Making Ends Meet

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What's a girl to do when she's lost it all?
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"I'm ruined."

Looking at the screen, Ella saw that not just one but three of her biggest investments had all but crumbled with absolutely no hope of recovering. Even with all of her other stocks she would not be able to recoup her losses. She would need to sell her house, her property, her damn car and she would still be coming up far too short. Covering her face with her hands she cried quietly.

"What the Hell am I going to do?"

She frankly had no experience in any other fields, she was very good at playing the stock market but it seemed that she had stretched too far, got too confidant and had lost too much to save herself. She couldn't call her parents, they had nowhere near enough to help her and she would be far too ashamed to consider it beyond a glancing thought. Her degree was useless to her in pretty much every other field and every other job that she had tried that could make the difference just wasn't looking for a new employee.

Ella had always thought that she would be fine, her life had been about as close to perfect as it could have been for her modest upbringing. She was beautiful, smart, funny, well liked throughout high school, and had had almost everything she needed fall at her feet.

Though now it seemed that her good fortune had finally run utterly dry. The odds of what had happened to her were so unlikely that she should be drowning in the cash she should have been making, but life had decided to punch her in her clean-shaven sex and laugh at her misery. She thought of her friends and realized that she didn't have all that many anymore, having dropped all but one from high school like bad habits because they wouldn't even try to accept said one friend, and any others were closer to acquaintances than actual friends.

Her thoughts brought her to her one friend from high school. Alex.

A dainty little girl with an impish grin and short bob-cut of brunette hair that could make anyone weak in the knees at first glance. Alex was not a very popular girl in high school—or in any other form of public education really—and Ella, being who she was had made friends with her almost immediately, even with knowing the pixie of a girls' secret which had made her so unpopular and antisocial in her younger years. Ella had brought her up and they both became successful in the stock market. Alex had become the more successful of the two but that may have been because of the extra funds she had accrued early on through more... illicit means.

This had never bothered Ella, much like Alex's secret, in fact this may be the way she could save herself from the all-encompassing debt that would more likely than not, destroy her.

But could she do it? Ella has been great friends with Alex for many years now, both of them being twenty-seven years old now. Ella had also believed that Alex harbored a huge crush for her and if she were honest, she the same for Alex. She didn't want to risk ruining her friendship with woman but she was pretty much out of options aside from risking the streets, which in this case would be far less profitable if she were to believe how large a following Alex had in her 'other' job. Ella uncovered her eyes and looked back at the screen displaying just how fucked she was if she didn't... well, get Alex to fuck her.


"Ugh, fuck! Come on boys and girls, if I don't see that meter hit two-thousand I'll have to pull out! Fuck I'm so close, ugh!"

Alex was thrusting her hips into the buxom blonde who was tied face up on the bed in Alex's 'other' office. Said blonde giving out extremely wet slurps and gags as the brunette's appendage moved in and out. Alex faced the camera, a live feed streaming her athletic performance of opening the poor blondes throat with her cock which was nearly as long as her own forearm and slightly thicker than said arm. Alex couldn't see the blonde's eyes but she knew she was enjoying this more than she thought she would, the girl barely legal, was practically dripping her essence into the bed which faced the camera.


"Fuck, I'm trying people but this girl's throat is so God damned tight, I really wanna drop a load in her but you know the rules and I never break them."


"Oh, shit we're all so close! Hurry please, please!" Alex begged the camera. Her hips picking up speed beyond the already intense pace. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Biting her lipped and squeezing her eyes shut, she reached forward and played with the blonde's sex furiously.

$2, 064

"Oh fuck, thank you! Ugh, ugh, UGH!"

With an almost ominous thud, Alex's pelvis practically fused with the teens face as she fell on top of her, head laying sideways on the girl's stomach as she filled the girl with her seed, still roughly playing with the girl's sex. And fill she did. Alex moaned as she came for almost a solid minute, the stomach she laid on slowly filling, bloating to appear a few months pregnant, and struggling gags echoing along with the dainty woman's moans. As Alex was finishing the blonde let out a strangled sound as she herself came hard, spraying at the camera and even managing a few drops to hit the lens.

