Maia Laaning Ch. 25

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Erica cavorts with Cedric Hackett.
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Part 25 of the 26 part series

Updated 05/06/2024
Created 06/01/2023
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Once Jed Baxter and Vivian Laaning had left Maia's victory party celebrations and retired to Vivian's bedroom designated bedroom, the next couple to leave were John Cooper and Anett Kontaveit. That left Cedric Hackett in a tête-à-tête with Erica Koeninger née Laaning. Although Roderick Wellington was paying attention to Maia while Cecil Abbott was concentrating on Riina, neither Maia nor Riina were invested in exclusivity. The four of them were seated on the same couch which invited a group action as opposed to pairing off in couples.

When Erica was single, she was very promiscuous, even more so than her sister Vivian. For example, Erica lost her virginity when she was only thirteen years of age, compared to Vivian who was eighteen when she finally became sexually active. Although Erica's lascivious wantonness was common knowledge amongst her peers, she was not held in contempt for it. She benefited from the high regard her family enjoyed amongst the local community. Erica's sole ambition at the time was to marry a farmer. Erica justified her youthful sluttish behavior as a pragmatic rationalization to the reality facing her when she married. It's self-evident that the life of a farmer's wife comprised of a conscientious unwavering commitment to work and duty with little time allowed for frivolity.

Initially, Erica did achieve her life goals by the time she attained the age of twenty-three years. She had gotten herself pregnant, and so married her long time main boyfriend who was going to inherent his family's farm. Things, though, did not transpire as she had envisioned or hoped for. Unfortunately, she miscarried from that pregnancy and did not conceive again during the subsequent three plus years of marriage. Erica even didn't get pregnant, despite deliberately engaging in sex when she knew she was ovulating.

Both her husband and she were invested in the expectation of having several children as a result of their marriage. Thus, frustration naturally set in. An unspoken tension prevailed as Erica had the impression that her husband had started to suspect he was not the father of her initial pregnancy. Ostensibly, he had no basis for harboring such suspicion since it was known that during the time period where she must have conceived, she was known to have been exclusively with him. However, unbeknownst to him during that period, her father had a good friend visit for a week. During that time Erica had a clandestine tryst on one occasion. That being the case, since Erica did not get pregnant again during her subsequent marriage, she had to suspect that it was her husband who was incapable of fathering children.

As a respite from her marriage woes, Erica opted to team up with Vivian to participate in a weekend orgy with three black men. Two of whom were Vivian's regular fuck buddies at the university and the other man was a brother of one of those Vivian's college lovers. Erica got pregnant as a result of that group sex activity which at least confirmed in her mind that she definitely was fecund. That adulterous tryst cost Erica not only her marriage, but also the prospect of continuing her life as a farmer's wife. Since it became common knowledge that she had been impregnated by a black man, her reputation in her community, once unsullied had turned to mud. She was considered the vilest of a slut and a whore.

An example of the phrase, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, applied to Erica. As a single mother, she shared living accommodations with her sister during the latter's senior year at the University of Wisconsin and all three years when Vivian was studying at the law school of the University of Chicago. In abandoning her life's ambition to be a farmer's wife, Erica first obtained employment as a server in a Lydiaville steakhouse. Then she worked in Madison and finally at an upscale restaurant in Chicago. Erica's work ethic developed from her farming background benefited her transition into the restaurant industry. Her assiduity plus her pleasant comportment not to mention her good looks assured her in obtaining generous tips from her customers.

Erica's employer in the Chicago restaurant recognized Erica's worth. As a result, she was rapidly promoted to assistant manager and eventually general manager of the restaurant. Since the owner was not a hands on proprietor, Erica's experience as the general manager of the restaurant boosted her confidence to the extent that she started her own restaurant/nightclub. Having received more than sufficient financing, partly from Jed Baxter who no doubt contributed as a result of his affair with Erica's sister Vivian, Erica's food and entertainment establishment became very successful in attracting the trend setters of the well-to-do in Chicago society.

