Matt and Zack Ch. 01

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The Call
5.9k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 02/14/2024
Created 01/10/2024
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Author's Note:

Hello Literotica Community. This note will be attached to several of my stories so you know what is happening. I have started tons of stories. Yes started. I have been jumping between about eighty of them. When my muse shifts to someone else, I must begin their story. I know that you all hate that I haven't finished Dave, Leroy, Adam, Steve, Jake, and Toby's stories, but as I said, when they come to me, I write what I can before they morph into someone else.

I will be releasing some of these stories over the next few months. I have sometimes only 20 to 30 pages written to over 200. I will release a chapter here and there. I have been working on Male/Male, Male/Female, Trans, and Nonhuman.

Depending on the reviews that I receive, I may continue releasing chapters, or I will just delete the story completely.

Please rate my stories and leave comments or private message comments to me.


Because people tend to hate cheating, I'm going to warn you. There is cheating in this story. If you don't want to become attached to the two characters, click out of the story now.

Remember, this story is a work of fiction. I've twisted truths to work in my favor.

As always, thank you for reading,



Chapter 1

The Call

Frank sat on Matt's couch, drinking a beer. It was their day off, so they were shooting the shit and had nothing better to do on a Tuesday night in Adrian, Michigan. There was not much going on, and Frank's girlfriend was working, so he couldn't even be with her that night.

Frank noticed Matt's phone was vibrating. It was an unsaved number, so he quickly hit answer and put it on speaking before Matt could send it to voicemail. Matt gave Frank the evil eye as he said. "This is Matt." Matt didn't recognize the number

"Um, hi, Matt. This is Zachary Pierce. I don't know if you remember me. I'm Dale Tucker's roommate." Zack was very nervous, Matt could tell, and smiled.

"Yeah, Zack. I remember you." Matt picked up the phone after taking it off speaker. "How are you doing?"

"I'm good, thanks." Zack wasn't sure if he should ask what he had called about, but he thought, what the hell. He made it past the first step. He finally made the call. "Matt, I was wondering if you would like to go out with me the next time you're off."

"Oh." Matt was able to get out before Zack interrupted.

"Oh, I probably should have asked if you're seeing anyone."

Matt chuckled. "Zack, calm down. I would love to go out with you; it's just that tomorrow is my day off. I had today and tomorrow off."

"Perfect. Do you have plans?"

"No, I don't. Would you like me to pick you up?" Matt asked.

"I asked you. It would only be right if I picked you up." Frank could hear the conversation and smiled because Matt looked at him when Zack had said that, causing Matt to shake his head.

"Okay, I'll text you my address." Matt didn't like people knowing where he lived, but he hoped Zack wouldn't give it to Dale.

"Okay, thanks, and have a good night."

Frank looked at Matt, "Wasn't Dale that drunk twenty-something walking down the street with his friends and barely wearing anything?"

"Yup." Matt laughed.

"So, how did this guy get your number?"

"From Dale, more than likely."

"And you did what with Dale?"

"We hung out a few times."

"Hung out?" Frank did the air quotes.

"I didn't fuck him, if that's what you're asking. I thought about it, and then my wits finally kicked in."

"Why didn't you fuck him?"

"Well, I was sure he had been around the block a few too many times and wasn't sure what I might have walked away with."

"Wow, getting picky." Frank laughed.

"No, I'm looking for a relationship. I've been over the one-nighters for years now. You might still be into them, but hell, man, I'm in my thirties, I'm gay, and I don't want diseases."

"You've had lots of relationships." Frank laughed.

Matt chuckled. "Yeah, some were great, but all ended badly."

"So, how old is this guy? What's his name?"

"Zack, God, um, I think in his early twenties. He's way too young for me, but he may be a good friend. He was always in his room studying when Dale and I were on the couch talking." Matt thought about it. "Shit, that was like a year or so ago."

"At least." Frank agreed. "But I remember pulling the cruiser along the curb as Dale walked. Shit, he didn't care that he was almost naked."

"Not one bit." Matt chuckled again.

When Frank left for the night, Matt texted his address to Zack and started getting ready for bed.

'Thanks.' Zack responded.

'No problem.'

'I'll be there to pick you up at six.'

'I'll be ready.'

'Goodnight, Matt.'

'Night, Zack.'

Matt went to bed, not thinking about tomorrow night. He didn't know about Zack; he remembered a little about him, and that was all. Meanwhile, Zack was smiling from ear to ear. He had been dreaming about Matt for a long time.