Alex simply lied there, gasping for breath, having stopped rubbing the blonde's pussy and switching to the bump she had dropped in the poor girl. Alex finally removed herself when her tied up playmate began to struggle, a wet, amazing sucking sound permeating the room as she pulled out.

Walking to the camera as the girl gasped for breath, she wiped the lens and looked right into it after glancing at the screen with the meter showing.

$2, 456

"Wow, thank you all so much. You all just helped my sexy cum-dump pay for university this term. Hopefully she wants to come back sometime cause, wow, what a tight pipe she has... well, had actually." Giving the camera an utterly impish grin she blew a kiss waving goodbye, ending the feed.

Taking a few more heavy breaths, Alex looked back at the bed, "So, Candy, wanna go another round or two?" Alex asked jokingly—well half-jokingly.

"Oh my God, no. I don't think I can take anymore." Candy said, looking at her bulging belly with bright blue eyes intently.

Alex huffed a bit, "But I wanted to see your impression of a water balloon." She whined.

"Yeah, and then you would see my impression of a popped balloon, thanks but no thanks. Could you untie me? As hot as this was I really need to just relax and... Digest." She looked away, blushing terribly with that comment.

Alex just laughed and gently released Candy, helping her shift to her side she could adjust to her unexpected payload.

"You didn't tell me that you came like a fucking firehose," Candy said accusingly.

Alex just gave her trademarked imp-like grin, "I like to surprise my new fucks." Getting up she went to her phone and brought it and Candy's purse over, "So just like the contract says, you get half the meter plus a... hazard fee." Grinning at the obvious belly. "So that comes out to be... $1,528." Candy slid her bank card through the card attachment on Alex's phone. Both went and signed her general agreement with the listed amount. Once Candy's stomach had settled a bit, she cleaned up and dressed, being led out of Alex's home.

At the door, Candy turned to speak with her, "You know... I wouldn't mind doing something a little less... taxing, like a coffee?" she asked sheepishly.

Alex looked up at the blonde who towered almost a head taller than her, giving a genuine smile, "Sorry, but I don't like mixing up what I have here... it's nothing personal." Alex explained apologetically.

Candy smiled back, if a bit forced, "No, that's okay. I guess it would be awkward to try going out with someone if you plan to fuck like you do." Laughing a bit at her own joke. Alex laughed with her, looking at her hone as it began to ring.

Alex's face light up as she saw who was calling, "I have to go Candy, if you are interested in doing this again, message my profile and I'll see if I can."

"Sure, sounds good." Candy nodded, but Alex could see that she probably wouldn't.

Saying their goodbyes Alex answered as she closed her front door, "Ella! Hi, how are you?" she asked excitement in her voice.

"Hey, Alex." She sounded off.

"Ella? Are you okay? What's wrong?" She was starting to worry Alex and they'd only been on the phone for few moments.

"I... I really need to see my friend right now. I have to talk to you. Can I come over?" Ella's voice practically begged.

"Yes. Always, you're always welcome. I have to clean up I just finished... working." Ella was fully aware of her endowment and her 'other' means of making money. "You know where the spare key is, just come inside and make yourself at home. I'll be done as soon as I can." She promised.

"Thanks Alex."

"Anything for you. I'll see you once I'm finished cleaning myself up." Alex spoke in her most soothing tone.

"Okay. Bye." Relief seemed to fill her voice, but she still had a tremor to it.


Hanging up, Alex went to work cleaning up her 'other' office. The smell of sex never quite left the room but it was more of a subtle undertone, of a promise of amazing things. Just being in the room made Alex' arousal grow, but she stamped down on it to finish as soon as possible so she could have her shower.

With the room clean, Alex made for her bathroom for a hard earned shower. She wanted to take a little time to make sure she was thoroughly clean for her guest. Even if Ella knew all about her activities, she didn't want to be utterly rude by not at least attempting to be presentable.