Erica's personal love life also took a turn for the better as well. During her stint as general manager of the Chicago restaurant, one of her customers happened to be Rod Koeninger. He was the brother to one of Vivian's fuck buddies and who participated in the group sex party in Madison. During that orgy the others noted that the chemistry between Erica and Rod was unquestionably undeniable. More than four years had passed since that party, and yet they recognized each other instantly upon their unexpected reunion.

In their ensuing discussion Rod found out that Erica was the mother of a three year old biracial son who was conceived as a result of the Madison party. Thus, Rod might be the biological father, but Erica didn't want to know. As a single mother she was comfortable with idea that Rod was the father and she was not interested in finding out whether in reality he was or wasn't. This time their reunion did not result in a one night stand but instead led to marriage a few months later.

Rod adopted Erica's son, Tony, and acquiesced to his wife's wish to refuse to undergo a paternity test. Erica didn't want to have her illusion that Rod was the father dashed by an undesired result. Besides she knew that she wanted and would have more children who obviously would have Rod definitely as their biological father. Therefore, she would want to avoid as a physiological factor of the possibility of separate parentage to interfere and differentiate in the love she and Rod would confer amongst all their children. As we've seen when Tony reached his majority and was apprised of the circumstances of his birth, he opted not to undergo a paternity test either, as he was content in living his life with the reality that Rod Koeninger was the sole father in his life.

Erica was totally, absolutely, unequivocally in love with Rod Koeninger. He was the ideal man for her, happily filling all of her sexual and other emotional needs. True he was black, which given the racial divide in the United States presented its own peculiar nettlesome personal irritants. Her parents were obviously not comfortable with him nor her children. Her brother and his family, especially her sister-in-law, initially demonstrated subtle hostility, and as time progressed it was followed up by aloofness. Finally though, lately his brother and his family had overtly accepted the undeniable reality that Rod and Erica were in love and had a happy marriage. Rod's vivacious personality and Erica's success with her restaurant/nightclub enterprise was the catalyst to turn the tide to a favorable interaction between the two families which in turn paved the way for joyful get togethers.

As to her sister Vivian and her niece Maia, there was no discomfort in their interrelationship with respect to race. After all, it was Vivian who first had black lovers and it was Vivian in effect who was indirectly responsible that Erica and Rod had met in the first instance. With Maia growing up in Estonia, the only real interaction she had with black people occurred when visiting Erica in Chicago. For Maia, in visiting her cousins, the difference in language spoken was more of a diversity for Maia's point of view than the contrast in their skin color. During Maia's visit in the spring, Erica legitimately deduced that Maia and her son, Tony, had sex and she could see by Maia's comportment that the fact they were first cousins was more of concern to her than the difference in race.

With regard to Rod's family, Erica was accepted unilaterally on the basis that his parents could discern the genuine deep love that existed between Rod and her, independent of the difference of race. In particular, they could surmise that Erica did not fit in the definition of a coalburner i.e. a white girl who is spoiled rotten and rebels against her wealthy or middle class parents for some imagined affront sometime in their short lives, and thus seeks a black lover to spite her parents especially the father.

Nigel Koeninger, Rod's brother had no objection to Erica as his sister-in-law. After all, in his junior and senior years at the University of Wisconsin he was a regular fuck buddy to Vivian. And of course, he had sampled Erica's charms during the aforementioned group sex orgy at Madison. In addition, his children got along with Erica's children. Visiting Rod's parents in Charlotte, NC and occasionally Nigel's family in Texas was always an unfettered pleasure.

Sex with Rod was by any measure fantastic. Erica always experienced at least one orgasm and more often multiple orgasms every time she had sex with her husband. Even when they had mundane vanilla sex, missionary position, the sexual pleasure was phenomenal. And they had sex frequently as often as it was realistically possible. That being the case, Erica was faithful to her wedding vows. There was no motivation nor temptation to cheat. In her mind sex with another man could not possibly be more exciting than sex with her husband, so why bother.