Zack didn't get Matt's number from Dale. Dale had moved out of their duplex apartment and left his address book. Zack was cleaning out Dale's room to possibly get a new roommate when he stumbled upon it and thumbed through and found Matt's number. Dale had it written as 'Matt, the police officer,' so Zack was sure it was really his, but it took him a few weeks to get the courage to call him.

Zack had difficulty falling asleep; he wanted to text or call Matt to see what he was doing but was sure he was sleeping or would be annoyed by him. When he finally fell asleep, it was after three in the morning. He woke late and was shocked because he wanted to finish a few things before going out that night.

Zack ran out, got his haircut, and then went to Walmart to look for a new shirt. He didn't like anything there, so he went to Kohl's. He didn't want to drive to Toledo or Ann Arbor to go to more stores because everything moved out of the mall years ago. He looked through Kohl's until he found something he liked. He ended up with a blue long-sleeve and a black sweater vest. He decided to wear his khaki dress pants and hoped Matt wouldn't think he was overdressed.

Not knowing what Zack would wear, Matt decided he would at least wear dress pants and a shirt instead of jeans. Since he tended to wear dark colors, which was mostly all he had. He pulled out a pair of black slacks and a burgundy long-sleeve shirt that he left untucked.

Zack sat around the corner from Matt's house on Locust; he was early. He realized he was parked near Matt's driveway when he saw Matt come out his side door to put a garbage bag in his trash can. He didn't realize that Matt's house was on the corner.

When Matt came out and threw his garbage away, he noticed the car parked down the street. He didn't want to stare right at it but noticed it was a Ford Focus, a newer model year. He walked back into his house to a ringing phone. "Yeah."

"You have a great time tonight, and don't do anything I would do." Frank laughed.

"Shut the fuck up." Matt laughed.

"See you tomorrow afternoon."


Matt chuckled at Frank's call and walked to the front door because he heard Zack knock. "Hey, Zack," Matt said as he opened it.

"Hi." Zack couldn't believe his eyes. He wanted to eat Matt up, the way he looked right now. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yup, let me grab my keys."

They walked around the house to Zack's car, and Matt smiled because it was the one that he saw further down the street. Zack drove to Red Lobster, pulled into a parking spot, and turned to Matt. "I hope this is okay."

Matt smiled. "Zack, calm down. Let's go in."

Of course, they had to wait, but it was okay for Matt. He didn't mind, but Zack was nervous. Matt calmly walked over to one of the benches inside and sat down. He hoped that Zack would calm down, but he could see that Zack was starting to sweat. Matt saw a little relief come across Zack's face when they called their name.

"Do you like mussels?" Matt asked as they were looking over the menu after they were seated.

Zack looked up and smiled, "Both types."

"Ha ha, the ones you eat." Matt had to chuckle. "Okay, for food."

"Yeah, that sounds good for an appetizer."

The waiter said, "Hello, my name is Arlo; what would you like to start with tonight to drink?"

Matt looked at Zack, and Zack motioned for him to go first, "Could I please get a glass of the Kendall Chardonnay."

Arlo turned to Zack, "And for you, Sir."

"I would like the same, and could we get the mussels to start?"

Matt raised his hand to stop Arlo from leaving, "Just bring a bottle out then. Thanks."

"Sure, I will get that for you, bring back some water, and then take your order."

"Thanks." Both of them said in unison.

"What are you thinking about getting?" Matt asked.

"I would love lobster and shrimp, but I will get the Alfredo."

"Let me order for you, please. Anyway, I'm buying tonight because I'm going to eat."

"No, you're not, I asked you."

"You get to pay the next date, how's that?" Matt smiled.

"You promise?"

"Yeah, I do." Matt did, too. He looked into Zack's eyes and was drawn in. He wanted to know more about him. "So, rock lobster or the whole thing?" Matt smiled.

"Oh God, just the tail is fine with shrimp."

"Okay." Matt smiled. "Would you like a Garden or Caesar?"

"Garden with Ranch."

"Last question."

"Yes, waiter." Zack smiled, and Matt chuckled.

"What side would you like?"

"Oh, that is easy, broccoli." Zack laughed.

When the waiter returned, he had their water and the wine, which he uncorked at the table. "Would you like me to pour it for you?" Matt shook his head, so Arlo set the bottle on the table next to the glasses. "Have you decided?"

"Yes," Matt responded. "We would both like the Ultimate Feast with broccoli. He would like a garden salad with ranch, and I would like Caesar."

