she was pregnant as a result of participating in a gangbang with three black dudes.

"With such sustained gossip, my mother soon became a pariah in the community. Whereas before, she had enjoyed a favorable reputation as the prettiest woman in the county. She couldn't bear the malicious invective which she routinely received even from past friends. That's how it came about that our mothers lived together for the next four years. Your mother acted as the birth coach for my mother when I was born. They both believed my father must have been the one who was the sire since I weighed so much at birth and my father was the biggest of the three in the orgy."

Maia scoffed, "That's not a particularly persuasive piece of evidence. So in other words, your mother had really no idea of who your biological father was when you were born? But she kind of hoped your father sired you?"

Tony replied, "Yes it turns out that she never forgot my father and she fantasized that I was his son. My father also never forgot my mother and that spectacular weekend in Madison."

Maia said, "So, your father didn't know that your mother got pregnant that weekend in May and that he might have sired a son?"

"That's correct! He was resigned to the fact that the group sex he had with our mothers was a one time thing; a one night stand if you will. And since my mother was introduced to him as a married woman, he suspected it would be fruitless to pursue her in Wisconsin. He did provide my mother with his contact number in case she ever found herself in Chicago."

Maia then asked, "Oh, is that then how they met again? When she moved to Chicago with my mother? Did she then contact your father with that phone number?"

Tony answered, "No it didn't quite go like that. My mother was a very excellent server. She had established great references from her Lydiaville and Madison employment. As a result, she found employment with one of the finest restaurants in downtown Chicago. She started out then as a server. Her skills and dedication to provide the best service possible to her customers, was noticed by the owners. She was soon promoted to an assistant manager position and by the time your mother was in her final year at law school, my mother was promoted to the general manager position.

"As I said, the restaurant my mother worked at, was one of the finest restaurants in Chicago. Accordingly, it tended to attract a wealthier clientele; the prices charged certainly deterred those who could not afford to spend a great deal of money for entertainment. My father, of course, as a highly paid star player for the Bears, naturally included this restaurant as one of the night spots to entertain a hot date."

Maia interjected, "Oh I see the plot thickens! True love was not thwarted after all. Your father with a date entered this restaurant and spotted your mother whom he had fondly remembered."

Tony responded, "Your feminine instinct serves you well. One night in June, my father with a date did indeed arrive at the restaurant. He had inadvertently not phoned ahead for a reservation. Consequently, they were seated at the bar to have a drink while waiting for a table to become available. As they were sipping on their ordered drinks, my father spotted my mother as she was conferring with the bartender, in the course of her duties.

"My father instantly recognized my mother, despite the fact that more than four years had passed since that orgy instigated by your mother. So, he got rid of his date by giving her cab fare to disappear. Thereupon, he ate alone and enjoyed his meal while watching my mother carry on her duties as the general manager of the restaurant.

"During the meal, my babysitter brought me into the restaurant. She needed to go to the hospital as her niece was involved in a car accident and was being treated at the emergency room of the hospital. Apparently, she couldn't get a hold of your mother to take over for the duty of babysitting me while my mother was working. Since I was three years old at the time, I have no memory of this incident.

"In any case upon seeing this curious scene my father asked his server to speak to my mother on the pretext that he wanted to express his complements to the excellency of the meal and the service. In reality, he wanted to talk to my mother and more to the point to find out what had occurred since their time in Madison. When my mother came to my father's table as directed, she also instantly recognized my father, and so in the ensuing conversation he found out that he might be my biological father."

Maia interjected, "Wow! What a fortuitous coincidence! So, this chance meeting was the first time your father actually learned of his possible paternity of you, and you were already three years old at the time. Since you have throughout alluded that your father is potentially your biological father as well, it begs the question why didn't your parents take a blood test or a DNA test for paternity? Since they did marry weren't they curious on this point? Or was your father reluctant to find out since he obviously wanted to marry my aunt Erica no matter what?

"I can understand that rationale. By the way, with all the times I've visited your family in Chicago, I have come to form the opinion that your mother, also my aunt, is certainly a worthy and sensational woman. Any straight man smitten with your mother would surely want to marry her despite her having a child by another man."

Tony answered, "In actuality, the reason my parents did not partake of a paternity test was that it was my mother, not my father, who balked and refused to allow such a test. You're quite right, about my mother's allure to my father, though. As soon as he met my mother the second time, and learning that she was no longer married, he was overjoyed that she was free to marry. He wanted to marry her, notwithstanding that he might not be my flesh and blood father.

"The thing about my mother was that she had raised me while she was a single mom during the first three almost four years of my life. As a result, whenever at that time she speculated who had impregnated her, she came to believe that it had to have been my father. She intellectually knew that her intuition plus her hope might not be factually true, But the point was that my father was the only one of the three whom she was truly enchanted with. So in her mind, the other two just couldn't be the father of me.