There were in fact, only three occasions during her marriage where Erica engaged in extramarital sex. The first one really shouldn't count since it occurred as a result of a double date with Jed Baxter and Vivian wherein the four of them engaged in an interchangeable foursome sex. The second time occurred at the occasion of Vivian's wedding to Eino Tarvas, which was held in Tallinn. In lieu of a bridal shower Erica along with Vivian and the other matron of honor, Angela Peterson, were having a drink in the bar of the hotel they were staying prior to the wedding. They picked up a gentleman and indulged in some group sex. Since Angela was the foremost one of them in bringing about the tryst, she hogged most of the sexual activity with the solo gentleman. As a result, Erica's participation in the group sex was minimal. That being the case, Erica didn't feel particularly guilty for this indiscretion.

The third instance of marital infidelity by Erica was this very same impromptu orgy celebrating Maia's Wimbledon victory. Erica would be the first to acknowledge that her sex life with her husband was terrific and she had nothing to complain about in that department. They were still fucking most likely more frequently than couples of similar age. Why the day before she left for London, Rod and she had engaged in a truly amorous sexual activity that night lasting in duration more than two hours whereby she enjoyed some exquisite multiple orgasms. Yes, her husband still satisfied her sexually beyond her desires.

The fact though, was that Erica was now fifty-four years old and was starting to show her age. She had been throughout her adult life considered to be an extremely attractive woman by any standard measure of female pulchritude. About the only negative feature of her physical beauty was that she was very tall, at a height of six feet (183 cm). Mind you as the saying goes, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so that her tall stature would be considered as a plus by some connoisseurs of female glamour. After all, most professional models tend to be tall even some as tall as Erica.

However now, Erica's natural beauty was marred by the slight blemishes by the appearance of crow's feet at the outer edges of her eyes plus wrinkles on her cheeks and a hint of a double chin developing. In addition, her naked beauty was marred by the presence of cellulite on her buttocks and thighs. Of course, such unfavorable physical qualities were not a deterrence for her husband's loving regard for her. In any case Rod had aged in equal measure to her and such did not deter her one iota in her love and attraction for him.

At this party, Cedric Hackett was the gentleman who exclusively hit upon Erica. She was to learn that Cedric was twenty-two years of age, fresh out of college, and had attained some important position in the Human Resources department with Baxter and Sons, European division. From Erica's perspective, this party contained the presence of three young luscious ladies, namely Maia, Riina and Anett. There were four Baxter and Sons male employee guests available to compete for the attention of this trio of nubile Estonian women who had unsubtly each signaled they were fuckable.

Had Cedric at this party, initially ignored Erica in favor of trying to attract the interest of any of one of the young trio, but being unsuccessful in such quest, considering the competition, it would in that instance be natural that he would have turned his attention to Erica. However, as far as Erica could tell, Cedric had made no play whatsoever to try and seduce any one of the spectacular Estonian trio. Instead, right from the get go, Cedric's focus and attention was directed exclusively on Erica.

Naturally at the age of fifty-four, Erica was flattered by the attention bestowed on her by Cedric. Why he was younger than her two sons! She certainly had no complaints about her husband's amatory skills in the bedroom, but there's no denying that her husband's stamina and vigor were not as potent as they were when he was younger, Thus, in Erica's mind this rare opportunity to be pleasured by a young stud was something she surely did not wish to miss out on. Two clichés came to Erica's mind: "What happens in London, stays in London", and "What Rod doesn't know, can't hurt him."

Accordingly, to Cedric's surprise, Erica's expected defensive resistance to his not so subtle overtures for sex did not materialize as she offered no opposition. Accelerating Erica's lack of resistance to Cedric's seductive ploys was to her mind his Adonis like physical appearance. He had dark curly locks of hair to complement his classic Greek like face. He was tall and lanky and probably was devoid of body hair on his torso. She was to subsequently discover that this supposition was accurate.

As their confined conversation heated up, their byplay became visibly intimate to others in the suite. Once they started kissing while seated on a love seat, Cedric had the temerity to surreptitiously reach underneath her 'We ♥ Maia' t-shirt and bra to fondle her fleshy boobs. In retaliation, Erica was able to deftly unzip the fly of his tuxedo trousers and grasp the bare flesh of his penis. Finding what she held was to her liking, Erica tentatively licked on his neck. Then she whispered in his ear, "I think we ought to take this more privately to my bedroom."