"Wow, I didn't have to ask any questions. Except for one. Would you like some of the Cheddar Bay Biscuits?"

"Of course," Zack said before Matt could say anything.

"Okay, I'll return shortly with those and your appetizer," Arlo stated with a smile.

When Arlo left the table, Matt poured them both a glass of wine but hadn't drunk his yet, and Zack also decided to wait. Matt turned his attention back to Zack. "So, what were you studying in school? I remembered you always in your room when I came over those few times."

"You're going to laugh," Zack stated.

"Is it that bad?"

"Well, no, but I got a degree in Art; I like to draw and paint. I know I can't do much with it, believe me. I would have loved to become an art teacher, but that won't happen. I work at Starbucks. My parents don't understand me sometimes."

"Well, it's okay. You're young; you have time to figure that out."

"Yeah, I know," Zack responded and sipped his wine. "Wow, this is good."

"Haven't had Chardonnay before?" Matt smiled.

"No, it's my first time. I don't drink much."

"Ah." Matt decided he might be driving them back to his place after dinner.

They talked all through dinner and almost finished the bottle of wine. Matt asked Zack if he would like dessert at the end of dinner. "I would, but I don't know if it will fit." He chuckled.

"Well, what would you like? We can always take it back to my place and have it there."

"The Vanilla Bean Cheesecake sounds good."

"Okay." They talked a bit longer, and when the waiter came back to clear their plates, Matt ordered a cheesecake to go along with a piece of key lime pie and asked for the check."

"Are you sure you don't want me paying? I did ask you?"

"Next time," Matt responded. He had his card ready and handed it to Arlo when he returned with the check. Arlo returned with the desserts in a bag and the receipts for Matt to sign with his card. "Are you ready to go?"

"I think so." Zack stood and was a little wobbly on his feet. Matt smiled and helped him to the passenger side of the car. "I can drive."

"No, you better be the passenger for the ride back to my place." Matt chuckled as he shut the door on Zack and walked around to the driver's side.

"Do you think I'm a lightweight?"

"Nope, you said you didn't drink much, and I can see you don't." Matt smiled. "Do you want to return to my place for a bit?"


"Well, your wish is my command."

Matt started the car and drove the few miles to his house. Zack followed Matt in and was looking at his ass the entire way. When Matt turned around after entering, Zack almost ran into him. "Oh, sorry."

"No problem." He stated as he put his arms around Zack. Zack melted into him and started to blush as Matt bent and kissed him. "Zack, if you stay, I'm warning you, no sex. I don't do that."

"I know. Dale called you a prude." Both of them laughed. "He thought he was about to get you in bed. Then you stopped coming to the apartment."

"Yeah, I almost went to bed with him, but I met someone and started dating." Matt gave the partial truth. He did meet someone, but it wasn't until a month after he stopped hanging around Dale.

"Dale said you wouldn't even kiss him. You two only talked all that time in the living room. Has he ever been here?"

"Nope, on both accounts."

"So I've gotten further than he ever had." Zack smiled.

"Yup." Matt laughed. "Come on, you drunk, let's sit on the couch for a bit. What would you like with your cheesecake? Milk, pop, or water?"

"What are you going to have with your keylime?"

"To cut it, milk."

"Then milk, too. I don't want to be the odd duck out."

"Zack, don't be shy around me, please."

Zack smiled. "Alright, I'll promise to calm down."

Matt entered the kitchen, got milk and forks, and returned to an empty living room. He looked down the hallway and saw that Zack had gone to the bathroom. When he returned, he looked at Matt before sitting down.

"What was that look for?"

"Nothing." Zack was embarrassed he didn't think Matt had seen him.

"No, come on, spill it." Matt smiled. He was sure he knew.

"Well, I didn't know which room was your bathroom and..."

Matt laughed, "And you walked into my second bedroom."

"Yeah, um. Matt?"

"Well, Zack, I'm a Dom. I'm not looking for a sub if that is what you think. I have plenty of them."


"Zack, a Dom/Sub relationship doesn't have to always revolve around sex. Sometimes, they just want to be broke and dominated. Yes, it's fun to play with a partner. I do that. But I have friends who come to me to whip them or do other things."



"How long have you been doing this?"

"I got into it with a boyfriend in my early twenties, and when I left the Army, I could expand on it. Got better over the years."

"Interesting." Zack was wondering what Matt did but didn't want to think about it because he was getting hard, and he knew it would show in his dress pants. He turned his focus to the cheesecake. "Thanks for the dessert."