Alex owed a lot to the beautiful girl who was on her way over, maybe already putting on some of her favorite tea which Alex made sure to keep a stock of at all times. Ella had been her first real friend as a young girl, the only one who approached her despite Alex' attempts to avoid people. Ella had walked in on her changing and had discovered her appendage one day. Alex had been so mortified she ran, but Ella, sweet, sweet Ella had pursued. In her fits of embarrassment, Ella had taken the tiny girl she had been—still was—into her arms and befriended her. Ella had never shamed her or made her feel like some science accident gone wrong. Alex felt like a she was a real person because of Ella.

Before Ella, Alex had hidden herself. Always shying away from interaction with others because all attempts had ended with insults and bullying of the highest degree. It made her search for an escape, which that escape to shape in the internet.

Alex had then discovered porn.

She had found this debaucherous material and sought relief through it. She slowly realized that she had developed a fetish for control. Control over others because she couldn't control how people would react to her. It made her feel safe in some strange way to fantasize about controlling others.

She began to role-play on different forums, always searching new and sometimes absurd ways sex could be had and using it in her play. She liked finding all sorts of rope ties in which to capture and hold submissives and any number of other means of control.

It was with trepidation that after knowing Ella for a number of years she shared this with said young woman. Ella had just smiled and said she couldn't judge her. That Alex wanted what she wanted and nothing would change that. That had been a turning point for Alex when she realized she wanted Ella. She wanted so badly to have the first girl who made her feel alive. To make her scream Alex' name and beg for more, so much more.

Alex knew that Ella also felt something for her, through subtle glances but neither moved forward for similar reasons. Alex didn't want to ruin who they were to each other, what if it didn't work out? What if Ella couldn't handle being with someone who loved the things Alex did? What if Ella's understanding demeanor ended at being asked to try? This fear stopped Alex cold every time.

Alex loved Ella. She was able to admit it to herself if no one else. It was because she loved Ella so much that she wouldn't move forward unless Ella came to her, and even then, the fear of being pushed away filled her with dread. Finishing up her shower Alex dried herself and put on some small boy shorts and a tank top, the shorts presenting her massive bulge quite well. Alex thought it might be better to get some different attire but decided not to in the end since Ella was comfortable around her so exposed. It wasn't like it was the first time her friend had seen her cock.

Striding into her spacious living room she saw that Ella had arrived. Alex was on alert the moment she saw her friend, she looked as if she had been crying. Light trembling as she held a large steaming cup of tea, staring ahead, only looking over once Alex had made her way into the room. Alex was by her side on the couch putting an arm around the other woman's side—too short to place it around her shoulders—sidling up so that they were basically attached from their toes to shoulders in a side hug.

Alex looked up to Ella, asking without speaking, wanting to know what had hurt her friend so. When she found out she planned to destroy who or whatever had done this. Ella leaned into the smaller woman, closing her eyes and not making any more motions aside from her slightly erratic breathing Alex just sat, waiting for Ella to speak, simply being the silent guardian until she had the strength to tell her about it.

The tea in Ella's hands hand stopped steaming and her breathing had steadied before she finally spoke. "I'm ruined Alex." She quietly said, trembling almost to pint of sobbing.

"What happened El?"

Ella looked into her eyes, a looking lost and Alex being the only shred of light to be found. "I don't know how it happened, it should've been almost impossible, but it fucking happened!" Ella started crying.

"Hey, hey, hey what happened? Please, you need to talk to me." Alex all but begged, rubbing her free hand up and down Ella's thigh, trying to calm her down. Taking some deep shuddering breaths, Ella managed to stop long enough to tell Alex her problem.

"I've lost everything." She whispered.

"What?" Alex was aghast, what Ella had just said didn't make much sense. And she said as much.

So Ella explained as clear as she could what happened. How almost all of her assets had just gone down the drain with the near impossible situation that had befallen her.

"I can't afford to keep any of things. My house, my car, anything! And all the debt that I still have and the backlash from those investments... I'm in a lot of trouble Alex." Ella looked into Alex's eyes with a lot of fear, "I need your help."

"Anything Ella, you're my best friend. How much do you need? I'm doing really good at the moment so I can—"

"No. I will not accept a hand out from you. Especially the amount of money that I need."