Cedric smiled in reply. They then stood up and repaired to Erica's designated bedroom in the hotel suite. As soon as they were inside the room, and having closed the door to the room, they began frantically kissing each other. Erica's lustfulness skyrocketed to the pinnacle of her ecstasy. She was immediately wet down there as she was hurriedly lowering her Bermuda shorts and her panties off her waist.

As soon as Cedric realized what Erica had done in the midst of their initial most passionate kissing, he stuck his index and middle finger of his free hand into her cunt and was surprised to discover how wet she already was. He was pleased to realize his choice to eschew the younger women available at the party in favor of the much older Erica Koeninger was not a mistake on his part. He had a premonition she would be hot, but this degree of hotness as evinced by her soggy pussy was a display of passion beyond even his hopeful expectations.

As a result of Erica's unquestioned enthusiasm, Cedric's cock sprang into action, and banged against and onto her thigh. As Erica felt that contact, she broke off the kiss and beamed a most wonderful smile. Then she said in a very deep, husky, sultry voice, "I can feel you are ready to make me happy and you can tell that I'm more than ready for you. Why don't you get out of that monkey suit of yours as quick as you can and fuck the shit out of me. Hurry now my sweet lover, I really need you to fuck me now! I really need it badly!"

Erica stepped out of her panties and shorts which she had pushed down to puddle at her ankles. She then strutted towards the bed affecting a provocatively female gait, which displayed her buttocks alternately swaying up and down. That seemingly deliberate movement produced the desired outcome for Erica; it enflamed Cedric's libido to a feverish pitch. She sat down at the edge of the bed and removed her shoes and socks. Crisscrossing her arms, she removed her 'We ♥ Maia' t-shirt to expose a pinkish colored bra which barely covered her areolae.

Tossing her t-shirt and then her bra aside to complete the removal of all her clothes, Erica spread her thighs as wide as possible. Using her index and middle fingers of her right hand she commenced a lusty languid masturbation. She moaned as she murmured in her patent husky seductive voice, "See Cedric, isn't my cunt just simply stunning? You see it is clean shaven, so that I'm devoid of any pussy hairs. That way if you're so inclined to taste me, there's nothing to otherwise tickle your nose, spoiling your fun."

Having immersed her fingers into her vaginal canal during the course of her masturbation exhibition, Erica removed them to her mouth in order to suck on them. She moaned in the process and continued her bawdy exhortations, "Oh my, Cedric. I'm still quite juicy, never mind my age. So, you're not cheated in being with me instead of with Anett, Riina or Maia. I'm just as hot for you as anyone of them could have been. You won't regret fucking me; so fuck me, Cedric; fuck me strong and hard!"

Cedric was now engaged in a mad scramble to rid himself of his inappropriate formal attire, which for some unfathomable reason he had been instructed to wear for this Wimbledon tennis match. Erica giggled at seeing Cedric's frantic antics in fumbling to quickly get himself naked. The sight was almost comical to Erica's senses that she was compelled to say, "Careful Cedric my love. You don't want to rip and cause a tear in your tuxedo shirt. You need not hurry too much. A little bit of suspense in waiting for you, won't dilute my mood or my desire."

Saying this, paradoxically was the ultimate trigger causing Erica to enjoy a brief mini orgasm. She started breathing really heavily, but her true emotional condition was not discernible to Cedric who simply was concentrating on getting naked. Erica flopped backwards resting her back on the surface of the bed, but otherwise did not alter her position. She gasped out again with her now familiar deep husky voice, "On second thought, lover, I'm getting impatient, so you do need to hurry up after all. Hurry Cedric, my darling stud muffin! My twat awaits you."

Luckily for Erica, Cedric had become totally naked and moved towards her. Before she could even think of moving her body onto a more comfortable position on the bed, Cedric dropped to his knees. Setting aside Erica's right hand which had been self pleasuring herself, he commenced an intense cunnilingus. This action was a little surprising to her, as she had expected that Cedric would want to penetrate her vagina with his cock. Then again, she realized that by her vocal exhortations she may have signaled a desire for some oral sex first. In any case she had no objection to his choice of initial sexual activity.