Matt smiled again. "No problem." He handed Zack his fork and sat back with his pie. "So, how old are you?"

"Twenty-four and you?"

"Almost forty."

"No, you're not. How old are you?"

Matt laughed. "I'm thirty-five."

"That's not almost forty."

"It's closer to forty than it is twenty-five." Matt smiled.

"What? Do you think you're too old for me?"

"A bit, yes."

"I don't think you are," Zack responded. "You're not going to impregnate me, so what does age have to do with it?"

Matt laughed, "Well, that's one way to put it." They talked while they finished their desserts. "So what would you like to do, Zack?"

"I know I should go home, but I want to stay. Is that wrong of me?" Matt smiled, got up, locked his side door, turned the light off, and pulled Zack off the couch. "What about the dishes?"

"I'll get them in the morning. Come on, I'll give you something to wear for bed. Do you want sweats or shorts?"

"Shorts, please." Zack hoped Matt would be wearing them, too, so he would at least feel a little of his skin against his.

Matt took his clothes and went into the bathroom. Zack was disappointed that he wasn't going to see Matt change. Zack sat down on the bed and removed his shoes and socks. Standing, he took his pants off, put the shorts on, his sweater and shirt off, and the t-shirt on. When he turned around, he found Matt standing at the door. "How long have you been there?"

"I don't know, I was enjoying the show." Zack blushed, and Matt walked over and kissed him.

"You are too cute, Zack." Matt continued to kiss him. He knew he needed to stop because he was now getting hard. "Come on, let's go to bed."

"What time do you work tomorrow?" Zack asked.

"Not until three, do you?"

"Yeah, I work at one."

"Then we need to get a little sleep tonight." Matt smiled and pushed Zack to the bed.

"Let me go to the bathroom first."

Matt turned on his lamp and his overhead off while Zack was in the bathroom. He got into bed and waited. Zack was freaking out. This was the first time in a long time that he had slept over at a guy's place. He splashed a little water on his face before returning to the room. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Zack walked to the other side of the bed and got under the covers. "Can I...."

Matt answered before he finished. "Yeah, come on over." Matt put one arm around him and turned the light off before he turned towards Zack. "Remember, we might kiss and touch, but...."

"I know, no sex." Matt smiled as Zack became the aggressor, climbed on top, and kissed him. They both became instantly hard, and Matt knew he wouldn't stop anything. He could see himself having a long-term relationship with Zack and hoped he did.

Zack started to go south, and Matt tried to stop him but then said fuck it. "Turn around and give me yours" Matt pushed his shorts down as Zack turned around and exposed his cock to him. It didn't take long for either of them to have the other one's cock in their mouth and was going to town sucking. There was a lot of moaning as they were fucking each other's mouths.

Zack pulled off Matt for a second. "Matt, God, I'm going to cum. Shit." Matt didn't release his cock, so Zack took it as a sign to cum in his mouth. So Zack would make sure he drank Matt down when he came. Zack couldn't continue sucking Matt until he finished cumming. When his spasms subsided, he started to suck Matt again.

He got between Matt's legs and licked his balls, which caused Matt to moan loudly. "Zack, get ready if you are going to take me. Oh shit." Matt had Zack's head in his hands as his cum erupted out of his cock and hit the back of his throat, almost causing him to choke.

Matt laid his head back on the pillow and dropped his hands to the side of his hips. He was drained. Zack laid his head on Matt's thigh and smiled. He had gotten further on one date than Dale had in the month and a half Matt hung around.

Sometime during the night, Zack moved up and laid his head on Matt's chest. Matt woke around seven to the call of nature and could scoot out of bed and go to the bathroom. When he returned, Zack turned over to the other side, allowing Matt to turn to his side.

Zack had woken at ten and watched Matt sleep for a bit. He didn't want to feel like a creeper, so he got up, went to the bathroom, and dressed. If Matt was awake when he returned, he would stay; if not, he would go.

Matt was still out when he returned, so Zack went into the living room and cleaned up the dishes from the night. He made sure he had his keys, wallet, and phone, then checked to see if the door would lock and left. He figured he would give Matt a call later. He didn't want to text him yet because he didn't know if it would wake him. So he would have to remember to do all that later.

Matt woke and was surprised to be alone in bed. He checked his phone and saw it was only eleven but remembered that Zack had to be at work by one. That may have been the reason why he left so early. But he also noticed that he didn't have any messages from him either.