"What are you talking about? How can I help you then? You need the money woman!" Alex was just so confused right then.

Ella began to blush, "I know I need the money," she said in a quiet voice. "I want to earn it. Like I've always done."

"What the Hell are you talking about? How are you supposed...?" Alex trailed off eyes wide. "You are not seriously saying what I think you're saying." She stated in disbelief.

Ella nodded, now looking away. "I want to do some of your... um, 'other' work."

Alex was reeling. This was not happening, she was ashamedly excited but she didn't want... anything to happen with Ella, at least not when it seemed she was only offering because she had no other option. But at the same time, she wanted nothing more than to accept and take Ella again, and again, and again...

"What about one of those big shot companies? You would be perfect for one of them, you're fucking brilliant!" Alex was grasping at straws, she knew that Ella wouldn't have made this her first option, but she had to try. Ella only proved her right.

"I've already tried. No one is hiring. Even with my degree, and it's too specialized to be of use anywhere else, no one will look beyond it. I need your help!" Ella said again.

Alex looked at her, shocked, shaking her head. "I... I can't El, I can't do that with you." Ella looked like her heart had just shattered, "No matter how much I want to." Alex whispered, tears forming.

Ella looked back at Alex, light in her eyes, "What?" she asked in a hopeful tone.

"You know what I'm like El, what I like. I want you." She confessed. "I want you so damn much it hurts sometimes." Alex had stopped rubbing Ella's thigh, now gripping it firmly. Ella took notice of that, looking down for a moment.

"I've wanted you for so long Ella, but I don't want to hurt you or scare you away from me. I don't think I could bear it. I can't do it." Alex was so torn, her heart felt like it would burst with the emotion she was exerting, but she remained firm, if only just.

Ella looked Alex in the eyes, staring intently at Alex's bright honey-brown orbs with her dark forest green. She clasped the hand holding her thigh, "I won't run from you. No matter what you do, I have feeling s for you too. I... I never wanted things to happen like this, I was afraid too. But I need your help Alex. Please, do what you need to do." Ella lowered her head to Alex's and kissed her lightly on the lips, "I want this. Even if I only came to you because of the circumstances."

Alex pulled back from the gentle lip lock, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them, a steel edge to them. "If I do this, if we do this. It can't be half-assed. The kind of money you need, people only pay that much for some of the most insane stuff out there. I haven't even done some of it because it's too much for the girls I deal with, but if you want to this with me I need to make something clear... You. Are. Mine.

Ella's eyes went a little wider with that statement.

"You will basically my slave. I have wanted you so long that I don't think I could hold back once I start. So please, are you sure that you won't let me just give you the money?" Alex had to be sure, she had to let Ella know what she would be in for if she said yes, and Alex wouldn't be able to live with herself if Ella hated her for what she had fantasized doing for so long. So one last time, she gave Ella an out.

Ella looked away, appearing to be thinking very hard on her answer, after a solid two minutes with Alex just waiting, the edge having never left her eyes Ella spoke.

"I'm sure Alex. I need to do this. For me... and for you—"

Alex cut her off with a violent kiss, mashing her face against Ella's. She had given permission, Alex was not going to let this pass her by. She would take Ella, she would use Ella.

She would own Ella.

Alex pulled away, "Go to the bedroom. Strip and wait on the bed. Now." She ordered.

Ella hesitated for only a moment before she followed the command. Walking slowly to the room with Alex right behind her.


Ella was honestly a little nervous as she walked to the bedroom. She could feel Alex behind her, staring at her, wanting her. It made her more excited than nervous so forward she went. She had heard Alex before, how she had tried to convince her to just take the money and not do this. The protective tone that Alex had used while at the same time, threatened her should she choose her answer without care. She thought hard on her reply, not for too long but it was a decision that she wanted to make. She knew full well what Alex was capable of, what she could do to another woman... the pleasure that she could give. Ella has been attracted to Alex for a number of years now, and this unfortunate turn of events had given her the push she had wanted to make. So no matter how hard Alex pushed back, her answer was always going to be 'yes'.